Getting close now so have some questions...!

Sorry if I sounded a bit militant. I have to try and not be, its just I fought so hard to be able to breastfeed, and I had so many problems to overcome.

It really is a wonderful thing, I bet you are so excited!
Do you know what your having hun? Oooo im so jealous! I miss the build up to having him!
For what its worth, I also think the 'X wasn't breastfed and is fine' thing isn't a helpful statement, many people grew up in smoking households and are fine. My brother didn't have a carseat and he was fine.
Excuse me? That IS a fact what I said about ME & MY child not a statement pulled off google, polls, surveys & more to the point don't compare how I feed my child to the safety of a carseat or smoking in the home.

I'm sorry if I worded that in an accusatory way, or if it sounded like I didn't think it was a fact. It wasn't a personal thing, just an observation that it is a commonly used argument in discussions about various things, but I don't think it is something we should rely on, if you know what I mean. I wasn't implying that formula is the same as not using a car seat, just that we can all think of examples that back up something, but I think we should rely on larger studies, if you know what I mean. I'm not explaining it very well, I hope you know what I am trying to say.

My reply to the member I quoted was more a personal one and a late tired one rather than an over all one. Your right you should never base one decision on one example - Definately not what I was trying to do but simply stated something that was fact for me personally (not a study). Members profile and short time here was obvious to the eye of why she wanted to use this forum compared to most others friendly, helpful, useful information to pass along and so on. I don't disagree with most of it at all or even have an opinion but the 'bashing' is something I do get my back up on :blush: but hey I have pulled people up for 'bashing' peoples choice of breastfeeding its not one sides although people have thought that :dohh:

Anyway people not formula feeding seen it for what it was. People are intitled to their thoughts and knowledge but ramming it in peoples face on any subject is wrong. Half the time I feel like Im abusing my children some way - not on what was said but how. If you get me.

Think I'll move on didn't want a fuss just wanted to roar at that one thing :blush:

I think my :witch: is due ..may log off for 5 days :blush:
Sorry if I sounded a bit militant. I have to try and not be, its just I fought so hard to be able to breastfeed, and I had so many problems to overcome.

It really is a wonderful thing, I bet you are so excited!
Think you should be proud I am not a very patient person :blush: I read some of the threads on breastfeeding and watch the girls who reply in support with useful tips and encouragement I think its fab - hat off. Sometimes I kick myself silently that I didn't try but my lifestyle has a lot to do with it therefore wasn't better for me personally or my children (which I don't want to discuss).
I'm not sure about the 6 week thing. You may find you have to express milk in order to relieve the pressure and avoid becoming engorged or worse. I expressed exclusively for 7 weeks, my supply is fine. As soon as Abby was old enough, we tried feeding. Since birth she has switched between breast and bottle with no problems. She even does it mid feed.

The NNICU were very clear, with all the babies they look after, there is no such thing as "nipple confusion." Today's teats are so easy for babies to use you shouldn't have any problems I'd say.

Surely the thing would be to try after a week or so and see how they get on. A baby wouldn't then refuse to go back on the breast. I'm not sure I'd want to leave it 6 weeks.

Think you should be proud I am not a very patient person :blush: I read some of the threads on breastfeeding and watch the girls who reply in support with useful tips and encouragement I think its fab - hat off. Sometimes I kick myself silently that I didn't try but my lifestyle has a lot to do with it therefore wasn't better for me personally or my children (which I don't want to discuss).

You shouldn't beat yourself up about it. You're doing what works for you. Would it really be better for your baby to have you doing something which stressed you out? Why some women make such a fuss about other people's choices, I have no idea. Formula is not unsafe, it just isn't ideal.

I chose to feed mainly because of the palaver of preparing formula. That and the cost!!! I really don't like formula and the 2 times she had it in NNICU she was very sick. But - it is your choice and what business is that of mine or anyone elses?

Incidentally, nothing is entirely risk free. My sister persevered with breast feeding, had a really difficult time of it and ended up not enjoying her first months of motherhood to the point she was in real trouble. She stuck with it because of the kind of pressure and attitude expressed here. It turns out her son couldn't tolerate her milk. He was switched to formula and instantly became a different child. When talking about risks, it is important to know both sides!
Do you know what your having hun? Oooo im so jealous! I miss the build up to having him!

I'm having a little girl! We are calling her Holly (cos she was conceived at Xmas :blush:).

I understand why people feel so passionately about this. I just worry that sometimes telling people what to do and forcing your opinions on them can push them the other way. I think most women would like to breastfeed, but lifestyles/situations/circumstances make it difficult. I think a lot of it is fear of the unknown too...for some its probably much easier to just say 'no I'm not doing it'.

You hear so many horror MIL said she used to put white spirit on her nipples to "toughen them up". She told me this when I was only about 3 months pg. Which meant I then spent a good month or so panicking about the state my nipples would end up in and whether I would need to "toughen mine up" too...until my MW told me that was ridiculous.

It only takes one negative thought/influence/comment to make you question things...with all of the stuff happening to our bodies, the hormones, the unknown...women who want to BF should be treated with kid gloves and encouraged gently!

This site is great though. I have learned as much from here as I did from the pregnancy books I have read. Its one thing to read a book...another to ask a real mummy and get their point of view.

Hey, i thought i would share my experiances to help answer your questions and bit more insight, although every baby is different.

I had same plans ideas to express and share experiance with OH. Tried after 5 days- nothing. At 10 days i was ill and had to go to hospital, where doc wrongly told me i couldnt bf on antibiotics and breasts became engorged, expressed loads that night. As my milk was fine OH gave it him from bottle next day so not to waste it, we gave him half and finished him on breast. Since then ive managed to express fine, started off couple of oz a day, sometimes upto 5oz at a time. I've never managed to express enough each day for OH to do a full feed every day.

Giving bottle
Everytime we've given LO a bottle OH has done it as lillun was too fussy with me and wanted the breast, often i couldnt be in same room else he wouldnt take it. We gave him on day 3 (with a little formula as i couldnt cope after 5hrs of constant suckling and a screaming baby) gave him bottle day 10 & 11 when i was in hospital and occasionally since. We never experiance nipple confusion as he prefers the breast and would only take bottle after 5 mins of fussing.
OH does nearly all nappy changes when he's at home and will wind lillun during and after feeds for me to get involved more as we rarely give lillun a bottle now (although im still expressing every couple of days and stocking up in freezer for my wedding when i wont be able to easily get in and out of dress to feed him)

As i mentioned above we gave him a tiny bit to settle him in night before my milk came in after he had been on breast for 5hrs and couldnt get anything. We have also given him some on other occasions, one time when we were out and i was too anxious to bf, when ive left him with OH and hes drank all EBM i left. We have a carton of ready mixed formula in his change bag just in case (50p asda). He will take this no problems although he has been sick afterwards (possibly because we didnt wind him enough) and seems a bit constipated the next day (we have just assumed this is down to the formula but couldnt be sure). Both me and OH were against giving him any formula, although we have no reason for this just preference, now we dont mind him having the occasional bit but prefer BF and EBM.

I've never tried putting lillun into a routine, but he seems to have fallen into one naturally. If you try the routine and it works then great- just be aware it might not work for the first few weeks.
I fought soooo hard to be able to bf my daughter, I have ff my other 3 and was determined that I was going to give bfing a good go this time as she is my last.

We have been through so much and I had a section. Due to complications my baby was taken to scbu and then onto another hosp for 4 days so we got off to a rotten start. My lo has been combination fed since she was 6 days old and hasn't suffered any prob with it. I use TT Closer to Nature bottles and she is fine with them.

I have had 3 sections and really had any pain with my first one. Every one is different and had different pain thresholds!

Formula bashing is the sign of the bfing mafia as we call them. It is individual choice, like I said I have ff 3 of mine and they are far less ill than my bf baby now!!!

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