Hi, ladies. I hope you don't mind if I post here. I'm not pregnant yet, but I plan on TTC at the end of August/early Sept. I've had two unsuccessful attempts at BFing in the past. My first DS was born in 99. Had no BFing consultant, no knowledge on how to BF a severely tongue-tied baby who was also a preemie. Pumped for two weeks, and didn't know how often to pump, so my milk dried up fairly quickly.
Second DS was born in 04. He also was tongue-tied but not as badly as my first. However, I have flat nipples and large breasts, and he was a lazy latcher--he wouldn't get a good latch because of my nipples and so he'd scream. I pumped for a month, no BFing consultant, milk dried up.
NOW that I've had several years to read on how often I should pump, good positions for BFing, etc. I want to tackle my problem with flat nipples. With my second son, I tried a nipple shield type thing, but all it did was make my nipples sweaty which made them dry and irritated when I'd try to pump. And it didn't really help my issues with flat nipples like I thought they would.
I really want to succeed with BFing this time. I've had 2 cesareans also, and will obviously have a third since my hospital doesn't do VBACs.
Is there any hope that I can get past the flat nipple issue and successfully BF what will probably be another tongue-tied baby?
Any help in advance is much appreciated. I want to be prepared this time!!!