Hi ladies,
I'm Laura, i'm 27 and i have been brest feeding for 2 weeks and 4 days..
When i had my DD, (who's nearly 3), i tried and failed with brestfeeding due to inverted nipples, i beat myself up about it so much, so this time around, i bought a nipplette and used it all through my pregnancy, which means i can feed my little boy now...
The main problem i have is that he lateches bautifully onto the right, opening his mouth extra wide etc, and i seem to have plenty of milk supply on that side too.. But on my left, he can't turn his head properly to get any where near my nipple, to get latched on etc, so i'm using a different hold on my left to my right, could this be why my milk supply is different?
And also, i have found that it hurts for maybe a little bit longer than what seems normal? I read somewhere that i can hurt for 10-20 seconds, then it should stop etc, but i would say that it's more like 45-60 seconds before it stops... i also find my self delaying latch on because i don't want to have the pain, even thoguh i know it'll stop, which makes me feel awful for my baby..
Does the pain stop? i know it's mostly mind over matter etc, but sometimes i'm in tears knowing how much it'll hurt etc.. I am very happy that i've got this far, and i do not want to give up!