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thanks :)

I am concerned about their nappies too though - they only poo once a day and e're still transitioning from meconium and their wee has had those crystals in it occassionally :(
That's normal hun, took about a week for my LO's crystals to disappear, and maybe a day or two longer for my LO's poop to change completely. When you have to change several poopy nappies in one day you'll look back on this and wish for one a day! :haha:
Well I saw the lactation consultant yesterday and she told me up up my fenugreek and if nothing works by next week she's going to put me on some pill and if THAT doesn't work she basically told me to give up because it just wasn't happening. I think I might as well. I just don't have the time to pump since LO is so high needs and wants to be held constantly, there's no way I can be all hooked up and hold her since I have to massage my chest otherwise nothing comes out. What little supply I have is dwindling to nothing so it's not even worth pumping anyway. :cry: She won't take my nipples, I can't produce enough... I think it's the end. And all because I didn't listen to my gut in the hospital when I had this feeling to try and BF her. I did this to myself. :cry:

Just had to vent, thanks for any advice anyone has given me. I will update if the pills work but when a lactation consultant says you might as well give up I think it's caputs. :(

Mmm. Not all lactation consultants are created equal. And you didn't do this to yourself. The past is past so don't dwell on 'what-ifs'.
Have you given an at breast supplementer such as a Medela SNS a try? They can be difficult to use but are IMO, better than pumping, especially with a baby wanting to be held often. To make them better than pumping you'd want to actually pump or feed first, then put milk (Breast or supplement) in the device and feed then so you're getting the continued nipple stimulation and sucking. My baby was the same way with needing to be held and my midwives were unsupportive when I said I couldn't pump because my baby needed held after feeds. I also need to do breast compressions while pumping to get anything out.
Some other galactalogues you can try include fennel, alfalfa, licorice, anise seed, nettle. Hopefully you'll have good luck with the domperidone though. It can take a while to get up to full strength, but usually people see results within the first week.

ETA: I've just had a look through some of your other posts. The at breast supplementer may help get your daughter back to the breast as well if that is what you want.
As for pumping shields I know they make them up to 40mm I think all the way at the bottom of the page (sorry, just did a google search, so may have to adjust for your country).
That's normal hun, took about a week for my LO's crystals to disappear, and maybe a day or two longer for my LO's poop to change completely. When you have to change several poopy nappies in one day you'll look back on this and wish for one a day! :haha:

i agree and also bf babies can go days without pooing! just as long as LO has plenty of wet nappies you should be ok!
Well I saw the lactation consultant yesterday and she told me up up my fenugreek and if nothing works by next week she's going to put me on some pill and if THAT doesn't work she basically told me to give up because it just wasn't happening. I think I might as well. I just don't have the time to pump since LO is so high needs and wants to be held constantly, there's no way I can be all hooked up and hold her since I have to massage my chest otherwise nothing comes out. What little supply I have is dwindling to nothing so it's not even worth pumping anyway. :cry: She won't take my nipples, I can't produce enough... I think it's the end. And all because I didn't listen to my gut in the hospital when I had this feeling to try and BF her. I did this to myself. :cry:

Just had to vent, thanks for any advice anyone has given me. I will update if the pills work but when a lactation consultant says you might as well give up I think it's caputs. :(

Mmm. Not all lactation consultants are created equal. And you didn't do this to yourself. The past is past so don't dwell on 'what-ifs'.
Have you given an at breast supplementer such as a Medela SNS a try? They can be difficult to use but are IMO, better than pumping, especially with a baby wanting to be held often. To make them better than pumping you'd want to actually pump or feed first, then put milk (Breast or supplement) in the device and feed then so you're getting the continued nipple stimulation and sucking. My baby was the same way with needing to be held and my midwives were unsupportive when I said I couldn't pump because my baby needed held after feeds. I also need to do breast compressions while pumping to get anything out.
Some other galactalogues you can try include fennel, alfalfa, licorice, anise seed, nettle. Hopefully you'll have good luck with the domperidone though. It can take a while to get up to full strength, but usually people see results within the first week.

ETA: I've just had a look through some of your other posts. The at breast supplementer may help get your daughter back to the breast as well if that is what you want.
As for pumping shields I know they make them up to 40mm I think all the way at the bottom of the page (sorry, just did a google search, so may have to adjust for your country).

I'm unsure of what my insurance will all cover. Medela products are pricey and I got my Medela style double electric through them. I'll have to give them a call on Monday and see if they cover anything else. I would also think that I should have a bigger or possibly smaller shield. I'm not sure how all that jazz works but I do know I have really big nipples and I'm sure that's not helping her latch or me pump. Thanks for the info. :thumbup:
You can get the Medela SNS for around $40-50 USD from Amazon I think. And if you are in the US or Canada you can get the Lact-Aid which is a bit cheaper (but has more long term costs, though is generally rated better than the SNS).

Here's a link on how to fit your nipples to a breast shield:
So my lo was weighed again and in 2 days has gained nothing :( she's 1 week old today

The MW said to definitely express to up my supply

Why does it make me feel such a rubbish mummy :(
They are weighing her again on tues and she has to have gained weight: I have ti supplement with 10mins expressing to up supply. That I'm aiming for milky face each feed

She has lost 11.4% still :(
By 7 days they should be starting to gain again but sometimes it can take a bit longer; expressing to up your supply is the best advice, at least they are not pushing formula which is what sadly a lot of health professionals will ask as a first port of call. Hopefully if you express and feed it should help xx
I've tried to express but I can't get anything out :( no wonder lo is struggling :(
Babies are far better at getting the milk out than a pump, so try not to worry too much :hugs:
Expressing is a fine art and it takes time to get the pump to work for you, some women struggle to express anything at any point; although I have been able to express much more recently; I used to struggle to express half an oz and this in the weeks when LO was gaining 10oz a week. Which pump do you have? I know some little tricks and tips for some of the brands xx
There are some youtube videos that show different manual expressing techniques, but manual expressing is tricky for a lot of ladies. xx
I can only get a few drops out manually and then my boobs 'shut up shop' lol. Also my mik sprays all over the place so I wouldn't be able to collect it in anything; except maybe the worlds biggest measuring jug! The avent pump is good and there is always somewhere online selling it for £15. There seems to be two models at the moment; one with a honey coloured plastic and one thats clear, both are BPA free and I've heard better about the clear variety in terms of performance.
Hi Gertrude,

I agree about manual expressing, I could never get more than a couple of drops out even when my boobs were fit to explode. I remember one time when Thomas was six weeks, he had a bottle of EBM (so missed a feed) and I had forgotten to bring the pump to express and tried to express manually just to relieve the pressure and I still couldn't get anything out even though my boobs were rock hard and ginormous so there was clearly lots of milk there. I would definitely advise you to invest in a pump.

Also some babies are slower to regain birthweight than others, it doesn't necessarily mean anything much although obviously they do need closer monitoring. I have a good friend in real life whose baby lost a lot of birthweight and was very slow to regain. He continued to be a slow gainer and she always had to express and top him up with EBM and get him weighed regularly, but he was absolutely fine, very healthy baby, and she continued to exclusively breast feed until about eleven months when she chose to wean him onto formula as she was going back to work. He is still quite petite but he is healthy and thriving and the slow weight gain was just the way he was. And slow weight gain definitely doesn't mean that you are a 'rubbish mummy'. So please don't be hard on yourself on top of trying to deal with everything else. The early weeks are so hard even if you are not worrying about weight gain, so please try to be compassionate to yourself while you get through this stage.
Looking for some help please...

My LO is 4 weeks old today and has been EBF except for a small top up of formula on day 2 and 2oz today.

2 weeks ago i had probs with supply and started on fenugreek and porridge and plenty of fluids and fed as much as he demanded and things seemed to sort themselves out.

Yesterday i noticed supply was a bit down and today worse still. We're in a vicious circle of not getting enough to eat then catnapping then waking due to hunger, I'm reallt struggling with what to do, i don't want to stop but we can't go on like this:cry: I have a 5 year old who needs attention aswell and i can't get a moment for him with things the way they are.

Could it be a latching issue? I have had no pain/cracked nipples or anything?
It seems my body is just switching off for some reason?

Please help..
They are weighing her again on tues and she has to have gained weight: I have ti supplement with 10mins expressing to up supply. That I'm aiming for milky face each feed

She has lost 11.4% still :(

Try not to worry. My LO was 7lb 12oz when born then he went down to 7lb 2oz and it took him 3 weeks to be back at 7lb 12oz again. He then made up for lost time and by 17 weeks he was 17lb 9oz!!! :shocked:

Feed your LO as often as she is demanding and for as long as she wants. If you are getting wet and dirty nappies, and she is settled and happy between feeds then you know she is doing fine. The more you feed the more milk your body will make.

Also I have always struggled to express by hand. I can express with a pump but never bother as my LO will not take a bottle. Your baby will always get far more out than a pump ever will.

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