Well I saw the lactation consultant yesterday and she told me up up my fenugreek and if nothing works by next week she's going to put me on some pill and if THAT doesn't work she basically told me to give up because it just wasn't happening. I think I might as well. I just don't have the time to pump since LO is so high needs and wants to be held constantly, there's no way I can be all hooked up and hold her since I have to massage my chest otherwise nothing comes out. What little supply I have is dwindling to nothing so it's not even worth pumping anyway.
She won't take my nipples, I can't produce enough... I think it's the end. And all because I didn't listen to my gut in the hospital when I had this feeling to try and BF her. I did this to myself.
Just had to vent, thanks for any advice anyone has given me. I will update if the pills work but when a lactation consultant says you might as well give up I think it's caputs.
Mmm. Not all lactation consultants are created equal. And you didn't do this to yourself. The past is past so don't dwell on 'what-ifs'.
Have you given an at breast supplementer such as a Medela SNS a try? They can be difficult to use but are IMO, better than pumping, especially with a baby wanting to be held often. To make them better than pumping you'd want to actually pump or feed first, then put milk (Breast or supplement) in the device and feed then so you're getting the continued nipple stimulation and sucking. My baby was the same way with needing to be held and my midwives were unsupportive when I said I couldn't pump because my baby needed held after feeds. I also need to do breast compressions while pumping to get anything out.
Some other galactalogues you can try include fennel, alfalfa, licorice, anise seed, nettle. Hopefully you'll have good luck with the domperidone though. It can take a while to get up to full strength, but usually people see results within the first week.
ETA: I've just had a look through some of your other posts. The at breast supplementer may help get your daughter back to the breast as well if that is what you want.
As for pumping shields I know they make them up to 40mm I think https://www.medelabreastfeedingus.com/products/pump-accessories all the way at the bottom of the page (sorry, just did a google search, so may have to adjust for your country).