Getting Fit Before Baby

Hello gals!

Mrs. G: Thanks for the tip with using an ice pack. It took a while to get her to accept that it was on her but she eventually settled down. Doing much better today.

Cupcake: Now that is a recipe that I'd love to try, apple cookies! They sound yummy! Can't wait for you to get those videos.

IRYM: Yay for cleaning! I've been going through all my belongings and trying to reorganize and throw out stuff no longer needed lately. It makes you feel great when life is less cluttered :)

Can't wait to see your poas tests!

AFM: The ultrasound part went alright I think. She had trouble finding my uterus but then she found it off to the right. Is it normal to have your uterus off to one side and not in the middle?

The endovaginal scan thing was HORRIBLE. I was in SO MUCH pain. She tried to keep reassuring me I was ok but I was in tears at one point it was so bad. When it was done she let me lie there for about 5 minutes because I could hardly move.

I also trick asked her (she can't tell you anything) if every time the computer beeped she was taking a picture. She said "Yes". I said "That was a lot of pictures". She said "More than average". So I know something is going on. She also told me to make sure I call my doctor if he hasn't gotten a hold of me within a week, but I have my appointment Monday with the new doctor so I should be good.
urs- as much as it would be terrible to have something wrong hopefully its an easy fix and it will explain your cycles and give you your beautiful baby.
Agreed as much as its horrible to have something wrong it feels good to have answers. Fingers crossed for Monday!
IRYM - It's actually maddening that husbands all over the world are useless at basic, common sense stuff! My culture is definitely not the same as yours (I'm an Afrikaans girl; we don't even speak the same first language) but my husband was essentially raised the same! Not able to do anything for himself, but very intelligent with a master's degree and pro sport qualification.... My MIL actually APOLOGIZED to me one day (yes really!) for raising her son this way. He was in the operating room having surgery and MIL & I had a long chat. (She's the one who brought it up in fact!) :dohh::haha:

Will you start testing on 10dpo? I think you mentioned it in a previous post?

And mrsgreen, when do you normally start testing?

FX for the two of you. :)

I really don't even THINK I have a shot this cycle what with poor timing and the hot baths, but since my main aim was just to have a normal cycle after all the bleeding in Dec, I'm happy with my cycle so far. However, I MIGHT test on Sunday (12 dpo) simply because I found an inexpensive (R15/about $1) RSA brand test at the pharmacy down the road from me lol. I've been using that brand for 2/3 cycles and it's very sensitive and accurate (still showed a light line 14 days after my trigger in Sept! But NO lines/evaps when bfn). So IOW I won't be mad at myself for wasting money on tests.

Ursaula - I'm so sorry to hear that you had such a traumatic experience with the u/s hun. Wow. Was the endovaginal scan done with an ultrasound wand? Sorry for asking but I don't really understand what procedure you had there?

I hope it's something fixable and that you may get good news on Monday. When I get a gynaecological ultrasound (and when I got the hsg) I am always allowed to look at the screen with the dr who does the scan (NOT a tech) and the drs discuss everything they see right there and then & point out structures onscreen, etc. My specialist does all his scans himself. I feel so bad for ladies who just have to lie there and then need to wait for answers! :hugs:
FX. xxx

Cupcake - sounds great so far, just freeze the meals that you can't finish and stretch your dollars lol.

Oohhh I'm also waiting for the dr to phone me, all freaked out.... Last Thursday I had the blood clotting tests done and also an HIV test (apparently these days some drs require HIV testing before surgery) and when I phoned today to get my results the receptionist said "Ummm we can't give you those results over the phone... Dr had better phone you later so he can explain everything to you himself". I hate having HIV tests done. Even if there's no reason to think the worst, of course now after that call I'm stressing! :wacko::nope:
Fern- usually the receptionist can't give results either way so don't stress. When is doctor supposed to call you,

I'm not sure when I'll test, if at all. We don't have a very good chance so I may wait until AF arrives but I want to poas already! lol
Fern try not to stress our office can't give results over the phone besides hcg results. Had me totally freaked. Hope everything is fine.

Mrsgreen you have some great will power not to test I have serios addiction lol.

Afm - scan went great baby was on a sugar high from all the oj and dancing away. Next scan probably won't be for a few months and we all know how I stink at waiting lol it just doesn't seem real


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MrsGreen - he is supposed to call this evening... It's already 17h15 here so I hope I don't have to wait too long. How are you doing hunni? I know you are having a tough time hoping & wishing for normal cycles and having a hard time... hugs.

Swimmy! I just looked at your ticker and suddenly it's like time has just flown! How are you & bubs doing?
Swimmy I think we crossed posts before - wow what a lovely pic!!! I'm so happy everything is still going great. Are you planning on finding our the gender, or team yellow?

Phew, dr phoned and all is well. HIV still negative of course... Clotting factors: all tests are negative except low positive for the presence of one type of antibody (anti beta 2 glycoprotein) which may cause problems. Since all my other levels are great, I'm not diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder or serious clotting issue.

Dr had me start Ecotrin (81mg asprin) immediately. I am to take it throughout all my future ttc cycles. I'm probably foolish to hope that it would take something as simple as low dose aspirin to help me get pregnant but... you never know.

I really LOVE my dr and the amount of trouble he goes to for me. That he had those tests done despite me NOT having had 6 miscarriages and/or stillbirths, just in case something is not perfect (and as it turn out there was something small amiss!). And then the care from him phoning me in person and explaining to me in minute detail what my test results meant (as he's done a number of other times too).... Incredibly caring.

If any South African gals read this and want to know more about the reproductive centre & doctor I'm using, please feel free to PM me. I don't have heaps of money but so far this dr has given me excellent care and it's just so worth having all of my concerns sorted out. I wish I had gone to see him sooner and not wasted years of my life.
Oh and the dose is low enough not to be anti-inflammatory (so will not inhibit ovulation or implantation), and will not exacerbate my ulcer.

Feeling quite content at the moment...
Whew, lots to catch up on today, but I'll try my best!

Ursaula - I'm wondering what all is involved in the endo scan, too. Would you care to explain to us?

Fern - Well, at least we can promise not to raise our children as though someone else is always going to take care of them. Here's to educated children that grow to be self-sufficient adults regardless of their gender! :D

Mrs.Green - I am dying to POAS already. I was doing some internet research last night as to why I might be coming down with chills in this part of my TWW and of course everything I looked up said, "Ooo that could be pregnancy related!" But since I most likely haven't even implanted an egg at this point, it's definitely not pregnancy related. It just makes me want to POAS every morning. :dohh:

I'm trying to wait until Sunday at the earliest. If I wake up Sunday morning and I don't feel like I have to POAS, then I will try and hold off. The longer I wait, the more accurate a test will be! It's like a mantra I have to keep telling myself. lol

Do you use Wondfo HPTs or OPKs? Definitely recommend ordering them. You can get 50 pregnancy test (HPT) strips for $18.99 on Amazon. Or they have combination packs with OPKs and HPTs for something like $30, and you get 100 OPKs and 20 HPTs. Waaaaaay cheaper than buying FRERs off the shelf at a drug store and then you can afford to POAS every day of your TWW if you want. lol!

Swimmy - Eee! How exciting! There (s)he is, with a little arm and possibly a leg in view! At least that's what it looks like. lol. I'm guessing. :hugs:
Swimming- beautiful baby! So happy for you! Nothing better than seeing the little peanut on screen.

Afm- started AF today. So last month I had a 23 day cycle? Any chart experts please look at my chart. It says I ovulated but I don't agree. And if I did it was only 4-5 days ago?? But already starting period?? Last month I didn't ovulate. I'm really frustrated and have cried all morning. I lost my baby and I can't even get pregnant again...
Mrsgreen, I'm so sorry to be reading this! I agree then maybe you didn't ovulate. I've read that a "period" after an anovulatory cycle is basically breakthrough bleeding after the uterine lining just kept building up. But I don't know too much about it.

Have you been to your doctor again after the mc? What were your cycles like previously, did you ovulate regularly?

I really hope it's just your hormones re-regulating after the mc and that your cycles will soon be nice and normal again. Maybe a dr can prescribe some help eg clomid or femara?

Sending you so many hugs and good wishes. Keep up the good work with dieting and exercising - every healthy day makes for a healthier nest for the baby I KNOW will come for you, and hoping will come for ALL of us!
Thank you! My cycles were 29 days on the dot. I used opks and I think I ovulated at least the majority of the months. Never did temp before. I'm going to try black cohosh again (took it the month I got pregnant) and if I don't it'll be a year we've been trying. So I'm go to the doctor. I have an amazing best friend who is basically my medical advocate. She stands up for me at the doctors so I'll be taking her to the doc if I don't catch the egg (or if there isn't one) next month. I'm just going to work my ass off tonight and hope i feel better.
Swimmy: Eee! I love the photo of the little cutie!! I agree with the question, will you find out the gender?

Fern: Happy to hear your doctor is so amazing and you're feeling quite content right now :) have you done any measuring in terms of weight loss to see how your strict eating is going?

IRYM: Just pee already! Haha, I'm so eager to see your test!

Mrs.G: Are you POSITIVE it's af? It could be IB...I've also read that some women have what seems like af this early and it turned out to be IB...I don't want to give you false hope but I am praying that is what it is :)

AFM: I looked up the endovaginal scan and here is a definition of it;

Endovaginal ultrasound: This type of imaging test is a special form of ultrasound developed to examine the pelvic organs and is the best test for diagnosing an ovarian cyst. A cyst can be diagnosed based on its appearance on the ultrasound.

An endovaginal ultrasound is a painless procedure that resembles a pelvic exam. A thin, covered wand or probe is placed into the vagina, and the examiner directs the probe toward the uterus and ovaries.

This type of ultrasound produces a better image than a scan through the abdominal wall can because the probe can be positioned closer to the ovaries.

Using an endovaginal ultrasound, the internal cystic structure may be categorized as simple (just fluid filled), complex (with areas of fluid mixed with solid material), or completely solid (with no obvious fluid).

In my case the pain was excruciating! I might call tomorrow and just ask if they received the results to make sure...might see if I can't get in tomorrow even! I hate this waiting...

I'm not sure how it is in the USA but Fern said she is allowed to see the screen and everything. In Canada (or at least where I am), the screen is turned away from you as they do the ultrasound and they aren't allowed to say a single word. Once complete they tell you to clean up and that you're done. They can't actually tell you ANYTHING from the scan itself...the one doing my exam felt so bad for me during the endovaginal scan that she kept apologizing and did tell me she had to take more pictures than usual, it was like she was letting me know (without actually saying) that there was something...we'll see though.
Ursaula - It's too early to POAS. I'm only 6DPO! That's a waste of a test, even if they are cheap ones. :haha:

I've had two of the scans you're talking about, and they didn't hurt. I wonder why yours was painful? Hopefully nothing serious!

I live in the USA and I wasn't allowed to look at the screen, either. Which is because the woman doing the scans was only a technician, not an actual doctor. So while they might think they know what something is on the screen, they're not allowed to say anything to you because you might take it as an "official" diagnosis, and then when your actual doctor gives you the results, there could be conflicting information. It's most likely done that way to prevent lawsuits in this lawsuit-happy country. Heh.

Mrs.Green - It's entirely possible that your body is still out of whack after the MC. I know it took me a couple of months to recover after mine. Hormones all over the place, one really long cycle, that sort of thing. Do you know what day of your cycles you used to ovulate on? Was it at least 12 days before your period, or no..?
Fern try not to stress our office can't give results over the phone besides hcg results. Had me totally freaked. Hope everything is fine.

Mrsgreen you have some great will power not to test I have serios addiction lol.

Afm - scan went great baby was on a sugar high from all the oj and dancing away. Next scan probably won't be for a few months and we all know how I stink at waiting lol it just doesn't seem real

What a sweet little one! Over the moon for you!

Swimmy I think we crossed posts before - wow what a lovely pic!!! I'm so happy everything is still going great. Are you planning on finding our the gender, or team yellow?

Phew, dr phoned and all is well. HIV still negative of course... Clotting factors: all tests are negative except low positive for the presence of one type of antibody (anti beta 2 glycoprotein) which may cause problems. Since all my other levels are great, I'm not diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder or serious clotting issue.

Dr had me start Ecotrin (81mg asprin) immediately. I am to take it throughout all my future ttc cycles. I'm probably foolish to hope that it would take something as simple as low dose aspirin to help me get pregnant but... you never know.

I really LOVE my dr and the amount of trouble he goes to for me. That he had those tests done despite me NOT having had 6 miscarriages and/or stillbirths, just in case something is not perfect (and as it turn out there was something small amiss!). And then the care from him phoning me in person and explaining to me in minute detail what my test results meant (as he's done a number of other times too).... Incredibly caring.

If any South African gals read this and want to know more about the reproductive centre & doctor I'm using, please feel free to PM me. I don't have heaps of money but so far this dr has given me excellent care and it's just so worth having all of my concerns sorted out. I wish I had gone to see him sooner and not wasted years of my life.
Hoping the aspirin is all you need to get your miracle! Is dh acting any better? Mine has been having his "man period" this week :/ Apparently its in the air or something!!!!

Swimming- beautiful baby! So happy for you! Nothing better than seeing the little peanut on screen.

Afm- started AF today. So last month I had a 23 day cycle? Any chart experts please look at my chart. It says I ovulated but I don't agree. And if I did it was only 4-5 days ago?? But already starting period?? Last month I didn't ovulate. I'm really frustrated and have cried all morning. I lost my baby and I can't even get pregnant again...

Hugs sweetie! It took my cycles a few months to get back to normal, hopefully you'll get back on track this cycle! It would be awesome if it WAS implantation though! Not ever had it myself, but alot of women do!

Swimmy: Eee! I love the photo of the little cutie!! I agree with the question, will you find out the gender?

Fern: Happy to hear your doctor is so amazing and you're feeling quite content right now :) have you done any measuring in terms of weight loss to see how your strict eating is going?

IRYM: Just pee already! Haha, I'm so eager to see your test!

Mrs.G: Are you POSITIVE it's af? It could be IB...I've also read that some women have what seems like af this early and it turned out to be IB...I don't want to give you false hope but I am praying that is what it is :)

AFM: I looked up the endovaginal scan and here is a definition of it;

Endovaginal ultrasound: This type of imaging test is a special form of ultrasound developed to examine the pelvic organs and is the best test for diagnosing an ovarian cyst. A cyst can be diagnosed based on its appearance on the ultrasound.

An endovaginal ultrasound is a painless procedure that resembles a pelvic exam. A thin, covered wand or probe is placed into the vagina, and the examiner directs the probe toward the uterus and ovaries.

This type of ultrasound produces a better image than a scan through the abdominal wall can because the probe can be positioned closer to the ovaries.

Using an endovaginal ultrasound, the internal cystic structure may be categorized as simple (just fluid filled), complex (with areas of fluid mixed with solid material), or completely solid (with no obvious fluid).

In my case the pain was excruciating! I might call tomorrow and just ask if they received the results to make sure...might see if I can't get in tomorrow even! I hate this waiting...

I'm not sure how it is in the USA but Fern said she is allowed to see the screen and everything. In Canada (or at least where I am), the screen is turned away from you as they do the ultrasound and they aren't allowed to say a single word. Once complete they tell you to clean up and that you're done. They can't actually tell you ANYTHING from the scan itself...the one doing my exam felt so bad for me during the endovaginal scan that she kept apologizing and did tell me she had to take more pictures than usual, it was like she was letting me know (without actually saying) that there was something...we'll see though.
Sorry you had so much pain! Maybe it's a cyst or something? Hoping Monday brings answers!

IRYM-Living vicariously through you right now! lol I'm on cd 11 I think...Not doing any meds/Opks for a few months, but do plan to bd a few times this weekend, as we normally would so I'll at least be exposed! lol

Welp, I got my workout dvd's last night.....Wishing I could tell you I killed the 1st workout, but I only made it about 20 mins outta 30. Today was cardio fix, consisting of burpees, backward planks, mountain climbers, skater jumps more acts of torture! I decided REAL quick that all my gym time was pretty much useless as a precursor to this! I did get a good sweat on though! Of course I have been up since 2:30am, have pretty much cleaned my whole house & done laundry, so I have gotten in my activity for the day, will probably do some walking or wood later after the family gets home....Ugh feeling SO outta shape!
Mrsgreen - it sounds like great news that you usually have regular cycles and ovulate like clockwork. I really believe your cycles will regulate again. Maybe one black cohosh or clomid cycle just to kickstart everything again and remind your body what it's capable of. If I can recommend one supplement that personal experience has really shown to make a difference: Vitamin B6. It increases energy levels (every cell in your body also has more energy to grow & develop) and plays a role in the production of hormones. Cycles where I haven't taken B6 50mg, I've spotted a lot more during the LP and even had slightly shorter LPs sometimes. B6 is apparently most effective in conjunction with the whole B complex.

I hope you are feeling OK? xx

Ursaula - I've had sooooo many of those scans over the year and I've never had any pain. I agree with cupcake maybe there is something causing pressure/pain? I'm really hoping you get all the answers you need on Monday. :hugs:

Cupcakestoy - just reading the word "burpees" made me feel exhausted. You go girl!! Urgh I wish men were easier to deal with! My husband has been a bit kinder the past few days but he just doesn't think he does ANYTHING wrong by flipping out and taking his tantrums out on me... :( Hope his good mood lasts all weekend. We are planning on spending a nice day together on Sunday and watch the new Avengers movie that evening (so I can secretly drool over RDJ and Chris Hemsworth muuuhahahaa!). GL with handling the man period. :wacko:

IRYM - how's the mood and other symptoms?

Man I'm ready for this cycle to be over! I'm soooo bloated and constipated and my uterus feels so crampy and heavy. However, I've had a nice normal cycle, still no spotting whoop whoop! I'm just starting to get a few pms symptoms and that's OK!
I'm starting to get quite excited about April.
* It will be my first cycle after a PROPER lap; meaning NO endo in sight
* It will have been 90+ days since DH and I've both started on the new supplement regime, so hopefully healthy eggs & sperm
* Now that we know about the one clotting problem, I will be on aspirin

Maybe we might have a chance of actually falling pregnant that cycle. I will definitely be going all in!!!! And if not, keep on ttc until August, possibly have IVF, then maybe re-evaluate again...

At least after the lap is done I won't have this turmoil of choosing between bcp to limit the endo damage, and carrying on with ttc. I am after all getting older and older. As this year goes by I know I will still have many emotional meltdowns about ttc and feel like/decide to give up, only to start again... but at least the decision will be MINE and not forced on me by my dr (who is only looking out for my best interest).
Oh and my sister told me about a woman whose blog she has been reading: this lady had endo, and after 2 pregnancies the endo developed into severe restrictive growths, fusing her reproductive organs together. (I had that too at my last surgery). She had a laparoscopy to remove the endo. Well right after that lap she fell pregnant with QUINTUPLETS, without any fertility meds!!!! They were born yesterday.
The cherry on top is that this lady also suffers from PCOS.

I have no words!
Cupcake - Well! That workout is definitely not for me! lol. I can't do any high impact exercise at the risk of causing further damage to an old foot injury, sooo it looks like I'll have to keep searching for new workout routines.

It sounds like it will really get you in shape, though! GL!

Fern - Quintuplets! Holy moly. I think I would go into panic mode over that. Hahaha.

My mood is less irritable, but today I'm sleepy. I have no motivation to get anything done, just want to stay curled up on the couch or better yet - take a nap! lol. I'm still DOING stuff, I just really wish I didn't have to. Haha

Woke up with a minor headache today, not sure what that was about. Sinus issues, most likely, as my allergies have been going crazy lately.

Not really any symptoms that seem out of the ordinary or anything, so I don't have much to report. Just a nice temp spike back up after a short, small dip the past couple of days. That's also nothing new for me. I have a dip every cycle. It's just that this one was relatively small.

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