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Ive just posted this on the regular board, so sorry if it looks familiar but i need all the tips and tricks i can get.

Okay, so my baby is nearly 4 months old and EBF. I've been back at work for just over a month and my husband is having such a hard time caring for our son in the evenings. He just can not get him to eat from a bottle. Some nights are better than others, but from what he tells me, tonight was the worst so far. I left for work at 4:30, nursing him right before i left. By the time i got home at 10:00, he had only eaten 1 oz and cried himself to sleep. My heart is breaking

He takes a bottle fine when he stays with my parents or in laws during the day, but in the evening it just won't do. My husband is getting so discouraged.

He has tried several different bottles. I've tried bottlefeeding him at night myself. He's tried holding him in different positions. We are just not sure what else to do. I'm trying to break the habit of nursing him to sleep. but it's so difficult to keep trying to shove a bottle at your baby and hear them cry, knowing all they want is to nurse. I just can't do it without crying myself... Help.
Sounds like a very difficult situation :( I'll throw a couple of ideas into the mix but I don't know if they'll be very useful. Have you tried using a cup instead of a bottle? Something like a doidy cup can work well. Is there any possibility of your husband bringing him into your work when you have a break so you can nurse him? Do you have a baby carrier your husband can use? Might not help the feeding situation but could sooth him (look for your local sling library for help if you don't already have a carrier, there are lots of different types). It will get easily as he gets older and is about to happily wait longer periods of time for milk, of course this doesn't help you now.
Thanks! I will get a cup to try. I never really considered that.

I have a ring sling and wrap carrier but my husband doesn't really feel comfortable wearing him in those. I'll look into getting something a little more structured that he may like, but I'm just not really sure what to try. Any recommendations?
Thanks! I will get a cup to try. I never really considered that.

I have a ring sling and wrap carrier but my husband doesn't really feel comfortable wearing him in those. I'll look into getting something a little more structured that he may like, but I'm just not really sure what to try. Any recommendations?

It may not work any better but drinking from a cup is supposed to be more like breastfeeding than drinking from a bottle so you never know...

If you think your husband would like something more structured then maybe a mei tai or soft structured carrier would suit him better, I run a sling library so feel free to have a look at the different types I have on the website for an idea (it's only a small selection, there are a lot of makes out there!): I would definitely recommend going to a sling library session if you have one locally, usually you can get some free advice in person and the option to loan carriers to see if they work for you. If you let me know where you are I can always see where your nearest one is :thumbup:
There is a babywearing group in my city. They meet once a month and i guess lots of people bring the carriers they have for others to try out. Such a cool idea. I will definitely be going to the next meeting.
Good luck mama, hope things get easier for you soon :)
As for me, I would highly suggest and recommend to enroll in a breastfeeding class and learn from breastfeeding consultants... But this is a great thread for practical tips and advice.
Hi I have an 8 day old and just can't get him latched properly I follow the steps but just can't get him to open his mouth wide enough to get enough nipple in and so have some cracks and pain while feeding any advice would be greatly appreciated :)

Im looking for some advice regarding feeds. I think ive got the latch sorted more or less, my question is around length of feeds and LO being sick after feeds.
She is 8 days old and is sick (sometimes a tiny bit sometimes lots) after most feeds. I try burping her but even when she brings a burp up, milk seems to follow. When she doesn't burp she is sick within 5 mins of being lay down in her cot. The only time she isn't sick is if she nods off on the boob on her side.
Could she be overfeeding? Or have reflux?
Its getting me down as its so disheartening after what I think is a good feed to then think she'll be hungry again in 30 mins as has puked all the milk up :-(

Sometimes she sneezes a lot after a feed especially when the milk comes out of her nose.
Any ideas/tips?
Absolutely could be reflux...
Have you tried not lying her down for 20 mins after the feed?
Ds had reflux that started a bit later but ended up with gaviscon which stopped it mostly.
Absolutely could be reflux...
Have you tried not lying her down for 20 mins after the feed?
Ds had reflux that started a bit later but ended up with gaviscon which stopped it mostly.

Thanks for the reply. No I haven't tried that. We had terrible problems with dd1 having reflux, she wad bottle fed and ended up on gaviscon sachets. How do you give gaviscon to a breastfed baby? I was gonna hoping that breastfeeding dd2 would hopefully mean she wouldn't get the same problem :-(
Ill try keeping her upright for a while
Hi ladies

I got AF back for the first time on Friday (valentines day of all days!!) and experienced a dip in my supply. We managed to get through that but as my supply started picking back up DD started refusing the breast. This only lasted a couple of days but had me panicking that she wasn't getting enough. So I spoke to my breastfeeding adviser who said its common for AF to change the taste of breast milk, just for a few days during the bleed. I was wondering is there anything I can eat/do to make my milk taste more appealing for when the time comes next month? I haven't started any form of BC yet as I was worried about that affecting my milk.

Oh no that's early! Mine didn't come back til 9m and I thin they weren't back properly until I stopped at 12m.
I doubt there is anything much you can do other than eat as normal and drink plenty.
I was worried of that answer! Lol. I'm really annoyed they've come back so early but BF advisor said its likely to be because DD has been sttn for several weeks now. Just wish all the nursing we do during the day would've staved it off. Just one of the unlucky ones I guess.

Thanks hun x
My ds slept through too 12 hours at 12 weeks, I just think everyone's different.
Hi I have an 8 day old and just can't get him latched properly I follow the steps but just can't get him to open his mouth wide enough to get enough nipple in and so have some cracks and pain while feeding any advice would be greatly appreciated :)

Was baby full term?

Have the midwives / health visitor not offered assistance?

Has baby been checked for tongue / lip tie?
Absolutely could be reflux...
Have you tried not lying her down for 20 mins after the feed?
Ds had reflux that started a bit later but ended up with gaviscon which stopped it mostly.

Thanks for the reply. No I haven't tried that. We had terrible problems with dd1 having reflux, she wad bottle fed and ended up on gaviscon sachets. How do you give gaviscon to a breastfed baby? I was gonna hoping that breastfeeding dd2 would hopefully mean she wouldn't get the same problem :-(
Ill try keeping her upright for a while

I agree with Raspberry. Typical reflux symptoms. I'd take baby to the doctor and see what they say.

My DS has reflux. I gave him gaviscon (mix with water and spoon fed) but it made him constipated so stopped it as it was doing more harm than good.
Hi ladies

I got AF back for the first time on Friday (valentines day of all days!!) and experienced a dip in my supply. We managed to get through that but as my supply started picking back up DD started refusing the breast. This only lasted a couple of days but had me panicking that she wasn't getting enough. So I spoke to my breastfeeding adviser who said its common for AF to change the taste of breast milk, just for a few days during the bleed. I was wondering is there anything I can eat/do to make my milk taste more appealing for when the time comes next month? I haven't started any form of BC yet as I was worried about that affecting my milk.


As the dip in supply / change in taste is affected by hormones there's not a lot you can do I'm afraid. Just keep drinking enough.

My periods returned at 10.5 months with DD and I'm hoping they'll stay away at least that long again this time.

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