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acidophilus is naturally occuring in the body so yes its safe to take when BF xx
My LO has been a little breast feeding angel since day one, latches on well, feeds well gaining weight well BUT in a morning she is always sick after feeds and fusses loads why might this be?
I know in the am I am pretty engorged from the extra hormones and longer times b/t feeds. My letdown is very quick when we first get up. LO has a hard time keeping up with it. Do you think your milk is coming to quick and causing her to gulp and maybe getting more than she is used to?
Yeah they are defo fuller first thing, what's the best thing to do?
I posted a page or 2 back about how to deal with different flow issues there is a link to a big article from Mobi International. You can do things like express and bottle feed, express a bit so your letdown isn't quite as fast, or the easiest is to try different positions. Nurse so LO is sitting more upright so she has control over swallowing. The "laid back" techniques like laying flat on your back or leaning back on the couch with LO on top are good techniques too. You can google that, there are a few sites that talk about it. The MOBI site tells you how to gauge the babies cues and I found to be a great help. I think I post a link atleast once a day on here! Hopefully it is something simple and she won't be so fussy tomorrow!
Thank you I'll take a look at that site and going to try different positions in morning.
i think i need a BF buddy. i havent posted on here in ages, well more like a month+, between a horriable delivery experience and taking care of a newborn, life isnt as simple as it once was.

im not sure whats going on really, i dont think my LO is getting enough. he can nurse for hours and still be hungry after and fusses till we give him a bottle of formula. ive had a lactation consultat come in (she is a family friend), and it was fine, but lately it just seems like im not producing enough. i try and nurse him every few hours to keep up with demand and supply, but nothing. i pump, but i barely get 2 oz's andhes currently eating 4 oz's of formula. theres no way in hell i could ever produce enough to keep up with him...

im not sure what to do. i heard several BF safe medications that can up your milk production, so i think i might talk to my OB about it on my 6 week check up tomorrow.

its just so frusterating. i feel like a terriable mom for not having enough to satisfy him, then giving him formula is like a sin, everyone looks down on you for it because "its not as good as the real thing"...i get it, but theres only so much i can do. its rediculous.

Hello hersweetleaf!

Firstly FORGET pumping as a guide to how much milk you produce - it is NO indicator. Some women can only pump a trickle and yet lo gets all they need.

Wet nappies are the nest indicator so keep an eye on them. Weight gain too, but remember some weeks they may gain lots, some not so much.

What you desrcibe with the fussiness is normal. That is lo trying to build up your supply. Every time you offer formula instead, that won't help your supply. Try to keep putting lo back on the breast even if fussy and it will help. Lots and lots of skin on skin too.

As for the formula guilt, it's awful. But the only person who will make you feel bad is yourself. You do what you need to do for you and your lo.

Did you ask at the check up? Wouldn't have thought you were at the stage for medication yet. There are some other ways ti increase supply but I am not an expert in that area so I will try to find a champion who is.

Hersweetleaf if this is something that just started it could be a growth spurt too. I think 5-6 weeks is when they have one. If you can pump you can supplement with your own EBM but i know what you mean about not keeping up!

Does he have any other symptoms? 4 oz seems like a lot after nursing too :shrug: my LO will only drink 3 oz ebm at the most wih a full feed. I wonder if your LO has something that is causing him to overeat. I'm not sure what a normal bottle is for 1 month though. You are doing great it sounds and you have to do what you can to keep yourself sane as Katt said!

Katt happy first birthday to your LO! Congratulations on making it a year breastfeeding!
Thanks DarlingMe! Ticker a bit out of date now, should be 13 months, I keep forgetting to change it!
i think i need a BF buddy. i havent posted on here in ages, well more like a month+, between a horriable delivery experience and taking care of a newborn, life isnt as simple as it once was.

im not sure whats going on really, i dont think my LO is getting enough. he can nurse for hours and still be hungry after and fusses till we give him a bottle of formula. ive had a lactation consultat come in (she is a family friend), and it was fine, but lately it just seems like im not producing enough. i try and nurse him every few hours to keep up with demand and supply, but nothing. i pump, but i barely get 2 oz's andhes currently eating 4 oz's of formula. theres no way in hell i could ever produce enough to keep up with him...

im not sure what to do. i heard several BF safe medications that can up your milk production, so i think i might talk to my OB about it on my 6 week check up tomorrow.

its just so frusterating. i feel like a terriable mom for not having enough to satisfy him, then giving him formula is like a sin, everyone looks down on you for it because "its not as good as the real thing"...i get it, but theres only so much i can do. its rediculous.


Hi there!

First off, I'm sorry about the horrible delivery :hugs: I found it so hard to get over a delivery that was totally different than what I pictured in my mind...give yourself some time. :hugs:

And I can't reiterate enough what Katt said. I exclusively BFd until 4 months and then started to introduce cereal on the advice of a Breastfeeding specialist because I had supply issues. And we went on to BFd a total of 13 months. In all that time the most I pumped in one sitting was just short of 1oz (from both breasts combined...and I was doing a happy dance because it was nothing short of a miracle. In order to have i bottle of EBM I needed to pump a couple of times a day for at least 5 days. My usual was maybe a few mls. Pretty much a few drops. :sad1: So I'd say if you're regularly pumping 2oz that's amazing!! For the longest time all my LO took was about 2oz.

One thing that really put my mind at ease. We visited a lactation consultant and weighed my daugther on a digital scale with a clean diaper. We then would nurse as normal and then weigh her again once she was done. Every time she'd eat 2-3oz which was perfect. Maybe you could try this?

Ok...having said that, I did have supply issues because on newborn jaudice and severe tongue-tie. I tried the herbal stuff. If you go to a health food store it's called fenugreek and there is also blessed thistle. You can eat oatmeal. But finally I started taking domperidone. I think it's now available in the US? I started at 1 pill 3x a day and worked my way up to 3 pills 3x a day. It seemed to do the trick. I took them for about 5-6 months and even when I stopped them we still BFd for about 5 months. And my daugther self weaned...droped a feed here...a feed there until we just did the morning and then not even that.

I'd try to not supplement and see what happens. But honestly...BFing is one ever tells you how hard it is. And in the end if you do decide to switch over to formula that's ok too. You just have to try your best. But your baby will be happy as long as mama is happy.:hugs:

Hope this helps. I had a long night with my LO and my thoughts are a bit scattered this morning. :haha:
Hmm, do we have anyone that has experience with weaning a toddler? Not talking about solids, but weaning from the breast.
I'm in the process of weaning, will be stopped in a couple of weeks or so. But she is only 13 months so might not be totally relevant.

We switched feeds one at a time from bf to cows milk. It has taken ages and every time she has been teething or ill we were pretty much back to square one. Lots and lots of distractions - out all the time as she was more likely to ask during the day. I also had to mess around with the temperature of the cows milk - first she wouldnt drink it warm, now she won't drink it cold.

Once we were down to just morning and night, we dropped the morning feed by getting up straight away and having breakfast. She wasn't drinking enough milk so after a couple of weeks once she had stopped expecting bf we started giving cows milk straight away then breakfast a little later.

Now we are tackling night feeds. First I had to make sure I put her to bed awake, not let her suckle for ages. We used to have bf from one side, then a story, then bf the other side. I introduced another cup of cows milk about 15 mins before bed time routine, then dropped the first side so she just has a story then one side of bf before bed. As soon as I am ready I will stop that, and move the cup of cows milk to story time. OH will do the routine for a few nights to help out.

It's really hard because they are so aware that it is being refused. Small steps helped. And I have noticed we have lots more cuddles! Whether that is because she misses the closeness of bf, or if it's a developmental thing, who knows. It's nice either way!
Hmm, do we have anyone that has experience with weaning a toddler? Not talking about solids, but weaning from the breast.

The best information I've read suggesting taking it one feed at a time.

For example...if there is one she seems less interested in...then cut that one first. So let's say mid morning or before lunch. Do one less feed for a week or two. Then decide on another feed to cut..maybe late afternoon? And then do the same thing until you only have the night feed or morning feed left and eventually she'll be completely weaned. Hope this helps!:flower:
I've cut down to only between 7pm and 6am already. She will not drink milk. Or take bottles from me (actually she's no longer on bottles at all at daycare) I've tried everything (short of sugared or flavoured milk which I'm not going to try as she drinks plenty of fluids) so just gave up trying to force milk on her. She also does not sleep through. She only does around 3 feeds a day as is, bedtime, 2-3am and 4-5am. The bedtime one could be easily sorted as we've gotten naps without boob down, but I suspect she'll just wake at 11pm and want fed then instead. I've very little willpower over time in regards to sleeplessness. Like first two nights, ok, then third night I do things in my sleep without being aware of it. :wacko:
Was just hoping there was someone I could PM as there's too much judgement around weaning if it's not self weaning in open threads and I really just don't want to deal with that.
I will have a look at the champions list and see if there is anyone with particular experience. I will get back to you. You can pm me if you like, but I haven't any experience cutting down night feeds.

Oh and if anyone judges you tell them to bog off. You have done amazing to get this far, and have gone way way longer than most!
I am at my wits end with my 8 week old. He has silent reflux and breastfeeding has become a nightmare. He pulls off constantly, kicks and wriggles, waves his fists and doesn't consistently suck (maybe 2 mins at most). He then falls asleep for 10mins then wakes up and cries. He is on me practically 24/7. I haven't left the house in a week cos I can't get out with him like this. He never sleeps either. Not uncommon for him to be up 18 hours a day. That I can almost handle it's the battle at the breast that is doing me in. I also have severe PPD and have been hospitalised for 5 weeks to try and sort me out. He was with me then and was a bad breast feeder from day one. I don't want to FF but I am going to have to start soon as he needs food! :cry:
ok i need advice/help with two things ,

*over abundant milk supply

thrush-my LO is 5 weeks old and we are trying to get rid of thrush , ive seen two doctors , the first prescribe us nystatin , cream for my nipples and oral suspension for her mouth , he only prescribed her 10 days worth , and it didnt clear it up... the second doctor (her family doctor) told me to use the cream for me and do nothing for i thought we both had to get treated to prevent re-infection? it didnt matter what i told her , she wouldn't give her anything, now before going to see another doctor , what should i ask for as far as treatment ?

over abundant milk supply-
the second issue is that i think i may be producing too much milk
im saying this based on some symptoms she has, could be something else though
but here is what i noticed,
-green stools
-extremely gassy
-cries/grunts WHILE nursing
-she pulls off my breast and right away cries to get back on , only to pull off again(does this like 10 times)
-she is gaining weight,but not enough, the doctor said she was the norm when born,but she is now falling below normal...even though she nurses every hour
-she gulps when eating,like we would gulp water when extremely thirsty
-only feeds for 10 mins or so
-clamps down on my nipple sometimes during feeds
-she spits up often(not every feed)
so does this sound like oversupply or something else?
i don't seem to be displaying any of the symptoms myself though (leaky nipples, engorgement, and frequent mastitis)..but i have very large breast , so i don't know if that plays a factor in anything...
Since you're in Canada, then this is a great protocol to be followed regarding candida treatment

The second problem does indeed sound as though it may be overabundant milk supply; one of the problems with it is baby gets too full off the less fatty, watery milk, causing them to gain weight less well and get hungry again very quickly. It can also cause them to pull off before they are finished because the fast flow is offputting to them and hard work. Of course there are other babies who gain above average amounts with an oversupply as well, all babies are different. Have you seen this article?

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