Getting Fit Before Baby

Urs - Fabulous! Thanks for sharing, you're doing so well! :D I'd love to keep seeing update photos!

And thanks for keeping your fingers crossed for me. Haha. I might need it!
Well, gals - just got home after running around town all morning! My fertility consultation was over by about 930am and we've been running ever since. Phew, I'm beat! Got some Christmas shopping done since DH opted to stay home entirely today, rather than only taking part of the morning off. I think he's feeling burned out at work and is looking for any excuse to get a day away. :haha:

Anyway! Here's what the FS said:

Since I have had a cervical cone biopsy, he wants to jump me straight to IUI and add Femara, estrogen supplements, AND a progesterone supplement to the deal. We did an internal ultrasound today, and we learned that my uterine lining is too thin for being CD16. Additionally, he did not see any follicles that were nearing maturity and it doesn't look like I'll be ovulating within the next few days. That's what I had expected, so no surprise there. It looks like I'm stuck waiting around for what could be another 3+ weeks for ovulation and AF!

So for now, it's just a waiting game. I'm supposed to call back on CD1, get my Femara prescription, and go from there.

I told all of this to my mother, and she's already started making plans. :dohh: She said, "Well, this New Years' Eve is probably the last time you'll be able to drink for a long time, so let's party it up!" lol

But that's all the news I have for now. I'm going to go bonkers waiting for AF to show up! I decided that I'm going to take this time to really focus on my eating and exercise habits. One good bit of news is that I was lighter at weigh-in today than I thought I'd be! And I was fully clothed, too! So I'm happy with that. Maybe I can knock a couple more pounds off before I start taking Femara.
IRYM, that is just fabulous news! I love how ready the FS is for you to jump into treatment. So meds and IUI sounds like a great plan to me. I bet it feels really good to know that someone is going to work hard with you to make sure you become pregnant. What a relief. :) And a great plan to use this time to focus on making a healthy environment for a little embryo.

AFM, I have struggled a bit trying to get back on track. Things I'm doing well include: getting enough water, taking more steps (most days), and cutting back on fast food. Things I still need to work on: eating less sweet things, exercising more frequently, and better snack choices.
Iread- I'm so excited for you that you finally have a plan in place!

Afm, down to 214.6, which was my goal. :)
IRYM- that is a great update! He sounds like he is going to be proactive and get you to your bfp!

drjo- great job on the weightloss!!

MissDoc- I am in a similar boat. I am just struggling to get on track. I have told myself that I need to get back and start working on losing weight.

I did finally ovulate this cycle, I am now 3 dpo. I just wish I knew why I am ovulating so late in my cycle (4 cycles now!).
DrJo - Good job reaching your goal! That has to be so satisfying, seeing progress being made!

Krissie - From what I have learned, low estrogen (or lower than normal estrogen) can cause it to take longer for you to ovulate. Maybe do a little research and see whether or not you think that's something which might be affecting you? It's worth a look! :)

AFM - I'm also very pleased that this doctor doesn't seem to want to just slap a "one size fits all" treatment plan on me like the previous clinic seems to have wanted to do. It turns out that he is the HEAD of the local OB/GYN committee and knows my personal OB/GYN and was very shocked to learn that she had brushed off my PCOS concerns!

I wanted to ask him to recommend me someone else, but I didn't get around to it in the flurry of everything else we had to do that morning. Plus, I normally wake up at 8am every day and yesterday I got up at 6am. SO TIRED. lol

This waiting to ovulate thing is going to drive me mad, you guys. How am I going to pass the time!?
IRYM- I didn't know that. But it relates to my light periods and suspected thin lining. I will definitely have to look into it. And talk to my doctor next week.
IRYM- I didn't know that. But it relates to my light periods and suspected thin lining. I will definitely have to look into it. And talk to my doctor next week.

My doctor said estrogen supplements will thicken the lining and make heavier periods, too. It could be all related!

I hope your doctor has something to help you. :)
So glad so many of you have good news!!

Urs - you look amazing!!! great job!!! im sorry to hear about your boyfriend - depression is not an easy thing to struggle with

drjo - yay for weight goal!!!!

IRYM - I'm so so so excited that this doctor was better for you and that they have a plan in place!! Hopefully AF shows up quickly and you can get started :) can't wait for the updates!!

Krissie - I'm sorry to hear that your DH is slowing down on the TTC #2 train :( my DH is pushing to start trying again for #2 but i have a feeling he will be changing his mind when she starts moving and getting into things. I want to give it a little more time between really ttc. We aren't preventing or anything but I figure around her 1st birthday we will be back at the fertility center making a plan (but who knows its too far away lol). and thats if i even get AF by then ughhhh!

AFM - still no AF and no sign of ovulation when I've been testing - seriously they are completely blank! thats never happened to me before. I thought maybe it was a bad batch but my friend took one and hers was almost positive. I see my doctor on the 8th so I might have her give me something to get it started. As for weigh in im still 230 :( I guess i should be grateful I haven't gone up but I'm getting pretty depressed that i've gained so much post baby.
Swimmy- I hope you start losing soon. I know what it's like to stay stalled at a weight.

Dh started pushing for a second when ds was 4 months old, so we stopped preventing. At 18 months we started fertility meds again. Which brings us to today.

They definitely do get more and more busy as time goes on. Plus ds is right in the middle of 2 year old behavior. Thankfully dh hasn't pushed it anymore so I am just going to keep going on with things.
Swimming - Wow, completely blank? I don't think I've seen that before either! I don't blame you for having someone else test one for you. I wonder what could be causing that problem?

As for the weight stalling out.... I feel you! Those plateaus are SO hard! Everything I've learned about fitness and dieting says that when you hit those, it's best to change up your routine. Do a different exercise routine, change your diet a little (increase or decrease calories by 100), eat different proteins or veggies, etc.

Our bodies are incredibly adaptable and we can become super efficient operating at a lower calorie range, which is why plateaus happen. Google has all kinds of resources available if you look up "weight plateau" or "plateau busters" or similar. That might be of some use to you. :)

Krissie - Wow, he wanted to start trying for another when the first was only 4 mos old? That's ambitious! :haha: It's good though. It means he does want more kids! He just sees now that they're a lot of work.

I'm wondering if maybe he saw the infantile "sleep, eat, poop, sleep" pattern and thought, "Gee, raising kids is EASY!" :haha:
Yea, infants are an adjustment but not really that difficult. Toddlers on the other hand are so much work! When DS was about a year I felt so ready for another one because things were going so well. Well he started walking at 15 months and things quickly spiraled out of control!! Okay, not really but it did make me reconsider another one for a time.

I will say though with DS's language getting better I think we are going back into a nice routine and things are easier. So hopefully it stays that way.

I weighed in today and was up almost 3 lbs. :nope: But I am determined to stick with my diet so I am back on track today!
Krissie - I think when kids learn to speak and make their needs known, things do tend to improve! I have never been a mother, but I am 10 years older than my youngest sister, and since my mother was a single mom who worked 40+ hrs a week, a lot of the childcare fell to me.

When my sister learned to tell us that she wanted food, she was thirsty, she had hurt herself -- things got easier. There were still tantrums and fights and things, but they were more about being tired or irritable than because she couldn't tell us what was wrong.

And besides that, toddlers sometimes say hilarious stuff! Haha

I can remember my sister telling me at age 2 that she 'used to' paint and do woodwork all the time! And when I asked her, "Oh really? When was this?" she says, "About 30 years ago." :haha:

On a completely unrelated note, something that's been bothering me for a couple days now:


I come from a family of street-smart-but-not-book-smart people. No college educations, no love for reading, no desire to learn simply for the joy of learning. Normally it's no big deal, but recently their reactions to my preference to read and learn have been becoming very negative.

For example, my mom was considering getting two dogs for Christmas. My sister's dog had just had puppies. When I said to mom, "We were told that you should get one of each gender so that there's less competition between them," Mom agreed and asked my sister for a male and female pair.

My sister loudly proclaimed over the phone, "Just because [iReadYerMind] reads books, doesn't mean she knows anything about dogs!" Nevermind the fact that this wasn't something I had read about, I was told this directly by a local trainer and animal rescue worker. AND nevermind the fact that I have extensive experience with animals, their training, and so on. I had always wanted to be a veterinarian from childhood and had grown up learning things accordingly. Anyway....

At Thanksgiving, I mentioned the fact that my fireplace wouldn't start up the other day, and how even when I could get a small flame lit, all the smoke was flooding into the house rather than up the chimney, even though we just had it cleaned and the flu was open. I mentioned how, after trying several things to solve the issue, I decided to do a google search and see if I could troubleshoot it, and how the very first thing I found and tried ended up working.

My mother snapped, "You don't have to google everything, why wouldn't you just try a bunch more stuff!?"

They make me feel like I'm stupid or somehow less intelligent for reading and learning from books. But how do teachers convey ideas and facts to their students? Textbooks! How do scientists share their findings from their studies with others, without having to travel the world and give lectures to everyone? Essays, books, and articles! How do famous chefs teach others how to cook amazing things? Cook books! Or what about when you're trying to build/assemble something and you don't know how? Instruction manuals!

They ALL require reading and they are ALL completely valid ways of learning information when you don't have, or can't get, hands-on experience.

I do not understand their insistence that somehow, learning stuff from a book is less valid than just randomly trying things out until you've managed to get something that works, or never bothering to learn anything at all.

How would you gals handle something like this?

I am not a confrontational woman, so I generally let the comments and belittling slide. Of the 3 of my mother's children, I'm the only one with a diploma AND the only one who's attended college. Neither of my parents did, nor did their parents. I can see why they might not think much of "book learning", but I don't understand why they feel it's bad to read and learn.

Yes, toddlers are so funny. This morning ds said bye, do dh same where are you going? And with all the attitude he could gather ds said I go bye. Like geez dad get with the program.
I can totally relate. I'm about 30 credits shy of a PhD. Nobody in my family understands why I have pursued education or why I read to learn or for pleasure. I hate feeling like a know it all but I've researched in depth about things I'm curious about. I'm sorry you're so frustrated by them. :hug:
Your DS has places to go and people to see! C'mon, dad! lol

It's so strange to me how there are some people who are content to never learn anything new, and just spend all their spare time watching TV. I love being able to go research whatever I want to on the internet whenever it takes my fancy, and I can't stand reality TV shows like the Kardashians.

I'm not saying it's a wrong way of life, I just don't understand it. I guess like they don't understand how I can spend a whole day with my nose buried in a novel just for the fun of it!

But you don't hear ME telling them how stupid it is to watch TV or anything like that. The most I've said is, "I don't care for that show" or a similar reply. I don't treat my family as lesser beings just because they do other things with their spare time. Why treat me like pursuing intellectual pastimes makes me stupid and/or worthless? Ugh.
That is so annoying/frustrating. I don't get it either. When I tell people I don't really watch TV they look at me like I grew a second head. Eh!

So I'm 5 dpo and finally kinda feeling like I might be willing to test earlier. But still not very optimistic for this cycle.

DH and I don't subscribe to cable, we don't have the digital antenna for our TV or anything. We watch a couple things on netflix but that's it, and when we tell people we've never seen a popular show or movie, they flip! lol

What makes you feel like you'd want to test earlier this month?
I have no idea... mostly cause I'm impatient. :haha: I'm gonna try for 10 dpo and then probably not again until after is due/late.

In previous cycles I've tested with ic at 7 dpo. But I don't think I will this cycle.
Hey ladies, how did everyone do with this past week? I feel like I've done better-ish. I exercised (either a home video, walking/jogging on treadmill, or walking at track) a total of 4 days, and 2 other days I got plenty of walking in just naturally. So 6 out of 7 nicely active days. It was a maintenance week in regards to calorie intake/eating, but that's pretty much what I'm aiming for right now so that's good. Could have had more vegetables and better food choices, but I'll keep trying.

IRYM, I don't interact much with my family, but they are the same. I'm the only one with even a high school diploma out of everyone, and I went on to get a PhD, so I'm definitely perceived as the "know it all" and there's a lot said like "Oh you know how she is...". I don't even give them advice or information really, they just assume this is how I am. The only time I say something to them about their practices or preferences is when someone makes a bigoted or racist comment, I'll call them out on it, and the response is always "oh you know that's not what I meant, you just to have to prove you know everything, right?" So I don't talk to anyone in my family for years at a time. There's just no one I feel close to. There are other reasons for that too (e.g., history of alcoholism, etc.). I am sad about not really having close family, and my husband's family is a country away, but we are still much closer to them, EVEN with a language barrier. Lol.
MissDoc - That's a shame. I feel the same way: not really close to any of my family members. I'm the black sheep or odd woman out, simply because I have an education. Rather than making it something to aspire to, I'm treated the same way they treated my uncle who had pretty severe paranoid schizophrenia. Except the only 'problem' I have is a love of reading and learning. It's sad.

But you have DH, and at least DH's family seems to like you! That's something, at least. :)

AFM - I lost 0.2 pounds this week! Woo. That's better than I was anticipating, even if it's not even a quarter of a pound.

I started doing my daily cardio after dinner when DH is home to watch me and make sure I do it. Sometimes I get distracted (I usually bring something to read, craft, or watch while I'm biking) and stop pedaling, and DH will say, "Are you done, or are you gonna keep pedaling?" and then I start back up again. Haha

It's keeping me on track and accountable, so that's good! And another upside is that DH takes a turn on the bike, too. We've been watching The X-Files (again) on Netflix, and he'll bike for 1 episode and I bike for 1 episode. That's about 45mins each, 5x a week. Not too shabby.

Saturday we spent most of the day shopping for Christmas gifts and logged 6,000 extra steps for the day, which was great. Sunday was a rest/cheat day, and today in addition to cardio, it's an arm workout day. So I've got my weights nearby and I'm going to try to remember to do wall pushups after every bathroom break.

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