Getting Fit Before Baby

Hello everyone!

Krissie: I know how you feel! I'm going through waves of depression about now being pregnant. I don't have a solid relationship yet either and I would like that before pregnancy. I wouldn't mind a job by then too but my doctors are pushing that out of reach still. I figure if everything goes well with my new guy, and given the timing of my surgery for recovery, I should be able to start trying again in February 2018. So far away :(

Drjo: Good news you don't have to wait longer again for femara. Excited for you to start trying again, too!

IRYM: All I can say is I'm sorry :( you know we all understand, vent away! Big hug! I'd get your DH to bring it up prior, I think that is a good idea to save on some hurt feelings.

AFM: Quick update. I managed to get to a walk in and receive a prescription so we're all good now.

(Post 1 of 2)
Today is also MONDAY! Time to self reflect for those of us who decided to challenge ourselves this past week. We also need to make a new goal to ADD to our completed challenge.

This week I challenged myself to:
Days I was successful:
Things I found interfered with sticking to my challenge:
Ideas on how to improve the interference:

This week I will work on:

[Remember: This week we will be working on the goal we just finished AND this new goal! Two challenges in one week!]

If you struggled take time to really think about interference and how you can improve those situations. Also feel free to do another week of your original goal to really get it to sink in!

This week I challenged myself to: Take all of my supplements.
Days I was successful: 2
Things I found interfered with sticking to my challenge: Running out of medications, the amount of medications I need to take in a day and the number of hours in a day.
Ideas on how to improve the interference: Set timers in my phone to go off when I am due for my meds!

This week I will work on: Drinking enough water and getting in all my vitamins.

Monday, November 21 will be our next reflection. Keep checking in throughout the week though! :)
Urs, thanks for organizing the challenge for us!

This week I challenged myself to: Not eating as much sugar
Days I was successful: 4
Things I found interfered with sticking to my challenge: Stress and hunger in the afternoons.
Ideas on how to improve the interference: Plan out meals and snacks and always have good options on hand, especially in the afternoons. Measure out any sweets that I eat so I don't overdo it as easily.

This week I will work on: Exercising consistently. This one is probably my most important goal. I've been so lazy. And I'm gaining weight faster than I'd like. And I know I'll feel better about myself when I'm exercising again. I started yesterday and did Yoga Booty Ballet (Go Go) video through Beachbody. Today I'm going to do another from that series. No matter if I'm tired or not, I need to exercise as soon as I get home.

So that's my plan!


Mrs. T-- Congrats on the little boy... me too! How fun!

IRYM-- I'm so so sorry these weeks have been so crappy. How frustrating about your meds and the fact that your diet isn't working. What an uphill battle that must feel like, on top of managing fertility issues. Just seems unfair! I think it's a good idea to have DH talk to fam ahead of time so they will be more sensitive (hopefully). Good luck this week, hon!

Jo-- Good luck with trying again! That's awesome!!

Swimmy-- What a cute first date story!

AFM, I really want to drag myself back into better health habits. I packed my lunch and snacks for work today and made a work out plan, so hopefully that helps. Baby boy is still doing okay in there, as far as I know (I listen to his little heartbeat with my doppler regularly). Next appt is on Thursday, but just a check in, not a scan or anything interesting. We made our announcement now, so the news is out there in the world. :)
This week I challenged myself to: Take my supplements.
Days I was successful: 6
Things I found interfered with sticking to my challenge: I actually did really well. It was just a matter of remembering.
Ideas on how to improve the interference: n/a

This week I will work on: Eating whole foods.
Thanks for the kind words, gals.

Nice to see you were all keeping up on your goals and things in my absence. Thanks, Urs, for stepping up and starting some challenges. :)

I got sneak-attacked by AF today on 13DPO, which means she arrived 3 days early. Very heavy and clotty, but somehow not much in the way of cramping? Just really mild cramps.

I'm a little on the fence about this.

1) A heavy AF means my body actually produced enough of a lining that I could support a pregnancy

2) Why did AF arrive 3 days early? Was is a chemical pregnancy? Was it a non-viable egg? Who on earth knows?

Trying to stay positive. Feeling a little better after I spent the entire day yesterday on the couch in my nightgown. :dohh: I guess I just needed a day to let my brain turn off.

Anyway. Keep up the good work, ladies. I'm trying to think of positive things like being able to enjoy some holiday cocktails over thanksgiving.

I didn't eat fast food once this week yay!!! (unless starbucks counts?? i needed a coffee on my way into work this week lol)
This week I'm going to work on taking my vitamin EVERY DAY!!! i have been sooo bad at this sense having lizzy

Mrs T - CONGRATS yay a boy :) he will be here before you know it!

Drjo - i'm sorry about the low milk supply, I also have that problem so I supplement and exclusivly pump. It took a huge weight off my shoulders and I noticed that my baby blues went away almost instantly. You have to listen to your body and go with your gut :)

IRYM - I'm so sorry :( I know its not the same but pregnancy annoucements still sometimes upset me (and i accept thats just me being selfish and bitter about it taking us years to have lizzy). example I'm part of a mom group that we all had our babies in august and 2 of them are already pregnant again and complaining.... it made me so angry! in regards to you telling family about having to go to a fertility clinic. I felt very relieved after we told my family that we had been ttc for a while. people stopped asking the stupid questions and I actually learned that some others in my family had issues and had been ashamed to say anything. Maybe AF a little early is a good thing and your cycles are becoming more regular?? Wish I could just give ya a hug.

AFM - I keep feeling so selfish, I want the normal feeling of getting AF again (crazy i know lol). I know that every women is different and some don't get it for a year after stopping breast feeding. But I seriously might ask my doctor when I see her on the 8th and see if there is anything I can take to start it that won't affect my breast milk supply.
I have been the same way swimmy. After ltttc ds pregnancy announcements still bother me. Of course it's bothering me more now that we are struggling even more to get pregnant with a second. My dh's cousin told me she is very unhappy she is pregnant with #4 the day my period showed this cycle. I just could have exploded I was so angry and frustrated.

Food is not going well this week. I think I'm going to just stick with taking my supplements and I'm going to walk a bit during the day. I don't think I'm in the right head space to deal with food atm.
Yesterday I did well with exercise, but I overate. I swear I struggle with both eating decently and exercising at the same time, it's like I can do one or the other, that's all you get from me world! Lol. My breakfast choice today wasn't too healthy (a decaf latte and chocolate croissant) so I'll need to be mindful about the rest of my choices today and not use it as an excuse to just eat whatever else.

Swimmy, I'm pregnant now and feel the same way. When I see other pregnancy announcements, a small part of me feels irritated. Like for some reason, I only find value in these announcements when I know the couple struggled and had to work at getting pregnant. And that's just not fair. But I think it's an easy bias to have after all of this TTC stuff.
Thanks gals. You always cheer me up at least a little bit when I'm struggling!

All this cheerful news on here. MissDoc's BFP, Mrs T having a boy, Urs's weight loss. Such good things. :)

Swimmy - Early AF means my luteal phase shortened from 15 to 13 days, so while a shorter cycle is good, it's not good if my LP is what's shortening!

I've started taking Maca Root & Vitex again. With my MC last year, I had started taking them the month before. I really hope that's what did it and maybe DH and I can have a Christmas BFP?

I really want to get back to the infertility clinic and demand to talk to a doctor instead of being routinely brushed off and told to just keep up with my testing. At this point I've done so many tests that I feel aren't necessary (seriously, another exploratory ultrasound?), I'm getting frustrated.

But with Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up, and all the things I need to do to prepare for those, I don't think I'm going to have the time to drop what I'm doing and drive across town for appointments!

Decisions, decisions.

Anyway.... to all you ladies in the USA celebrating Thanksgiving next week, what are your plans? Anyone preparing any healthy side dishes or desserts? Let me know!
IRYM- fx that combo works for you again.

As for Thanksgiving.. I am going to be making herb roasted turkey and from scratch green bean casserole. In pretty excited for both since I've never tried either. The rest will br traditional stuff like mashed potatoes and stuffing, so really not healthy. My in laws are coming down so it should be nice and busy. My dh and fil are suppose to be putting builtin shelves into my basement. It's my Christmas gift and I'm so excited to unpack all my books finally!
Ooo, built-in shelves? I've always wanted some of those! I bet that will be so nice. :)

You'll have to let me know how the turkey turns out. This year DH and I are doing a smoked turkey. We did a test run earlier this month that turned out amazing, so I'm excited to see how the family responds to it.

Aaannddd -- got some good news today!

Gathered up my courage and told my current HMO to send me all of my medical records because I'm going somewhere else.

Then contacted the local private clinic and didn't expect to hear from them for a few days, but was able to talk to someone almost immediately! Many of the tests they run on their patients were already done on me. And the kicker is that they were ones that I demanded my physician test me on, since the fertility clinic wouldn't!


Once I get my records from the old doctor, I'm setting up an appointment with the new. I could get in to see them as early as the end of December. I'm starting to get excited! I should probably get back to doing core workouts and muscle building a little more regularly, right? :haha:
That's fantastic irym! Fx you get your records quickly and can set up an appointment. What type of treatment are you looking at pursuing?

Yes, I'm so excited for the shelves. We have a big room downstairs and one side we are putting in bookshelves and a bench. The other side we are putting up two shelves and in between will be a screen for a projector.
Hi ladies. I read all your updates, but it's hard for me to respond to everyone since I'm on my phone. Irym, I'm excited for you to get the ball rolling!

I just wanted to post here for accountability to my weight loss plan. I'm down to 217.6. Which is 3 pounds over the last week. My goal is 2lbs a week, so I'm happy. I'm about done with pumping now (baby won't breastfeed due to low supply), so I talked to my midwife about trying again in January and told her I would probably need Provera and femara. She prescribed them for me right then, and suggested I continue taking metformin throughout pregnancy. That was easier than I expected.
Krissie - Oo is it going to be like a reading nook with the bench in the middle? That sounds awesome!

I'll be starting with Clomid or similar, since my testing thus far doesn't show any physical issues other than PCOS. I don't ovulate until CD30 or later, and it seems to be getting worse the longer I'm off of birth control. The first year after I stopped it, my cycles stayed at 35 days for quite a while. But they're getting gradually longer and longer. Booo.

So I guess I need help in that regard. If a few rounds of Clomid doesn't work, we'll discuss things from there.

DrJo - Does Metformin help with milk production?

EDIT: Oo, what luck! I called the clinic to set up an appointment today, and someone had cancelled theirs -- so now instead of waiting til January for an appointment, I get to go in on Nov 29th! That is, if DH can get the morning off. They want us both present to go over anything, and I'd take him with me anyway so that he can hear it all straight from the doctor's mouth instead of second hand from me.

Anyway! Maybe we'll be able to get started with some kinda treatment on my very next cycle!
Hi gals! Sorry I was absent...had a hard start to my week but it's looking much better now. [I ran out of my antidepressants too on the weekend so I was a basket case earlier this week.]

IRYM: I'm super excited for you! I can't wait to hear all about your appointment!

Keep up the challenges everyone! Four days until we check in again with our progression. For me, I found I've been so focused on trying to get enough fluids in I'm not taking my vitamins...I'm going to focus on fluids for the rest of this week then probably switch back trying to add vitamins again. How is everyone else doing with theirs?

Quick update in regards to WTT: My period is still absent. I had ONE all by myself at the start of September and still nothing and I've lost 25% of my body weight (down 97lbs now) and it STILL isn't coming. I'm so frustrated with it...I was so hoping that by Feb. 2018 I would have a few cycles already figured out and ready to start TTC again. I know it's still early though...
Irym- it will be the shelves along the wall and the bench in the corner. I will upload a pic when they are finished.

That's great you have an appt so soon! Fx oral meds are all you need. I got pregnant with ds my first round of clomid.

Urs- don't be discouraged yet. You have come a long ways so your body is probably still sorting itself out.
Urs - 97 pounds lost? Amazing job! That's got to feel so great! I agree with Krissie. Your body is probably still sorting itself out. I think once your weight starts to stabilize you'll find that things start coming together again. :)
Iread- I'm so excited for you! Be sure to keep us updated on your news from the clinic. Metformin can help PCOS women with milk supply by allowing the glands in the breast to respond properly to hormones that increase their size during pregnancy. Last time I had very little breast growth (which was a bummer since I'm only a B), and it clearly was a problem for breastfeeding. So I'll try anything that might help.
Iread- I'm so excited for you! Be sure to keep us updated on your news from the clinic. Metformin can help PCOS women with milk supply by allowing the glands in the breast to respond properly to hormones that increase their size during pregnancy. Last time I had very little breast growth (which was a bummer since I'm only a B), and it clearly was a problem for breastfeeding. So I'll try anything that might help.

Oh, that makes sense!

I hope I don't have a problem with that. It never occurred to me that PCOS might also affect the glands in the breast! :dohh:

I wonder if there are other medications that will do the same? Since Metformin has been causing me heart issues as a side-effect, it's off-limits.

I have to say I've always been a little worried about breast growth during pregnancy. I've always had a large bust -- wore a B cup in 5th grade and now I'm at a G! It's hard enough to find bras as it is, I can't imagine what I'll do if my breasts go up several cup sizes. Sigh.
I had breastfeeding issues and ended up producing almost nothing. Even with metformin and fenugreek I couldn't produce. I tried bfing and then topping with formula until 5 weeks and then went straight to formula.

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