Getting Fit Before Baby

Cruises sound like so much fun. DH has been on a few with his family and says they're great. My mom's been on some and really had an excellent time doing that too, so it's something I would definitely consider!

Deafgal - So it's been a week since you started back up with MFP. Has the app's recommendations on your calories and exercise lead to that 1lbs loss you set it for? :)

Swimmy - I feel your pain! With all this chaos with packing, appts with the realtor, appts with the title company, etc etc. I have been SO exhausted that I haven't cooked dinner in about four days. Last night I opted for sub sandwiches since they're loaded up with veggies and aren't greasy at all. So I'm trying to stay as healthy as possible!

But don't beat yourself up over splurging at a party. It's really difficult not to eat junk food when it's sitting out in front of you, and everyone around you is eating it as well. You'd have to have WAY more than just an iron will. Maybe a titanium will? :haha:

AFM - Sale on our new house closes tomorrow or Wednesday! You can guess which day I'd prefer the sale close on. lol. I am super excited! Picked out paint colors for the master bedroom and the living room, as those will get painted almost immediately.

We're wrapping up packing the house and have started to move furniture and boxes into the garage for easy loading into a moving van. I ache from head to toe from all the hauling and lifting. I go to bed around 10:30 and sleep til 7:30 and wake up feeling exhausted. Yeesh!

I'll be very glad when all of this is over! And not just because the new house is beautiful. :D
Irym- good luck with closing and the move. It's such a stressful time but it sounds like your new place is going to be so worth it!

Afm, I'm so dizzy and tired lately I haven't been getting anything done. I almost feel guilty but I am just trying to take care of myself for now. I don't know how I'd survive working right now.
IRYM - you are gonna need a vacation when this is all over! post some pictures of the new house! I love seeing house projects it gives me ideas. Really hoping this summer I can sand down my kitchen cabinets and paint them. I would really love white ones.

Krissie - im sorry you have felt so dizzy :( you have to take care of you! and falling down while trying to do dishes or house work won't help anyone.

AFM - looks like my body might be back to normal this cycle!! yay!!!! I got a peak on my monitor yesterday so I should ovulate today. I've had a lot of side pain tonight while at work. I know there is like zero chance of getting pregnant but it just feels weird not bding during o time hahaha so I didn't want to waste it. Our referral is in for the fertility doc hopefully they have other options besides IVF.
Krissie - Thanks! What do you think is causing the dizziness? Are you dehydrated at all? I second what Swimmy said: take care of yourself!

Swimmy - Well, now I'll have to flood this thread with before & after pics! :haha:

And I can totally relate to the weird feeling you get when you don't BD around O time. Since we're moving to IVF, I've stopped temping and using OPKs, but when I feel like I might be ovulating I automatically want to schedule some BD! In a way it's more stressful not knowing what exactly my body is doing. Arg!

AFM - Getting the last of the small stuff packed at the house today. We're HOPING we close the sale and get our key today, but the seller of the house was intentionally dragging his feet, signed his half of the paperwork late on purpose, and when we went to do our final walkthrough last Saturday, he still hadn't moved most of his stuff out. We're all worried he won't be moved out by 5pm today as promised! Bah.

DH and I had hoped to be able to go out there tonight with a pickup load of stuff, buy some paint and new baseboards, and get as much painting done in the master bedroom as we could tonight. But if the seller isn't moved out today, that puts a kink in the whole schedule. We have to be out of our current house by Friday, so any delay in the closing of the new house sale means that much less time we have to move. :growlmad:

But we'll make the best of things, I suppose!
Irym- how frustrating. I hope you get the keys today and the other guy is out. I'd love to see before and after pics. I wish I'd done that with our place. I've done so much and no way to look back now.

Afm, I'm wondering if low blood pressure. I'm on aspirin so not sure if that is the cause. I'm going to get it checked tomorrow at my blood draw. I'm definitely not dehydrated. That's one thing I'm pretty good at.

I totally relate to bding around o. Kinda how I got pregnant. :rofl: I was pretty sure o was imminent given all my signs so we just kept going until my signs changed and temp spiked.
iready- I think the app helped the loss by making me more aware of how many calories i was consuming in a day - before I started tracking, I was consuming about enough to maintain or even gain a little. So now with this tracking method, I am able to make sure I stay under my intake, most of the time which will help the weight loss. I've also noticed the app tells me other info - fat, saturated fat, sodium, etc. I have not quite fully understood what all that means or how it affects my health/weight loss yet.

I'm on vacation this week. It has been really hard to stay on track with staying under the calories but we've been doing ok. We shared a pizza Monday night for dinner and we didn't 'even eat the whole pie so we saved the leftovers from that for Tuesday night dinner. We stayed under our calories for Monday (that's with the walking counted in). Tuesday we didn't stay within our calories limit. I went over by 500ish. I don't think yesterday was a success with that as well but I think we did better trying to be aware and limit what we ate (we shared lunch - chili dogs and fries and some of dinner - sweet corn yesterday)

I best look at the food options for today - I know what restaurants we were recommended to check out - Grand Traverse Pie Company is one of them. Wow, just looked at their nutrition info and wow... If I want to be smart with my calories, I need to go light on breakfast, and maybe then I can afford a bowl of soup and then one slice of pie. The Omelette Shop is the other one we've been told about.

Last night we ate at Mama Lu's - a taco place. The taco were ok, not something we'd totally order there but their sweet corn, omg...
Hey ladies! I need to hop back on the healthy train. I had my baby exactly a month ago, May 15th. It was a fast and furious unmedicated delivery. My contractions started 4-5 minutes apart, and quickly moved to 90 seconds apart. By the time we got to the hospital I was 8 cm dilated and baby boy was here within an hour. Crazy. It was like a tsunami of sensations and pain, but worth it. Also had a very rough recovery because I had unusual severe internal and external tearing requiring an OR trip after baby was here. Just now starting to feel fairly normal again, lack of sleep and fussy baby not withstanding. I gained a whopping 50 lbs during pregnancy. 30 came off easily, now I'm stuck with an extra 20, plus the weight I wish I would have lost before getting pregnant. So I need to gradually incorporate healthy habits again to get the scale moving. :)
IRYM - did you get the keys on time? i hate when sellers do that. We changed the locks on everything when we bought and the guy left a lot of stuff in the garage (he didn't ask to come back for it or anything). 2 weeks later i get a knock on my door its him super mad that we locked him out and he wanted the stuff in the garage! well we had thrown it all out it was mostly junk and like 15 rusty can of paint. He was pissed and called the cops on me! like WTF dude! i called up our relator who looked over the paperwork and said no where was that in the agreement and to have the police remove him if he wouldn't leave. (ugh it was not ok!)

Krissie - asprin shouldn't cause low blood pressures. Glad you are getting it checked.

MissDoc - so glad your back! baby weight is hard to loose. im still up like 15 lbs :( Im sorry you had so much tearing post delivery that must be horrible feeling. Are you nursing? Im sorry baby boy is fussy, not sleeping is enough to make anyone crazy. I was so tired one time i forgot my daughters name .... i seriously called her Emily at a doctors appointment ... like the whole appointment until the doctor asked me if that was her nickname.
Krissie - Well yeah it's how you got pregnant. We're just talking about how it feels weird NOT to BD during that time. Like something is missing from the routine. :haha:

Deafgal - Definitely useful to know what your average daily calorie intake is. For some reason for me, sticking to the calorie goals doesn't cause weight loss. I have to do calories AND low carb, or else it's futile. Have you made any progress so far? Are you back from vacation yet? How'd you do with those other restaurants that were recommended to you?

MissDoc - Welcome back! I'm glad your labor wasn't a long and drawn out one, but that's really crappy that there was so much tearing! :( Sorry to hear that. It's good you're starting to feel like yourself again, though.

Swimmy - We got the keys a day late, and when we got here with a truckload of stuff, there were still people here moving out!

Apparently the former owner got into a fight/argument with his brother, and rather than telling his brother to leave or something, he just got into his moving van and drove off, leaving tons of his stuff here. His family didn't want him to get into trouble with the police or anything, so they were here cleaning up after him. The guy left furniture, dishes, knick knacks and paint in the garage.. there was even a whole car here.

One of the guys was all, "Maybe you could help us move this all out so we can be gone faster!" Uh, no. I just spent a week packing up and moving all my own stuff, I don't need to do yours for you too!

Our Realtor was furious, WE were furious, and the people kept saying they'd come back in the morning for the rest. We told them anything we found in the house after they were gone was going to be dumped out in the driveway, and not to come in. Then we went and got new deadbolts for all the doors. Ugh.

You get at least a week's advance notice on when escrow will close, and we gave this guy three extra days to move out per his request, and he STILL couldn't get all his stuff together and out of the house on time. And not only that, but he didn't clean ANYTHING. So I couldn't even start unpacking stuff right away because it all had to be scrubbed first. Gross.

I guess that's what happens when you buy from a bachelor! But this man was in his late 40s, early 50s. You'd think he'd be more mature than to throw a hissy fit and storm off because of an argument with his brother. :growlmad:

But we're slowly making progress. I'll definitely post before and after pics!

Oh, AND I just got my estimated egg retrieval date: July 24th! Eeee! That's sooner than I expected!
I am back home from vacation and it's nice to be back home where things are easier to track. I did ok rest of vacation - balanced out the calories consumed with more walking than I usually/normally do at home. I also looked up nutrient info before going out to help plan my meals/options better. I think it worked because at the pie company place, I was able to go light with a cup of soup, which in turn allowed room for a piece of pie to myself!!!! Normally I'd share with my spouse in this type of scenario but I really wanted that entire pie piece to myself. Greedy maybe... I just wanted a whole slice.

Yes, the weight's coming off so far. I just saw my health coach this morning and she said while my bmi has increased, my weight is definitely coming down. She said it's possible that up till now, I've been dehydrated from not drinking enough water, which can mess with my bmi and my blood results. She will re-evaluate my bmi result again next month to see what happens. In that case, I'll keep consuming water trying to get in the appropriate amount I need daily (I drink about 52 ounces of water per day, and the app recommends I get 65 ounce per day) but now that I'm able to drink 2 full 26 oz, I may be able to up that to 78 ounce. Only trouble is I don't like having to use the bathroom so much (especially at work, I don't see the point of running to the toilet every hour or so, especially when I have 70 minutes classes, with 7 minutes passing time) but perhaps by doing this over the summer, I can build up my bladder and be able to go longer in between. We will see where I am with my fluids over the next month in terms of how it affects my potty habits.

I better go and track my lunch. I need to do that.
Krissie - Well yeah it's how you got pregnant. We're just talking about how it feels weird NOT to BD during that time. Like something is missing from the routine. :haha:

Yea, that's what I was trying to say. It is weird not to.

That's awesome your egg retrieval can be so soon. Are you going yo try a fresh or frozen transfer?

That's super frustrating with the house. We had a similar situation where the previous people left a ton of stuff. Thankfully they never came back and we gave it away or trashed it. They didn't clean either. So gross!
IRYM - 1 more month!! how exciting!!!

AFM - I have some pretty horrible news. Sunday I found out that my DH cheated on me ... I'm still processing it all we have gone to a marriage councilor already sense he told me. Clearly ttc for baby #2 is not going to be happening anytime soon until I figure out what I want to do from here. He wants to work everything out, i don't want to get a divorce but I also don't know if I will ever be able to trust him again ... what is a marriage without trust? I'm just going to focus on losing weight and my daughter for now. Still gonna log in here and message with you gals I love your updates :) Sorry for such a sad drama post this time
Oh swimmy! I'm so so sorry yo hear you are going through that. Take care of yourself hun. :hugs:
That stinks, swim! We're here for you anyways. I think that's an ideal focus - health/weight loss and your daughter.

Whatever you do decide to do with your marriage is ultimately up to you. I would find it so hard to trust again after such a blow.
Swimmy - Aww, swimmy, so sorry to hear that! We're here if you need to vent!

Krissie - They'll only do frozen due to my pcos and how it's caused me severe hormonal deficiencies. They're worried that all the meds all at once will screw everything up instead of making things run smoothly. So I get 1 month of birth control pills, then 2 weeks of injectable meds and that's it til September when we do a frozen transfer. I'm also considering paying for the genetic testing on the embryos too.
Irym- I have heard great things for fet with pcos so I hope it works for you too. Honesty, if you ca. Afford it I would do the genetic testing.

I swear it was the birth control and low carb diet that led to this pregnancy. I'm still in such shock about it though. I'm hoping after my scan July 5th will help it feel more real.
Irym- I have heard great things for fet with pcos so I hope it works for you too. Honesty, if you ca. Afford it I would do the genetic testing.

I swear it was the birth control and low carb diet that led to this pregnancy. I'm still in such shock about it though. I'm hoping after my scan July 5th will help it feel more real.

Yeah I'm leaning toward the testing more than not. It would be better to know about problems in advance instead of getting pregnant and losing the baby! For that peace of mind, I think it's worth paying more.

AFM - DH's work says we CAN'T switch insurance companies because they claim our current provider covers this area. Well, the nearest one of their network hospitals is 45mins away! There's a third party facility 20mi away that accepts the policy we have, but it's a nursing facility for the elderly and disabled!

So we have zero facilities here in this city that accept our insurance plan, and DH's HR department is saying basically, "too bad". I told DH he needs to call and talk to a supervisor directly instead of emailing someone, because often it's easier to refuse someone something when you aren't speaking with them directly.

I want them to show me where there's an in-network doctor's office in our zip code!

DH now says if we can't get the insurance switched, he wants to wait til January to do IVF because open enrollment for insurance isn't until November for his employer.

I'm not sure what to think now. I know I have plenty to do this summer so I could keep busy and work on losing weight, but at the same time, we've already waited SO LONG. It's been over 3 years now and I am just not sure what to do at this point. I can see why DH doesn't want to spend the money we have saved up if he can avoid it, but at the same time I'm so impatient!
iready- that is so hard to deal with the insurance and waiting. I know 3 years seems forever. I agree, try calling them to talk with someone - there's gotta be something that can be done like they can expand their network to accept medical services in your zip code or something.
iready- that is so hard to deal with the insurance and waiting. I know 3 years seems forever. I agree, try calling them to talk with someone - there's gotta be something that can be done like they can expand their network to accept medical services in your zip code or something.

It feels like forever. I know that many women have had to wait longer than I have, and I sometimes feel guilty about complaining about my 3 years when there are people like you, Deafgal, who have been waiting so much longer than I have, and are still staying optimistic. :hugs:

But on the other hand, having had cervical cancer and being told that it WILL come back eventually, I'm so afraid that it will come back before I have even just ONE baby, and that I will have to have a complete hysterectomy and never get my chance. :cry: That's my biggest fear. If it was just a matter of waiting 6mos for an insurance change, I could do that no problem, you know?

I'm kind of an emotional mess about it right now. Probably a side effect of the BC pills. I feel like I could just break down into sobs for being made to wait a few months for IVF.

I guess I had my heart set on a BFP this September!

EDIT: Oh, and about the insurance -- it's this weird chain of hospitals that only exists in California, and then only in certain cities. If a physician is not employed directly by this company, they can't accept this form of insurance. It's a little bit like... hm. How do I explain it? The company builds, maintains, and runs their own offices and hospitals. And all their doctors and specialists have to work inside one of those facilities. And those people are the ONLY ONES you can see when you're on this plan.

It's a worthless plan, and they cover next to nothing in terms of treatment and co-pays, and not every office or facility offers all of their available services. They send you driving all over town for stuff because you can't just pick the doctor closest to you, it HAS to be one of their employees. And now they're giving us crap because they claim they have offices in this city, and they don't!
ready - Call them bullshit on that - they can't deny you the right to see someone local (just because their network doesn't have anything/anyone you can see in your zip code). Insurance makes me mad at times (the amount of stuff they don't even cover or are supposed to cover).

Aw Bless you! :hugs: I was trying to figure out how to word that so you'd not be offended at 3 years vs 6 years. I do have my moments where I'm not this positive but yeah... Every one of us deserves a baby (or a bfp) sooner or later. The cancer thing sounds scary so I don't blame you one bit for wanting to take the opportunity as soon as possible, every chance you get.

In other news, how is everyone doing with their health goals? Mine for this month is to be active/exercise 3 times a week for more than 10-15 minutes each time, and eat more vegetables in my diet. I fell off the wagon yesterday as we had a pitch in to go to and I did spurge a little bit, but it's back on track today (I've been good about not consuming too many calories today).

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