Getting Fit Before Baby

MissDoc- Great job this week!! Definitely a step in the right direction.

IRYM- I like the idea of having DH there to help keep you focused and motivated. I really need to get back into watching x-files. I stopped around season 5 and I have no idea why.

Afm, food has been horrible and I am up another 0.6 lbs this week. I just don't know. I think it is work stress and holiday stress all piled into one. We did put up our tree Saturday so that made me feel good. And our roommates are moving out so that is one less stress. I am excited to get my craft room all set up again.

I am also 8 dpo with an appointment to talk with my doctor about next steps on Wednesday. I will be 10 dpo and I plant to test that morning. I doubt I am pregnant but it would be nice to know before going in if I were.
Krissie - It does help having DH there! And FX'd that you'll get a BFP on 10dpo without needing any help!
Sorry just catching up this week has not been good to me :(

IRYM - im sorry your family is so belittling of you, that is so frustrating. I would hope that they would value your input even more, sense you are more educated. Unfortunately my advise isn't great. you have 2 options you could either confront your mother and flat out ask why she feels that you looking for an educated method to problem solve things isn't the correct way to do things. OR (this would be me lol) you can just avoid telling them these things. Family means a ton to me but if I was constantly being put down I don't think I would seek out having as many conversations with them. My DH and I get into arguments sometimes because I am higher educated and he didn't finish high school, so sometimes when i say things that I've looked up or suggest a different way of doing something instead of trying a million wrong ways he gets frustrated. I have to remember he wasn't taught to look up answers like we were.

Krissie - yay glad you are getting your craft room back!!! what kind of crafts do you do? how did testing go?

AFM - im going for a breast ultrasound in a few days. When i say my OB yesterday she found a dense spot (probably from nursing but best to be safe). She also asked me if I wanted to jump start my period and start TTC#2... is it bad I'm scared to really think about TTC again? (as you all know) it can consume your life if you let it, and i know that i totally did.
We got a ton of snow the other day and my driveway was total ice. I walked down my steps and fell hard. Thank god lizzy was strapped into her car seat but it went tumbling down the stairs and drive way. god I felt horrible. Shes screaming, I split my head open on a step. Thank god she is ok, just bruising from the seat belt.
Swimmy- glad you are all okay! Fx your ultrasound goes okay and it is nothing serious.

Afm, af arrived yesterday. I met with my doctor on Wed and he said there is nothing left he can do. So he's referred me to the fertility clinic. It's 2 hours away so we can't do anything until June when I'm out for summer break. I'm gonna focus on my diet and taking some natural supplements for now. I do have some left over femara and clomid but I think I'm gonna work on losing weight. If I can lose about 20 lbs I think I'll give clomid another shot.
I think that's a good goal. that stinks that the FC is 2 hours away :( i was lucky and mine was really close to our house.

So i know you gals will get a kick out of this. So on my way home from work this morning. I called my DH and made a comment that we haven't had any "adult time" in a while so if she was still sleeping when I got home we should. First thing out of his mouth was "Oh are you ovulating right now, I'll go in late to work tomorrow so we don't miss the window" :dohh: .... I think i ruined bedding for him and just made it about making a baby lol :shrug:
How is everyone doing? I fell off the wagon and gained back 3.5lbs. I was 218 this morning :(. At least it's still less than when I started. But..I got my first postpartum period on Wednesday, so maybe the cravings and hunger were hormonal. It isn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be, or as bad as before I had a baby. I started femara today to start trying for baby #2! It seems kind of surreal. I'm enjoying my daughter, but I'm also not exactly young, and don't want my fibroid to grow back, so we figured we ought to ttc again sooner than later, especially since it took us so long the first time.
Hello again, gals.

Sending positive vibes and hugs to you all.

I apologize for being MIA again. I ended up needing hospitalized for medication checks from my depression. Long story short, new guy was a jerk. Anyway, I do have some positive info. I talked to my doctor and after going through blood work and other tests I have been put back on metformin and given the OK to TTC again. I purchased Vitex yesterday as well and started taking it. I'm not sure what my long term plan is in regards to it all but I'm hoping to regulate my cycles for now.

Thinking of you all.
Swimmy - The next time it happens, I've resolved to ask Mom why she thinks there's something wrong with me looking up what I want to know, when I want to know it (as opposed to just fumbling through life trying and failing repeatedly). I'm not a confrontational person, and I've let this slide my whole life -- but lately I've been realizing that I need to put a stop to it if I ever want to be seen as anything other than the black sheep.

There is nothing wrong with preferring books and artwork over sports. There is nothing wrong with learning new things daily. There is nothing wrong with preferring to research my options, my recipes, my whatever it is before just jumping into something without looking. And I need to tell them that I don't appreciate being treated like a lesser human being for it! So here's hoping it doesn't dissolve into some kind of fight.

Krissie - Ack! 2hrs away is nuts! That's really unfortunate. :( But I think you have the right idea. Use the waiting time as time to get into better shape, because it will increase your odds! :)

Urs - Woo! You're approved to TTC again! How exciting! Sorry to hear about the depression. I know it's hard to grapple with that along with everything else you have on your shoulders. We're here to lend sympathetic ears if you need to vent!

AFM --

My birthday was yesterday (December 16th). DH and I spent it together. We went to breakfast, a movie, and dinner over the course of the day. We saw "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them", and I really enjoyed it. :) If you haven't seen it, I recommend it! Super cute film.

I've been MIA because I was getting really downhearted about ovulation taking forEVER this cycle. Because of course it would choose this month to be the longest wait I've ever had in the past 2.5 years! I should have expected that. Sigh. But it looks like I finally ovulated today, so I'll wait to confirm that in the next few days and then inform my specialist right away!


Let me get your opinion on something, ladies!

My sister in law asked DH when we were heading down to their house for Christmas. We're going down on the 23rd, because his family tradition is to open all gifts on Christmas Eve, and the "Gifts from Santa" are only stocking stuffers and things for the kids on Christmas day.

Well, SIL says to him.. since you're coming down on the 23rd, you can help me clean house.

I was super annoyed with that! This woman has her mother, aunt, grandmother, her husband's family, her youngest brother AND her brother-in-law all living in the same town, and she chooses to tell my husband that it's he and I that need to help her. Uh, no!

We're driving 4+ hrs to get there, taking time off work for the trip, we have to board our dogs because they won't let us bring them, we're forced to get a hotel room because they don't want us sleeping at their place, AND DH hasn't seen any of them for two years! That his sister feels it's acceptable to demand that he help her clean her house just blows me away.

I would never make my family members responsible for cleaning up my house. Especially considering she's known she was going to host Christmas there since LAST Christmas! I made sure to tell DH that I had ZERO intention of making that long trip down, only to have to go clean someone else's house when I have some of MY family in town that I had intended to spend the afternoon with.

Am I being unreasonable here? Is it wrong of me to think that just because I would never ask an out of town guest to clean my house, that no one should?
drjo - yay!! glad AF finally showed up! im still waiting (not very patiently lol) fingers crossed #2 comes faster!

urs - im glad you were able to get some help for your depression that is not an easy thing to overcome. Hang in there hun. Also very sorry about the bf being a jerk (too many of those guys out there)

IRYM - gonna sound a little harsh here but 100% you should stand up to your mom! you are intelligent and just because you don't do things the way she does does not give her the right to treat you badly! good of you to sick up for yourself! I hope it doesn't become a fight but even if it does im glad you plan on saying something. As for the house cleaning WTF!!! heck no i wouldn't be ok with going over to a family members house (esp one I'm not close with or near by!) and clean for them before a family event!! who even asks something like that!?! I might help my mom before Christmas because my aunt and uncle stink and never host or help with Christmas but it means so much to my nana. I don't think you are out of line at all not to help clean! i sure wouldn't lol.

AFM - currently having it out with my mom who wants to take lizzy for 2 days before Christmas while i work ... i'm just not ready for her to be 2 1/2 hours away from me (even for a short time). and she keeps making comments how im being a helicopter mom and need to let it go. 1 i don't have enough milk for 2 days away and 2. shes my baby! why should i have to justify myself?!? sorry little rant here lol
Swimmy - Okay, as long as I know I'm not crazy for thinking the SIL is being out of line! We are her guests and she wants us to clean her house? No!

As for your mom: If she wants to see your daughter so badly, she should come to town and stay a couple of days. Maybe that would be a nice compromise? It might also allow you to have a little 'me time', if you needed to leave the house for something-or-other, or wanted to have a date night with DH, etc.

If you feel like having your mother stay with you in your house is too much, maybe suggest a hotel? You could make the argument that staying in a hotel would mean your mom won't wake up in the night with the baby, and also you guys would have access to a hot tub if grandma wanted to watch the baby for a bit, while you and DH relax! ^^
drjo- Fx it is a much shorter journey to #2 for you!!

Urs- :hugs: So sorry things didn't work out with the guy. But at least you know now and it didn't go on too long. I hope you're doing better. But that is great news you are free to ttc when you are ready.

IRYM- I think that is a good idea to stand up and as why they feel the need to do that. Hopefully it will help them to stop.

On the other note, that is just crazy to expect a guest to help clean!! I hope you are able to tell her no and not cause any problems.

Swimmy- wow that is just crazy!! I would definitely not want to leave my baby that little. DS was 21 months before my mom got him for a night. I think IRYM had a couple good ideas. Hopefully you guys can come to a nice compromise.

Afm, diet is so-so at the moment. Way to much sweets. I am making homemade candy for work and family and I am definitely enjoying some.

Still waiting to o this cycle. I hope it comes at a reasonable time so we have a good chance. I work until Wed this week so if it holds out until after that we should be able to get some good bding in.
Thanks everyone.

IRYM: I agree with what the others have said. I don't believe it's right to ask others to clean your own mess let alone others from out of town! I'd be upset too.

Swimmy: I also agree with yours. I wouldn't want to leave my baby alone with anyone for a while let alone a day or two.

Krissie: Any update on o?

Hello to everyone! :)

Afm: (Rant) I WANT A BABY! I want my period to come and I want to ovulate and conceive and URGH!!!! My past s/o and I are together again, no surprises there as we both really missed each other a lot during the break. S/o has told me they want to be a part of the baby's life if we were to have one together. It still feels a little like a donor situation but I think they mean well.

I like to think my body is trying to do something. My Temps are either 97.0 or 97.1 for the past 5 days. I've taken opks, all negative but one came out a little darker than the rest. I'm just so tired of this. Where's my stupid period? Where's my stupid eggs? Frustrated.
Nothing new, still waiting to o. Opks are still negative.

I do understand though. I'm so over waiting and ttc. I just want a little bug already.
Thanks for the mom suggestions gals :) I've decided to take a leap of faith and let my mom have her for the 2 nights. I work both nights so I wouldn't be home anyway and my DH works during the day so I wouldn't get any sleep between shifts. We already planned on driving to my moms early Christmas morning (I get out of work at 7 am). This way we will still drive over without a crabby lizzy in the car. My family is having a big Christmas party on Christmas eve and my great grandma will be there and really wants to see her. I'm still really nervous but going 2 days with no sleep then going to my families and doing Christmas is pretty impossible. My DH has talked me down and my mom promises to facetime with me both days and send lots of pictures. And by some miracle I will get canceled Christmas eve and we can drive over earlier. (sorry long rant lol) I'm sure I will be on here her first night away freaking out hahaha.

IRYM - did you figure out what you guys are going to do when visiting his family?

Urs - lol love your rant, that's how I feel about not getting a period. like HELLOOOO!! where are you AF! I'm waiting!!! hopefully it won't be long for you. Congrats on getting back with you s/o :)

AFM - the scale I'm down a lb but I'm not sure about that, ive kind of just been up or down a few lbs all month :(
Tell me if you think this is crazy, do you gals think its too far ahead to make an appointment at our fertility doc in Aug? (yep that's right 8 months away lol) I know they currently have a waiting list and I'm worried they won't have a spot to take us when I'm ready to TTC #2. we've agreed we will just jump strait to them when ttc and not try on our own again. (I don't mean to sound ungrateful that we have one baby, because I feel so blessed having her. My DH is 8 years older than me and has made comments about not wanting to be 40 and having a baby, so more than 3 years and he doesn't want #2)
Swimmy- I'd definitely make the appointment. I wish I'd sought help sooner tbh. I wanted a closer age gap and we are well past that and still ttc. I love my ds to pieces but my heart just has a missing part right now.

I'm glad you made a decision regarding your mom taking dd. She will be fine. But I know how difficult that first time is. :hugs:
Urs - I hear you! It's so stressful waiting for AF or ovulation.. And I know you've been waiting EXTRA long! I wish there was something we could do to magically make that happen for you, but at the very least we're here if you need to rant some more. :)

Swimmy - That's definitely not too early, especially given that there's a waiting list. I would definitely want to get in to that clinic as soon as I was ready, and if you waited until then to make the appt, you'd probably end up having to wait several months longer! Good job planning ahead. :)

AFM - CD38 and still waiting to ovulate! I always do after my temps hit 97.2F, with 21 tracked cycles confirming that trend, and this month they reached that point and nothing happened. It just makes me feel like nothing I do in terms of trying to get healthy is working.
FS says if there's no O or AF by Jan 1, we'll force AF and start a new cycle. So I guess that's something!

EDIT: We'll be heading off to hubby's family's town tomorrow, so I won't be here until after Christmas. Merry Christmas to those celebrating. I hope everyone has safe travels and their holidays go smoothly!
Thanks for making me not feel so crazy (or ungrateful) :) I will say OMG i missed sleep! her being at my moms for the day was a good idea. lol i came home from work, slept woke up to pump and then went back to bed before my next shift!! feels amazing!!! hehehe

IRYM - I'm glad you FS is going to jump start you with the new year if nothing is happening. They sound like they are more proactive then the other place. I hope everything goes well at his families house!

I signed up for a holding weight for the holiday thing at work. I weighed in tonight and so far I haven't gained anything sense thanksgiving yay! I wish I would have lost some but at least its not up with all the junk i've eaten this week.

Merry christmas everyone!!!
Merry Christmas gals! :)

IRYM: Glad to hear your fs is taking things more seriously!

Swimmy: Happy to hear you slept well, hehe.

AFM: I have a question. I'm currently taking metformin and vitex to even out my hormones. I've ordered emerita progesterone cream from Amazon but don't expect it until middle of January...My next doctor appointment is mid-January as well, which I will get Provera if af hasn't shown. I tried drinking parsley tea to try and jump start af, nothing. I have also tried dong quai capsules. STILL no af. My question is, what am I doing wrong? Are there any other af inducing home remedies?
Urs- dong quai has always brought on af for me. Maybe try it with black cohosh? Or it could be the vitex countering it.

If possible ask for prometrium instead of provera. It's quite a bit gentler.

Afm, I got a positive opk today. This is the earliest I'll ovulate since May. :happydance: Now let's hope it gets us a bfp for the new year.
Oh one home remedy to bring on af is large doses of vitamin c. It has to be the one without rosehip though.

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