Getting Fit Before Baby

Krissie, so glad you're doing better. Can't believe your date is just 8 days away! So exciting!!!! Sounds like you're ready for her! Hopefully she's a strong chunky little one and doesn't need much intervention!

IRYM, Holy cow that sounds miserable, I'm sorry your contractors were so awful, but glad it'll be done soon! And yay for good healthcare! How are you feeling these days?

Swimmy, I think I missed that you were trying again for a second? Whoa! Congratulations. Hope it happens quickly. How's parent life going overall?

All is well here, just not healthwise. Lol. I just can't muster motivation to stay consistent. Life working full time and balancing mommyhood with my gorgeous, goofy, loveable little 8 month old feels like it uses up all my energy. I think in regards to trying again, we'll wait until he's 18 months or 2 years. But before we even consider it I do really need to get at least 20 lbs off. If I get pregnant at this weight and put on as much as I did the first time, it'll be pretty miserable, and I don't want that to happen. As of now, I have plenty of time to get that 20 lbs off before we consider it (10-16 months), but I need to start chipping away at it so I don't feel like I'm rushing to get it off later.
MissDoc- that sounds like a good age gap. I am really looking forward to having 3.5 years between my two. My DS has really developed a lot over the last year and I think it will help make the transition better. Plus we were able to potty train and so that expense is gone.

I have a growth scan in an hour. I am so excited. I am guessing she will be right around 6.5-7 lbs based on expected growth from her last estimate at 32 weeks. She is definately pressing on my cervix and it is getting quite painful to move. I am very much looking forward to her getting here. Although, still nervous about having two and how my DS will react. He is going through a tough phase so hopefully he will mellow out soon.
My growth scan went good yesterday. Baby is measuring about seven pounds and everything looked healthy. The only problem is she is sitting diagonally instead of head down. So basically the doctor told me if she isn't head down by next Wednesday then they will prep me for a C-section. She has been laying diagonal for weeks now, so I feel a little frustrated. The thought of a C-section is pretty scary so I'm trying to process that and prepare for that outcome.
MissDoc- i don't think i ever formally decided on starting TTC#2 idk if its the hormones from stopping birthcontrol or what but baby fever has me bad lol. part of me is trying not to get my hopes up with anything. Really hoping my LP went back to 11-12 days instead of the 10 day one i was having after pregnancy.

Krissie - have they talked at all about trying to flip her at all? or is it too risky with your bp? I just can't believe she will be here so soon!!! I will say my c-section wasn't bad at all. Honestly i think i would be scared for a vaginal delivery hahaha but i'm sure its just fear of the unknown. :) it's great your prepairing for either outcome.

AFM - (bear with me baby fever has made me a little crazy tonight (and that work is super slow lol)) today i started looking up donor profiles and i think i found one that would be a match. is that creepy?? i feel like thats a little creepy, almost like i'm shopping for a baby???
Swimmy- no they haven't talked to me about turning her yet. The doctor was reviewing my scan results after I had already left and had his nurse call and let me know. I have a follow-up appointment on Friday so I plan to ask then. In the meantime I have looked up some suggestions from spinning babies and online to try.

Did you use a donor for your daughter? I definitely think if that is the route you are going that it is not creepy. I definitely would be doing it too. Of course I'd find it interesting anyways so might do it without looking for donor. :haha:
Miss Alice Rose is finally here!

I came in on 1/23/18 to start cervical ripening. They did 4 rounds of cytotec. I was not dilating so I asked to change it up about 4. They decided on a folley bulb. That was inserted about 6 pm. I tried to sleep from 8:30-11 but was having some contractions so asked for some Tylenol. At 11:15 I woke up needing to pee so got up and my water went and I was 3 cm. After that the contractions were just on top of each other. She was born right about 1:30 am on 1/25/18. I had requested an epidural but it was all so fast I ended up having her with nothing. There was only my nurse in the room when she was born.

She was 6 lbs 5 oz, 18 inches long. She is doing so good and I am just so in love with her.


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Oh Krissie, she's adorable!!!

Congrats IRYM and to everyone else with their dedication and hard decision making. It has been a treat to come back on here and read up on the well-being of all of you.

I'd like to try and keep this post short but I will do some quick-version of the past 11 months offline.

Last I remember, I was dating guy who I liked but felt like I couldn't really be myself around him. I am no longer with this guy. I believe at that time some of you (Fern :wink wink: )were asking for more weight loss photo updates, I have attached them below. Big photos of me are around 386lbs. The smaller ones were not that long ago, I've weighed in at 216lbs for a couple months now! :happy dance:

As for a quick catch-up. My mental health plummeted as my medications stopped working. I was hospitalized for a month and a half. Medication all re-figured out. I feel FABULOUS! I have literally lived the last 9 or so months in basically ZERO mental related pain. I have never felt so free and alive in my life. I honestly feel I have my life. I am LIVING MY LIFE! So yes, mental status has been wonderful. During this time I also met a super smart, artistic guy and we just clicked. I moved in with him after about a month and have never looked back. We have pets together, we do everything together. We had our first night away from each other two days ago (while I was off getting a tonsillectomy!! Finally), we missed each other so much! Because I had lost so much weight my reproductive system randomly decided in June to start working on a fairly regular basis. Seems she's gone missing again though...

I can't wait to hopefully chat with all you gals again on a more regular basis. Oh, and please let me know what you think of my last picture. Surprise! (top test-Jan.21 fmu. bottom test-Jan.26 random dribble early evening).


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Ursula! How great to hear from you. It sounds like the last year has been a great change for you. I'm so happy you have been able to get your mental health under control.

Congrats on your bfp!
Omg how wonderful for all of you!

Congrats on your fast and uncomplicated birth Krissie, she is wonderful!! I'm so happy for you!

And then Urs, wow your life really has made a 360! I'm ecstatic to see you are at such a great weight and so healthy and that you're preggies!!!!!!! Please don't stay away now!! We (I!) Need updates throughout!!!
Thank you gals for your loving words, they truly mean a lot. Hehe, I definitely plan on keeping updated as much as possible.

My doctor gave me hcg bloodwork to do. I did it last week at 4 weeks 3 days. When I saw him today he stated my legwork is fantastic but hcg is low where it should be by now. He said my hcg was at 725. It concerned me but as I've been researching online, 725 at 4 weeks 3 days is good. Maybe he thought it was for today (5 weeks 2 days)? I'd love your input on this. I have an ultrasound tomorrow (Feb. 1). He said he will get a hold of me regardless once he hears anything. If it isn't looking good he has already given me hcg repeated testing (every 2 days, for 3 labs). What are your opinions of hcg 725 at 4 weeks 3 days lmp?
On my phone typing that. Legwork=Labwork thanks "autocorrect". Also hcg was 732. Not 725.
Krissie - she is beautiful!!!!! I'm so glad she is here and everything went smoothly. So happy for you. (also loving your new profile picture!!!)

urs - omg soooo glad to hear from you again!!! and a super huge congrats to your bfp!!!! my Hcg at 18 dpo was only 343 with lizzy soooo for 4 weeks 3 days yours seems great to me. But the big thing is the repeat one lab value doesn't tell you much. Heck my first one with lizzy was 32! no joke lol and that was 2 days past my missed period. so you never know.

AFM - using a donor this cycle!!! I just started my cycle yesterday and gave the company a call. I'm doing clomid. Only thing that makes me nervious is the "sample" is only good for a few days after delivery so timing it makes me a little nervous. If it doesn't work this cycle (i maybe would try 2 times at home) but if it doesn't work we will just have it delievered to the clinic and pay the extra 1,000$ for implanting. Thanks for making me feel better about "baby shopping" lol
Urs- that number is good, but like swimmy said one number alone usually doesn't say much.

Swimmy- good luck this cycle. Ftx you get the timing right!

Thank you! Ds just adores her, its been so precious. He seems to be handling the transition well so hopefully it keeps going smoothly.
Swimmy: Super exciting about the donor cycle!! I hope it works right away not only for cost purposes but emotionally as well. I feel we've all been through so much.

Krissie: I love looking at your photo too. It makes me happy to hear they're bonding. I've been waiting for an update on little precious, and of course Mommy, too! How are things playing out for you?

AFM: You gals keep me sane sometimes. I'm feeling better with the hcg. My ultrasound yesterday though has me worried now. Ugh! I think I just had the ultrasound too early. For abdominal, the technician could kind of see a small black sack. I ended up agreeing to the transvaginal ultrasound and we got some better photos of the sack. He printed one for me. However, my doctor called later and stated there was no visible baby in the sack. He said I might just be too early yet. (Why make me stress to begin with then and just wait longer?). He has me going for bloodwork today and Monday to see how the hcg is progressing. Another ultrasound will be in 4 weeks to give things time to grow. We'll see from there.
Ursula- you're definately early still. I think giving it more time to grow and watching the hcg is a good plan. I don't think they expect to see anything until after hcg reaches 2000+.

Afm, Alice is doing great. She is feeding well and at her first appt had only lost 1 oz since her discharge. I'm sure now she is close to her birth weight. She is such a calm and curious little thing. She even did tummy time yesterday with little complaint. My DH is also bonding well which has been so helpful. With ds I think the shock of becoming parents after 9 years of marriage really through him into depression and he struggled a lot. So it's great to have a different experience this time.

I am doing okay. I've healed from the birth well, however, I am a week out and still struggling with preeclampsia. My blood pressure is just out of control and I'm now on two different meds trying to get it down. My swelling has gone down significantly though but I have some fluid on my lungs making me feel a little breathless if I do too much.

Emotionally, I feel a little raw. My DH was suppose to get a vasectomy on Monday. It had been scheduled for months and we had been planning it since we found out I was pregnant. Well the doctor could not do it in office because of some connective tissue issues. So now all I keep thinking about is having another baby. I'm pretty sure its hormones but its really messing with me. I always expected once she was here that I would feel done. My biggest factor is age as we would want a little bit bigger gap and DH feels he would be getting too old, and I'm inclined to agree too. So I'm hoping once these hormones settle that I start feeling content. I'm gonna talk with my doctor at my pp check in March about a tubal since now that seems to be our best option now that DH vasectomy would require him to go under general anaesthesia.

I'm also trying to get back to losing weight. I am at just over 20 lbs gained. So I'm hoping to put a dent in that by April when I go back to work.

Outside of those major things I'm just trying to soak in as much of my two babies as I can. It's so hard to beleive I have two after all these years!
Urs - yeah they can’t usually see anything much yet. I know it’s impossible not to worry but I hope that everything goes well. (Playing devils advocate here so please don’t hate me) - if by some horrible chance it’s not, there is a silver lining. You are having more normal cycles and were able to get a bfp without a ton of treatment. That’s huge from where you were a few years ago. I am very much hoping this is a sticky healthy baby though!

Krissie - I’m sorry to hear your blood pressure is still high :( I was hoping delivery would fix that for you. Very glad that your dh is doing so much better this time around! Having that help is soooo important. It’s a scary feeling to make such a permanent choice like a tubal even when you know you probably won’t have more children it’s hard to make that choice. I’ve always know I didn’t want more than 2 kids and me and my dh agreed on that same choice but I think if we have 2 I would still freak out a bit about making that a forever choice lol.

Afm - I’m on cd 2 I think I’m gonna start clomid on cd 4. Timing stuff out with a donor has me stressed out. I don’t want to call too early for the sample to be sent and it go bad before I can use it. Or call to late and it be useless lol. Who would have thought this would be stressful Hahahaha
Urs- no usually at this stage they can only see the cavity where the baby is growing- not any baby yet! The baby is still basically as small as a poppy seed! On my sil's 6 week scan they could also only see the black cavity in the uterus- normal view for that stage in the gestation hun. You'll see more later. Xxxx good numbers!
Ooohhh good luck with your donor swimmy! So exciting!

Krissy, so glad little miss is doing well. I'm so broody atm but can't really afford to be pregs right now. My life is crazy. Maybe in a month or so. :)
Fern - I can’t believe your little guy is a year old already!!! Where has the time gone!?! Sorry everything is so crazy for you right now. Hope everything evens out.
I can't believe it's been a year already, either! Did you do anything special to celebrate, Fern?

Swimmy: I greatly appreciate you temporarily playing the devils advocate. You are 100% right. A couple years ago I didn't even have periods.

What are your updates in terms of your cycle? When will the donor sperm be arriving?

Krissie: Glad little Alice is doing well. Hopefully your health gets back in order and you feel better.

AFM: What would I do without you gals? You've helped me through so much! I had bloodwork done on Friday and more today to compare hcg. My doctor called about 20 minutes ago saying not to bother doing todays bloodwork. I have a viable pregnancy! 100% He said! On 19dpo (approx.) I was at 732. On Friday (27dpo approx.) I was over 13,000! He gave me the exact number but I can't remember it. He said it's all well.

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