Getting Fit Before Baby

We have called them out on it for sure! My husband pointed out that even though there is an old folks' home near us, we aren't elderly people in need of a skilled nursing facility. Not only that, but you can't even be seen there without a referral!

So if we need emergency care, they're essentially forcing us to pay out of pocket for an ER visit because we would of course go to the ER 5 miles away instead of the one 45 miles away.

DH said, "I know what your system tells you, but I'M telling you that there are NOT any of their facilities in this city, nor within 5 miles or even 10 miles of us!" and the lady was like, "Well it says there are, so."

I just feel like she doesn't want to handle paperwork for a switch, even if we're legally able to do so.
That is incredibly frustrating irym. Hopefully he can talk to someone in person soon.
Hello Ladies :flower:

Remember me? I had my baby at the beginning of April and have been trying to learn how to live this new crazy life.

I'm back! I need to start getting control of my eating and start doing something about all of this baby weight. :blush: There's definitely a lot to tackle. I think I am still about 30kg above where I feel I "must" get to, and ideally I'd like to get 10 or 20 past that, but we'll see. For now I need to start thinking about how to incorporate healthy changes into my new crazy life.

I'll try to catch up over the next few days.

Hope you're all doing well! :hugs:
Deafgal - DH doesn't want to call and talk to them in person, even though it's been several days since they last replied to his emails. I can't call for him since it's his work we get the insurance through, so I'm kinda stuck. It's looking more and more like he just wants to wait til open enrollment. But then what happens if there's an emergency between now and then? We're screwed. Ugh. Dumb insurance laws.

Mrs Tigger - Of course we remember you! Welcome back. :) How are you adjusting?

AFM -- I just spent the whole weekend painting and prettying up the master bedroom of the house. Still not done yet, but I already LOVE what we've accomplished. I'll show gals pics as soon as everything's complete!

In terms of fitness, I've been relying on all this painting, removing and replacing baseboards, sanding, hammering, etc. to count as my exercise. I usually have a light breakfast, a protein bar for lunch, but then we end up eating takeout or something for dinner.

With temps reaching 107°F/42°C, it's too damn hot to cook anything. We tried doing salads with cold chicken, but even cooking the chicken is too much. The old AC in this house doesn't lower the temp much below 82°F during the peak heat of the day, so adding to that by turning on the stove is a bad idea.

We've done lots of cold sandwiches, a night of sushi and veggies, and one day for lunch I just ate a heap of baby carrots. lol!

Thankfully the weather's cooling some now and I can start thinking about cooking again. I just have to hope that the work we've been putting in on the house has helped to offset the nights we are takeout for dinner!
:hi: Mrs Tigger.

So excited to hear about the progress on your home, iready. I will be eager to see how it all turns out when it's all finally done.

I gotta get my game plan together. I'm flying Wednesday - so it'll be easy to grab breakfast at the airport (if I'm hungry) - if not, I'll eat at my layover in Phoenix in between flights. Then I gotta figure out how to be smart with my meals for the week (hotel provides breakfast, then I have lunch thru the conference I'm attending Thurs - Sat, so that means I'm on my own for dinner). I may have to quickly brainstorm ideas Wed night when I have a better idea of what's in the area out there (Salt Lake City) to help plan my dinner. Sunday and Monday I prob will meet with friends so not sure what the meals look like there (if I'll grab something light or what).

One thing for sure - I'll definitely try to log everything I consume while on the trip. I'm taking my water bottle (empty) to the airport so that I can have it with me for the trip to help track my water intake and encourage me to drink rather than snack on stuff. I think I'll be ok, just got to remember to track the meals (maybe even some exercise while I'm at it).
IRYM - i was getting so mad reading your posts about insurance ... its total bs i hate how insurance works. I think its crap that people who have no medical background get to dictate what is covered and what isn't (sorry as an RN it's kind of one of my hot topics lol). If your DH waits until open enrollment can you guys then go on the better plan? I hope you don't have to wait that long

Tigger! - welcome back :) how is baby doing? Adjusting can be hard, some days i think i have it down then she learns something new and i have to start all over hahaha.

AFM - i need to increase my water intake, i was doing really really good then all this insaneness happened and i fell off the wagon. I went for a hike the other day, at least i have to carry and extra 25lbs around so that's good cardo. my goal is to get back to going twice a week (weather permitting I can't go if its too hot). Going to couples therapy on thursday. its gonna be an up hill battle and I'm gonna try and put effort in. He really wants to work it out but he's also the one who messed it all up lol. thank god my STD panal came back negative. and I think im gonna get an IUD put in no point having periods right? does anyone know if they cause weight gain like the pill can? sorry weird question to ask here.
Swimmy - I've had both Mirena (hormonal) IUD, and Paragard (non-hormonal) IUD. The Mirena caused worse acne than what PCOS was already giving me (it became cystic acne and the scarring was pretty bad), and weight gain, but not having periods was nice. So you may get regular acne and have trouble losing weight. There were a few other side effects that were possible, but I didn't notice them.

The Paragard didn't cause any of that, but I also had periods on it and INSANELY sharp, painful cramps. Like the kind that make your legs go weak and that take your breath away. I put up with them for years, because the alternative was going back on hormonal BC and that, to me, was worse. I'm not sure how PCOS changed the side effects. It could be that the cramps were due to bad cysts. But since I hadn't had my diagnosis at that time, and no one would take my complaints of cramps seriously, I will never know.

As for the insurance -- yes, we could wait for open enrollment to switch. That's November, and the new insurance wouldn't go into effect til January. But I asked DH: what happens if we have an emergency before then? Do they expect us to drive 45mins to an hour to get to one of their in-network emergency rooms? Or are they going to force us to pay out of pocket for treatment at the ER here in town? Neither option is right OR fair, in my opinion.
Hi everyone

Welcome back deafgal and mrstigger! Hope you get your weight loss goals accomplished.

Swimmy I'm so sorry to read about your dh and he can be glad I don't know him in person because I would have kicked him where it matters. Hard. Good for you to carry on and be positive about yourself hun.

Irym are you eating a special diet in prep for ivf? I recall you saying something about low carb?

Geez I'm really struggling with this glued-on baby weight. Still attempting paleo. Idk if I said it on here but we're doing FET in August or Sept. So far the plan is:
Finish my 7 or so birth control pills
Wait out AF
Wait for one natural cycle
When AF starts again, phone in day 1 to get the meds started and the ball rolling.

So that could be anywhere from about 6 weeks from now. I'm excited and terrified. And trying to be healthy in preparation for all this.
Swimmy- I hope couples therapy helps you move forward with what's right for you.

Hiking sounds like a lot of fun. I would love to do it more but it's so hot here. It is suppose to be over 100 all week.

Fern- your FET is coming up quick. How are you feeling about that? I think a close age gap would definitely have it's perks.

Afm, I have an ultrasound on Wed. I'm so nervous for it.
Irym- I hope all your home improvements are going well. Dh made up a plan for the next three years. We are talking about possibly moving in 3-4 so would need to have things ready over time to sell. And if we don't sell at least it's that much closer to how we want it to be.

I also had my ultrasound today. We saw one baby with a strong heartbeat. <3 I'm still in shock this is all happening.
Congrats krissie, I'm sure I'll also be in shock if I manage to fall pregnant again. I'm really nervous but if we have another baby I would like a small age gap to get the difficult baby phase over and done with.
How is everyone doing with their healthy eating and weight loss goals?
I'm starting a fertility "cleanse"/prep today, in preparation for the FET next menstrual cycle (whenever that might be!). So no sugar or refined carbs, no coffee or alcohol, lots of vitamins esp iron, vit D, folic acid, calcium/magnesium and l-arginine. And I need to do a little bit of exercise each day argh that's going to be the most difficult as it's winter here and all I want to do is sit under a blanket :D
How is everyone doing with their healthy eating and weight loss goals?
I'm starting a fertility "cleanse"/prep today, in preparation for the FET next menstrual cycle (whenever that might be!). So no sugar or refined carbs, no coffee or alcohol, lots of vitamins esp iron, vit D, folic acid, calcium/magnesium and l-arginine. And I need to do a little bit of exercise each day argh that's going to be the most difficult as it's winter here and all I want to do is sit under a blanket :D

Sounds like a great regimen!

Good luck with the daily exercise! Are you able to workout from home? I find that I am less likely to skip my workouts if I have the option to workout at home. There are also some great (and free!) workouts videos on YouTube!

It's great that you are taking all those vitamins for fertility support. Have you looked into CoQ10 and fish oil as well? There is research to support the use of both.

Best of luck!!
Fern- sounds like a solid plan getting ready for your FET.

I weighed myself this morning and found I've lost a lb so far. I'm excited my weight is maintaining even though I've been eating more. I'm still hoping to keep my weight gain around 15 lbs and really hoping no more than 20.
Hey gals sorry I've been mia just a lot going on emotionally. But still taking it day by day :) I'm down 13lbs total so far but I'm most happy about being down 2.5 inches on my waist and 1.5 on my hips yay!!! I'm feeling so motivated I'm trying to only weigh in once a month and do measurements so I don't feel discouraged if I don't lose any one week. Tomorrow I'm doing an all day kayak for my birthday :) hope the weather stays ok.

Rdn- I also have been doing home work outs! I love YouTube I almost bought a fitness program but decided to check there first and was so glad I did.

Fern - so excited for you! Fingers crossed your babies can be close together

Irym - thanks for the tips on IUDs I think I'm gonna hold off then I don't want anything to slow down my weight loss lol I gained weight like crazy on birthcontrol.

Krissie - time is flying by already! Can't believe your almost 9 weeks! I'm glad baby has a strong heartbeat :)
Krissie - it's good to start a pregnancy with weight LOSS lol. I have to lose soooo much weight, I haven't lost the baby weight from last time so if I get pregnant again now... don't even want to think about it! I will have to be on a diet during my whole pregnancy!

Swimmy - good job on the weight and inches lost! Hope you had a lovely birthday and that you are doing well.

rdn - yep I have some really nice home workouts, I agree they work lovely. I just have to get a way to work them in around baby's schedule, it won't be hard to do but I'm just too lazy! What a bad excuse! I do enjoy walking around the neighborhood with the stroller or him in a carrier though. Yep I'm taking vitamins and L-arginine BUT I don't have to do the whole 3-month egg cell health preparation with co-Q 10 etc because we already have frozen embryos. I only need to get my uterus and blood flow as healthy as possible :).

IRYM hope you are doing well in preparation for your IVF too!

Geez I looked at my stats and what I weighed last year this time.... pregnancy wrecked my body for sure!
I'm now back on track since being back from my trip. I only gained maybe 2 pounds so I didn't do so bad for being away from home and eating out. At this rate, I should be hitting under 190 next week or so. That's progress I've not seen in years, and I'm excited to be able to get back under that number.
Hey all, sorry for being MIA again.

DH decided he wanted to cancel IVF this autumn and I'm pretty upset about it. While it may not seem like a long wait until January, I am at risk for my cervical cancer to return at any time.

I have already had part of my cervix removed as part of my treatment, and if the cancer comes back, the next step is a hysterectomy.

I am so worried that we will see precancerous cells on my next pap test, and I feel like ANY delay in IVF is a huge risk. But DH has seen a glimpse of a world where insurance will cover part of the IVF fees, and now nothing will do but that we've switched over to the new coverage first -- regardless of the fact that we're working against the clock, so to speak.

On a happier note, I invited my two oldest nephews to my home for a week long visit without Mom. They are two of four siblings, and they rarely get time away from "the hoard", as I call it, to do things that are just for them. So I printed up a fancy invitation with RSVP card and mailed it to them just for fun, and they arrived July 7th and stayed through July 14th. They are 5 and 8 years old.

We did things like build a giant slip-n-slide with some industrial plastic sheeting, we went berry picking on my property and got well over a pound of blackberries for cobbler. We made our own pizzas (including dough from scratch) for dinner one night, we went swimming in the creek, and we built a fort out of all the cardboard boxes I had leftover from moving.

For the most part, the boys were well behaved. But as the week went on and they got more comfortable at my house, they let their manners slip somewhat and we had quite a few time outs over the course of the last three days. :haha:

All in all, it's something I'd definitely do again next summer. Especially because the boys will be a little more mature by then, and less likely to throw tantrums over something as simple as what cartoon we're going to watch before naptime. lol

Anyway, I did go through and read all your posts. It sounds like things are coming along nicely, gals! I'm back on low carb again as of today, since I slipped up a bit while the kids were here, and hope to start seeing results again.

I hope everyone enjoyed their Independence Day here in the States!
Hi ladies!
I was here a long long time ago (about a year ago) but being pregnant I fell off the wagon but I'm back and ready to shed some pounds post-babies.
I started fresh yesterday with a meal replacement plan and some at home workouts. I got high blood pressure during the very beginning of my pregnancy and I haven't been able to get off the medication since. I was hopeful I would be able to after giving birth but I think I need to loose some weight and see if that helps. So my main motivation this time is to keep up with my babies since they're going to start crawling any day now and to get off the medication since I'd like to have that under control before we have another baby.

IRYM- I've been checking in every once in awhile to keep up with you and I'm so sorry to hear that DH wants to put off IVF. So your new coverage will help with the fertility cost?
That's so rare, ours covered 50% and it was unheard of.
Also sounds like you had a blast with your nephews! That's fantastic.
deafgal - 2lbs from a trip isn't so bad. I always gain way too much when on vacation lol. 190's is amazing! way to go!!!!! I will do a total happy dance once im under 200 i still have a ways to go though :(

IRYM - ugh im sooo frustated for you! i understand him wanting insurance to help cover but i agree with you its not worth the weight. yes the cervial cancer may not come back before then but risking isn't something i would want to do :( maybe you can have the clinic set you up so you can do it in january right when your new coverage would take over. sounds like a lot of fun having your nephews up :) i love that age of kids (even with the tantrums hahaha)

mrs green!!! - welcome back!!!! how are the boys? I know how hard it can be to get motivated but you will be sooo grateful that you will once they get moving. lizzy is my big motivation to get healthy. I bought a bike wagon that she goes in and i can ride around pulling her.

AFM - therapy has been helping me a lot. Its hard to believe its already been a month sense i found everything out :( Still just taking it one day at a time. and just trying to focus on lizzy and weight loss. im down another 2 lbs this week yay!!!!! and i exersise everyday! even if its just a 30 minute youtube yoga/fatburning work out. but my goal is 3-4 days at the gym. I know I could be doing better on weight loss if I had more willpower when it comes to food lol but those darn carbs are soooo good! and ice cream :( at least today i rode my bike 2 miles to the ice cream place sooo it kind of made an even trade right? haha I also finally mustered up courage to take "before" photos and will compare them in 6-8 months :)

I'm not looking forward to going to my families this weekend. Its a cousins wedding but everything is just so tense sense my mom found out that my DH cheated. my dad won't talk to him at all ... and isn't talking to me because he flat out told me i'm weak for not leaving him. :( i don't feel weak for not leaving, if anything i think its harder to try and stay and try to rebuild ... isn't this my choice?

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