Getting Fit Before Baby

Interesting. Both of my sisters gained weight while pregnant with their boys, but I don't know what they were craving while pregnant. My mom only ever had girls, and with us she craved spicy Mexican food, hamburgers, etc. So there are two alternative outcomes for the salty foods/weight gain theory! :haha:

And what about my crazy, all-day-long, intense morning sickness? And the high heart rate? At my Nuchal Translucency scan at 13w1d, we were at 161bpm. According to the old wives' tales, those both say girl, right?

I'm all over the place with what I think baby will be! lol. Sometimes talking to DH, I will call LO a He. Sometimes, I call LO a She.

We're hoping to get booked for an early ultrasound at 16 weeks (the end of this month) for an anatomy scan, rather than being forced to wait til December. I can't wait!
My son's hb was also fast, I think usually 160s. But this one's was always very high. Always in the 170s, once it was 182.

I'm not sure about morning sickness as I didn't have it either time, neither did my mom who had 2 girls.

I think its fun to guess. But I was wrong about my son. I was so sure he was a girl. This one I also thought was a girl.

I think symptoms and experiences really vary person to person. I had one friend didn't even know she was pregnant until 5 months. But my other friend was sooo sick with her two girls.

That is exciting you might get an early gender scan. I wanted to so bad but we are trying to save as much as we can for maternity leave. But I really wanted to know as soon as possible.
Umm, I gained 50 lbs with my boy pregnancy! Lol. And craved carbs all the way through and had lots of morning sickness. And he had super high heart rate. So I guess ya never know! The wives tales were all over the place with us. I read a study that says boys make you more hungry, but even that the effects were very small so hardly "true" in the scientific sense.

The Ramzi theory was the only one that correctly predicted boy for us. Everything else said girl I think... with the sickness, acne, high heart rate, carby cravings, weight gain, etc. Oh, but everyone did guess boy for me because how I was carrying... all out front, big old beachball belly. Although I didn't start showing till around 20 weeks.

We did the early gender blood test so we knew by 11 weeks, which was so awesome. Insurance covered most of it, and if they would have denied it the testing company works out a deal with you so I would have paid like 130 max, so it was way worth it!
With my boy I carried all in the front too. This one I just look massive all around. I'm already up 14 lbs and I am really not eating bad or that much. It's definitely been so frustrating.
I just wanted to update that I had the fetal echo yesterday and everything looks good with her heart. There was one spot he couldn't see but he said he was not worried at this time.
Krissie - Glad to hear that everything went well for the fetal echo!

MissDoc - So do you think that how a woman is carrying her baby might be a true old wives' tale?

AFM - stepped on the scale this morning, and apparently I've lost 4 pounds? I feel like all I do is eat and sleep, and I'm still on activity restrictions too! Where has the weight gone?

I'm thinking it must be due to hormones. Perhaps now that I'm pregnant, they're in healthier ranges, and now my body can function normally? So the healthy diet I've been following for years, which never worked with PCOS, is suddenly causing weight loss?

I've even added the recommended 300cals/day to my diet, but I'm still losing. Is it dangerous to lose weight while pregnant, even if you're eating enough and getting all your vitamins? Hmmm
IRYM- I don't think a 4 lb loss would be considered unhealthy. Especially where you are getting a good healthy diet in there. I am sure you can always discuss it too with your doctor, but I know when I was losing (12 lbs in all with DS) my doctor was actually happy since I was overweight.

This time I cannot stop gaining. Even with a decent diet I cannot even maintain. I am up 14 lbs and while my doctor did mention I had gained weight I didn't get negative feedback. I just feel so much pressure to keep it in check yet no matter what I do it keeps going up. Oh well, I guess for now it must be what my body needs.
IRYM, with the extra 300 cals you've added... be sure that you've calculated your MAINTENANCE calories and then added the extra 300 cals, not the restricted diet calories + 300. So for example, a minimally active 200 lb woman's maintenance calories would be around 2300-2400, so she would need to eat 2600-2700 while pregnant to maintain/fuel baby and body. I'm certain you know this, so I'm sorry if I'm preaching stuff you already know! But I'd say, IF you truly are eating 2600+ and losing (even 2400+ and losing), it's okay. Your baby will get what he/she needs at that level. If you're eating under that, then you are dieting, whether you mean to or not.

About the bump/carrying thing... I don't know if I necessarily believe that one's true either, it was just one of the only ones that panned out in my case. Everyone seemed to guess boy from me by looking at me. I can't wait for your early gender scan. So exciting!!

Krissie-- That's how I was, whether I ate well or not I gained with my kiddo. Which made me annoyed at my body because I was like, really body, there's no way we truly NEED this extra weight, I already have plenty. Lol. But so it goes. Worth it, for sure!

As for me, been fairly stressed recently, not paying attention to eating and activity. My baby has parainfluenza and croup and resting stridor (compromised breathing) which led to us being in the emergency room over the weekend, and him getting steroid shot and ventilated epinephrine to open his airways. It's been rough. I've never been more scared in my life than when seeing my child gasp for breath and look panic stricken at not being able to breathe. Ugh. There is no terror like that. He's getting better, just wanting to nurse non stop and sleep is a wreck.
MissDoc- your poor baby!! That would be terrifying. That is good he is getting better, but none the less stressful for you. I hope he gets better quickly.

Yea, I do not need to be gaining weight. I am so annoyed but at this point I am just going to go with it since I am so limited on what I can eat at this point.
Finally had time to come on and see how everyone is doing :)

IRYM - i wouldn't worry about losing 4lbs at this point. I lost about 12 i think in my first trimster and my doc was fine with it sense i was already over weight. I can't wait to read what you are having!!!

Doc - So sorry to hear your baby has been sick :( it is sooo horrible when they are ill. you feel so helpless.

Krissie - how frustating!! i hate when your doing everything that you should be doing and you still gain weight. Hopefully it slows down for you soon :( not much else you can do at this point right/

AFM - I've been sick the last few weeks so I definatly haven't been working out my goal of 5 days a week but I've usually been hitting 3. I'm really upset that I cant see any progress between my september photos and this months :( im down another 7.5 lbs total for the month but was hoping to at least see the progess. All the halloween candy around my house is not helping my depressed mood hahaha. But I do have some great news!!! After thanksgiving I will be starting my dream job in the emergency room!!!! I know the 4 months of orrienation are going to be horrible. I'm hardly ever going to be home and my grandma is going to come live with me to help with lizzy. I feel really guilty that there will be multiple days I will leave before she gets up and not get home till shes in bed. But its only for 4 months right? and its not every day. In the long run i know this will be better for us, I will have more certifications and make more money. (sorry long update lol)
Swimmy- that's so frustrating you aren't seeing progress. Hopefully it catches up to your weightloss soon.

How amazing you are starting your dream job! It will be no doubt a tough four months but it sounds like you have some great support to help out.
Krissie, it is the worst when they are sick! Bleh! I'm sorry you're on the gaining train this pregnancy. But overall, it's all worth it. Our bodies sometimes just do whatever they need to do (even if we disagree with them). This may be your last kiddo, right? If so, you have the rest of your life after this baby to worry about your body and weight loss. Might as well enjoy this brief time in your life (within reason)!

Swimmy, that schedule sounds brutal. No doubt you'll have some days you'll be questioning your decision, but long term it sounds like a great opportunity! 7.5 lbs in a month is awesome by any standards! You should be proud of that. I know I would be! I hope you see results in the mirror soon for all that work.

IRYM, how are you and the little growing nugget? I'm soooo on pins and needles waiting to hear the sex of the baby. This part is so fun because there's just no wrong answer or bad outcome... either will be soooo exciting, but I love knowing!

So I am trying to monitor my eating better. I did well the past 2 days, and crappy today (too many snacks and halloween candy, boooo). But I'll try to salvage today by taking a walk or doing yoga or something mild, drinking lots of water, and making dinner a good one.
MissDoc- yes, this is my last pregnancy. I think I have decided to just go ahead and have my tubes tied after this one. I know that I have no desire to have any more now so it seems to be the most logical thing to do. My DH has dragged his feet getting the snip and I don't want another surprise. I have decided to embrace the weight gain and not worry. So far it has been very stable and right on track and not excessive by any measure. Just way more than I expected since my son's was so different. I think I figured out how much baby and all the extra fluid weighs and I think I have only gained about 3 lbs on top of that.

I hope you are doing better with eating healthy. It can be so hard for sure!! I am trying to focus on eating healthy right now but sometimes it just sucks always being good.

IRYM- I hope your scan went well and you know baby's gender!!
It is snowing here today. I cannot believe it is that time of year already!!
Height:*5' 2
Starting Weight:192
Goal Weight:145
MyFitnessPal Username:cameobelle

Lose __2_ lbs/kgs by: (11/15/2017)
Fit into size __8_ pants by: (date)
Be able to do ___ push-ups by: (date)
(Feel free to change these to suit your needs!)

My Plan:
(Include daily calorie goals or minutes of exercise, menu plans, workout routines, etc.)
1200 calories, 16000 steps, 30 min workout daily


Things I struggled with this month:

Things I did well this month:
Hey, gals! Sorry for being MIA again. Life gets hectic and then all I do is eat and sleep for days at a time. Lol!

I skimmed through all the recent posts to get caught up, sounds like thing have been more or less going smoothly! All except swimmy's LO being so sick. :(

Krissie - How's the weight gain doing now? Have you found anything that's helped you slow the gain?

Swimmy - I hope that new job goes well! It sounds like a challenge, but if it's your dream job, it'll be worth it!

MissDoc - Yes, it's been maintenance +300 cals, sometimes far more than that when I have one of those "bottomless pit" days that seem to pop up a couple times a week. I'm not losing any more and my thyroid seems to have slowed back to normal ranges, so that's good.

Cameobelle - Welcome to the group! :) Tell us a little about yourself?

AFM - just did the gender reveal on Saturday! It was torture waiting all week to learn the outcome, but now we know! It's a girl! :heart: That's what I was hoping for, I'm thrilled!
Congratulations on your little girl! <3 Have you guys picked out a name yet?

I have finally stopped gaining. I've switched to eating protein first and then the carbs. It seems to be helping. Plus, I have really switched my snacks to focus on fruits and veggies. I've noticed better blood sugars as well so something is working.

Glad to hear you found something that works. I also focus on veggies and protein before eating carbs... usually. Haha

We've picked Guinevere (Gwen. I love the nickname Gwen!) as a first name, but we're stumped on a middle name. DH has shot down everything I've suggested. Dozens of names suggested, and he hates em all! Sheesh.
I thought that was what you said before. I absolutely love that name too. I hope you guys can agree on a middle name soon. That was part of our problem when coming up with a second boy name. We just couldn't agree. I was so happy when it was a girl.

DH really worked on the nursery this weekend. Now I just need to get it organized. I think I will aim to do that during Thanksgiving weekend. I plan to wash up my nb-3 mo clothes over Christmas break. It is crazy how fast time is going!! I am third tri today and that is just hard to wrap my brain around.
Aaahhhhhh so exciting IRYM! Congrats on your daughter. How awesome that it worked out in the direction you were hoping. SO thrilled for you.

Krissie, wow. Third tri? Crazy how quickly time flies. It's interesting though, while I was pregnant it felt like forever (probably because I was so anxious to move it along and have him healthy and safe so was counting every day) but when I look back at it it feels like the tiniest blip of time. And he's 6 months tomorrow and it feels like it has zoomed by.

As for me, health shmealth. Lol. I am a mess. I'll have a few good days then say eff it and jump face first into junk food and after a few days come up for air and realize I'm doing myself no favors. Trying to get it under control.
IRYM - yay!! a girl!!!! also i love the name you have picked out. There is something about older names that i've always loved. I bet that week of not knowing was super hard. Are you going to have a theme for your nursery?

Krissie - I can't believe your already in the 3rd trimester. time is flying by! I don't blame you for wanting to get your tubes tied if you know you are done after this baby. If i ever had a second one I would be getting it done after that for sure.

Doc - control is soooo hard!!! i just had a 3 day run of bad choices ugh! Only good thing about it is I pretty much only ate 1 meal those days (of all crap) so i didn't go too over my cals. why does food that is bad for you taste so good and is so much easier to make!!! I don't mind cooking good food, i just hate the prep work and the dishes afterwards. I can't believe your boy is already 6 months old! How is he doing?

AFM - It's getting harder and harder to work on my current floor at work. I'm just so over the drama and the BS. I probably will be eating those words in a few weeks when im over tired and my brain is fried of new information but right now its sounding pretty good. On an even better note I hit my 30lb weight loss goal!!! my friend spoiled me with a spa day. I cut 13 inches off my hair and had an amazing massage.

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