already started a thread but i'm desperate foradvise so thought i 'dpost here too. thanks in advance!
my LO is 6 1/2 month old and EBF
we had loads of problems for a long time due to TT and awful latch etc etc but we've been doing really well for a few months now
for the last couple of days his latch was not very good. i put it down to his teeth getting bigger (he's got them for a couple of months now, but they are growing and i think it takes him a while to adjust to them being bigger - he's usually fine after a few days). my right breast was particularly painful so a few times i unlatched him and switched sides. i woke up this morning to two extremely painful hard lumps. he refuses to latch on that side so i can't drain them but when he does the pain in my nipple is awful feels like glass inside.
i had blocked ducts before and it was never as painful - can this be something else?
please help!!
edit: i just realised i seem to have a white blister on my nipple?