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I had my little guy 3 days ago. In the hospital the nurses all said he was doing great with feeding and the only problem I had was having to wake him up to feed. Now that I'm home I think my milk is coming in- my boobs are rock hard and sore. I have been waking him up every 3 hours to feed, but he only wants to go for about 20min and it isnt giving me any relief.... any advice?
Your boobs are learning how much to produce so any pumping will tell them that they need to produce what baby has fed + what you pumped :( you could hand express a little just to relieve the pain if you wanted. Or maybe wake LO more frequently? Sounds like madness doesn't it! Could try every 2 hrs as long as it doesn't make you frazzled, soon enough you won't have to wake them :)
I had my little guy 3 days ago. In the hospital the nurses all said he was doing great with feeding and the only problem I had was having to wake him up to feed. Now that I'm home I think my milk is coming in- my boobs are rock hard and sore. I have been waking him up every 3 hours to feed, but he only wants to go for about 20min and it isnt giving me any relief.... any advice?

Mines were like this but after a few days (like 2 or 3) were completely soft again - try to be patient cos it will get better :)
I've tried the flipple technique, but I don't think my boobs are big enough! I can't hold her to my boob high enough to be able to get my boob into her mouth :( Theres another breastfeeding support clinic tomorrow, so think I'll have to go along tomorrow. The fact she can spend well over an hour on one boob makes me think she isn't latching properly. She won't sleep for longer than 15 minutes at the moment. She was combi fed, having 3-6oz of formula a day, but now she refuses the bottle after 1oz. I'm absolutely exhausted!! :(
Have you tried using a breastfeeding support pillow (or even a normal pillow) to raise her up to the right level?
Your boobs are learning how much to produce so any pumping will tell them that they need to produce what baby has fed + what you pumped :( you could hand express a little just to relieve the pain if you wanted. Or maybe wake LO more frequently? Sounds like madness doesn't it! Could try every 2 hrs as long as it doesn't make you frazzled, soon enough you won't have to wake them :)

Well last night LO decided to feed every 45 min... Now my nipples are just as sore as my still engourged boobs.... Is some nipple tenderness expected, or is it always a latch problem?
I found that the nipple soreness improved dramatically around 3 weeks, and was almost gone around 4 weeks. Now it doesnt hurt at all. For me the best thing was verying my healing strategies. Sometimes i used lanisoh ointment, sometimes i spread breastmilk on my nipples and walked around topless to let them airdry. Sometimes i use a prescription ointment with antibiotic in it. Also. of course once out latch improved the pain improved also. I did the cross cradle hold until LO got the hang of latching... because i could more easily guide him onto the nipple.
Another important notice

I was going to be taking over this thread as Katt has gone AWOL; however Ramadan is coming up and I don't want to be spending much time, if any on forums online and I am thinking of cutting down drastically on my general internet usage in the future as well as I just have too many other commitments. So along with Lownthwaite who will be managing the breastfeeding buddies in third tri I need someone else to moderate this thread as well; add new champions and remove those who are inactive. xx
Another important notice

I was going to be taking over this thread as Katt has gone AWOL; however Ramadan is coming up and I don't want to be spending much time, if any on forums online and I am thinking of cutting down drastically on my general internet usage in the future as well as I just have too many other commitments. So along with Lownthwaite who will be managing the breastfeeding buddies in third tri I need someone else to moderate this thread as well; add new champions and remove those who are inactive. xx

I can take this on summer rain, I try to check out this forum at least once a day! :flower: don't be a stranger though, we need your advice!
Just exchanged messages with TL and Lownthwaite and you are welcome to mod this thread if you would like to? You'd need to contact Vickie or Wobbles as they can change the first post in the thread into your name. You may also need to post a thread in the main bit of BF section so you can have an idea of who still wants to be a champion and is still active on b&b. Don't worry I'm not going totally AWOL but Deffo need to spend less time online xx
Hi, ladies. I hope you don't mind if I post here. I'm not pregnant yet, but I plan on TTC at the end of August/early Sept. I've had two unsuccessful attempts at BFing in the past. My first DS was born in 99. Had no BFing consultant, no knowledge on how to BF a severely tongue-tied baby who was also a preemie. Pumped for two weeks, and didn't know how often to pump, so my milk dried up fairly quickly.

Second DS was born in 04. He also was tongue-tied but not as badly as my first. However, I have flat nipples and large breasts, and he was a lazy latcher--he wouldn't get a good latch because of my nipples and so he'd scream. I pumped for a month, no BFing consultant, milk dried up.

NOW that I've had several years to read on how often I should pump, good positions for BFing, etc. I want to tackle my problem with flat nipples. With my second son, I tried a nipple shield type thing, but all it did was make my nipples sweaty which made them dry and irritated when I'd try to pump. And it didn't really help my issues with flat nipples like I thought they would.

I really want to succeed with BFing this time. I've had 2 cesareans also, and will obviously have a third since my hospital doesn't do VBACs. :( Is there any hope that I can get past the flat nipple issue and successfully BF what will probably be another tongue-tied baby?

Any help in advance is much appreciated. I want to be prepared this time!!!
Hi, ladies. I hope you don't mind if I post here. I'm not pregnant yet, but I plan on TTC at the end of August/early Sept. I've had two unsuccessful attempts at BFing in the past. My first DS was born in 99. Had no BFing consultant, no knowledge on how to BF a severely tongue-tied baby who was also a preemie. Pumped for two weeks, and didn't know how often to pump, so my milk dried up fairly quickly.

Second DS was born in 04. He also was tongue-tied but not as badly as my first. However, I have flat nipples and large breasts, and he was a lazy latcher--he wouldn't get a good latch because of my nipples and so he'd scream. I pumped for a month, no BFing consultant, milk dried up.

NOW that I've had several years to read on how often I should pump, good positions for BFing, etc. I want to tackle my problem with flat nipples. With my second son, I tried a nipple shield type thing, but all it did was make my nipples sweaty which made them dry and irritated when I'd try to pump. And it didn't really help my issues with flat nipples like I thought they would.

I really want to succeed with BFing this time. I've had 2 cesareans also, and will obviously have a third since my hospital doesn't do VBACs. :( Is there any hope that I can get past the flat nipple issue and successfully BF what will probably be another tongue-tied baby?

Any help in advance is much appreciated. I want to be prepared this time!!!

Hi Jammers77.

I don't have any personal experience of feeding with flat nipples - but I do remember being told at our antinatal class that babies *breast*feed they don't *nipple*feed. :thumbup: I'd do as you are doing - research.

Knowledge is power. Learn what is normal and what to expect.

You're doing the right thing by looking for information before baby arrives / is conceived. :thumbup: Familiarise yourself with growth spurts, cluster feeding, correct latching, positioning and common ailments. This way you will feel prepared and more confident that you will succeed. :thumbup:

Get your babys toungue assessed a soon as possible after birth to ascertain if there is a TT. This can then be dealt with before it becomes a big problem :thumbup:

I had an emergency C-section with DD - inform your surgeon that you want to breastfeed as soon as possible after birth (I was able to feed in recovery).

Personally I wouldn't recommend pumping within the first 6 - 8 weeks. This is the time you need to feed on demand to build a good milk supply. Bringing a pump into the mix (without due cause) can create more problems. If you can work on a good latch and get yourself more information / advice on flat nipples then I don't think you would need to pump in the beginning.

Nervous_1 has experience of feeding with flat nipples. I'm sure if you contact her she would be happy to offer you advice and support. :thumbup:

Hi, ladies. I hope you don't mind if I post here. I'm not pregnant yet, but I plan on TTC at the end of August/early Sept. I've had two unsuccessful attempts at BFing in the past. My first DS was born in 99. Had no BFing consultant, no knowledge on how to BF a severely tongue-tied baby who was also a preemie. Pumped for two weeks, and didn't know how often to pump, so my milk dried up fairly quickly.

Second DS was born in 04. He also was tongue-tied but not as badly as my first. However, I have flat nipples and large breasts, and he was a lazy latcher--he wouldn't get a good latch because of my nipples and so he'd scream. I pumped for a month, no BFing consultant, milk dried up.

NOW that I've had several years to read on how often I should pump, good positions for BFing, etc. I want to tackle my problem with flat nipples. With my second son, I tried a nipple shield type thing, but all it did was make my nipples sweaty which made them dry and irritated when I'd try to pump. And it didn't really help my issues with flat nipples like I thought they would.

I really want to succeed with BFing this time. I've had 2 cesareans also, and will obviously have a third since my hospital doesn't do VBACs. :( Is there any hope that I can get past the flat nipple issue and successfully BF what will probably be another tongue-tied baby?

Any help in advance is much appreciated. I want to be prepared this time!!!

Well done you for wanting to give bfing another try! :thumbup:

Like yourself, I have large breasts with flat nipples. I found it extremely hard to get little one latched on to start with, and took to using nipple shields (though I also had problems dealing with horrendous cracks and thrush, which is the main reason why I started to use the shields). I tried a few different brands, and I found Avent shields to be the best as they didn't cover the whole of the aerola, just the top and bottom (they are rectangular in shape, rather than circular like most) so the nipple still had room to breathe if you know what I mean?
I also found that pumping for just a few seconds before a feed would help to draw the nipple out enough for little one to get a good latch.

Another thing you can try is getting hold of some breast shells. They kind of encase your nipple to stop it rubbing against your clothes if they are sore, and I found that they also drew the nipple out for me. I know that there are some that you can use while pregnant (name/brand has escaped me right now!) that can also be a huge help before baby even arrives. summer rain should be able to give you more details on this if you want them :flower:
My nips are quite flat, and also kinda short if that makes sense. I dunno what others nips are like but they never stretched v far so LO couldn't draw it in. I used shields for a whole as we also had other issues, but then they seemed more elastic and he was able to latch. What I'm saying is that you might need shields/shells etc for a while but maybe not forever. There's also a lansinoh thingy which draws your nipples out before a feed.
Thanks, ladies. This helps quite a bit!! I've got a lot of research to do, I know. It seems like a daunting task, especially since I've never been able to BF. Unfortunately, if the next baby is tongue-tied we will have to wait 2 months before they will clip the tongue (2 months is the earliest the hospitals will do it within a 100 mile radius of here), so I'm not sure if I'll have any other choice but to pump if the tie is severe like my first son's was or if I have a child that won't latch on like my second son. Obviously, if the baby latches on fine, I won't have any need to pump.

What I struggle with the most is that I don't know how to properly get a baby latched on with my nipple issues. My nipple, when pinched to try to get latched, goes inward, and both my sons had a hard time getting that "bite" on. There's no lactation consultant in my area (nearest is an hour and a half away). I do know of a lady who helps nursing moms, but I'm not sure how easily I can get her help because she's pretty much the county's unofficial, unlicensed "consultant". At least I'm just hoping that she has some experience with tongue-tied babies and moms with flat nipples and might be able to tell me about something I can read or watch on youtube. Ugh, the more I think about the lack of help I'll have here, the more discouraged I feel.

Thanks for your advice on the nipple problem. I'm just not convinced yet of what I want to purchase--the mixed reviews are confusing and I'm afraid that I'll purchase something that won't work. I had bought something like this and used it during the last 3 weeks of my pregnancy and just didn't find much difference in my nipples. And then my nipples would sweat, too, which was awful in the already hot summertime. lol I'm just a little overwhelmed and frustrated with the unknowns, and quite fearful that I won't be able to be successful for yet a third time.
Two things I would suggest:- some relaxation/positive visualisation about bf as if you're relaxed about it it might help. And can you talk to someone you know/friend of a friend/random older woman about latching. Maybe watch a baby being latched on if it's a current bf'er. Just look out for anyone who might possibly bf and go harass them. I'm sure the majority of women would be happy to help.
I got recommended by the midwives before I had LO to try this if i had flat nipples, gently before birth to draw the nipple out a little and after birth just before feeds.
I have very flat nipples and large boobs, only my eldest had latching issues but his tongue tie was severe so he couldn't feed well from bottles either. My youngest is also tongue tied and it was never able to be snipped due to policy in this area but it never affected him feeding. Every baby is different. My two middle boys had no latching problems either (they were not tongue tied) xx
Hi ladies, wondering if someone can give me a bit of advice please? :) My son is usually a brilliant feeder, he LOVES his food lol but recently he will scream his head off if i try to feed him like he is in pain :( I am getting a bit worried as he never screams like that normally, i have checked his gums and they seem fine, he is breastfed, he wont take a bottle at all but that's fine with me, i love breastfeeding! I thought it may be down to wind pain maybe but he only does it when i try to feed him, and not every time, about 50% for the last few days :nope: If i stand and rock him while feeding him it sometimes helps but i can't do it for long as he is so heavy and i'm only little (4ft10) lol :) I have tried different feeding positions but no help so far :( Any advice will be gratefully recieved thank you!! :flower:
Could be something to do with the 4m growth spurt. I'm not sure what tho....

Sorry, doesn't help much probably. Hugs tho!

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