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Thats it though, if he is still hungry I have a whole other side! Usually I change him in the middle of the feed so he wakes up for the other side but I am never sure when to pull him off. I know they say not to pull them off usually but like I said he would sit there forever with a whole other side that never got nursed. Like you said, I have read the literature like you said but its a little hard to visualize!
Maybe try just one side per feed? Keep lo on one side until he is totally finished, then use the other side next feed.
Maybe try just one side per feed? Keep lo on one side until he is totally finished, then use the other side next feed.

No he wants both sides he just seems content sitting on the first side for as long as I let him even after 20 minutes, when I know there can't be any milk. I will pull him off and try to express some and nothing comes out, or just a drop. As soon as I pull him off and switch sides he chugs away. If I don't offer him the other side it usually isn't enough and he gets fussy.
The more a baby sucks, the more milk you produce. It doesn't matter if it is comfort or nutritive sucking. Don't stress or think too much about how much LO is feeding on both sides as long it is longer than a few minutes, there are enough wet/poopy diapers, and your not engorged. It takes awhile to regulate ( couple months at least) and my LO was on ALL the time. It is a sacrifice, for sure, but one that is well worth it.
Maybe try just one side per feed? Keep lo on one side until he is totally finished, then use the other side next feed.

No he wants both sides he just seems content sitting on the first side for as long as I let him even after 20 minutes, when I know there can't be any milk. I will pull him off and try to express some and nothing comes out, or just a drop. As soon as I pull him off and switch sides he chugs away. If I don't offer him the other side it usually isn't enough and he gets fussy.

The more you feed the slower the milk comes through, he will be getting the fatty hind milk.

Expressing is no sign of how much milk is or is not there.

It sounds like you're doing great. My advice would be to throw away the clock!
yea it is just frustrating sometimes when we have somewhere to be and he has been nursing for 45 minutes! I dont care how long he takes usually but if I have to go somewhere I hate to interupt him if he is truely still drinking! Thanks for all your advice and encouragement!
hello im nini and i would like a champion +)

my baby is 3 weeks old and i love breastfeeding her , but at sometime i feel so tired , i feel like she eats eats eats and i feel like im just a cow you know and sometimes i want to give up because im so sleepy and i feel like all i do is feed so sometime i feel like formula would be easier and save me time , but i dont want that , i feel like i just need a lil boost and support ..

thx ..nini
hello im nini and i would like a champion +)

my baby is 3 weeks old and i love breastfeeding her , but at sometime i feel so tired , i feel like she eats eats eats and i feel like im just a cow you know and sometimes i want to give up because im so sleepy and i feel like all i do is feed so sometime i feel like formula would be easier and save me time , but i dont want that , i feel like i just need a lil boost and support ..

thx ..nini

It will improve soon. The early weeks when you are breastfeeding are difficult and it does feel like you feed all day long and yes you probably do. I found with me about 5-6 weeks LO slowed down alot with feeding and seemed to cut down much time she spends at each nipple too. Your supply should be regulated out soon but yes we all feel like human milk machines.

I know formula sounds easier at times but I have done both and cleaning and sterilising bottles and making feeds up when your baby is crying to be fed is a total pain too, putting baby onto the nipple takes no preparation.

You are doing a wonderful job. Your baby will gradually spend a little less time feeding and you will be able to catch up on some sleep. My advice now if you dont have another child and you can do it, is sleep when your baby sleeps.
hello im nini and i would like a champion +)

my baby is 3 weeks old and i love breastfeeding her , but at sometime i feel so tired , i feel like she eats eats eats and i feel like im just a cow you know and sometimes i want to give up because im so sleepy and i feel like all i do is feed so sometime i feel like formula would be easier and save me time , but i dont want that , i feel like i just need a lil boost and support ..

thx ..nini

Don't do it!!! Once you start it is so hard to go back! Once I began to supplement it took me 6 weeks to exclusively BF again, and some people cannot and end up using formula for good.
1. Everytime you use formula your body "drops" that feed, thus decreasing the amount of milk your producing
2.This is detrimental to your supply especially when your milk is still coming in, as in your case.
3. You miss that closeness with baby
4. Formula feeding is harder in the long run. There are bottles to wash & sterilize, milk to prepare, to warm up, to store properly. You cannot just "up and go" formula feeding
5. No matter how hard you try, your always wasting formula you have not used, went bad sitting out (as is an all day excursion), or not used in the fridge by the expiry date.
6.Having a new baby is hard, overwhelming, and tiring. Part of what your feeling can also be attributed to getting used to your new baby, the changes in your life, and yes, saying goodbye to your freedom for awhile. Just think of this as a trial period, a "getting to know your baby" period instead of losing freedom and you'll be fine.
Please can someone help me unravel this mystery....
My little girl was 8 weeks yesterday and has been exclusively BF from the start. She has always fed well in fact she was born at the 9 percentile in weight and is now following the 25 percentile line.
From 6 weeks she has been fussing a lot when feeding, she either unlatches and screams, or she makes groaning, straining noises during it and wriggles around a lot and hits me. She often has a bowel movement during the feed but it continues after that. It doesn't appear to happen a set time during a feed - can happen 5, 10, 15 minutes in - there is no particular pattern. I burp her a few times during the feed as I wondered if its a wind problem but it just happens again when I put her back on.
I thought it was reflux as she also does one big projectile vomit most days - the whole feed - and she vomits a bit after every feed (more than just posetting). I have infant gaviscon and have started to give it to her today but she still cried during the feed so maybe it isn't reflux.
In the past 2 weeks her poo has had a green ish tinge and is sometimes mucousy.
Mostly the crying happens during the feed with the exception of the feed i do before bed when she cries both during and after. Its a high pitch wail like she is in pain type of cry.
I really don't know what it could be!
From looking online the options appear to be:
1) Reflux - the gaviscon then should work - maybe I need to assess after a few days rather than just after 1 day
2) over supply/fast let down - fits the description with exception of the crying after the feed - why would that happen?
3) wind - in the early morning she is full of wind despite the fact that I use infacol and burp her a lot during feeding and she really does big burps when I do it.

If anyone has experience of this or any ideas of what it could be I would be much appreciated. Thanks so much
Hi Hann12! I don't have any experience of reflux so hopefully one of the other ladies can help work out if that is whats wrong.

Fussiness is quite normal, as is bowel movements during feeds. Fast let down wuld make sense and might cause more wind making lo more fussy. You could try expressing a little before a feed so the flow slows down a little. Equally it could be slow let down with lo fussing as the milk is not fast enough!

Have you tried football hold? As lo is more upright it can help with wind. When my lo was fussy with wind I fed football hold exclusively for 24 hours to clear her system which seemed to help.

Green poo mint suggest fore/hind milk imbalance. Make sure you thoroughly drain each breast, maybe using only one per feed or even block feeding to make sure lo gets lots of hind milk.

Crying after the feed would suggest wind to me, but the big burps would suggest not!

Hopefully one of the other ladies is more help! :flower:
Thanks Katt - I haven't tried that hold but will do. I only feed one side and if she feeds again within 3 hours I go back to the same side so I don't think it is a fore milk/hind milk imbalance. It is a strange one....
Hmm, definitely a strange one. Try the football hold. Once you get lo latched on, sit back as it will life lo further up - so they are feeding practically upright. It should really help if it is wind.

Off to find someone who knows about reflux...
Thank you - really appreciate your help! After having this happen for 2 weeks and hoping it will just stop I've come to realise I do need help! The only good thing is that she is still latching and feeding.
Hann, re the green poo - has she had her jabs or any illness recently as green poo can also be an indication of a virus leaving the body. Many of the babies in my circle of friends have had green poo - usually following jabs and colds and as you describe can also be mucousy and almost every nappy. This may also explain the discomfort you describe. Just a thought to consider xxx
Thanks Mork - she had her jabs yesterday and It's been more green than before today so perhaps that's the cause of the green and mucous. She had also had a but of a cold which may have an impact.
Hi Hann12, we had issues with reflux and a lot of what you describe makes sense. I'm certainly no expert, but this was our situation:

It started when LO was 2-3 weeks old. He would spit up after every single feed (and often in between feeds); sometimes I wondered how it was possible that he was gaining any weight at all because lots of the "spit-ups" were massive. Frequent burping and Ovol made no difference for us. I've heard from lots of people that their babies with reflux would pull off the breast screaming, but in our case he would refuse to let go even after the feed was finished (he seemed to need that tiny trickle of milk to neutralize the stomach acid). When he was lying in bed, he'd often wake up suddenly and start shrieking (often preceded by a cough or a gag). I hate that I remember it this way, but it was a terrible time. He screamed constantly and I was in tears most days because nothing besides having him on the breast (not even really sucking) would calm him down. I don't know if this is related to reflux, but my LO had many green poops in the first 6 months no matter how I changed my diet or tried to adjust his feeds.

Some things that helped us a bit were elevating the head of his bed and holding him upright after feeds (although not in a sitting position, as this put pressure on his belly). I've heard from other people that it helps to offer smaller, more frequent feeds, but he seemed so desperate to eat that we were never able to try this. He was a very different baby once we started him on Prevacid (it took about 48 hours to really make a difference) but it was still difficult as he often threw up the medication and still seemed fussier than the average baby. In the end, time was the biggest factor. At around 3-4 months, he was still spitting up constantly but he was smiling. It was more of a laundry issue than anything else. He kept spitting up frequently until he started crawling just before 7 months.

Luckily, my doctor listened to me when I told him I thought it was reflux and gave us medication right away. I know some doctors are hesitant to do so, but it made a real difference. I guess they're usually not concerned unless weight gain is an issue, but since my little guy was sucking constantly, his weight went from the 25th percentile at birth to the 75th at 3months (it has since stabilized between the 25th to 50th percentile, but he has 3 chins in all his 3month photos :haha:). If medication hadn't been effective, we discussed some testing that might be necessary (a swallowing assessment to determine whether thickened fluids were required and some testing to make sure that his throat wasn't completely eroded from all the acid), but luckily never had to go that route.

I don't know whether reflux is your problem, but it's definitely worth considering. I hope you find some answers :flower:
Lori - thank you for sharing your story. A lot of what you have described is very similar, she loves being on the breast too and never says no. I read that they only feed when they are hungry yet she has never turned food down! I had read on another forum about this prevacid and did ask my dr but it must be Canadian or US because she had never heard of it and she even called the hospital and they hadn't either! I'll continue with the gaviscon a week and if it still happens I'll go back for something stronger.
She also has several chins!!
Funnily enough she normally sleeps from 8pm until 3/4am but tonight has woken at 1am apparently starving. I'm feeding her and she is gulping it down and I have a suspicion she will projectile this back.....
Thanks for your help again :)
Okay so she wasn't sick yet but she got hiccups really badly, she drank more to get rid of then, then filled her nappy which I changed, then she fed some more but the crying and pulling away started. She kept arching her back and stretching her legs out and I could hear noises in her stomach. Then she just went quiet and didn't seem interested in eating. She is now wide awake but back in bed with her head elevated. I don't think she will sleep for long now because it sounds like she has trapped wind.
And I should add that she has burped but it's still in there!

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