Getting Fit Before Baby

Good evening,

I am not ttc but currently wanting to lose weight...just did not know if I could join in :)

Of course you can join! Welcome welcome! :) I admit we haven't been super strict with the weigh-ins or anything, but we DO support each other, offer encouragement, and share recipes and other odds and ends as we all work toward getting fit.

Do you have any particular goals you'd like to work toward? What is your current meal plan or diet that you'd like to try?

Swimmy - Sounds like your DD gets as much of a workout with those videos as you do! :haha:

AFM -- Good news! Gwen did all of her naps in the Pack & Play yesterday, so I decided to try and let her sleep in it overnight.. and it was a success! She went down with minimal fuss, and the overnight routine was just the same as always. We're already 3 naps in today (she's a cat napper!) and she has had very little trouble. I call that a win!

Also I just wanted to share with you some of our kitchen update pics. I'm so proud of all the work I've managed to do in this room since last September. It's taken me almost a year (and will probably take at least another month) to get this done, but we're almost there and I love the results!


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Good evening,

I am not ttc but currently wanting to lose weight...just did not know if I could join in :)

Of course you can join! Welcome welcome! :) I admit we haven't been super strict with the weigh-ins or anything, but we DO support each other, offer encouragement, and share recipes and other odds and ends as we all work toward getting fit.

Do you have any particular goals you'd like to work toward? What is your current meal plan or diet that you'd like to try?

Swimmy - Sounds like your DD gets as much of a workout with those videos as you do! :haha:

AFM -- Good news! Gwen did all of her naps in the Pack & Play yesterday, so I decided to try and let her sleep in it overnight.. and it was a success! She went down with minimal fuss, and the overnight routine was just the same as always. We're already 3 naps in today (she's a cat napper!) and she has had very little trouble. I call that a win!

Also I just wanted to share with you some of our kitchen update pics. I'm so proud of all the work I've managed to do in this room since last September. It's taken me almost a year (and will probably take at least another month) to get this done, but we're almost there and I love the results!

ooh wow your kitchen looks amazing and it was worthy the wait, you did great congrats

As for me i feel like am always angry, for some reason i feel like all the pains and nausea are not my cup of tea. Its like a torture so most of the time i keep telling myself baby girl remember that feeling of holding your baby for the first time, its all worthy it.

I have a small space in my house since we were planning to move to the bigger house in the future and this baby was a surprise so now i have to find space in my small house. So there is a room but i will have to do some painting and everything, its exciting as i love interior designing. :happydance:
Hi gals. I can't remember when I posted last. I'll try and be brief, I'm having a hard time.

Mid-June I was put on at home bed rest because I started fainting and it was becoming frequent.

End of June we put our cat to sleep. He just became super sick.

Start of July: My 26 year old brother had a major stroke. As of now he is physically ok. Mental mind of a 4 year old. Struggles with talking.

One week later (29 weeks): Had first preterm labour scare, sent to main hospital 3 hours away. Given lots of meds, it stopped, sent home.

31 weeks: Preterm labour scare #2.

32 weeks: Preterm labour scare #3.

33 weeks: Given steroid to try and calm the rapidly spreading autoimmune disease problem. Lost my mental health. Didn't trust anyone, thoughts of harming self and baby, extreme panic that baby had to come out or would die.

34 weeks 6 days (last Friday): Labour pains again. Stopped eating.
Went to ER. I made it to 3cm dilated 50% effaced and stopped. Discharged. Went to ER and back home twice a day over the weekend.

35 weeks 1 day (Sunday): Foster niece passed away from cancer.

35 weeks 2 days (Monday): I couldn't walk anymore. My body was shutting down fast. Taken to ER. Ob on call broke waters right there. Epidural started. Pitocin given. After a little 2 hour nap I was ready to push. After a few pushes the nurse told me baby is stressed and not ok and she has to come out right now. Really focused in. We got her head out. One little noise she made and then stopped breathing. They got her out and off she went to NICU. Daddy followed. I stayed in my room for 4 1/2 hours before I could move again. We couldn't hold her for the first 24 hours.

She is 4 days old today and is making huge progress. Off all machines. The only thing she needs now is a feeding tube and incubater and caffeine (heartrate issues). Daddy and I can hold her more, but there are still times we can't. She accepted a bottle yesterday with me and took in 2mL that way. First time. She made her first cries yesterday too. I've never been so relieved to hear a baby cry. She recognizes my voice and scent. Loves when I hold her and calms right down listening to my heartbeat. She has jittering problems from the withdrawal of my antidepressants.

She was born August 28 at 12:07am. My body basically started rejecting her because it couldn't keep both of us alive. The ob said it would have ended in a stillbirth had it continued any longer. My body just shut down.

I was discharged the next day. I feel great physically now. It's so hard not having her here though. I'm having a meltdown right now. I'll post pictures when I'm able.
Oh Urs what a journey! First off I'm so glad your daughter is here and safe. I hope her nicu stay is short.

That really sounds like a scary end to your pregnancy all around. Hopefully now your autoimmune issues will calm down.

Take care of yourself. Being a new mom, let alone of a preemie, is hard but you'll be fabulous. :hugs:
oh urs - what a scary scary journey, I hope her NICU stay is short and that you get to heal quickly at home in the mean time. I'm so sorry about all your other hard ships/losses over the last few months. Sending lots of hugs.
Take it one day at a time.

AFM - I've had a lot of people at work comment on my belly lately its been making me feel very self conscious. Can't believe its already September!
Urs that is a scary journey, am so sorry you had to go through all of that. But look at yourself as a worrier and you made it through it all, am pray for your lovely DD to be health and strong.
Urs, wow, what a tumultuous journey you've had! I am sorry for all of the difficulties this summer has brought you, but am happy to hear both you and your daughter are safe and on the other side of this challenging pregnancy and birth. I sure hope she gets stronger and stronger each day and that you get to be there a lot to snuggle and hold her until she is ready to come home to you. Hope you're resting and taking care of yourself. Can't wait to see pictures.

IRYM, your kitchen looks fabulous. I love all you did with it! Congrats. And yay for sleeping in the pack n play!

Swimmy, oh my gosh, it's an interesting time when it starts getting "real" to everyone around you. Did you start showing any sooner with this little one? I actually loved when my belly started looking obviously pregnant with my son, instead of just chunky. Haha!

As for me, I've been off the wagon healthwise for a week or so, ever since the chemical pregnancy. I'm not super sad or anything, just haven't been motivated to eat well or exercise. So today I printed out my daily exercise goals for this month. Going to follow the Piyo program from Beachbody. I'll really try to stick with it. As for TTC, we're jumping right back in after the early loss, as I don't think it messed up my cycle any. Or at least not that I can tell yet. Today is CD9, and I'll likely ovulate 7-8 days from now, so in a couple of days "sex week" will commence, LOL. Is it sad that it's the time of the cycle I dread most? I hate BDing just for the sake of TTC as it feels like a chore two days in. And I still have some discomfort/get sore very easily from the vaginal sidewall tearing and 4th degree tear I had with my son. Bleh!
Doc - i feel like I got bigger faster with this baby. my belly got "rounder" a lot quicker at least lol. Great weight loss plan! Printing out goals and putting them on my fridge helped me a lot. Are you going to to OPK's this cycle with TTC?

AFM - working on getting our DD into a big girl bed, she is on night 3 and so far only the first night was rough. I loved putting her new room together. She picked out monsters inc sheets lol. my husband was kind of bummed that she didn't want the pink girly princess ones hahaha. Kind of dreading my weigh in at my drs office. I feel like I'm on a gaining streak again but don't want to check it myself lol. I have been craving/eating a coffee cup amount of ice cream every night. (sometimes 2 eeekkk)
All - Thanks for the positive feedback on my kitchen! I still sometimes surprise myself walking in there first thing in the morning, it looks so lovely!

Urs - OMG, what an awful past few months you've had! I'm so relieved to hear that DD is here safely and seems to be making great strides toward coming home with you. I'm sure you are, too! We can't wait to see pictures of your strong little one!

Miracle - When I was pregnant, I also had a very short temper in the first trimester. Everything made me angry! And of course, my pets at the time thought it was the perfect opportunity to test my every nerve. lol. They're usually so well behaved, and for those 3 months they seemed to forget all their training, got into the trash, behaved awfully on walks and car rides, etc. I just couldn't cope and had to have my husband handle everything whenever possible. Haha

I hope it passes soon for you and you can get back to feeling like your normal self!

Swimmy - Don't feel bad about that, just make the best of it where possible! Can you switch to a light/low fat ice cream? Those Halo Top pints are pretty darn tasty and there's only ~300 calories in the whole pint, so even if you ate the entire thing in one sitting, you wouldn't be doing too much damage. They're a little pricey, but I found that that helped me not want to eat the whole thing too fast, as I'd have to go buy more! :haha:

AFM - Weighed in today after avoiding the scale all week, and it looks like I'm down 3 pounds since starting the keto diet 3 weeks ago. Woo!

I actually gained a pound last week, so had to fine tune my carb intake and cut back on a few things like coffee creamer. I like very light coffee and even my sugar free creamer added about 4 or 5 carbs to my daily intake. Considering you aim for under 20g net carbs per day, that 1 cup of coffee was 1/4 of my daily allowance!

So far, I'm finding it very easy to follow this diet, which is so strange because dieting has always been so hard for me! I don't feel much like I'm deprived with this one, probably because of all the healthy fats I'm allowed each day. Avocado, low fat diary, salmon, coconut oil, cashews and natural peanut butter are all approved, and help me feel satisfied longer. Plus, food tends to taste very rich and satisfying this way. I hope to be able to stick with it even after I reach my goal weight!

Going to try to get a little workout routine started to help boost my loss to maybe 2lbs a week.

Oh! And I started taking myo-inositol again. It's only been a few days, but I've already noticed that I don't need a midday caffeine pick-me-up like I used to, which is great! I've also added Vitamin D supplements back into my diet, since I routinely test low for that nutrient despite taking a daily multivitamin.

And last (but not least!), DD is in the middle of some kind of sleep regression, which is driving me nuts. Yesterday she went 5 hours without a nap, despite me rocking her, using white noise, comfy pajamas, clean diaper, making sure she had a full belly, sitting in a dim room... I tried wearing her out with tummy time and playtime, we walked and bounced and all manner of things. Right when she would doze off, she'd jerk herself awake and wind herself back up! Finally, she fell asleep about 6pm and slept for an hour... then was back up around 730 or 8 and starting to wind herself up again. Thank goodness DH was home by then because I was frazzled and mentally drained from trying to get my fussy, cranky DD to get some sleep. Send me good vibes to get through this and back to a baby who will take naps! Yeesh!
Irym- look up the wonder weeks. My kids followed them perfectly with their little mood swings and it really helped me to understand what was going on when they're cranky. Since your daughter was a little early I was estimating her gestational age must be about 17 weeks and that is right in the middle of Wonder week. Which is actually more like a Wonder month at this age.
IRYM - way to go on following your diet plan! sounds like you are rocking it :) Sorry your DD is in a sleep regression :( they are no fun. I also liked the wonder weeks, my gal didn't follow it exactly but it was usually pretty easy to see where she was at. Glad you DH could help out and give you a little break. thanks for the tip on the Halo ice cream, i tried it once before and wasn't a huge fan, is there a flavor you liked? I think i tried vanilla and birthday cake?

AFM - caught my first cold of the cooler season ugh i really just want to lay in bed and nap all day. Looking forward to getting my hair done monday though (as long as i don't have a fever or anything). I haven't had it cut or highlighted in almost a year!
Had a bit of a silly panic moment today. my OBs office called to schedule my c-section eeekk!!! it just felt so official! 12/27 i have to be at the hospital at 530 in the morning. Really hoping he comes as planned. I just keep freaking out about what about lizzy if i was to go into labor in the middle of the night or on the holiday when my friends will be out of town or at holiday parties lol. I know we would figure it out, worse came to worse my DH would stay with her and I would go to the hospital until my mom or grandma could get over here to help.

They also asked me about tying my tubes. i keep hovering on the fence about it, i don't have to officially decide until like 30 weeks or something like that. i know i don't want more than 2 but it just feels so officially "done".
Had a bit of a silly panic moment today. my OBs office called to schedule my c-section eeekk!!! it just felt so official! 12/27 i have to be at the hospital at 530 in the morning. Really hoping he comes as planned. I just keep freaking out about what about lizzy if i was to go into labor in the middle of the night or on the holiday when my friends will be out of town or at holiday parties lol. I know we would figure it out, worse came to worse my DH would stay with her and I would go to the hospital until my mom or grandma could get over here to help.

They also asked me about tying my tubes. i keep hovering on the fence about it, i don't have to officially decide until like 30 weeks or something like that. i know i don't want more than 2 but it just feels so officially "done".

i think i understand you a lot,its overwhelming to know now this is happening and to tie your tubes can be emotional i really advice you to think it through as that would be it. I have seen people saying i wish didn't do it lol :dohh: . My sister did it and she was certain that was what she wanted and she never regrets it.
Swimmy I cannot believe you already have a date!! That really does make it seem more real.

My doctor had asked about having my tubes tied (he was quite clear I should be done after my DD). And I wish I would have done it. DH did end up getting a vasectomy but for me I know without a doubt we are done and I think it would have been a good solution. However, if you are not 100% then I probably wouldn't do it yet. I did struggle for about 3 months with the being done forever part, but as my DD gets bigger I get more excited about all of the things we can do when she is no longer a baby. I look forward to the next phase of raising our children.

IRYM- Sorry I didn't reply properly last time but I wanted to say that before I forgot. That is great you are sticking with keto. I was really strict for a month and saw great results. I keep meaning to get back on track but going back to work has really thrown me off.

Urs- thinking of you hun. I hope your daughter is doing well. :hugs:
Hello girls!
I want to join this to get encouraged for healthy eating and exercising!
Also i need to remember to take my muti-vitamins!! I keep forgetting ugh!

I'm starting my IVF cycle in exactly 3 months, so i want to be super healthy for when that happens :)
krissie - i probably should just get them tied, i know i don't want more kids i've known that for years lol. how are your kiddos doing?

miracleworker - how is pregnancy going?

arianne - welcome! congrats on IVF soon! thats sooo exciting! do you put an alarm in your phone to remind you to take the vitamins? thats about the only way i remember lol. did your fertility dr give you any tips for healthy eating or what kind of exercising you should do?

AFM - funny stories this week,
1st one me and my DH went on a kayaking weekend trip. it was great to spend some one on one time together without phones or anything like that. However lesson learned ... before you get naked in the woods make sure you REALLY know what poison ivy looks like hahahaha ooooohhh the itch is real!! and of course some how DH doesn't have any!
2nd - my DD was laying with her head on my belly and baby brother kicked super hard. omg the look on her face was priceless. she now thinks its the funniest game in the words to lift up my shirt and poke at my belly to see if it moves back.
Swimmy- I hope the itch goes away soon! That definitely sounds unpleasant.

Arianne- Welcome, good luck on your journey.

Afm, The kids are doing good. Alice is growing like a little weed now. She has started solids and loves to eat. It is so different from my DS who didn't really take to eating and was still on formula at 15 months because he wouldn't eat. I suspect she is getting ready to crawl, she has figured out how to move about by rolling and scooting. She refuses to be laid down during the day as she is so curious and excited for people and things around her.

Christian is over a month into preschool now. He has struggled with his behavior and its caused me a lot of stress. They said one on one or in small groups he does fine but whole group he has all sorts of behaviors from pulling his pants down to hitting other kids. Academically/cognitively they have no concerns, just the behavior. But we do have a speech eval in the works so hopefully that will help him be able to express himself better.

Otherwise, I am really struggling with headaches/migraines. It has been two solid weeks and I am almost to my breaking point. I have an appt today so hopefully they can help as this is impacting my life and work.
Thanks for the tips on the book, ladies! I believe my SIL has a copy and is planning on sending that to me. I'll be interested to read it (when I have the chance) and see what it says about Gwen's current behaviors. :)

Swimmy - Oh man, I can see why you're on the fence. Getting tubes tied is so permanently permanent! But if you know you're done with two kids and do NOT want any more, I think you should take the plunge, so to speak. Better to do it during the csection than to wait for them to have to do ANOTHER surgery on you! Even if it's an outpatient procedure, that's just more downtime where you'll have to have help caring for your babies.

As for the poison ivy/oak -- swab the affected areas with witch hazel and that should help tremendously! Of course verify that it's safe for pregnancy, but it oughta be considering it's a basic astringent and you aren't going to ingest any.

AFM - Been a little chaotic around here. Gwen still isn't napping well, so I've been scraping by with tons of coffee. I'm wrapping up week 5 of the keto diet and my weigh-in is tomorrow, so I'll let you gals know how I did the next time I log in.

I weighed myself early this week and it looks like I gained a bunch of weight back, but I'm fairly certain it's bloat from PMS, so wish me luck getting that off by tomorrow morning. :haha:

Gwen has started eating solid foods, which she is really enjoying. We started with yams, and after the initial surprise at the taste, she gets REALLY excited to eat them. Her little face turns into a :O and she starts flailing her legs excitedly. :haha: So cute, she's a little foodie in the making! Now if she could just take afternoon naps! lol

DH and my wedding anniversary is on the 23rd. We're going to have a cheat day on our diet so we can go out to dinner without worrying about carb counts. We've been married for 7 years, and have been together for 13! Whew!
Swimmy- sorry for the poison hope it gets better, hahaha am sure you can imagine when they are two and how they will act. I envy you that you are almost there.

Arianne- welcome and all the best on your IVF. What is your goal on getting healthy

Iryn- Its good when the kids are eating well, DD has a habit of keeping food on her mouth i don't know what to do.

ASF and the pregnancy, well am happy that am almost done with first trimester and i really hope i can get my energy back and nausea part to be over. Nausea, lack of sleep due to work and headache there after its my struggle right now. I had to be given nosic for the nausea and am still on to them. Otherwise i had my 12 weeks scan and the baby was measuring 13+6 and everything looked perfect.

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