Getting Fit Before Baby

Krissie: How has your little guy done with the tonsillectomy?

I feel excited to be in second trimester! However nausea and vomiting have gotten worse AGAIN (didn't know that was possible!?) so I've been put on a cluster of meds (Because I don't take enough as it is :( ). I'm really worrying about baby with all of these medications now.

Swimmy: It's different here. When you find out you're pregnant you see your gp who puts you in the ob/gyn system for the closest hospital to you that delivers. Your ob/gyn is then chosen at random. You don't decide who it is or where you deliver (unless you move). There is one female ob/gyn and three males. So I was so happy I got the female.

The resident told our ob/gyn there was no heartbeat. It freaked us out when our ob/gyn came in all panicked asking about it.

Our last appointment with her went WAY better. Her resident was at the clinic but our ob/gyn told her I'm a very special case and to just leave me for her to do. We talked briefly about being induced, birth planning, in case I need psychiatric care afterwards, all concerns. We did get to hear the heartbeat for our first time too. Sounded like a UFO taking off!

Glad to hear you had a vacation! I also find it weird they only asked 1-2 days for SA. I've always heard at least 3. Maybe they have a newer advanced machine now?

MissDoc: I loved your SA comment! This is really the only normal place to be excited over someone else's SA.

Your insight on having a newborn in hot weather has made me feel a little better. I'll be 7 and 8 months pregnant during our summer. You made me realize I'd rather be the one dying of heat than my baby. Not that it gets THAT hot here. We're still heavily under snow and will be until likely end of May.
Urs- it went really well. He has recovered easily and eating!! I cannot believe that having such enlarged tonsils was causing him to not be able to eat. The ENT was shocked how big they were so that says something. I am glad it is over and now I hope we can get him off the nutritional drinks and eating more regular food. So far he has tried over 5 new things!! For him that is amazing because he usually eats the same few things.

I had a July baby and I live in the desert. It was hard for the first two months because everything was so hot. January wasn't much easier though but at least it is easier to keep them warm than cool them off. I do like now that the weather is improving that she is big enough to take outside for short periods. I am hoping this summer to spent time outside.
Krissie- omg idk how you handled pregnant and the desert lol that one week I spent in Vegas while pregnant I thought I was dying Hahahaha but sometimes Michigan gets soooo sticky hot not great to be out pregnant or with a new baby lol.

Urs- I’m so glad your last visit went better!!! Hearing the heartbeat is so great :) I loved being able to find it at home it usually made me feel better.

Irym- Hope everything is going well :)

Afm - results came back!
Count was 3.1 million, motility was 54.5% and morph was 8% so at least morph and motility are good! But the count that low isn’t great :( I have to call tomorrow for a follow up visit next week. They also have WBC in his semen but they cultured it and there was no bacteria, so it’s probably from the kidney stones he had.
Krissie: Relieved to hear! He's a trooper, that's for sure. Very interesting how he's trying different foods now as well.

I can't imagine living in a desert. We have about 1 month of spring, 2 months of summer, 1 week (sometimes, usually less) of fall, then the rest is winter snow and ice. I don't handle heat well so I'm concerned for baby.

Swimmy: I ended up buying a Doppler on eBay (still waiting for it to arrive) but I thought of you during the whole process! I'm excited to listen in when I want to and not wait for appointments.

Glad the results are back! Do you have the appointment for follow up booked?

AFM: S/o and I drove to the big city yesterday. I was hoping to check out a baby store or two just to see what they have. I kind of am getting an idea what we will be wanting to buy right away and the quality it needs to be, etc. However, we drove 3 hours to get to the city so s/o could buy himself an earring (which he has since decided he doesn't like) Then eat and go back home. Because SOMEONE didn't want to go to baby stores because they make this SOMEONE feel weird and uncomfortable. He wants to wait until about a week before baby arrives before we START buying ANYTHING. Even crib, bottles, etc. I ended up asking if he's looked online at anything even baby related. He said "No, because we don't have a baby yet." End of rant.
Urs, I definitely wouldn't wait that long. That's just unreasonable on his part. I get waiting till the half way point or so, or even if he wants to wait til viability around 25 weeks, but when you're in your last month of pregnancy you don't want to be stressing about baby stuff. He's gonna have to suck up his discomfort and put your comfort and practicality above it. Sorry for the rant on your behalf!

Krissie so glad your sweetie is doing well!

Swimmy, glad the results came back and aren't too terrible. Is there anything to help the count not being what you'd like it to be?
MissDoc: I really appreciate your comment. At first I kept thinking "am I crazy for thinking that's too late?". I've talked with him and explained my concerns and how viability is around that 25 week mark. He apologized and said he just really doesn't want to lose baby and have everything set up because it would be even harder. I understand his worry with everything that has happened during the early stages of my pregnancy. He wants to look at a few major things (like a crib) so we can see what brands are sturdy and will work for us then shop around for lowest priced stores. I stood strong and told him I need the nursery set up with furnishings starting at 25 weeks. And I need the nursery complete at 28 weeks (because we are still unsure of induction date). He said once we know gender he'll probably go crazy spending with me. I love him but when the nursery is being used as the cat litter room, has no floor (main room has no floor either), the walls are peeling, and there are cords everywhere and he says he doesn't want to do anything until late third trimester... I'm glad I talked to him I'll just say that! Haha.
Urs- I'm glad you were able to talk to him. It sounds like there is a lot of work and waiting so late would not be a good idea.

With my son we moved when I was 38 weeks. It killed me not having a place set up until then. It was the second room I did after the kitchen. With my daughter my mom/sister painted it about 22 weeks and I finished it about 33/34 weeks.

Swimmy- I'm glad things aren't too terrible. I hope they get things where they need to be quickly.
Urs, I'm glad you were able to talk some sense into him and he could explain where he is coming from. Sounds like great progress, and some peace of mind for you!

Krissie, I have a question for you and the other ladies with two or who are trying for two. I need some advice! So I have a lot of mixed feelings about when to try for a second. My husband wants to start trying now, as he thinks it's risky to push it off longer than necessary with my low ovarian reserve, and he thinks it'll take us awhile. I don't know why, but I really don't think it'll take long. I just have this feeling that number two will be easier to conceive, and my OB told me expects that as well. (I know there's no real way to tell, other than give it a shot though).

I'd really like around 2+ years between the birth of my kiddos. I feel like my first, if he's 2, will be more ready and able to understand and be involved in a more meaningful way and I won't feel like I'm robbing him of his babyhood. He turns one mid May, so if we happened to get pregnant as soon as we start trying and I want him to be 2ish or more, than we'd start trying in August, when he's 15 mos. That would guarantee he'd be 2 or older if next baby makes it full term. But my husband is really uncomfortable with waiting past May or June at the latest to start trying.

So I guess my question is this. Am I being foolish or wreckless? Should we go ahead and start trying when my son is 1, and at the "worst", even it we got pregnant immediately, he'd be 21 months when next baby arrived. For those of you with two, do you feel 21 mos is old enough tolerate a newborn sibling and have some understanding of what's happening?

I know it's unlikely to happen ASAP, but it could, so I want to make sure I'm okay with that outcome if it does happen.
MissDoc- I can see both sides. We started ntnp when DS was 4 months old. We obviously had problems. We ended up doing 9 (I think) medicated cycles. So it was definitely much harder the second time.

However, with that said I really do like the age gap we ended up with. We had originally wanted around 2 years, but to be honest I think that would have been really hard still, but my DS was just recently dx with a hearing impairment at 21 months and wasn't talking yet.

At the end of the day no matter what happens you'll adjust and make it work.
Urs - definitely glad you got him to come around. I was the one in our relationship to want to wait putting a nursery/buying stuff lol. But my nursery was at least mostly together by 34 weeks. Only advice with the home Doppler. Try not to panic if you can’t find baby sometimes. I use to freak out if I couldn’t find her heartbeat. Me being overweight and her being breach made it harder to find her constantly.

Doc - If it was me I wouldn’t want to wait too long. But i can see both sides to the argument. Hopefully it doesn’t take as long but you never know. You could always not prevent but not “try” once your son is 1 but then start actively trying once he gets a little older. I really would love a 2 1/2 year age gap. My daughter plays with a group of girls and that’s about the age gap range. It’s sooo much fun to watch them all play together. The older ones love to “help” with the babies lol

Afm - trying not to get all worked up this cycle but loving the timing we have going on lol. I forgot how stressful temping/tracking cycles can really be.
Can someone give me some help with my chart this month? I disregarded my temp for cd 15 because I had only slept about 2 hours that day and it was higher than my baseline. I got a + opk that afternoon and then cd 16 my temp shot up. Do you gals think I did the right thing discarding that temp? If not it says I ovulated on cd 14 before I even had a + opk. Idk just super confused here lol
Swimmy- yes, I think you did the right thing. I would say cd 15 as o day.
thanks :) we did an iui that day with frozen and fresh semen. i had a nice big follicle so i was a little confused lol. not super hopeful but fingers are crossed
Really disappointed in myself I'm up 4lbs :( I've been doing so much stress eating. How is everyone doing with their eating habits?
Mine have been complete garbage lately. Last I weighed myself I was 3 lbs up. Probably higher now.
I think you did the right thing with your chart and IUI. I would have guessed CD 15 too. Good luck!!!

So it's 11 months after my kiddo's birth, and I'm still up 14+ lbs from pre pregnancy weight. I would very much like that to be gone before getting pregnant again, as I was a bit overweight before the first pregnancy. But I don't know if it's going to happen. I do well for a few days at a time then stop, then start again. My current goal is to get 5 lbs off at least, because if I can do that, and then if/when getting pregnant just gain 20ish lbs, I'll still be in a much better place than I was with my first.

But staying committed to getting even 5 lbs off is so darned hard. Lol. I'm back on the wagon today and brought my lunch to work, so hopefully that helps! My goal is to track everything this week in a journal and monitor my caloric intake, with the goal of about 500 deficit, including what is burned through breastfeeding.
I hit the gym today. And changed up my routine. I need to get my earring back under control! I was doing so well! 40lbs down was sooo hard and I’m worried I’m gonna start putting it on again.
Swimmy: I, too, agree with cd15. Proud of you for starting NOW and not putting it off until "Monday" or "next week". Starting is always the hardest.

My diet involves eating anything that doesn't make me sick. Lots of grapes (CRAVINGS FOR GRAPES), cheese, applesauce...that's about it. What have you worked on to get your eating better again?

Krissie: Do you have some fitness goals right now?

MissDoc: What helps me sometimes is saying "Oh, I want to lose just 5lbs, that's easy!" And then set a goal to have it done by a certain date and try to beat that goal. I feel when I have a goal I want to do it asap. Then I would end up losing even more weight from the rush! Packed lunches are a great help, too!

AFM: I sleep. That's about it. 24/7. If I'm not at any of my appointments (3/week roughly), then I am sleeping and taking medications for nausea and constipation. Is it ok to be SO tired in 2nd trimester?

Next Friday we find out the gender (will be 17w6d). We did maternal screening Monday (for chromosome abnormalities). We know something will be affecting baby, I'm nervous to find out what...
Urs- I hope your scan goes well. In was so so tired with DD through the entire pregnancy. It was awful. I think for some women that just happens.

I do have some fitness goals. I'd love to start working out at least 20 mins a day. We have a massive unused room in our basement so I want to set up the projector and do some videos.

My weight is back down. Turns out my period showed up Saturday so that explains the sudden increase.

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