Getting Fit Before Baby

:hi: Sounds like everyone's got a good plan of action in terms of diet and exercise that works for them. I've been slacking in my exercise but still on the move- i walk around my classroom a lot and I still go to ballroom dance lessons about once a week. I'm confident I'll finally see my weight fall below 180 for first time in February in a long time after checking the scale this morning and seeing it at 183.3 lbs, and hoping that I'll be closer to 172 for my vacation at end of March! Maybe by summertime I'll finally be closer to my goal of 155 (I'll be happy with 165 to be honest).

Yay, keep it up!

It has to be so exciting to see your weight dropping so close 180. I know that getting nearer to my goals seriously motivates me to keep going, so you've got to be stoked too! :)

As for me -- I weighed a day early (couldn't help it! haha) and I'm down to 222.8 from Monday's weigh-in of 226! I'm super excited about that! I'll weigh again tomorrow just to see what the scale says, but probably I'll stick with what I saw this morning. :)

This is a big step for me, as for the past several months the lowest I could get was 225, and then my weight would almost immediately shoot back up by 5 or so pounds the following week. My body REALLY didn't want to let go of that weight! :dohh:

The height and weight charts say I ought to be somewhere around 140lbs, but when I look back to my high school years when I weighed about 190, that recommended weight of 140 is ridiculously thin! I'm pretty broad shouldered, have big feet, etc. and I feel that the 140 recommendation is for someone much more slender than I am.

Personally I think even 160 would be really thin for my body type -- soooo I'm aiming for 175 and we'll see what happens when I get there.
I agree with you on the weight suggestion not taking other factors into mind/account when saying when a person of a certain height should be at this weight range. Mine is 130 to 150. If I think about it and factor in my big bones and broad body type, that won't look so hot on me- 130? I'd be skinny as hell. I like a little meat in case I have to fall on my bum, ya know?
Good job girls!

Ireadyermind, glad you found an eating plan that works for you.

I did so well last week; started exercising and lost 1,5kg. But then cheated again on the weekend and now I weigh even more than I did last Monday! So sad. Seems like I will totally have to give up my weekend cheats. Maybe just have one cheat meal a month, until my metabolism is revved up and I'm fitter. It sucks! But on the bright side, it's still not as hard as trying to fall pregnant lol.

Keep up the good work everyone! !!

Oh by the way I did O without clomid this month. But it was on my left side where the blocked tube is. And we were not focused on ttc. Just nice to know I did O and will get AF on my own.
Good job girls!

Ireadyermind, glad you found an eating plan that works for you.

I did so well last week; started exercising and lost 1,5kg. But then cheated again on the weekend and now I weigh even more than I did last Monday! So sad. Seems like I will totally have to give up my weekend cheats. Maybe just have one cheat meal a month, until my metabolism is revved up and I'm fitter. It sucks! But on the bright side, it's still not as hard as trying to fall pregnant lol.

Keep up the good work everyone! !!

Oh by the way I did O without clomid this month. But it was on my left side where the blocked tube is. And we were not focused on ttc. Just nice to know I did O and will get AF on my own.

Sorry about it being the wrong side, but the opposite tube can pick up that egg! Unbelievable but true! Hang in there on the weight loss plan! It IS hard!!!!
Hey gals. Kinda disappointed this week! Worked hard, ate well & still no loss & that was after going to the bathroom! :( I KNOW when you build muscle & lose fat in the beginning you won't see much of a loss, but I can tell my clothes fit better/loser....So onward & downward I go! Have a great week!
Good job ladies! Your doing really great!

I am down 2 pounds from last week. :) I am happy that I am losing, but not seeing as much come off as I would like. I just know it is an indication that I really need to up my work out intensity...ughhh. lol

Have a great Monday!
Hi girls- can I join please? I'm currently 160 pounds and ideally want to get down to 130. I'm going to try and go to the gym 3 times a week, cut out the junk food and eat healthily. Starting from tomorrow :winkwink:
Hi cbeary! Welcome! The more the merrier. I hear you on the junk food. I had 2 burgers this weekend! Saturday morning a junior chicken burger from KFC and Sat night a lovely thick homemade burger.... mmmm I just want to eat one now! GL with cutting out :) I will try to be an accountability buddy for you there lol.

Cupcakestoy - thanks for the encouragement hun! I'm really going to keep going with the eating plan and diet. It's all worth it in the end and I'm seeing what works for me and what doesn't. Before starting clomid I could easily cheat on weekends and not pick up weight but not anymore. I think with the new hormones my metabolism has changed. I guess it's all about knowing what one's body can handle at different stages in one's life hey. Good job on looser clothes! Then who cares what the scales say. :haha::winkwink:

Jules - 2 pounds a week is totally sustainable. I think crash diets and losing like, 15 pounds a week is not good because then the body goes into survival mode and hangs onto every scrap of fat that it can... and pounds that are lost too fast are gained back just as fast. in 2010-2011 over an 8 month period I lost about 25 kg. That was also done sustainably, around 3 kg per month. I've never had a crash diet with very fast weight loss give me any long-lasting results. Hang in there!!

BTW I totally agree with the ladies saying that we should take our own body type into consideration when deciding on a goal weight. My sister is broad-shouldered and has large bbs etc so for her to weigh an "ideal" weight makes her look way too skinny. She looks better with slightly more curves. I on the other hand have an extremely small frame (I used to wear kiddies clothes even into my 20's) so the extra weight that I'm carrying now is extremely noticeable and I look very fat & flabby even though my current weight falls into the "ideal" for my height!:dohh: We all know ourselves best after all. :hugs:

GL all with the week ahead!
Unfortunately I have to be a slave to the scale :( have to lower my bmi for ivf....I'll get there, just having a blah day here
Good job, gals! Sounds like everyone stuck to their plans, more or less.

A word on "Cheat days":

I learned long ago that having an entire cheat DAY would totally throw off any loss I hoped to see for the week. What DH and I ended up doing was having one Cheat MEAL per week, and we'd try not to overdo it on that one meal either. So no buffet meals, for example, no ordering the biggest possible entree at whatever restaurant we're at. We'd go for burgers, or chinese food, or something, but we'd keep it at a reasonable level. Sometimes we don't go out at all, I just cook a "fancy" dinner with sauces or several different side dishes, or we'd have an extra scoop of ice cream for dessert.. something like that.

That really seemed to help, AND we chose a day for those meals that's as far away from Weigh-in as possible, to give our bodies time to flush out sodium, get rid of bloat, etc. So right now, that's Mondays or Tuesdays. So don't restrict yourself TOO much in terms of what you're allowed to eat! You might find that forgoing junk food altogether makes you crave it even more, and then you end up having a binge eating day where you just stuff yourself on all the things you couldn't have before. Eep!

C Beary83 -- Welcome! Make sure you get your stat post set up and filled out so I can link you in the first post and we can follow your progress! :)
Hi girls- can I join please? I'm currently 160 pounds and ideally want to get down to 130. I'm going to try and go to the gym 3 times a week, cut out the junk food and eat healthily. Starting from tomorrow :winkwink:
Welcome! Good luck on your Journey!
I agree ready. My husband did not understand why I was avoiding using my flex points in my weight watcher plan. :dohh: I managed to stay as close to my suggested points of intake with food Friday only to go over again Saturday. Oh well. I blame Pms for it haha, that and I started my AF this past weekend so my mood was understandably all over the place.

Anyways got on the scale this morning fearing the worst considering I didn't stay within my points all weekend and to my surprise it was only 184.6 this morning up from the 183.3 I had recorded in my phone for Friday. Not too bad. So all in all if I compare it to last week's Monday weigh in, still a loss and coming down in the right direction! :wohoo:
Hello Ladies! :flower: I'm back!

I had a great holiday snowboarding with friends in Italy. I certainly wasn't counting calories and I was having dessert every day (sometimes 2x per day :blush:). I did try to stay low-GI as much as I could, though. And usually I split dessert with DH.

I was shocked when I climbed on the scale to see that I managed to lose 1 kg over the course of that week! The Friday before I left, I hadn't lost anything compared to Monday's weigh-in, so I know the 1 kg loss came over the course of the holiday. Maybe my body was getting into a rut and that 1 week off-plan (with lots of exercise that I don't normally get) was what was needed to kick me into gear again.

Today it's right back on-plan with no delays. We're having chicken and veggies for dinner.

I got super excited when I updated my ticker as well and it said 27,9 lost and 27,1 to go. That means I'm over halfway to my goal :happydance:

I'm a bit out of touch with what is going on here, but welcome to the new ladies and congrats to all who lost. I agree very much with taking your body type into account when trying to figure out an ideal weight, but, like cupcakestory, I must also be a slave to the scale for now as I need to lower my BMI to 32 in order to qualify for the fertility help I need for my PCOS.

I hope all of you lovely ladies are doing well and I'll be checking in regularly again now that I'm back. :thumbup:
C beary- Welcome!! :)

ireadyermind- That is my philosophy, though I do 1 cheat meal every 2 weeks. I have also learned never to do my cheat meal when we are low on food, because then I tend to get lazy and feel like I can just eat whatever is left in teh house...which is usually my husbands snacks. He is a jerk and can eat a whole pizza with a package of oreos without gaining So I always go to the store to stock up with healthy stuff prior to my cheat meal then try to keep it simple. Usually pizza or a burger with something healthy on the side and no soda whatsoever. If I go sweet then I crave for days.

deafgal- Good job! :)

Mrs.Tigger- That is so exciting that you are over halfway to your goal! Congrats girl! :) So glad you had a great holiday! You must have been really active to lose. I will need some of that momentum soon. I am going to Disney in May...I am worrying already, because it's insanely hard to eat even remotely healthy there. lol
Hi ladies! I love checking in and reading the updates here. So many losses! Congrats to all of you racking up those lbs lost!

As for me, I was actually up yesterday, but I'm pretty sure it's artificial as I start AF sometime soon, so I think it's that. Yesterday I didn't have much of a deficit (mostly maintenance due to skipping exercise), so I'm shooting for a perfect day today.

My "ideal" body weight is 130 from most calculations. That is on the thin side for me. I've never reached that weight in my adult life. I tend to feel pretty good about how I look around 138 lbs, so I if I can get to that number I'll be really happy. I don't mind keeping a little "junk in the trunk", lol.
Hello Ladies! :flower: I'm back!

I had a great holiday snowboarding with friends in Italy. I certainly wasn't counting calories and I was having dessert every day (sometimes 2x per day :blush:). I did try to stay low-GI as much as I could, though. And usually I split dessert with DH.

I was shocked when I climbed on the scale to see that I managed to lose 1 kg over the course of that week! The Friday before I left, I hadn't lost anything compared to Monday's weigh-in, so I know the 1 kg loss came over the course of the holiday. Maybe my body was getting into a rut and that 1 week off-plan (with lots of exercise that I don't normally get) was what was needed to kick me into gear again.

Today it's right back on-plan with no delays. We're having chicken and veggies for dinner.

I got super excited when I updated my ticker as well and it said 27,9 lost and 27,1 to go. That means I'm over halfway to my goal :happydance:

I'm a bit out of touch with what is going on here, but welcome to the new ladies and congrats to all who lost. I agree very much with taking your body type into account when trying to figure out an ideal weight, but, like cupcakestory, I must also be a slave to the scale for now as I need to lower my BMI to 32 in order to qualify for the fertility help I need for my PCOS.

I hope all of you lovely ladies are doing well and I'll be checking in regularly again now that I'm back. :thumbup:

Welcome back! Glad to hear you had a good time, AND I'm happy to see that the week off plan seems to have helped get your body back into the fat loss mode! ^^ My vacation to Vegas did that for me too, I think. It's like our bodies get too accustomed to the low calorie and exercise routine and we just stop losing. So throwing your metabolism for a loop with a week of "whatever!" seems to really help! Haha

I agree with you and cupcake on watching the scale. Apparently all the physicians I see care about are what the scale says, not so much how healthy I am or the fact that I have excellent blood pressure and low cholesterol. So for us, watching the scale is a must because those doctors just want to see numbers going down. I've never had a physician check my body composition, and they don't seem to take into account what you're wearing when you weigh in, either. I always wear light weight sandals, empty my pockets, etc. because your clothing alone can add several pounds to that number! So what happens in winter time when you go in, and you're bundled up in layers of clothing and heavy duty shoes? Ugh! lol

In my opinion, they ought to weigh you while you're in your undies and a paper gown, just so your weight is closer to what you actually weigh, and not influenced by your attire.

Hi ladies! I love checking in and reading the updates here. So many losses! Congrats to all of you racking up those lbs lost!

As for me, I was actually up yesterday, but I'm pretty sure it's artificial as I start AF sometime soon, so I think it's that. Yesterday I didn't have much of a deficit (mostly maintenance due to skipping exercise), so I'm shooting for a perfect day today.

My "ideal" body weight is 130 from most calculations. That is on the thin side for me. I've never reached that weight in my adult life. I tend to feel pretty good about how I look around 138 lbs, so I if I can get to that number I'll be really happy. I don't mind keeping a little "junk in the trunk", lol.

I finally found a chart that takes a person's build into account, and rather than the previous number of 125 pounds I was seeing everywhere, this one had a far more reasonable 160 to 168 for someone of my build. Like you, I'd be happy to be within 10 or so pounds of their recommendation. In my opinion, losing enough weight to get to that point would be AMAZING, and at that point, I would feel confident in telling the physician, "Listen, I have already lost almost fifty pounds in the past year. I'm working on getting healthier. I don't need you nagging me over a pesky 10 pounds when this time last year, you were nagging me over 50 pounds." Which I have done, by the way! I lost 30 pounds last year before my surgery, and when the OB/GYN was telling me how I needed to lose weight, I said, "I'm already 30 pounds lighter than I was a year ago. I know I need to lose weight. I'm working on it. You don't need to point it out to me." She hasn't mentioned my weight since. Haha
Hi everyone- I've had a really bad Monday- lots of junk food... But a really good Tuesday :happydance: I've not had any crap and been to the gym tonight

Quick question... When do we do the weigh in and where do I post my stats?
Hi c beary83 :flower:

We weigh in on Mondays (to help keep us accountable over the weekend). You can copy/paste the stats page from ireadyermind's post on the first page of the thread into your own post, then she will add that to the list of stats pages linked to on the first page. Every time you weigh-in, just edit the post to add the new data.

Sorry I'm not good at posting much lately! I've been burning the candle at both ends! lol Got another calf that's puny :( So we've been in Vet mode for a couple of days, hoping to save it. Seems ok for now tho. DD has her surgery today, so praying its easier on her than it was on me! Not much else going on here. Doing ok with my eating plan & been getting some exercise walking the pasture & hills, but my dang foot sure doesn't like it!!!OUCH So ready for my podiatry appt next week!

As for cheat days, I TRY my best not to indulge! It starts a pattern with me & I have found if I don't start it, I don't miss it! lol

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