hello just dropping by for some more advice on nipple shields and supply. I have to use them not for pain but as my nipples are flat and LO cant latch, although she did initially in delivery suite but nothing since.. I offer her the breast only at most feeds but she still cant take it Iv even had a breastfeeding support lady out who couldnt help get her to latch
I would really like to wean her off but Im just glad she is feeding, but they are giving her wind and the sterilising/falling off is annoying.
I also think that my supply might be failing she is having wet and dirty nappies but I cant seem to squeeze much milk from my breasts and have tried pumping a little after feeds incase shields are hindering supply but get a little under one ounce from both breasts, baby sleeps most of day waking for feeds but always seems hungry and through the night just wants to suck for 5 hours until we both fall asleep about 5am with her on my chest.
Is there anything I can do differently, what am I doing wrong? sorry for long post x