Getting Fit Before Baby

Miracleworker- that is great your scan went well. I hope you feel better soon.

IRYM- Happy anniversary, I hope you guys had a lovely day.

Afm, headaches are still a big issue. I have an appt with my GP next week now. But I am using it as motivation to get back to low carb and see if that helps. When I was doing strict keto over the summer I felt amazing so I am hoping.

My daughter is also a food loving baby. It has been so much fun trying new things with her. We bought peaches at the farmers market Saturday and she just goes crazy for them. Pretty much the only thing she hasn't liked was carrots. My son was and still is a horribly picky eater. He didn't really eat solids until close to 1.5 years and even then it was only a handful of things. While is getting better it is still a struggle. At least he eats soup which I can pack full of veggies and he doesn't mind.
Miracleworker - so glad your scan went well! sounds like baby is doing great!! hope your energy and nausea are doing better.

Krissie - I loved when lizzy moved on to real food lol, I was never a super fan of bottles

AFM - sorry with this update it took me a while to find our page lol. Def rocking the big baby bump. I finally bought some more maternity shirts. This weekend my mom took lizzy and we painted her big girl room and re-set up the baby room. It feels weird that I have almost everything ready for him so early when i wanted so long the last time. But i guess it's easier when I don't have to buy very much stuff. I test for GD next week. sooo glad my OB said I can just eat a bag of skittles instead of drinking that nasty orange drink. And booked a 2 night vacation at an indoor water park with a friend and her kids for the 16th. Def keeping busy here!!
Hey ladies! So fun to pop in and see how your little ones/pregnancies/lives are going!

Krissie, has your little guy had his speech eval yet?

Swimmy, yay on having his stuff set up, how exciting. Do you find yourself just walking in there and looking around like, whoa, a baby will be here soon?! Oh, and good luck on your GD test. And have fun at the water park!

Miracle, yay for a great scan. That is the best. And double yay for being out of the first tri. Woohoo!

IRYM, aww, I love your description of her little ooh face. I'm jealous she's eating so well. My kid was a marvelous eater as a baby, his fave was either peanut butter oatmeal or salmon. But now he's one week away from being 17 months and he's been on a food strike for 2 months, and even lost some weight. He wants no vegetables, no meat, no eggs, no cheese. Sigh. He wants some fruit, bread, milk, smoothies, and crunchy snacky carbs. That's it. And occasionally he'll eat some pieces of cut up preservative free turkey hotdog. It drives me nuts that my good eater completely disappeared. Arrgh.

As for me, I'm ovulating a little later than unusual which is a good thing this go round as I thought we were going to have to sit out this cycle as my husband was out of town for what usually is my fertile window. So hopefully this turns out to be our cycle. It was just me and the kiddo on our own for a week, and I ate like crap, so need to reign it in! Oh, and I'm fully and completely done with breastfeeding. Can't believe I did that for 16 mos! Last week he kept wanting to nurse, so I let him and he got so upset because I'm not really producing much if anything at this point. He kept signing "more" over and over while trying to nurse, until he gave up. And that's been it since then. He's asked a couple more times to nurse but I've distracted him and offered him regular milk and he's been fine with that. I do notice it's made him slightly more clingy. I think because he used to have a couple times of just nursing and being held and just looking into my eyes for like 20 mins straight at a time and getting that kind of attention, and now that we aren't doing that he wants to be picked up and hug me or give me kisses a lot. Like he'll want up and he will monkey climb up my body and just wrap his little arms tightly around my shoulders and cling to me and bury his head in my neck for like 2-3 minutes and just wants to stay that way. Then after he's had a good long hug he'll pop up and be ready to play again. It's pretty cute.
Swimmy- How exciting you got Lizzy's new room painted and things are coming along for the baby. It is nice the second time because so much is already done, plus everything isn't so overwhelming!!

MissDoc- that is great you were able to have good timing this cycle. FTX that this is your cycle! Awesome job for bfing for 16 months.

Afm, As far as I know he has not had his official eval. The school is doing it so I am waiting on the results from that. To be honest I am a little annoyed it is taking so long, but I know sometimes it does. We have an appt with the developmental pediatrician tomorrow to discuss behaviors and to see if we should look at testing or waiting.

DD is doing great. I think she might be one to self wean from bottles. She loves food and is actually showing a preference for it. She is consistently eating 3 solid meals a day with bottles in between. However, she is getting so big!! At only 8.5 months she is already in 18 mo-2T clothes. She is just tall and round. :haha:

I had an appt last week and my bp was insanely high so I have restarted bp meds. I had really hoped after Alice it would normalize but it appears that is not the case. I am still getting intermittent headaches but not quite as often. Hopefully this continues to improve.
Missdoc - 16 months!! you are a rock star!!! huge pat on the back. I hadn't thought about the clingy after nursing. fingers crossed this cycle!!! how many dpo are you?

Krissie - waiting for the eval results can be frustrating, hopefully your not waiting too much longer. its great that you DD is such a great eater! i swear lizzy was in 2t clothing by 1 lol such a chunk. it's crazy how fast they slim down though. sorry to hear about your BP. that really sucks that it went back up. what medications did they start you back on? Glad your not feeling super sick from it though

AFM - counting down the days until our little get away lol, I need some relaxing fun. Unfortunately I didn't pass the GD testing ugh! i'm not going to do the 3 hour testing just jump strait to testing. I'm just a little frustrated that I have to go through the education and everything again. I've called twice hoping they will at least write me a prescription for the test strips before my appointment or I won't be able to test until after coming back from vacation. Downloaded the fitnesspal app again to keep myself in check with carbs and cals a little better
Swimmy- that sucks that you didn't pass the test. I dealt with it with both of mine. Thankfully I didn't have to sit through the education the second time.

I was put on metoprolol. I'm pretty dizzy a lot of the time. I suspect it's from the meds. My headaches came back this past week, but af also started so could very well be hormonal.

I'm putting in a lot of extra time at work. I hope after this round of testing things chill out some. I'm so exhausted. On top of that dh has been putting in over time because they got a massive project at work. At least he didn't have to work today. I'm hoping we can save this extra money for emergencies and a family vacation in a couple years.
saving money is good :) but hopefully you guys can both relax and then spend it on a nice vacation lol. Sorry your the dizziness side effect. Do they have you testing your BP at home?

AFM - I'm down about 2-3 lbs sense doing carb control and dropping my cals to 1600-1800 a day. I know its water weight right now but it made me feel pretty good not to gain for once lol. Meeting with the educator in the morning then leaving for vacation! I'm really frustrated with my scheduling department right now. I've asked to talk to HR, they are saying I can't space out my paid time off over the 12 weeks of maternity leave, that they will pay it out and then I will have to write our benefit department checks every 2 weeks to keep my benefits from being terminated. It makes no sense to me and that's not how it was when I worked on another floor in the same hospital. They spaced out the pay to cover my out of pocket cost and then I got whatever was left over every 2 weeks. Hopefully my HR can clear it up.
Hi girls, just scanning along as this year has been insane and Im super busy at work, which means more money to spend on baby! Wow they are expensive!
Congrats on the babies born and the new pregnancies.
Im also feeling a burning desire to have another little one! But if it doesnt happen at least Ive got the greatest child in the world :).
Ive also started the keto diet about 2 weeks ago and I feel great! Feel full and satisfied, loads more energy, and 2 kg down (any loss is a loss; at this rate I can lose 8+ kg before our long Dec holiday. Also started exercising again. With the healthy lifestyle I hope to give my hormones a kick start!
great job with the weight loss fern!!!

our vacation was a lot of fun (and also exhausting lol) sense I went back to calorie/carb counting I'm down 2lbs yay!
That is great you are being successful with the weightloss fern. I love the keto diet and have found a lot of success when I stick to it.

Swimmy- that is great your vacation went well. Good luck with the carb counting.

Afm, not much new really. Work is crazy busy right now. I am just trying to get on top of everything. I haven't been feeling well for awhile now so I am trying to get myself healthier. I just feel miserable and I am tired of it. I know what to do and I am enlisting my DH to help me be accountable.
Sorry haven't checked in for a while. its been a bit of a rough go.

They wanted to start me on insulin but I choose the metformin route. my after meal numbers have still been fine but the darn fastings are anywhere between like 95-110. very annoying. Due to the lovely side effect of loose stools from the metformin I developed some lovely lovely hemroids .... that developed blood clots and had to be cut open. sweet jesus and mary that has been some PAIN in the ass (literally lol).
I just keep trying to tell myself only a few weeks left.

Down a total of 3 lbs :) happy I'm not gaining a ton so far at the end, carb counting must be doing its job lol.
Swimmy! That sounds horrible. I hope you heal up quickly.

Your due date is coming quickly. <3 My fasting never was good. My after meals was fine but my fasting number took a long-acting insulin dose at bedtime and then intermediate insulin dose between midnight and 1 in the morning. Even then I didn't have the best control of that number. But at least my A1C was well-controlled and that made my endocrinologist pretty happy.
Swimmy, oh my goodness, I'm sorry about that! What a literal pain in the rear!

Fern! Good to see you and way to go with weight loss. Hope it jumpstarts those hormones!

Krissy, hope things have chilled out for you and everything is feeling more calm now!

As for me, still trucking along TTC. Feeling bummed to not have a sticky pregnancy yet, but we'll keep trying. Next O date is somewhere around 12/5, so at least one more chance to be pregnant by xmas, which would be a nice present.
Hey guys, it's been awhile. :-( How is everyone?

Nada much here. I've lost a little bit of weight, but have been lazy recently and need to jump start my plan again. Today has been a good day so far.

Still TTC, currently 4dpo and hoping this is "the one" as usual, but too early to obsess much yet.
Good luck MissDoc. I hope this is the one too. Good job on losing some weight.

Swimmy- I hope you are busy snuggling your new little one.

I am back on the keto diet, only 5 days into it. But I am already feeling better. DH is joining me this time and I think it will be good for us to help each other be accountable. Last time I fell apart when I went back to work after the summer, so with that in mind I am going to be diligent to have a lunch and snacks on hand to ward off any invites to eat out or temptation to grab something. I am 11 lbs from my wedding weight and I want to see that in the next few weeks.

Alice turns one on the 25th!! I cannot believe how fast that went. She is crawling and pulling up on everything now. She is so determined and stubborn. Christian is busy growing taller and is out of his pants I just bought for winter so I gotta work on getting some more.

I had two weeks off work and I am so not ready to be back. I hope I find some motivation soon.
Sorry it’s sending so many copies. I can’t figure it out but I’ll send some more as promised

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