Don't forget some members prefer to seek support through PMs instead of on this main board. I still get a number of PMs to advise.![]()
Don't forget some members prefer to seek support through PMs instead of on this main board. I still get a number of PMs to advise.![]()
I remember asking advice weeks ago and got one reply basically.
I need some help guys. Jacob was 7wks old yesterday and breastfeeding was going well up until a few days ago. Now when I latch him on its fine for about a minute then he starts making clicking noises and then hes off. Each feed is so frustrating now because he is constantly on and off for the whole feed. I can't understand what I'm doing wrong. Do you have any idea? I literally spend each feed crying with frustration.
I need some help guys. Jacob was 7wks old yesterday and breastfeeding was going well up until a few days ago. Now when I latch him on its fine for about a minute then he starts making clicking noises and then hes off. Each feed is so frustrating now because he is constantly on and off for the whole feed. I can't understand what I'm doing wrong. Do you have any idea? I literally spend each feed crying with frustration.
His latch is too shallow. The clicking you are hearing is the suction breaking![]()
I need some help guys. Jacob was 7wks old yesterday and breastfeeding was going well up until a few days ago. Now when I latch him on its fine for about a minute then he starts making clicking noises and then hes off. Each feed is so frustrating now because he is constantly on and off for the whole feed. I can't understand what I'm doing wrong. Do you have any idea? I literally spend each feed crying with frustration.
His latch is too shallow. The clicking you are hearing is the suction breaking![]()
but why would this develop all of a sudden? we have been going great for weeks before this, all of our health professions have commented on his great latch so why now at 7wks would his latch not be good enough?
Can I get suggestions on getting LO to re-latch? As you know we've had some problems and it is too the point where she won't latch almost at all and has mild flow-preference. Help me, I'll be damned if I'm giving up.
Thanks for the late reply. She no longer latches at all. Going to try and relactate, but I don't like my chances.Can I get suggestions on getting LO to re-latch? As you know we've had some problems and it is too the point where she won't latch almost at all and has mild flow-preference. Help me, I'll be damned if I'm giving up.
do you mean that she unlatches when she's waiting for the let down out of frusteration and won't relatch after?? If thats the case i had something similar except J would pop on and off and cry in frusteration and sometimes it would take several minutes to get the let down going and the she was fine. I would suggest that you drink LOTS and LOTS of water... like 4 liters a day is what helped me. When i drank tons of water, my let down was way way quicker. also something else that seems silly but actually worked for me was every time i felt the letdown (if you can't feel it, go by when LO starts to swallow) i would picture rivers of milk flowing and other milk related things like cows LOL and after a few weeks of that i was able to picture the stuff in my head and the letdown would almost happen on command!!
OR you could try to get your letdown going via a pump before you latch LO the first time and once the milk is flowing latch her on
i think sometimes once babies get the hang of bf'ing they can get lazy about it... i know j did/has...
We did all this, she hasn't latched since like 12 weeks now. She's 20 weeks. Thanks though.Leopard - I would go right back to basics.
Lots of skin to skin - a few duvet days maybe called for if you can. Just you and baby in bed, you naked from the waist up and only a nappy on baby. Keep LO at the breast - don't force her to latch - let her come to the breast in her own time. Eventually she should start to root.
Obviously I don't know your situation but I would do this for the entire day - a few days if possible. I would only leave LO to get a shower, use the toilet express milk or make food. It's best if baby is at the breast for each feed and also for comfort sucking.All of these things will increase supply and hopefully your babys inclination to nurse.
If baby will not activly feed then I would recommend expressing every 2 - 3 hours to build and maintain supply.
When offering formula also offer the breast before, after and in between feedings to help baby become reacustomed to BF.
When offering a bottle it's best to use a teat that is slow flow. That way there is less chance LO will grow to prefer the bottle over the breast due to the faster and easier feed from the bottle.
Expressing a little milk onto the nipple can help coax baby to feed.
Try the above and hopefully you will get some improvement soon![]()