Getting Fit Before Baby

cupcakestoy - I love your movie choice during the storm lol. Not gonna lie i wish we were getting some of it. we have some but not a ton and i want to go snow shoeing next weekend.

Fern81 - thats why they tell guys to stay out of hot tubs/saunas ughhh sometimes i just don't get men. it made me so mad that my DH wouldn't stop smoking or drinking, until we went to the fertility doc and they told him he had to ... shocker we got pregnant a few months after he stopped. He still doesn't think it has anything to do with no drinking/smoking. ugh

Anyway i realized I'm horribly inconsiderate for not asking this earlier. does it bother anyone that i still comment on here?? If it does please don't hesitate to say something. I would be happy to stalk from the sidelines.
No no no!!! Not at all!!!!!! Don't worry please swimmy you are our friend and please keep on posting!!!!! We all want to know how you and your baby is doing & cheer you on.
I'm so sorry if my post earlier made you feel unwelcome.

I was talking specifically about the ltttc forum where everyone is really suffering and struggling (not that anyone else's struggles should be taken lightly!). And then people CREATE threads to tell everyone on ltttc how happy they are that they're finally pregnant. Threads like those belong in the bfp announcement forum.
However, I think it goes for most threads, including ours, that if there is already a group of ladies supporting & cheering each other on in the thread, then inside that little thread "community" it is a wonderful & natural part of friendship to announce your bfp to your friends & share your journey.

So iow I was talking about ladies not just sharing inside their own support threads but creating a whole "check out how pregnant I am" thread in a space where it's not appropriate.

And again, I suppose if I'm going to be offended I should just not read those threads, but I know some ltttc ladies get really upset and depressed by those threads (in ltttc forum instead of in bfp announcements where they belong) and I feel that it's inconsiderate of the thread creators.

Having said that again it's just my personal opinion! Xxx
Oh yeah and this thread is not just ttc related but also health& fitness related...

I think everyone getting fitter & healthier before, during and after pregnancy is so welcome here (It's your thread IRYM but I anticipate you feel much the same :) ).
Fern81 - oh no no it wasn't meant because of your comment. I just a girl the other day tell me I shouldn't really comment on a thread i was apart of because im no longer TTC. I felt bad like I had been rubbing it in their faces or something and would feel horrible if any of you felt that way so I just wanted to make sure.
Cupcake & Mrs Green - My husband is super envious of people who live where it snows! Where we live, it has only snowed twice in our entire lives, and not enough to stick longer than a minute or two before melting. Imagine - 31 years and it's only snowed twice! lol

Of course we can go up north, or east over to the mountains if we want to play in snow, but we don't get any of our own. I tell you, though - I don't miss it! The cold makes me miserable.

Fern - Looks like I did ovulate. Today's the second day of elevated temps after that +OPK. Woohoo!

Swimmy - I don't mind you being here at all. You're one of us who happened to get a BFP, just like we're all hoping! :D Besides, you might still need our support to help you keep from overeating while pregnant, right? My midwife said that we only need an extra 300 calories a day to support a pregnancy, and that we didn't actually need those until the 2nd or 3rd trimester.

I know loads of people who just went nuts eating whatever they wanted, because "I'm eating for two, you know!" So if you ever need anyone to help talk you out of eating an entire carton of ice cream, we're here for you. :haha:

No, but seriously. Don't feel bad just because some other gal in another thread was being bitchy!

AFM - Feeling less bloaty today than I have been all week, thank goodness. Not sure what caused the problem, but it was pretty gnarly. I woke up a couple of times in the night to pee, so I'm sure that's all the excess water being flushed out of my system.

In regards to weight loss - I haven't stepped on a scale in months. It got so depressing to see my weight just going up and up and up... But by keeping to this new "be more active" routine, I'm starting to actually WANT to work out again, which is all to the good!

It began as just getting more housework done every day, even if that was just tidying up. I limited myself to how many hours I spent working on the computer, and then I'd get up and do housework for a few hours. I'd break up my work on the PC, too, and tidy up here and there, go get the mail, etc. so that there were fewer hours spent sitting and more spent up and doing something.

That has been helpful, since now my body expects to be up and moving by a certain time, and sometimes when my daily tasks are complete, I look for other stuff to do! So it's baby steps, but it appears to be working for me at least a little. :)
Sledding rocked today! Lots of fun no injuries! Final snow tally is 11inches for us!
Excited to start 21 day fix as soon as I get my containers/DVDs. Hoping I can lose & keep it off, also got a new walking buddy! Ladies its GO time! I have GOT to get this weight off before my eggs keep rotting away! LoL
IRYM - thanks hun :) your right i do need support with not over eating. My mom keeps saying things like your already a big girl you don't need to gain any weight at all this pregnancy. then it will be like you lost weight after the baby ... not sure how healthy that is. But ill find out when I see my ob in a month.
I had a crying melt down about my weight this morning but i think its just from being hormonal and my DH's tooth pick of an ex being brought up... ugh
Swimmy- Most of the time overweight and obese ladies still should gain some weight in pregnancy, just less than someone who is considered normal weight at conception. The exception may be for someone who is morbidly obese. Don't let them make you feel bad about yourself!
I think we're all happy you're here still, Swimmy! :) Like Fern said, we have developed a thread "community" :)

Cupcake: WOO for feeling determined!

AFM: Busy and getting even more busy this week coming up! S/o decided to come over this weekend :) we're talking about moving in together again.

As for appointments (the ttc related ones anyway) I have dietician on Tuesday, and that ultrasound coming up on Wednesday! So if I'm away a little more that will be why.

Also, I had some cm today. I marked it as "creamy" on ff. How long does one have creamy cm for before ovulation?
Cupcake- so much fun with the snow! And yay on being super motivated and ready to kick some booty!

Urs- good luck with your appointments. Can't wait to see how the ultra sound goes.

Hope everyone else is doing well. I haven't been home all day so I ate terribly but I know it'll happen and I'll get back on the wagon tomorrow!
Mrsgreen- am liking that temp dip! Stalking for a big temp rise or O pains or cm change or the likes ;). I also overeat when I'm away from my diet food/have no diet food prepared at a party/have no diet food in the house. Went grocery shopping yesterday and stocked up on supplies & am going to try to always have a healthy meal or snack at hand! My sister is trying to lose weight after having twins and she has the same problem - overeating or eating junk when she is not well prepared food wise. Hard work for sure.

Irym yay for O and feeling like working out more!

Cupcake I'm glad you're feeling better & inspired. It's amazing how a fun day/positive experience outside of ttc & losing weight can energise us in all aspects of our lives again. Xx

Swimmy- ah shame hun I'm sorry you're feeling so hormonal. But it's all worth it ;). Don't worry about a perfect bikini body right now and never mind your mom, you just stay healthy and gain the amount of weight prescribed by your dr, healthy foods, and yes we will talk you out of overeating :).

Drjo- hi!!

Urs- unfortunately creamy cm is no indicator as to when O will occur hun. X

Afm- diet going well, I stocked up on healthy diet foods (my anti inflammatory & weight loss foods as per Chris Kresser ). Last weekend as I said we had family and friends over all weekend and I ended up eating junk all weekend because I was too busy hosting to prepare diet meals separately for myself. And gained 3 pounds from that urgh. (I find the weight just jumps back on if I don't keep it OFF for a week to a month!).

My meals yesterday - biltong for breakfast (similar to beef jerky I think), full cream plain Greek yogurt with coconut shavings and grated carrot for lunch. Dinner- free range organic chicken piece with a HEAP of plain boiled green beans& cauliflower topped with olive oil.

It really filled me up, follows my own strict guidelines as well as Kresser's anti inflammatory foods guidelines. No calory counting for me. And the weight has started to come back off yay! Definitely having NO extra carbs/sugar for a month, we have that wedding 20 Feb!
Question: do any of you ladies ever experience corpus luteum pain/aches? I frequently have pains on the ovary I ovulated from.... as per Thursday's ultrasound I know it's right where that large CL is.

I also have so many progesterone symptoms urgh (not unusual! ). Very irritable, headache, nausea, insomnia, no energy, restless legs/leg cramps at night. I don't like the luteal phase much.
Would like it if you ladies are willing to share details on a healthy diet meal that you are having /had this weekend. It might just help us all focus on what we are eating! :) :)
Fern81 - I think I've only really ever had ovulation pains. nothing really after I've ovulated. Progesterone isn't fun, it make me sooo sleepy.
As for healthy meals I've had to throw out almost all of my fresh veggies (michigan had some scary bacteria outbreaks) so for dinner tonight I had a fruit salad, and some crock pot chicken (just a small amount of bbq). I feel so much better when I eat good.
Fern- I've never experienced that pain or sounds terrible! But I do often her random sharp pains where my ovaries are located. But I think it's gas. Even if I don't pass gas if I move around it'll go away. I used to think it was ovulation but it's not! Lol it's always around the time of ov so I think my body digest funny around that time.

As far as healthy food goes I'm pretty much eating the same food but much smaller portions and I load up on veggies to make up the difference. My fav simple and healthy recipe is Mexican chicken (or that's what I call it. Lol) it's basically a chicken breast cooked in salsa with onion and bell peppers. It's so simple and so flavorful. I serve it with black beans.
Officially got cross hairs on FF. Woohoo! :) Now it's just that long, long wait before I can test. I'm going to try and make it to 10 DPO before I test, if not longer.

Cupcake - Tell us about this 21-day fix? What all does it entail?

Ursaula - How much creamy CM people get before and after O varies from person to person, and from cycle to cycle, too. Some months I might have it all month, some months there's not much. It has to do with your hormone levels. Best thing is to keep track of it for several months on FF and see if you can find a pattern developing, so that you know what to expect for yourself. :)

Mrs.Green - Have you considered keeping snacks like granola bars, trail mix, or dried fruit in your purse for when you're not at home? It's useful to help keep you from eating things that aren't in your diet plan, like maybe french fries (I am a french fry addict!).

Alternately, you could keep pieces of fruit in your car in a small lunch box/bag that don't easily spoil, like apples, oranges, or maybe bananas if they aren't going to get bounced around too much.

You can buy almonds and other nuts in single-serving packets that are easy to toss into your bag or the glove compartment of your car, and they're excellent for keeping you energized! :)
Lookit your temp spike mrsgreen! Yay! That recipe sounds yummy, I really love salsa. Hmm, need to get onions and jalapenos from my garden!
Thanks for the sympathy but the CL aches are really not bad at all. I was just randomly wondering if anyone else felt it (I almost always feel it in the tww); didn't find many ladies on Google who have posted about it. Maybe it's an endo symptom, I do after all have endo on my ovaries? Anyway, it's very mild but definitely there. Like the feeling of growing follies when I was taking Clomid. :)

Swimmy- that's super scary to have a bacteria outbreak especially now that you're pregnant! Sheesh. Wash all your fruit & veg in vinegar (even the fruit that you peel or remove the skin eg an orange); some advice I got from mil!

Idk what's up with my husband AGAIN. He keeps being really mean, I keep having to leave the room to avoid his tantrums. Wtf, I'm the one who is supposed to be hormonal! I wish he would start being decent more than 10% of the time.
Irym we cross-posted, yay for CH! Whoop whoop, you are 2 days behind me in the tww (although South Africa seems to be a whole day ahead of California in any case, here you are posting your morning temp and I'm getting ready for bed :) )
Irym we cross-posted, yay for CH! Whoop whoop, you are 2 days behind me in the tww (although South Africa seems to be a whole day ahead of California in any case, here you are posting your morning temp and I'm getting ready for bed :) )

Haha -- it is 10 o'clock in the morning right now! Crazy how you're so far ahead. :)

Recipe-wise, I have a bunch!

Allow me to share:

• Lean ground turkey spaghetti sauce with whole wheat noodles, steamed zucchini on the side

• Pan-grilled chicken breast, simmered in low fat cream of mushroom soup, served over a bed of brown rice, steamed broccoli on the side

• White fish soft tacos with cabbage, tomatoes, onions, etc., wrapped in whole wheat tortillas and served with a salad

• 2-egg omelette with mushrooms, onions, bell peppers and a little cheese, served with fresh fruit like oranges & bananas

• Chicken stiry fry with onions, peppers, mushrooms, snow pea pods, water chestnuts, etc.

• Whole wheat bagel topped with a mixture of cream cheese and olives, and sliced fresh tomatos (this is one of my favorite breakfasts!)

• Oatmeal, with a teaspoon of peanut butter and some sugar-free maple syrup stirred in

• Spinach salad with feta cheese, fresh tomatoes, slices olives and red onion. Can be topped with grilled chicken breast slices.

That's all I can think of off the top of my head. I might add more later! lol

Question: do any of you ladies ever experience corpus luteum pain/aches? I frequently have pains on the ovary I ovulated from.... as per Thursday's ultrasound I know it's right where that large CL is.

I also have so many progesterone symptoms urgh (not unusual! ). Very irritable, headache, nausea, insomnia, no energy, restless legs/leg cramps at night. I don't like the luteal phase much.

Also it looks like I missed this question up there.

I have CL pain pretty often. Like last night, it was painful to lay on my left side or my stomach, because my left ovary hurt pretty badly. If I laid on my right side or my back, I was fine. But any pressure on the left side of my abdomen was really uncomfortable. Thank goodness it's gone this morning, but I sure had a rough time getting to sleep last night!
Oohhh, interesting IRYM! Shame so your cl pains actually cause that much discomfort? Poor you!
Those recipes also sound yummy and easy to prepare. I will try a number of them just without any carbs :) (still allowing myself only sweet potato). Mmmmmm..... olives and cream cheese.........

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