Getting Fit Before Baby

Swimmy- the time at the cabin sounds amazing. I keep pondering the idea of getting a cabin near Yellowstone. We have some friends that have a family cabin up there and it's so peaceful.

I have a little over 7 years left on my student loans. Once they are paid off we will be eligible to sell our house and move if we want. For now we wouldn't qualify for a loan. Although my DH doesn't really want to sell our house anytime soon.

Hopefully moving in with your grandma works well for you all. It sounds like a good financial plan at any rate.

Afm, finally back on track with low carb. I'm down 8 lbs and my blood sugar has been fantastic. I also have a ton of energy so I'm just trying to stay focused and take it meal by meal. Hopefully I'm well established by the time work starts back up and I won't have any issues prepping lunches and sticking with low carb.
Congrats on the weightloss Krissie!

And Swimmy, so jealous of your lake and cabin time.

Nothing too exciting here. I’ve taken a few days off from dieting. I’ll be back on the horse tomorrow.

As for babymaking, only BD’d once in the fertile window and hubby was sick and on antibiotics (which lowers sperm count), so I have little to no hope that anything will “take” this cycle. We’ll try harder next cycle!
That's disappointing MissDoc. Hopefully things go much better next cycle.

Im trying to clean my basement which has been my catch all for 3 years. But we are getting new windows next week so I need to get it done. Hopefully it will encourage dh to finish putting in the built in shelves and we can actually start using it as our entertainment area. It's a fantastic space but just kinda boring in its current state.

I'm finally not craving carbs like a crazy person, however, af also decided to show today so hopefully I can stay strong. I always get horrible cravings during that time. So far all I really seem to want is pot roast so I guess that's at least a safe craving. :haha:
Doc - sorry to hear DH has been sick :( better luck next month

Krissie - I love yellowstone, it would be so amazing to have a cabin close by. good for you with the low carbs!!! that has been my downfall lately. I want cupcake and steak like all the time. At least the steak doesn't have carbs hahaha. good for you for getting the basement cleaned up. we build that huge play room in the basement and i've been too lazy to move all the toys/tv down there lol. at least the shelves we built helped with the clutter.

AFM - for some reason this week nausea/vomiting has been hitting me hard :( also along with a summer cold. no fun. My friend from Washington flies in on friday. looking forward to spending time with her. was hoping for better weather so we could go out on the boat but we will play it by ear :) also started picking up some boy cloths :)
Krissie, ooh, basement organizing doesn't sound fun but itll be so worth it! And totally, pot roast is a reasonable craving. I just want cupcakes so badly. Lol.

Swimmy, yuck on the cold and the just feeling crummy overall. Hope it calms down soon. And how sweet to start buying little boy clothes. Makes it real! Little boy clothes are so precious. There are always many more options for little girls, but I almost always dress my little boy so handsomely, so fun to dress up a little gentleman and make them look dapper! I loved sweet/smart stuff for my son rather than the super sports/athletic themed look. I had a blast buying boy clothes (a little too much of a blast if you ask my husband, haha!).

Speaking of boy clothes, if we get to have a second and it's a boy it would be so nice to get to use all of our stuff again. Despite that, I'm still slightly hoping for a girl so I get to experience both and visit that side of the clothing department! Lol.

As for health stuff, I am back on track with counting calories. I have 9.8 more lbs of the last pregnancy's babyweight to lose still, but plodding along!
I'd say I'm 90% done with the basement but the rest has to wait until our windows are installed next week. Now I'm gonna tackle my craft room today.

Part of my goal with the basement is to get the toys downstairs and out of the main living area. That way DS can play down there more and it encourages me to use the space.

Swimmy- I hope the weather cooperates and you guys have a lovely weekend together. And that you feel better soon.

MissDoc- good job getting back on track with diet. I'm almost two weeks in today and doing pretty good. I broke down and ate too many carbs yesterday (at least it was just cantaloupe) hopefully am over that.
Hey gals - finally starting to feel better lol that took too long.

Krissie - 90% of the way done is impressive! We finally got our playroom together this weekend. Soooo nice to have a liveable space down there and have all of her toys spread out (where I don’t have to pick them all up every time someone comes over hahaha). I really need to start working on down sizing our belongings especially if we are going to move in a few months.

Doc - I feel like my dh will have this poor boy in camo patterns like 24/7. He’s big into fishing and hunting and I swear every time we go out he’s picking out a new hunting outfit for him or something with fishing lol. Not exactly my favorite look even with loving the outdoors. You are sooo close to your pre pregnant weight! Way to go!!!

Afm - starting to feel baby move a little this week, i forgot what a strange feeling that is to start with. Planning lizzys birthday party, we are going up north, gonna spend the morning at the beach if the weather allows then take the party back to our place for bbq and cake. Can’t believe this gal is gonna be 2!
Swimmy- yay for more movements! Those early ones are always a little strange.

So they weren't able to install almost half of the windows because they were measure wrong. I'm frustrated to say the least because now I'll have to take off work for this. But oh well, the ones installed are so beautiful.

Cleaning the basement has encouraged dh to get working on it so hopefully as the weather cools outside he will do that. I want my library! :haha:

I've been doing good on my diet and I'm now back to my pre pregnancy weight. While that is exciting I'm looking forward to losing more.
Swimmy, so funny with your husband getting so excited to have a little hunting buddy, lol. And oh my gosh, baby movements are the best. It's actually the biggest thing I look forward to about a potential second pregnancy...nothing like feeling your baby moving inside of you (until those last weeks where they never stop moving and kick you in the lungs and bladder repeatedly, lol).

Krissy, jealous of your craft room, how cool! And congrats on being back at your pre-pregnancy weight. That is so awesome.

As for me, I'm making progress. Lost 3.6 lbs last cycle, and I'm 8.6 lbs away from pre-pregnancy weight. Started my period yesterday, which wasn't a surprise given our poor planning with trying this cycle. I'm okay with it. Gives me another cycle to work on another few lbs! Maybe one of the next few cycles will be my cycle!
Good luck this cycle MissDoc. Hopefully your timing will be perfect.

I must admit we have a pretty perfect house for us. Other than the yard is too much work. I'm planning to take out all plants up front and replace the flower beds with weed barrier, rocks, and some whiskey barrels. It eliminates a huge chunk of yardwork and should make it manageable. My back is all fenced so I can work with the kids and not worry about them running into the road. Hopefully in a couple years I can afford to have a company come out every couple weeks to do the upkeep and then I can enjoy my summers more.
Krissie - sooo envious that you will have a library!! that is on my dream list. One day i'll have one (esp if we build a house in a few years). I agree with you I think yard work is the least fun, I think I would pay a service to do that over indoor cleaning if I had to pick. Congrats go getting down to pre-pregnant weight you did that fast! I'm kind of excited that we might sell our house in the winter so no one will notice that I haven't weeded or done anything to the flowers in years hahaha.

Doc - ooohh i forgot how uncomfortable the last few weeks get with movements lol. This kid seems like a kicker, I've been feeling a lot more the last few days. Hoping the next few cycles bring you some luck! 3.6 lb loss is great! almost 1 lb a week!

AFM - I think im gonna try weight watchers a few months after having this baby. My friend is having some amazing success with it. Shes down 20lbs in under 3 months. So proud of her! I got on the scale at work today, so far doesn't look like any weight gain in the last 2-3 weeks but i've been making really poor food choices :( i need to cut that out!
Eee! How are you doing irym? Your profile picture is so lovely. <3

Aww, thanks! Hello, hello! Today's the first day since DD was born that I've felt like I've had time to breathe. I'm sorry it took me so long to get in here and check in!

How have you been doing?

And who wants to hear the tale of the 3rd trimester and baby's birth? I can't believe I've been away so long!
I'd love to hear your story!

I find the first 3 months so overwhelming. It does get easier, or rather we adjust?

Things are going great here. Both kids are growing fast and I went back to work last week. I'm struggling a little but thays typical after summer. DS starts preschool next week and is so so excited. I hope this year sets him up well for kindergarten.
OMG IRYM!! We've missed you! Can't wait to hear about everything :) She is beautiful (and so are you :hugs:) love the picture update.

krissie - sorry you had to go back to work :( that is never easy.

Can't believe my gal is now 2!!! had a fun birthday party, she loved water balloons. My mom drove me crazy all weekend but that's ok lol, it was nice to get away and be up north for a few days. Spent most of it on the beach. however not super happy that someone bought lizzy one of those toy cars kids can drive. Cuz she totally knows how to use it and likes to try and take off on it :dohh:
I'd love to hear your story!

I find the first 3 months so overwhelming. It does get easier, or rather we adjust?

Things are going great here. Both kids are growing fast and I went back to work last week. I'm struggling a little but thays typical after summer. DS starts preschool next week and is so so excited. I hope this year sets him up well for kindergarten.

Preschool! How exciting! My littlest nephew just started last fall, and he had typically been a Mama's boy with severe separation anxiety, so we thought his first day was going to be a problem. Well, they get to the preschool, the boy takes one look at all the toys and other kids, and poof! Gone straight to the fun. Could not care less that his mom was leaving him there to go to work. He made 2 friends the first day and hasn't complained once about going back, since. Haha

I hope it goes as well as that, or better, for your boy!

You're going to have to tell me all about your new LO too! So tiny in that profile pic! <3

AFM -- My pregnancy went by without a single problem until week 37. I woke up one night itching from head to toe! I knew that was a symptom of liver problems, so I went into the ER (and not just because the itching was miserable), and the docs there were like, "Well there's not a rash. I don't know what to tell you." I had to be the one to mention Obstetric Cholestasis. The said, "It's probably not that, but we will run tests anyway," and what do you know? Obstetric Cholestasis!

If you're unfamiliar with the syndrome, it's basically where your liver is overloaded with all the extra hormones, waste and other stuff dumped into your bloodstream by pregnancy, and stops being able to filter out the waste from your system. It can cause stillbirth if it's not caught in time, so I'm really glad I did! I got put on a drug called Ursadiol, which basically a supplemental liver acid that helps dissolve toxins in my bloodstream.

A few nights later, I started waking up with severe back pain. And I mean SEVERE. I have back pain every day of my life, so I'm somewhat inured to it. This pain was nauseating. It was so intense I had a hard time catching my breath. I was pretty certain it was back labor, actually, so I called and went into L&D, was hooked up to monitors, etc. Had 1 contraction a minute for ALMOST an hour, when they mysteriously vanished and didn't come back. I got sent home.

A few nights later, same thing again. Had what I was sure was back labor, headed into L&D, had contractions 1 minute apart for ALMOST an hour, then they stopped just short of an hour, and I was sent home.

The third time it happened, the OB on duty at the time said, basically, "Look, you've been 'almost' in labor three times, you have Obstetric Cholestasis that is not improving, and you're 38 weeks pregnant. I'm going to induce."

Thank god I'd insisted on packing my hospital bags into the car that morning. lol

So they started me on pitocin on April 10th at about 8am. Only I didn't really respond to it. I stayed at 1cm dilated and 90% effaced, with next to no contractions for THREE DAYS. I insisted we try everything. A foley bulb, cervix softening medications, labor balls, walking up and down the hallway.. you name it, we tried it. Not only that, but the baby's head never dropped either. If she had, her head would have put pressure on my cervix and helped it to dilate like it should have, but she was tucked up above my right hip and would not budge from that spot.

When April 13th rolled around and still no baby, we'd exhausted all our options. They told me at that point, all that was left was a c-section.

You guys, I was so upset by that news. I had mentally prepared myself for 9mos for a vaginal delivery and the pain and difficulty that would cause me, only to learn that my body had "failed" me and I needed surgery to have this baby.

The issue was that my cervix was so horribly scarred from my cancer removal surgeries and subsequent biopsies, it just couldn't function like it should have. And there was nothing the OB or nurses could do about that.

I just wanted to break down and cry, but I couldn't. My mom and youngest sister were both there, and they had both had c-sections themselves, and I didn't want to look like I was throwing a fit or being a big baby.

Anyway, Gwen was born at 1:37 on Friday the 13th, after the longest 3 days of my life (up to that point). She weighed 9lbs and 1.5oz! I thought, "No wonder she never dropped, she was too big!"

And the fact that she was so large meant that from the very start, I was unable to produce enough breastmilk for her. She lost more than 10% of her body weight in less than 48hrs. So we had to start supplementing with formula until she started to gain weight, which meant we were in the delivery ward an extra 2 days to make sure she was healthy. And even after my milk really started coming in, it wasn't enough fr her. No matter what I ate or drank, how often she nursed or I pumped, there just wasn't enough.

Now at 16 weeks, my milk is all dried up. I was really upset about that, too. I told DH that I felt like a failure. Not only did my body fail to birth our baby the way it "should have", it couldn't produce milk to feed her. The baby blues really hit me hard.

I'm doing better now though. It took a lot of reminding myself that the most important thing is that Gwen is here safe and sound.

Oh, AND -- My first mother's day was a little over a month after Gwen was born, and DH totally botched it. After all the months I'd talked about it, how excited I was to celebrate my first Mother's Day, all the gift ideas I had come right out and shown him and said, "This would be an excellent mother's day gift!" All he did was run to the grocery store the evening of Mother's Day, and grab the last bouquet of roses they had, which were brown and wilty. And then had the nerve to say, "They were sold out of everything, so I just got you these."

He cooked some chicken for dinner, supposedly so I wouldn't have to cook, and that was that.

You guys, DH planned ahead enough to send his mother a professional flower arrangement from 1-800-Flowers, how come all I merited was a wilty bouquet from the grocery store? I cried and cried. Then later, DH's parents came up for a visit and his dad asked what he did for me for Mother's Day. DH was like, "Oh, I cooked dinner." His dad goes, "... that's all?"

DH: Well it was a good dinner! Chicken and salad!
FIL: But you're going to do something better for her next year, right?
DH: ...?
FIL: Because it's her first Mother's Day and she deserves something special?
DH: But it was a tasty dinner!

You guys, it was like it never occurred to him that perhaps he ought to do something special for my first mother's day and couldn't understand why everyone was shocked! He had NO CLUE.

For Father's day, I got him a custom wooden, carved photo frame that said, "Happy First Father's Day 2018, Love Gwen" and had his favorite photo of her in it, for his desk at work. It wasn't anything super duper, but it was sentimental, required some forethought, and I didn't run out to the grocery store last minute to scavenge the leftovers. :dohh:

Anyway, sorry for throwing up that wall of text there! Just so much to cover since the last time I checked in!
IRYM - im sorry to hear that labor was such a mess for you, its completely ok to be disappointed that things didn't go as you had pictured. Same with breast feeding. I wanted to breast feed soooo badly, i kept trying to force lizzy along with supplementing but i was pretty much starving her. finally i switched to pumping what i could and just doing formula for the rest.
I'm a true believer that a fed baby is best. No where when she graduates high school will it say she was breast fed or not lol.

I'm so sorry that your DH messed up your mothers day! that is just crappy :( i'm glad his parents called him out on it hahaha. Hopefully next year he goes above and beyond. So wonderful to hear from you and to get an update
Swimmy - Hello! Glad to be back, thanks for the compliments. :)

It's so crazy your LO is already two! It seems like just the other day she was born! Happy birthday to her!

I agree with you that fed is best. It's just really hard to have yet another "failure" or setback on something my body is supposed to be able to do! Bah.

Not to mention, I was hoping that BFing would help me lose some baby weight! Haha
Your DD sounds so much like my experience with DS. I beat myself up for not being able to bf due to basically no supply. He lost 25% weight at 2 weeks so we had no choice. But to be honest I think choosing to ff from the start this time is what caused me to not have PPD. It was an entirely new experience. Just be kind to yourself and know she is a happy, healthy baby and thriving no matter how you feed her.

It sounds like the end of your pregnancy/labor was quite difficult. But so wonderful she is here now after all the struggles you guys had to get her. :cloud9:

Afm.. Alice is my last child after her pregnancy/postpartum. I developed very high bp and had 3 hospital stays from 31 weeks-36 weeks. I was put on bed rest and finally at 37 weeks they induced me when I finally developed pre-e. Which I was one of the lucky ones it actually went really bad after I had her and I was readmitted at 5 days pp due to insane bp and fluid on my lungs. I was very ill for about 3 months with bp and blood sugar that wouldn't settle down, but thankfully am doing so much better.

Now little Alice is 6 months old and doing so good. Her brother just adores her and I can see them being good little trouble makers together. She already scoots after him and he loves to sing and play with her. Even though she was a bit of a surprise I am so glad it worked out and she is here. She is a complete daddy's girl though. It doesn't matter who is there if her daddy is home she is glued to him. I think I kinda understand how he felt now with DS since he is very much a mama's boy.

Anyways this was her 6th month picture I took last week. <3


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