Getting Fit Before Baby

Hello ladies! Will comment later when I'm at home....just wanted to pop in today to say I'm joining the gym today!!!!
I'm back!

DH and I had a wonderful time on vacation. We did overeat a few days during the week, and some days the only food we could get was from a fast food joint -- BUT to make up for that, we did SOOOO much walking. Miles and miles of walking! lol

We went to Las Vegas, you see, and to get up and down The Strip, you have a few options: pay for bus fare, pay for monorail fare, pay for a taxi, or walk. Considering everything in Vegas costs many times more than it ought (for example, we typically pay a dollar or two for a liter of bottled water here in town, but in Vegas the water was FIVE dollars a bottle!), we walked as much as we could. The first day we were in town we got 1.5 miles in right off the bat. Whew!

The downside is -- I caught a NASTY flu bug either on the last day in Vegas, or on the flight home... From Sunday through today I was battling fevers, body aches and all the bad stuff that goes along with the flu. I was up all night Sunday and most of Monday morning with a high fever over 103°F... blech!

So no weigh-ins for me for the past two Mondays. I'm just resting, getting lots of fluids in and sleeping, for the most part.

I'm so glad to see how well you ladies are doing, though! So much weigh lost just in the week I was gone, hooray! :)

Keep it up! I hope to join you in celebrating losses instead of gains next week. I'm starting to think I have a thyroid or other hormonal problem that's causing me to gain weight even while on my diets. I can't imagine why else I'd gain weight for three months of working out and eating better, rather than lose it. Even if the scale stayed the same, but my pants fit better, I'd be happy with that! o.o

Before the surgery I had for my cancer back in May, I could lose a couple pounds a month at minimum. Sometimes 4 or 5 pounds a month if I was being really good. The surgery seemed to throw all KINDS of things out of whack that we never could have anticipated, so I'm hoping that my system continues to even back out and I can start making progress again.

We'll see what happens. DH and I are going to go on a break from TTC if I don't get my BFP this month. Part of that is so I avoid having a December baby, and part of that is so I can focus on getting as healthy as possible without stressing over ovulation and all that. We'll pick back up in May and I hope to have lost some weight by then!
Ireadyermind sounds like a fabulous vacation! With the scale maybe you're just changing your body and not losing weight? Tightening, gaining lean mass etc? Cause if your pants fit better that's a great sign!
I really shouldn't check my weight daily, because the past two days it's been up and I'm not really sure why, but it bums me out.

ireadyermind-- Sounds like a great vacay! I'm sorry that you're body hasn't been cooperating and showing the progress you've been making in diet and exercise efforts. I'll hope you get your BFP this month, but if not, I'll be on the waiting train with you, so we can get healthy together before TTC again. :-)
Missdoc and ireadyermind- I'm also not officially trying atm. Getting healthy and fit before trying again! Fun :)
Ireadyermind sounds like a fabulous vacation! With the scale maybe you're just changing your body and not losing weight? Tightening, gaining lean mass etc? Cause if your pants fit better that's a great sign!

That's just it, they DON'T fit better. Nothing does. In fact, I've gone UP a pants size. I started this diet plan at 224 pounds and when I stepped on the scale today, I saw 230 pounds. I'm so disappointed!

At the very least, I've been eating at a calorie deficit that is suitable for my sedentary lifestyle/desk job. That should produce SOME results, right? Ugh.

But when you take into consideration that I'm also exercising a few times a week, I've started drinking more water and I've changed the KINDS of foods I eat to be healthier, leaner ones instead of just sticking to eating junk, I really can't understand why I keep gaining instead of losing.

I really don't want to have to resort to working out for an hour or longer per day, every single day, just to make a tiny dent.

A few years back, that's what it took. I rode my bike to work every day, rain or shine, for a 5 mile round trip, and I had a very physically demanding job at 8 - 10 hours per day... Even then I wasn't losing much weight, mostly maintaining even though I ate responsibly and drank several liters of water per day.

I'm considering seeing if we have room in our budget for me to find a personal trainer. Someone who can work around my physical limitations and build me a workout that will show me some progress. >.>

Fingers crossed!
Sorry your having a hard time. Just a thought but have you had your thyroid checked? Maybe low in vit d as well. I would check it out, maybe a full metabolic work up...
Sorry your having a hard time. Just a thought but have you had your thyroid checked? Maybe low in vit d as well. I would check it out, maybe a full metabolic work up...

I'd considered that and was tested for thyroid disorders a few years back, without any clear results. I might ask again, since I have a new physician now and the last one didn't seem very interested in me in the first place. Blech.

Seems to me if you have a patient coming to you saying, "This is crazy! Why am I not losing weight!?" and that patient is already making an effort to get in shape, then you oughta help 'em out, right? I mean, doctors sure make a point of telling me every time I go in that I need to lose weight, why not help me find out what else I can do to get fit? :dohh:

I'm not "morbidly obese", so insurance won't cover surgeries, injections or anything of that nature. Especially not since I'm trying to get pregnant, sooooo.... I dunno. Maybe I should go back to that crazy all-day-long routine of busting my but at a tough job and walking or biking to get there? >.>

One thing I did think of as an option is just standing and walking in place at my desk during the day. I work from home so it'd be no big deal to make some adjustments there. It'd increase the amount of movement I'm doing all day long, which certainly couldn't hurt!

I used to have a FitBit (it was stolen, but I loved it!) and it starts you off at a goal of 10,000 steps per day. I already know I don't get that now, but walking in place at my desk is a start!
Ah. Sorry I misread. I'd also re-evaluate how many calories you're eating and why compared with your activity level etc. sometimes it just takes a small tweak to get things going again.
:winkwink:Hi Ladies! :flower:

I'm feeling a little less depressed today and I'm mentally shifting into a mode where I'm just focused on weight loss and enjoying life and doing things that I won't be able to do while pregnant. I've got several work trips coming up in the next few months that that should be a lot of fun, so I'm looking forward to that.

In some ways it's kind of liberating to not be peeing on OPKs, symptom spotting, stressing, etc. I sort of forgot what it was like :winkwink:

I'm totally excited about snowboarding next week. The place where we're going is getting fresh snow as I speak, so conditions should be great.

I have been weighing in every day this week and no budge in my weight, but I know that it sometimes stalls for a few days before going again, so I'm just sticking to the plan. I'm a little worried about next week in Italy -- it's a touch place for a person with PCOS who needs to avoid carbs! :dohh:

I'm waiting for :witch: to come again so I can go in on CD3 for testing, both of my hormone levels and also for my thyroid. She thinks my thyroid is borderline underactive and would like me to be on medication for it before I get pregnant. I'm considering it a benefit of having to wait to get help, that we have time to get that sorted out beforehand (because having an underactive thyroid during pregnancy can cause miscarriage).

Hope you are all doing well this week with staying on plan. Stick with it, even if it seems like nothing is moving! It will eventually!
:winkwink:Hi Ladies! :flower:

I'm feeling a little less depressed today and I'm mentally shifting into a mode where I'm just focused on weight loss and enjoying life and doing things that I won't be able to do while pregnant. I've got several work trips coming up in the next few months that that should be a lot of fun, so I'm looking forward to that.

In some ways it's kind of liberating to not be peeing on OPKs, symptom spotting, stressing, etc. I sort of forgot what it was like :winkwink:

I'm totally excited about snowboarding next week. The place where we're going is getting fresh snow as I speak, so conditions should be great.

I have been weighing in every day this week and no budge in my weight, but I know that it sometimes stalls for a few days before going again, so I'm just sticking to the plan. I'm a little worried about next week in Italy -- it's a touch place for a person with PCOS who needs to avoid carbs! :dohh:

I'm waiting for :witch: to come again so I can go in on CD3 for testing, both of my hormone levels and also for my thyroid. She thinks my thyroid is borderline underactive and would like me to be on medication for it before I get pregnant. I'm considering it a benefit of having to wait to get help, that we have time to get that sorted out beforehand (because having an underactive thyroid during pregnancy can cause miscarriage).

Hope you are all doing well this week with staying on plan. Stick with it, even if it seems like nothing is moving! It will eventually!
Glad your feeling better! It is nice to not be timing & over analysing everything! Yet somehow, I still manage a little hope right before af is due :/ Luckily for me its just a temporary let down when she shows, as I have come to terms that we will not conceive naturally, unless its a Miracle from God! But that's ok....Just more incentive to lose the pounds & save the big bucks to get to IVF & our THB!

Everyone is doing such a good job! Glad I joined this thread! You ladies are a motivation!!! Hang in there, its not an easy path, thats for sure!:hugs:
ireadyermind-- Man that is annoying. I'm sorry. :-( Perhaps considering a standing work desk? It's supposed to be so much better for you. I'm considering tyring to convert my keyboard so that it and my mouse are elevated so I can stand more when I'm on my work computer.

Fern-- Gotcha! Wonderful! Do you have any thoughts on when you plan to start TTC again?

Cupcake-- I agree. It's great to have the motivation and support from this thread. Good luck with saving the big $ for IVF. So darned expensive!

Tigger-- That's seriously a bummer about the PCOS, but now that you know what it is you can be treated. You have a great plan!

I fear I might have something "off" with my fertility too, but I'm going to track the next three months and see if I can sort out any patterns first before pursuing more testing. I'm on meds that supposedly can interfere with fertility (dermatology meds), so that might also explain my misleading high levels of estrogen and odd LH readings and potential lack of ovulation. I should start tapering those meds in a couple months and maybe that will right things. We'll see!
ireadyermind- I am glad you had fun in Vegas! That is on my list of places to visit, I had a friend move out there and he really loves it. I am sorry you got sick at the end tho, hopefully your feeling better.:) Also, I feel ya on the doctor thing. I hope you find a new one that can help figure out what the problem is, it sounds super frustrating!

Mrs. Tigger- I am glad to see that you are trying to switch to being more positive... It can be a hard thing to do!:) Your trip to go snowboarding sounds amazing, just going to Paris sounds amazing! lol I hope you have a lot of fun. Snowboarding can be great exercise!

cupcakestoy- I really admire your positivity! :) I send you a lot of good thoughts and prayers for your journey to IVF. I know it can be a long process, but it will be so worth it.

Missdoc- How do you plan on charting? Are you going to temp? Hopefully it helps you figure out what is going on.

I have been feeling so groggy this week! I think it is the snowy/gloomy weather. I am so over winter, I just want some sun!!! I have been fitting in some exercise and sticking to healthy eating so I am pretty proud of myself. I am glad I joined this group. I love seeing all the positive vibes on here! :)
Has everyone gotten a little activity in today or this week yet? I managed to hit up the gym last Sunday and today. Probably will try again Saturday as well so I get in my 3 times a week activity. So far I have been pretty good mostly with tracking food. I may have gone over my alloted amount for day yesterday but not too much so I am not kicking myself over it. Exercise seems to have many benefits especially for getting me to be more relaxed and manage my stress better. I need to go dancing soon!

MrsT it sucks to be diagnosed with pcos but at least the problem can be known and worked on to help you get pregnant.
ireadyermind-- Man that is annoying. I'm sorry. :-( Perhaps considering a standing work desk? It's supposed to be so much better for you. I'm considering tyring to convert my keyboard so that it and my mouse are elevated so I can stand more when I'm on my work computer.

Fern-- Gotcha! Wonderful! Do you have any thoughts on when you plan to start TTC again?

Cupcake-- I agree. It's great to have the motivation and support from this thread. Good luck with saving the big $ for IVF. So darned expensive!

Tigger-- That's seriously a bummer about the PCOS, but now that you know what it is you can be treated. You have a great plan!

I fear I might have something "off" with my fertility too, but I'm going to track the next three months and see if I can sort out any patterns first before pursuing more testing. I'm on meds that supposedly can interfere with fertility (dermatology meds), so that might also explain my misleading high levels of estrogen and odd LH readings and potential lack of ovulation. I should start tapering those meds in a couple months and maybe that will right things. We'll see!
Good idea to track your cycles! I did this too & took them in to my Dr. along with a list of my concerns. He was impressed & has listened to my suggestions/fears & has been on board with most of my ideas...It's good to be prepared :)

ireadyermind- I am glad you had fun in Vegas! That is on my list of places to visit, I had a friend move out there and he really loves it. I am sorry you got sick at the end tho, hopefully your feeling better.:) Also, I feel ya on the doctor thing. I hope you find a new one that can help figure out what the problem is, it sounds super frustrating!

Mrs. Tigger- I am glad to see that you are trying to switch to being more positive... It can be a hard thing to do!:) Your trip to go snowboarding sounds amazing, just going to Paris sounds amazing! lol I hope you have a lot of fun. Snowboarding can be great exercise!

cupcakestoy- I really admire your positivity! :) I send you a lot of good thoughts and prayers for your journey to IVF. I know it can be a long process, but it will be so worth it.

Missdoc- How do you plan on charting? Are you going to temp? Hopefully it helps you figure out what is going on.

I have been feeling so groggy this week! I think it is the snowy/gloomy weather. I am so over winter, I just want some sun!!! I have been fitting in some exercise and sticking to healthy eating so I am pretty proud of myself. I am glad I joined this group. I love seeing all the positive vibes on here! :)
I am SO over Winter too! It's so much easier to get out & get exercise when its warm & sunny! I've self diagnosed myself with Seasonal Depression! I have found that I feel much less blah since I started myself on Vit. D & Vit B12 though!

Has everyone gotten a little activity in today or this week yet? I managed to hit up the gym last Sunday and today. Probably will try again Saturday as well so I get in my 3 times a week activity. So far I have been pretty good mostly with tracking food. I may have gone over my alloted amount for day yesterday but not too much so I am not kicking myself over it. Exercise seems to have many benefits especially for getting me to be more relaxed and manage my stress better. I need to go dancing soon!

MrsT it sucks to be diagnosed with pcos but at least the problem can be known and worked on to help you get pregnant.
I had attempted to join the gym tuesday, but those plans got derailed when my DD appt at the oral surgeon took too long :( I am also on call for work this week, so not got much done here...

Feeling good last couple of days! AF has left & I feel like I have lost, but trying to just stay focused & not weigh everyday, as if I don't see even a slight loss, I get aggravated lol It's been an "ok" week at work, but I still have the weekend to go, so we'll see how that turns out....My DD got a new bottle calf last night. He's only a week old, so our dog is bigger than he is! He's a cute little guy, but will require extra care. He was born blind :( He sure is a lover tho & my DD is in love with her new "baby!" LOL
Hi everyone!

MrsTigger - wow snowboarding sounds like so much fun! I've only seen snow once. And that was just a few flakes. It doesn't snow where I live! Hope you have a lovely time. What a good idea to enjoy everything that you won't be able to enjoy once you're pregnant. My sister is really struggling with her pregnancy (twins) and even at 14 weeks there is a lot she can't do anymore. While I would give anything to be able to conceive, I feel sorry for her and am glad that I can still travel, work hard, sleep late on some weekends, etc!

MissDoc - I agree with cupcakestoy - great idea to track everything. Then you will know your body better and also have that weapon of knowledge when you see a dr! What will you be tracking? Temps, CM, CP, ??? As for me ttc again; well we're not actively preventing atm. Just not spending any money on ttc. I'm also trying not to track too much (to help lower stress levels for a while) BUT I might temp from CD10-20 just to see whether my body manages to O at all without clomid. If not, I might start taking my last few packs of clomid next cycle just to get it all over with... or not... will decide when AF is here :)

Jules - I wish you could come visit me and sit in the sun with me for a day! I'm enjoying the summer heat and have quite a nice tan just from sitting and reading in the sun some days. Hope you feel less groggy soon, good job with the exercising that will definitely help lift your spirits and boost your energy levels.

Cupcakestoy - I love calves! I also raised a pair a few years ago. Too cute! Hope you get some time in your schedule to join the gym like you've been planning.

Ireadyermind - hope you will still be joining the thread even if you take a break from ttc! I love this thread for the very reason that it's not JUST about ttc but also more about being healthy and losing weight (and hopefully that might lead to a baby one day). So thank you for starting the thread, I think I speak for a lot of ladies when I say this! Sometimes it feels like ttc is impossible and we have no control over it. But at least we have some control over our health. Speaking of which; I would definitely go for metabolic testing if I were you. I have hypothyroidism and have to get my levels checked every 6 months as they can change in a short period of time. I hope you are able to find some answers. From what I've read you are following a super healthy diet and exercise regime. Hope your determination leads to the weight loss you want!

Deafgal - kudos to you for all the exercise you've been getting!

AFM - I had my thyroid retested but STILL waiting for the results, for almost 3 weeks now. :wacko: I think the lab/dr lost my blood test results because I keep phoning and phoning and getting no answers! Would love to know if my levels are OK. Diet is going OK. Had a cheat day yesterday. I still haven't started exercising! Eeeekkkk!!! And have decided to start reducing the amount of dairy I consume. I have milk, yogurt, butter and cheese on a daily basis, and keep telling myself that at least it's better than chowing on sugary carbs. I absolutely love dairy esp full cream. But today I bought a bulk 2,5 kg cheese and suddenly realized that I'm actually consuming wayyyy too much.:blush: Will do a dairy free week from tomorrow onward (just a small bowl of yogurt now and then) and see if it makes a difference in my energy levels and weigh-ins :).

Hoping everyone else is doing great!!

Deafgal- Good job exercising! It sure does feel good to get the body moving! :)

Cupcakestoy- Awww! Do you live on a farm? I hope things let up so you can get to the gym.

Fern81- I am soooooo jealous! I will send all our snow your way and you can send the warm sun here..ok? lol It's supposed to snow all weekend, which means I will be stuck inside. It looks really pretty, but they are horrible with the roads around here..last weekend we had horrible ice fog and they didn't even salt the roads. We were on our way home going 5 miles an hour and still spun down a hill. It was scary, thank goodness it was just fields so thats where we stopped.

I love cheese, but a lot of dairy really messes up my stomach and i'm slightly allergic to soy so I have avoid that too. I have really started to enjoy almond and coconut milk as an alternative. It takes a bit to get used to but worth a try!
Cupcake- hope u have time to join a gym next week. You sound like a busy lady with all the stuff you are doing- juggling work and appointments and a new baby calf!

:hi: to everyone else!
Hey ladies! 20k run in today and.... No spotting! Yay lol. Hoping this means all the side effects of the miscarriage is gone :)
Hi everyone!

MrsTigger - wow snowboarding sounds like so much fun! I've only seen snow once. And that was just a few flakes. It doesn't snow where I live! Hope you have a lovely time. What a good idea to enjoy everything that you won't be able to enjoy once you're pregnant. My sister is really struggling with her pregnancy (twins) and even at 14 weeks there is a lot she can't do anymore. While I would give anything to be able to conceive, I feel sorry for her and am glad that I can still travel, work hard, sleep late on some weekends, etc!

MissDoc - I agree with cupcakestoy - great idea to track everything. Then you will know your body better and also have that weapon of knowledge when you see a dr! What will you be tracking? Temps, CM, CP, ??? As for me ttc again; well we're not actively preventing atm. Just not spending any money on ttc. I'm also trying not to track too much (to help lower stress levels for a while) BUT I might temp from CD10-20 just to see whether my body manages to O at all without clomid. If not, I might start taking my last few packs of clomid next cycle just to get it all over with... or not... will decide when AF is here :)

Jules - I wish you could come visit me and sit in the sun with me for a day! I'm enjoying the summer heat and have quite a nice tan just from sitting and reading in the sun some days. Hope you feel less groggy soon, good job with the exercising that will definitely help lift your spirits and boost your energy levels.

Cupcakestoy - I love calves! I also raised a pair a few years ago. Too cute! Hope you get some time in your schedule to join the gym like you've been planning.

Ireadyermind - hope you will still be joining the thread even if you take a break from ttc! I love this thread for the very reason that it's not JUST about ttc but also more about being healthy and losing weight (and hopefully that might lead to a baby one day). So thank you for starting the thread, I think I speak for a lot of ladies when I say this! Sometimes it feels like ttc is impossible and we have no control over it. But at least we have some control over our health. Speaking of which; I would definitely go for metabolic testing if I were you. I have hypothyroidism and have to get my levels checked every 6 months as they can change in a short period of time. I hope you are able to find some answers. From what I've read you are following a super healthy diet and exercise regime. Hope your determination leads to the weight loss you want!

Deafgal - kudos to you for all the exercise you've been getting!

AFM - I had my thyroid retested but STILL waiting for the results, for almost 3 weeks now. :wacko: I think the lab/dr lost my blood test results because I keep phoning and phoning and getting no answers! Would love to know if my levels are OK. Diet is going OK. Had a cheat day yesterday. I still haven't started exercising! Eeeekkkk!!! And have decided to start reducing the amount of dairy I consume. I have milk, yogurt, butter and cheese on a daily basis, and keep telling myself that at least it's better than chowing on sugary carbs. I absolutely love dairy esp full cream. But today I bought a bulk 2,5 kg cheese and suddenly realized that I'm actually consuming wayyyy too much.:blush: Will do a dairy free week from tomorrow onward (just a small bowl of yogurt now and then) and see if it makes a difference in my energy levels and weigh-ins :).

Hoping everyone else is doing great!!

3 weeks?!?!? That's crazy. I would be over impatient. LOL How's the "dairy free" going? I don't get enough dairy, as I'm not a big cheese/milk fan, but I try to work on it....
Deafgal- Good job exercising! It sure does feel good to get the body moving! :)

Cupcakestoy- Awww! Do you live on a farm? I hope things let up so you can get to the gym.

Fern81- I am soooooo jealous! I will send all our snow your way and you can send the warm sun here..ok? lol It's supposed to snow all weekend, which means I will be stuck inside. It looks really pretty, but they are horrible with the roads around here..last weekend we had horrible ice fog and they didn't even salt the roads. We were on our way home going 5 miles an hour and still spun down a hill. It was scary, thank goodness it was just fields so thats where we stopped.

I love cheese, but a lot of dairy really messes up my stomach and i'm slightly allergic to soy so I have avoid that too. I have really started to enjoy almond and coconut milk as an alternative. It takes a bit to get used to but worth a try!
We have a "mini" farm.....12 chickens, cows, a dog, some fish & 4 cats! We had horses but sold out a couple years ago when the kids lost interest in riding...

Cupcake- hope u have time to join a gym next week. You sound like a busy lady with all the stuff you are doing- juggling work and appointments and a new baby calf!
I am too busy! My resolustion is to slow down & learn to say NO! lol I WILL be joining the gym TODAY!
:hi: to everyone else!

Hey ladies! 20k run in today and.... No spotting! Yay lol. Hoping this means all the side effects of the miscarriage is gone :)
Girl, you are motivated! Wish I had a tenth of your stamina & energy! lol

AFM-Did well this week! Lost 3 more pounds!:happydance: I did have a scare & went up almost 5 pounds the other day after Chinese! I only did meat & veggies, but assume it was fluid from the sodium! Luckily it came off over 2 days!!! Yesterday was tough, as I came home from work & found one of our older calves had died! No apparent injury, possibly the bloat, but not sure. Losing it is hitting the wallet & hurt our hearts. He was our little bull :(
Hope to hear good results today from everyone!

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