Getting Fit Before Baby

Hope the vacation is lovely, Cupcake!

I'm doing pretty well, overall. March has been a bit of a turnaround month for me-- I'm drinking water consistently, have reduced the quantity of food I eat each day, and am trying to be more active naturally (e.g., walking as much as possible to get fitbit steps, taking the stairs, a jog here and there after work, etc.). I'm down about three and a half lbs so far this month and hoping to get another 2 off before the end of the month. I'm finding it's easier for me to think in terms of the month rather than the week and am feeling motivated to see a good change. :)

Hope everyone else is doing well!!
Way to go missdoc! I am proud of you! :)

Have fun on your vacations cupcakestoy!

I weighed in and I am up again. I was very sick for most of the week and didn't eat anything so I am confused, though I did have a lot of broth, gatorade, and water so hopefully it was just from that. Have a good week everyone!
Hiii!! Is everyone doing alright?

I am down 4 pounds from last week...not sure how much of it was just me retaining water from being sick, but I 'll take it! :)

I found out that I have PCOS last week. It's a little disappointing, however it explains a lot of issues I've had. They put me on metformin and at first my stomach was a little upset, but I am feeling much better now. Hopefully along with helping some of my issues, it will also help aid me in my weight loss journey.

Have a great Monday everyone!
Vacay was grand! Ate what I wanted, without over doing it and lots if exercise! No lose, but no gain! I'm good with that! LoL
That's a perfect way to come back from vacation!!
Welp, my weight continues to go UP.

But since I've been more active lately and started a new workout routine, I'm hoping that this climb is from muscle gain and/or water retention than actual fat.

I'm going to double-check my eating habits, go back to measuring every least little thing I consume, etc. because for the past 4 weeks my weight's just been steadily climbing. What a bummer! It's seriously killing my motivation.

Also, not sure if I mentioned this before, but the local salad bar (the ONLY one in town!) closed down. Now all DH and I have if we ever want to splurge and eat a healthy dinner out somewhere is the crappy sorts of "salad bars" at pizza places or restaurants like Sizzler.

I'm so sad, because the salad restaurant had all KINDS of salad options, including fresh spinach, kale, tofu, tons of fresh and grilled veggie options, a wide variety of dressings including low calorie options... they served baked sweet potatoes, seasonal fruits, a range of soups, breads, and the list goes on!

In comparison, the local pizza joint has iceberg lettuce, tomatoes, croutons and bacon bits, plus like two dressings. It's crap!

Once in a while, a gal just wants to go OUT to eat and be waited on and have someone ELSE do the prep work and clean-up after! lol

Anyway. In terms of non-scale things, I've noticed that my thighs feel smaller. I hope that means I actually AM losing fat, and maybe just gaining muscle instead. Fingers crossed!

Good job to you gals, too! I know some of us have had setbacks or aren't making the progress we'd like to, but the main thing is to keep at it! :)
Cupcake- that sounds like a perfectly succesful vacation to me!

Jules- hoping your diagnosis brings some resolution and answers for you, also glad the medicine is settling in your system well and no longer making you too sick.

ireadyermind- watching the scale go up and down can be a complete hope crusher. However, before my wedding a few years ago I was on a pretty intense fitness journey and I weighed more than I ever have in my life- yet, according to my trainer's tools I was down about 4% body fat. My appetite increased and my scale kept creeping up, but it was muscle and not fat so don't lose heart. The number on the scale doesn't measure health or body fat so it could very well be you're losing fat and gaining muscle- SCORE.

AFM- I have been struggling with pregnancy headaches esp when trying to power walk, etc. However, I have found that having a LOT of water prior- during- and after exercise helps a ton. I haven't been doing a lot of workout routines per say, but trying to keep healthy and active. Similar to Missdoc. While I feel entitled to splurging on whatever food I want to eat, I have learned that baby gets what baby needs and if I don't eat adequate nutrients or drink enough water MOM gets to feeling crappy verrrrrry fast. And this new concept of taking snacks places- what? Heads up, get too hungry you just might get a serious dizzy spell.

Keep up the hard work ladies, you will be amazed what a body can do when it's treated nicely. I'm proud of our efforts.
Woot! Woot! Down 2.5 pounds this week! FINALLY got to start working out at the gym last week, well only once, but its a start! I am up & ready to head out to get my sweat on this morning! Hope every one has a great week & Hang in there! It makes me a little sad that most of our folks have bailed, but if you want something bad enough, you will do anything to get it!!! Keep up the good work gals!!!!
Hi Ladies :flower:

I've been traveling for most of the month of March (first to the US and then to the UK). I'd been stuck around 112,3 kg for awhile, but my weigh-in this morning (one day late for this week, but since I was getting over a bout of food poisoning this weekend, I didn't trust yesterday's weigh-in to be accurate) shows me at 110 kg even! It's not a great month for me, but given that I wasn't able to calorie count the way I usually can, I'm happy overall. I didn't do so great when I was in the US, but I kicked my butt back in gear as soon as I returned to Denmark, and stayed on plan in the UK as well.

It means I'm now at 35 kg down and 20 kg to go, so I'm getting there, slowly but surely. I have confidence that I'll be at my goal by the end of this year and we'll be able to see the fertility specialist. Meanwhile I'm focusing on travelling and work.

I hope all of you lovely ladies are doing well :hugs: I'll be traveling for much of the month of May again, so the month of April will be a big push for me to lose, lose, lose as much as I can.

:dust: to all!
Great job on the loss Mrs. Tigger and cupcakestoy!! :)

cupcakestoy- Once is definitely a start! Once you go a few times it will become much easier. :)

Mrs. Tigger- I hope you had a great vacation! I am rooting for you to complete your goal, I know you can definitely do it! :)

Were hanging in there ladies!

I started af on Sunday so I decided to skip weigh in this week. I am always up at the beginning of af so I didn't want to get discouraged. Now that we have had a few days of nice wether, my husband and I have been doing a lot of walking. I have 5 and a half weeks to Disney so my goal is 20 pounds. I know its a stretch, but I am determined to get as close as I can. lol
Thanks Jules! I have been both days this week, so far & am planning on 2 more! I know if I keep at it it will get easier, but after Abs & legs today I am SORE! lol I REALLY need to mow today, but just want to not move for a while! lol
Good job, cupcake and Ms Tigger! You gals are doing so well!

I have a ttiiiinnnnyyy loss of about half a pound to report this week, but also PMS is rearing its ugly head, SO I hope that after AF disappears next week, I'll shed some water weight.

I've been feeling really bloated, I'm absolutely exhausted for no reason, and starving all the time -- which is the usual experience the week before AF. Booooo.

On the other hand, I worked out HARD last week, and I'm trying to keep that momentum going this week too. But that PMS tiredness is kicking my butt! Gotta just keep chugging away at it, I suppose. "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can!" Haha

Good luck on those pounds you want to drop before your Disney trip, Jules!
Good job! A loss is a loss girl! I'm sore, but less so today. Mainly just my thighs now! lol Managed to keep at though & got in 4 workouts this week at they gym, which will probably be my average, as the gym is on my way to work. Plan to take it easy today & hoping to tackle the rest of my yard work this weekend to keep up my activity! AF arrived yesterday....BOOO! Onward we go to next cycle, one less cycle til IVF!!!!!
I broke the 250s!!!! Weighed in at 249 today!:happydance: 3 pounds off this las t week, but trust me it wasn't easy lol We did take Friday, Sat. & Sun off from the gym, but I worked in the yard yesterday to get in a little activity. Hope to see good reports on here today!
Hi Ladies :flower:

Good job, cupcake -- that's a great milestone!

I did well this last week -- down 3,1 kg :happydance:

Not expecting much, if anything this week, but I'm pushing hard. April is a month for pushing the weight loss really hard for me, as I'll be traveling most of May.

Looking forward to seeing everyone's weigh-in this week. Hope you are all doing well.
Great job ladies!!! Those are some great losses! I am so proud that we are still pushing to make a healthier version of ourselves. :)

Despite being on af last week and not doing so great over the weekend due to the holiday I am down 1 pound. I officially hit 196...since the start the lowest I could get was 197 so I feel I am over that stubborn hump! I brought my gym stuff for after work and am determined to get there at least 4 times a week. :)
Hey ladies, it looks like every one is really working hard and trucking along! Congrats on each of the losses, big or small!

I kind of derailed myself this past week (period was here) and am back to good behavior this week. I too want to make April a serious weight loss month. My weight is up, at 150, but I'm hoping some of it is water weight because I don't *think* I've truly gained a few pounds, but I might have. We'll see. Nothing to do but keep pushing through!
Just sending some good thoughts! :) I hope everyone is having a good week.

I am feeling good...gym 3 times so far this week and staying on track with eating healthy for the most part.
WTG! I've been 4x so far! My trainer has introduced me to juicing, so I'm going to give it a go til Monday & see how it goes! Was discouraged to see the scale bounced back up to 254 yesterday :( but he assures me its muscle & occurs often when you hit the gym....we shall see????
good work jules and cupcake!!

I went for a 30 min power walk today, but I guess I didn't have enough food in my tummy and felt sweaty, shaky and faint. I had to eat something and lay down for a while- still feeling weak and tired 2+ hrs later. Will have to talk to the OB about this, about the third time it's happened.

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