Getting Fit Before Baby

Hi everyone!

Cupcakestoy - wow good job on the weight loss! And I'm so sorry that your little bull died. Both those calves that I hand raised 3 years ago are also gone - one was sold to the abbatoir (not my decision) and the other one (my baby) died when the caretaker let it have fresh lucerne. I cried my eyes out. You are so lucky to live on a farm!!!!!

Ajarvis - great job with your 20km! I would die if I tried that right now lol!!

Hope everyone else is doing great :)

AFM - no real weight loss; I suspect it's because I still have some residual clomid in my system (I have been having clomid side effects and read that it can stay in your system for a few weeks after stopping it.) AND of course because I cheated with carbs! But I got back my thyroid test results after my DH threatened the dr's office :haha:.... my levels are fine so I don't have to adjust my meds atm. Which means that I just need to work harder, diet better, start exercising TODAY and wait for the last clomid to leave my system... (until I start taking it again of course!). And I'm sure that good results will follow.

Today I haven't had any milk so far. The bulk cheese is cut into smaller blocks and in the freezer. DH will be happy to eat it by himself. I miss dairy already but I think it will be worth it! Just a small cup of full cream yogurt maybe every 2 days as per the Harvard fertility diet should be fine :).

We are going to a luxury resort/waterpark this weekend (Sun City's Lost City/ Valley of the Waves if anyone wants to google it!). Which means that I have to walk around in swimwear!! Not my decision; my sister wants to go before she gets too big with the twins. But I will just wear a swimming top that covers my stomach and enjoy the day and all the rides. Last night as I was fitting my swimwear and fretting over my cellulite and rolls of fat; one of my students (16 yo girl) contacted me to let me know she has to miss class today because she is vomiting blood and in agonizing pain. This poor girl has cancer and many other serious health issues. I was sitting there, looking at myself in the mirror, with the phone in my hand and was ashamed for feeling sorry for myself just because I'm fat and infertile; while this young girl is struggling just to LIVE and not be in chronic pain all day long. What a wake-up call!

May you all have a wonderful week and experience a lot of everyday blessings. :flower:
Good work on the 3lbs cupcake!! For me running is easy. It's the strength training I have to work at lol.

Thanks Fern! Good work on cutting down dairy. I never could lol.

AFM I'm down to 164 today :) 2lbs lost last week! Getting back to my old self slowly but surely. 6lbs down since beginning january.
cupcakestoy- Way to go on the loss!! I am so sorry to hear about your bull. :(

Fern- Good job being dairy free! Keep working hard and the weight loss will follow. :)

ajarvis- Good job on your loss as well! I give you a lot of credit for doing all that running. I have tried to start running over the past few years, but hate it so much so I always end up stopping. One of my goals this year is to run 1 mile without stopping, I am not so worried about how fast I go as I am about pushing myself outside my comfort zone.

I am down 2 pounds this week..though technically it is 1 pound in 2 weeks. I upped my water intake a lot over the weekend so I am thinking that may have something to do with not losing more. My pants feel looser so thats a plus!! :)
Well ladies my time to get fit before baby is out!


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Congrats AJarvis! :dance:

Also congrats to all of you who lost weight this past week! It's been a rough month for a lot of us and I'm proud of all of you for sticking to your guns and getting through it! :hugs:

As for me -- the past couple of weeks I'm finally seeing weight come off! I haven't really done anything different, so I'm thinking that maybe my body has realized that I'm not going to starve and is finally letting go of some of the body fat. Wahoo! lol

I forgot to weigh in yesterday, so today I stepped on the scale and saw that I'm down to 226 even, from 229 earlier this month. YAY! :dance:

And now that there's more and more daylight every day, DH and I are going to start walking again after dinner. I hate going for walks in the dark and cold, even though we live in a good neighborhood. You just never know what kind of people you'll encounter and it's just plain safer in daytime. Haha

No BFP for me this month, so now DH and I are putting TTC on hold for a few months. I'm going to work on losing the most weight I can and improving my health in general so that by the time we get back to trying in May (possibly sooner), I'll be set!

The good news is that my cycles already seem to be improving! I got EWCM for the first time in months this cycle, and also my luteal phase shortened from 18 days to a more reasonable 14. That made my overall cycle about 35 days instead of 40. Now if I could just ovulate earlier than CD23 every month I'd be headed in the right direction!
Well ladies my time to get fit before baby is out!
How Awesome is that!!! Congrats!!!

Congrats AJarvis! :dance:

Also congrats to all of you who lost weight this past week! It's been a rough month for a lot of us and I'm proud of all of you for sticking to your guns and getting through it! :hugs:

As for me -- the past couple of weeks I'm finally seeing weight come off! I haven't really done anything different, so I'm thinking that maybe my body has realized that I'm not going to starve and is finally letting go of some of the body fat. Wahoo! lol

I forgot to weigh in yesterday, so today I stepped on the scale and saw that I'm down to 226 even, from 229 earlier this month. YAY! :dance:

And now that there's more and more daylight every day, DH and I are going to start walking again after dinner. I hate going for walks in the dark and cold, even though we live in a good neighborhood. You just never know what kind of people you'll encounter and it's just plain safer in daytime. Haha

No BFP for me this month, so now DH and I are putting TTC on hold for a few months. I'm going to work on losing the most weight I can and improving my health in general so that by the time we get back to trying in May (possibly sooner), I'll be set!

The good news is that my cycles already seem to be improving! I got EWCM for the first time in months this cycle, and also my luteal phase shortened from 18 days to a more reasonable 14. That made my overall cycle about 35 days instead of 40. Now if I could just ovulate earlier than CD23 every month I'd be headed in the right direction!

Glad to see your on your way again! Maybe you'll get a bfp while taking a break!

AFM-I stumbled across a couple of old insurance polices I had when my kids were smaller that I had had cancelled by my work when my status changed at work with my marriage to dh.....Thought it was strange they kept sending me stuff 6 years later??? So I went to the website to close out the accounts & discovered I have $677.00 sitting there in cash value!!!:happydance: SO I did a surrender form to close them out, meaning we have extra that extra cash going into the IVF fund! :thumbup:Almost half way there now, not counting meds tho, but I'm supper excited! I had to make an appointment today with my podiatrist :( My right foot, where I had surgery a few years back has been terribly sore after walking, so time to get it checked out!::growlmad: UGH
cupcakestoy- That is wonderful news! You are well on your way. :)
Ajarvis, congrats! Are you really only 3+3? That's such a great line!
Yes I am! So early. My last ones were good lines around now though not this good. So cautiously optimistic here!
Congrats AJarvis, that's wonderful news! Hoping for a super sticky little one for you!

As for me, whew, I have eaten TERRIBLY this past week. I was doing well, but then totally derailed myself. Today I'm trying to get myself back in the swing of things and focusing on better eating, hydration, and activity. On the plus side, I've been thinking that perhaps I am not ovulating at all, but the past 3 days I've had a temp shift, suggesting I o'd on CD 15. Hoping temps stay up to confirm that I'm in luteal phase. No chance of BFP this go round, but I'll just be happy to confirm that I'm ovulating at all.

Hope you all are doing well!
missdoc- We all derail ourselves every now and again. I know you can get yourself back to feeling more healthy! :)
I sympathise with your situation with ovulating. It can be so confusing not knowing for sure. Have you had any testing done to see if you are ovulating? I hope that this shift helps shed some light for you.

My temps suggest that I am ovulating each cycle, however I am not so sure as it has pinpointed ovulation several times throughout each cycle. It confuses me as to when I actually ovulated if I even did. I had some testing and most of my hormone levels are normal, however my DHEA came back a little higher than it should be. My doctor has referred me to an endocrinologist. I am happy to finally find out some answers and scared at the same time that they may find something. I looked into it and it can either be a simple fix with medication or an indication of PCOS. Does anyone have experience with this?
Other than that I have been doing good this week eating wise and started doing some small exercises each day just to get a routine going before I intensify it. I know that if I go too hard too fast I will just stop. I have been doing 15 burpees, 20 situps, and 20 pushups twice a day. My muscles have been a little sore, but the good

I hope everyone is having a great week! :)
Jules-- Thanks, it IS frustrating when you don't know for sure. I have not had any legitimate testing done. ObGyn says no evidence of polyps or structural issues from prelimary well woman visits. Wants me to try consistently for awhile before exploring possible problems. I am charting for the next three months and if I can't see a clear ovulation pattern I hope to go back armed with my data and ask for further testing.

When do you go to see the endocrinologist? I know that must be scare, but also relieving, bc it means you can get the help you need if you need it.

And way to go and the 2x a day workout!
Jules -- Good job on the mini workouts! I know I struggle with the same thing. I know what level I SHOULD be exercising at, but if I start off at that level, it's too much and I end up stopping and never picking back up again.

I haven't been to an endocrinologist before, but I can see why that'd make you nervous. Don't be, though! Women with PCOS or other issues often conceive after their issues have been addressed/treated. So if there's something they can fix for you, then be happy! :)

I'm consistently seeing weight coming off every morning when I step on the scale now. I've lost about two pounds so far this week. That's a huge relief for me, because previously I wasn't making any progress at all. Some weeks I was gaining weight, too. I kinda accidentally stumbled on a plan that works for me, so I'm sticking with that for as long as it works! Haha

Since I work from home, I have the (dis)advantage of being able to stop and eat whenever I need to. It's a blessing AND a curse, because if I happen to have the munchies, well, the food is not far away.

BUT for a few days when I was really swamped with work, I fell into a routine.. and then weight started coming right off. It goes like this:

1. Wake up, make coffee and scrambled eggs, intending to immediately eat the eggs and catch up on emails and whatnot at the same time.

2. End up drinking all the coffee first, get around to the eggs an hour or two later (and by then they're cold. Reheat. lol)

3. Pop a piece of chewing gum, absent-mindedly notice a few hours later that the flavor's gone, realize I haven't eaten since breakfast, grab a small snack like a protein bar or handful of nuts and raisins. We also have some Muscle Milk shake mix that I whip up when I remember it's in the cupboard.

4. Back to work a few more hours, then a late lunch of another small snack, like veggie chips, or a cup of soup.

5. More chewing gum. I'm as bad as a chain smoker when it comes to chewing gum. Haha. I gotta have it! I feel like it helps me concentrate when some part of me is moving just a little. Plus, if I buy sugar free gum in many different flavors, it helps curb my sweet tooth.

6. Wrap up current work for the evening, start making dinner around 530pm. Eat a full meal of protein, veggies and some sort of grain.

7. Small dessert, like single-serving brownie bakes, cup of hot cocoa, jello with cool whip, etc.

And all day long I'm drinking tons of water, because I just keep a one liter bottle next to my chair at all times, and I go right through 'em.

Basically because I work for myself, I am always forgetting to stop and take breaks for lunch. When people in offices or other places of businesses get at least a 30min lunch break every shift, usually what happens for me is that I eat and work at the same time, or else I get so absorbed in what I'm doing that I forget to eat entirely. I don't want to starve myself, so I really try to stick to a schedule and at least grab a protein bar from the kitchen when I head in to refill my water bottle. That way, there's food handy when I realize I haven't eaten in a while. Haha

It's a lot less food than I was eating before, but I don't have issues with feeling deprived, tired, moody, or other indicators that I'm not eating enough. I also take vitamins every day, so I know I'm not being shorted on important nutrients.

Every few days I whip up a "fancy" dinner, with something extra that we don't usually eat, like pan fried potatoes or something. I think that little addition helps keep my metabolism all shaken up so that it doesn't settle into a routine and stop me from losing any more weight.

Kind of an odd way to find a successful diet plan, but I guess as long as I'm not starving myself, or eating nothing but cabbage or something, right? Haha
missdoc- Well it sounds like you have a good plan going. Charting can be frustrating, but a good tool to help you and doctors see what could be going on.
I haven't heard from the endocrinologist so I am not sure when, but hopefully soon! I am not really nervous about going. It is really just nervousness that I will have to be patient and see how things go instead of it just happening.

ireadyermind- Thank you! Creating a working out habit is my first step then I will slowly add intensity. I figure even if it's 10-15 minutes a day that is way better than 0. Your schedule seems to be similar to mine..I just wish I didn't have to go to an office. lol I work out of someone else's home so it isn't too bad, I still get the quiet comforts of a home since my clients and employees don't get here until I am about to leave. Keep up the good work! It seems to be paying off for you. :)
:hi: Sounds like everyone's got a good plan of action in terms of diet and exercise that works for them. I've been slacking in my exercise but still on the move- i walk around my classroom a lot and I still go to ballroom dance lessons about once a week. I'm confident I'll finally see my weight fall below 180 for first time in February in a long time after checking the scale this morning and seeing it at 183.3 lbs, and hoping that I'll be closer to 172 for my vacation at end of March! Maybe by summertime I'll finally be closer to my goal of 155 (I'll be happy with 165 to be honest).
Just popping in to say hello! I haven't forgot you girls, just been crazy here!
congrats ajarvis!!! Sorry I've been absent ladies, I haven't forgotten you all. I have just been a lazy, pregnant bum. I'm currently eating cake haha. However, I went for a walk and did pilates today- so that's something?

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