Get your own personal BnB BF Champion and one-on-one BF support here! that's a severe tongue tie. Some are a lot less and some can't even be seen just by raising the tongue. Does she have any other symptoms like spluttering when feeding? Extra windy? Green poo? Might not be it of course but they're often missed even by hv

Shields aren't terrible to use long term (I used them for 10w as my baby couldn't latch) but they do have their issues and it's much better to go without if you can. You're also not solving the problem if its soreness, just healing. You'll still need to crack whatever it is which is causing the soreness. A certain amount of soreness is common in the first few weeks so youll have to decide if you think yours is extra soreness. Babies also use a different suck on shields (just as they use with bottles) so if they get used to having to do a shield suck (or bottle suck) they *can* find it hard to switch to a breast suck. Not all have problems of course. The breast is also getting less stimulation with shields so some say it can cause a drop in milk production but I've spoken to many who used shields for months (and a lactation consultant who said there was a study out there somewhere proving it) and they had no supply issues, just something to think about

Babies will often have a full breast fees then take more from a bottle. It's almost like you've had a dinner and are stuffed then you can squish desert in. There's something about bottle feeding which gets them to drink more and they might even get over full.

It's such a personal decision whether to use/buy formula. Personally I knew that if I had it I was more likely to use it rather than persevere (and I rly didn't want to use it). The more formula you give the less your boobs know to make so they'll think oh I need to make x number of feeds less a day, so you might need to use more formula. I'm very biased against formula tho I'll admit so have a think what you prefer to do.

My favourite thing I ever heard about bf is that breasts are factories not warehouses. They're constantly producing and have a storeroom ofc. But if that room is emptied by pumping your production line goes ooh better fill it up. If the room is emptied less your staff get slower if it's emptied more they get faster. So pumping til totally empty is fine, your boobs will jump to attention and make more! My LO actually found it easier to latch when I was fully deflated

Could there be other issues for the crying besides hunger? Was there any issues with the birth (eg forceps, ventouse, fast birth etc) a cranial osteopath could be a good person to see. They're around £40 a session usually. I took mine for his feeding issues and she sorted SO many other little niggles out. He poo'd once a week before my second session which was obv uncomfortable for him. She worked On him and he did a massive poo on the table and has been daily ever since.

Also (sorry for the essay). 5 hour feeds in the evening is quite normal (albeit exhausting). It's called cluster feeding. I would feed lying down in bed and switch boob every half hour or so. Bed feeding rly is a godsend if you haven't tried it already.
Her tongue doesn't seem to look like that, so fingers crossed that isn't it!

Feeling pretty low today, the health visitor came, and Evie has only gained 1oz in the past 10 days :( I really dont understand how shes gained so little, when she is almost constantly on the breast!! :(

She did have a very fast delivery (I went from 4cm to delivering the placenta in less than an hour) She also had a little help from a ventouse.

We've tried bed feeding, but she seems to fall asleep on the boob and stop sucking, but bites down on my nipple, which flipping hurts! She completely flattens it!
I see that you're in Cardiff, I'm nearby, there are lots of breastfeeding groups in Cardiff, and I think you have a latch problem so it could be useful to go to a clinic first off, where they watch you feed, and can point out anything that you could do differently. Then try to get along to a breastfeeding group, they are just like mother and baby groups but everyone breastfeeds and can offer great advice.

Here is a link to the NCT list of support in the area.
Thanks :) We're going to go along to a clinic tomorrow, then try get to a support group too :) Just getting so frustrated with it! I thought from the amount she had been feeding, she'd have put on loads of weight, but she hasn't at all :( Just struggling at the moment, and it's so, so tempting to just give up and get her formula! I hate to think she could be going hungry :cry:
We had lots of weight issues and formula made no difference whatsoever, nothing did. In the end she just gained slowly until about 6 months and then started gaining faster when we started weaning (baby led) x

Little update, I am going to get onto one of the mods and have me instated as the 'mod' of this thread (I am already one of the 'mods' of the champion scheme just don't have editing privileges on the first post); seeing as Katt seems to have vanished off the face of the earth (hope she is ok!), I will do this in a week or so as I have a few things on atm. Then I will add our new members to the first page and will be going through and removing anyone who has not logged onto the forum at all in the past three months. Also asking who still wants to be a champ as I know circumstances change and what not; and also inviting anyone who has been BF for 3 months or more in total (and that can be with more than one baby) to join.

Oh and I am also looking for another co-mod of the champion scheme to join myself and Tiger Lady, preferably someone who does some hanging around the third tri forum and is organised as I am looking for someone who can ressurect and be mainly in charge of managing the buddy system in third tri forum. So if you're interested and are able to come on B&B preferably at least once a day, let me know! xx
I should probably be removed as I don't get into BnB much anymore :( The roll-over ads and constant glitches using the site have kind of deterred me from coming on here as much as I used to. I will still pop in occasionally and am happy to answer any questions for stuff I have experience with, but just don't want someone to be counting on me only to not hear back quickly enough.
Have you tried using it on firefox with an adblocker? Its a huge improvement, looks and functions like the old site. If you do decide to no longer be a champion in terms of people being able to PM you etc you can still feel free to answer qs on this thread as can anyone else :D xx

Little update, I am going to get onto one of the mods and have me instated as the 'mod' of this thread (I am already one of the 'mods' of the champion scheme just don't have editing privileges on the first post); seeing as Katt seems to have vanished off the face of the earth (hope she is ok!), I will do this in a week or so as I have a few things on atm. Then I will add our new members to the first page and will be going through and removing anyone who has not logged onto the forum at all in the past three months. Also asking who still wants to be a champ as I know circumstances change and what not; and also inviting anyone who has been BF for 3 months or more in total (and that can be with more than one baby) to join.

Oh and I am also looking for another co-mod of the champion scheme to join myself and Tiger Lady, preferably someone who does some hanging around the third tri forum and is organised as I am looking for someone who can ressurect and be mainly in charge of managing the buddy system in third tri forum. So if you're interested and are able to come on B&B preferably at least once a day, let me know! xx

Hi Summer rain! :hi:

I was wondering where Katt had got to aswell. I hope she's ok and comes back soon!

I'd be happy to help out being a co-mod (if you'll have me?! :haha: )

I am happy to bob around in 3rd tri and try connecting buddies if that's what you need?

Let me know what you think - but if you have someone more suitable in mind I won't be offended :winkwink: :hugs:
Yes you'd be ideal, don't worry I didn't have anyone specific in mind really :D Welcome to the team! xx
Yes you'd be ideal, don't worry I didn't have anyone specific in mind really :D Welcome to the team! xx

Wahoooooooo I love being part of a team! :wohoo:

Is there anything I need to know about being a mod?
What would you like me to do first? :flower:

(Feel free to pm me if necessary) :thumbup:
One thing which springs to mind is exaggerated latch to try and get her to to take in more boobie

Also sounds like a bit of relaxation is in order, letdown is a psychological thing. Use whatever technique works for you I suppose, maybe visualise something warm and safe while listening to plinky plonkey music :)

Has she been checked out for tongue tie?

A lot of women don't respond to pumping especially when stressed so I think that sounds normal.

Well done for nip - plenty more where that came from :)

I'm sure others will have more suggestions tho. You're doing a wonderful job, you really will crack it :hugs:

Thanks for posting the clip- I have tried it out this evening and it worked brilliantly on both breasts- I no longer get the 20 seconds of intense pain when he latches on!
Yes you'd be ideal, don't worry I didn't have anyone specific in mind really :D Welcome to the team! xx

Wahoooooooo I love being part of a team! :wohoo:

Is there anything I need to know about being a mod?
What would you like me to do first? :flower:

(Feel free to pm me if necessary) :thumbup:

I'll give you the lowdown in a week or so when I hopefully get made the boss of this place (have a few homeschooling trips, conferences and other activities coming up so a bit busy for a week or so) :D xx
Ok :thumbup:

I've got DDs 2nd birthday and a wedding shortly too so don't worry :winkwink:

Looking forward to getting involved! :thumbup::hugs: Xx
I messaged this to one of the ladies, but was hoping to get opinions quickly. Can any of you help?

I had a tough pregnancy (IC, 3mos bedrest) and still delivered a preemie (33w). She was in NICU so I had to pump exclusively. Afterwards, we tried to switch to bf and couldn't for a while. By the time she learned to bf I started having more an more problems with my nipples (was always in pain, LC didn't know why - latch was good, skin falling off - flanges were right size, TONS of clogged ducts and nipple blisters/blebs). My doctor said it was bad eczema on my nipples/breasts and gave me steroid cream so I had to pump and dump for 2 weeks while feeding from my freezer stash. Since then I try to balance enough nursing (which baby enjoys for bedtime/cuddles) with enough pumping to not cause too much damage to my nipples. Still always have some pain.

The last few weeks my supply has been decreasing even though I take prenatal vitamins, drink water, pump/nurse every 3-4 hrs, eat well, and take fenugreek. In just the last couple of days, my supply has dwindled significantly, especially on one side - my more troublesome breast. My daughter is 10.5 mos and I was hoping to make it til at least her first birthday. My drs wont prescribe any medication for lactation this far our.

Do you have suggestions? I am debating whether this is a battle to keep fighting (since I have all the pain/troubles and was planning on stopping in a few months). I am really bummed because of baby liking nursing and it's difficult for me to tolerate the pain. I have given her a few oz of formula over a few days. She takes it and makes a few faces, has even thrown up a few times.
Well done for getting to 10.5 months!! :happydance: You've done so well, especially after all the pain you've dealt with etc. :thumbup:

For increasing supply, as well as what you're doing, try eating oats. This can help some ladies dramatically. Let baby nurse as often as they want for as long as they want. Even comfort sucking helps increase supply :thumbup:
If you're in pain still you can safely take ibuprofen and paracetamol whilst breastfeeding. I'd not offer formula if you can help it - this won't help your supply. :nope:

Have you started weaning to solids? If you have then it's perfectly natural for your supply to decrease slightly when LO's feeds reduce.

If you've made it to 10.5 months and are happy / wanting to carry on to 12 months then I'm sure you'll make it. :thumbup: Your supply will be well established now and won't just disapear over the course of a few days so don't worry about that. Keep feeding and the milk will keep coming :thumbup::hugs:
Thanks, Lownthwaite! I am glad we've gotten this far especially all things considered. Being tied to my pump AND baby is exhausting but I really wanted to breastfeed and think this as a big reason of her doing so well.

Do you mean oats as in regular oatmeal? Does the instant stuff work? The problem with comfort sucking (which I try to do at least every day a little bit and especially overnight) is that it is extremely painful. This is one reason that I am looking forward to no longer nursing - finally get to use the second treatment of steroids for my breasts.

DD has been eating solids for awhile. As long as she eats her solids well during the day, my supply is sufficient. There are some days (and lately some time while we were out of town) that she refuses her meals and wants milk only. Those days I feel like it's not enough. I've only offered the formula when she was visibly hungry for milk and I was in too much pain to pump let alone nurse. It's just a last resort.

I think at this point I will try the oats (and any other suggestions I receive) and provide as much BM as I can. If that's enough, great, if not, some formula is fine as long as she will take it. I am trying to avoid stopping altogether at least til 12 mos. From that point, if my supply is doing alright we will continue, if not then I will stop and take care of my skin.

Thanks for the support!
You're welcome hun :hugs:

I used to use the plain oats from the supermarket (the big bags) and just make it up with hot milk. Yummy and for a good were the other oat cerials, oat biscuits and flapjacks :haha:

Just do whatever works for you lovey - like I say, at 10.5 months I doubt you'll have any real supply issues providing you keep feeding as you are. :thumbup:

After thought - have your periods returned yet? It's common to experience a supply dip just before / at the start of your period.

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