Getting Fit Before Baby

Fern- what's going on with SO? Why does he get like that with you? Sorry!

Irym- yay for cross hairs!!

I'm going to go shopping in a bit and get tons of good food. Especially snacks I can have in my purse. (Thanks for the idea)
So much has gone on with the forum today!

Fern: I have that area pain but I'm never sure what it is! It's either ovary cyst pain or my intestines kinking, so I'm no help there!

Recipe wise I've fallen in love with having low-cal (low-fat?) ham as my "wrap". Then with that I put in grapes and just a little bit of melted cheese (I love cheese!) and a homemade sauce we make for salads, etc. (I think it's like olive oil, lemon juice and poppy seeds or something? I actually don't know). It tastes really great to me when I'm wanting to keep carbs at a low but add in a little more fat (the cheese) so my body doesn't go into starvation.

IRYM,Mrs.Green: I'm jealous of both your charts! They're looking so great! Awesome temps! My chart is kind of a mess right now as ff has changed my o date twice, ugh.

AFM: I'm a bit of a wreck right now. Just trying to get through a rough patch.
Officially got cross hairs on FF. Woohoo! :) Now it's just that long, long wait before I can test. I'm going to try and make it to 10 DPO before I test, if not longer.

Cupcake - Tell us about this 21-day fix? What all does it entail?

Ursaula - How much creamy CM people get before and after O varies from person to person, and from cycle to cycle, too. Some months I might have it all month, some months there's not much. It has to do with your hormone levels. Best thing is to keep track of it for several months on FF and see if you can find a pattern developing, so that you know what to expect for yourself. :)

Mrs.Green - Have you considered keeping snacks like granola bars, trail mix, or dried fruit in your purse for when you're not at home? It's useful to help keep you from eating things that aren't in your diet plan, like maybe french fries (I am a french fry addict!).

Alternately, you could keep pieces of fruit in your car in a small lunch box/bag that don't easily spoil, like apples, oranges, or maybe bananas if they aren't going to get bounced around too much.

You can buy almonds and other nuts in single-serving packets that are easy to toss into your bag or the glove compartment of your car, and they're excellent for keeping you energized! :)

It's a program from Beachbody. Uses cantainers for portion control & focuses on clean eating. I got the welcome pack that comes with containers & a variety of 30 min videos. You do 1 30 min work out a day. Planinng on starting the clean eating right away, videos/containers will arrive in 4-5 days....

Lookit your temp spike mrsgreen! Yay! That recipe sounds yummy, I really love salsa. Hmm, need to get onions and jalapenos from my garden!
Thanks for the sympathy but the CL aches are really not bad at all. I was just randomly wondering if anyone else felt it (I almost always feel it in the tww); didn't find many ladies on Google who have posted about it. Maybe it's an endo symptom, I do after all have endo on my ovaries? Anyway, it's very mild but definitely there. Like the feeling of growing follies when I was taking Clomid. :)

Swimmy- that's super scary to have a bacteria outbreak especially now that you're pregnant! Sheesh. Wash all your fruit & veg in vinegar (even the fruit that you peel or remove the skin eg an orange); some advice I got from mil!

Idk what's up with my husband AGAIN. He keeps being really mean, I keep having to leave the room to avoid his tantrums. Wtf, I'm the one who is supposed to be hormonal! I wish he would start being decent more than 10% of the time.

So sorry about dh being a douche again! Not sure what to tell you, except I would get real tired of his crap real soon! You DO NOT deserve his bad behavior!!! Hugs Sister!

So much has gone on with the forum today!

Fern: I have that area pain but I'm never sure what it is! It's either ovary cyst pain or my intestines kinking, so I'm no help there!

Recipe wise I've fallen in love with having low-cal (low-fat?) ham as my "wrap". Then with that I put in grapes and just a little bit of melted cheese (I love cheese!) and a homemade sauce we make for salads, etc. (I think it's like olive oil, lemon juice and poppy seeds or something? I actually don't know). It tastes really great to me when I'm wanting to keep carbs at a low but add in a little more fat (the cheese) so my body doesn't go into starvation.

IRYM,Mrs.Green: I'm jealous of both your charts! They're looking so great! Awesome temps! My chart is kind of a mess right now as ff has changed my o date twice, ugh.

AFM: I'm a bit of a wreck right now. Just trying to get through a rough patch.
Hope all gets better soon for you sweetie!

Mrs.G-Hope you get your X-hairs soon!

Hi Swimmy! Hope your feeling good!
Enjoy your workouts and meals Cupcakestoy 😊! 21 days is not a big overwhelming chunk all at once- you are soooo going to kickstart your year with that.

Urs- sending you virtual hugs!

Mrsgreen- yep yep 2dpo. Yeehaww now comes the next wait lol. Fx you are one of the ladies who are very fertile after mc.

My husband has got some issues; he had a really bad past and he has learned to be incredibly selfish and inconsiderate. He has always been like this (moody and mean a LOT and doesn't even TRY to be decent when he doesn't "feel" like it). We have had many, many talks but nothing ever changes. I still love him for his good points but he causes a lot of stress in my life.... I don't want to get divorced again though so I just stay out of his way. :(
I'm sorry fern. that must be terrible. My SO had really bad ptsd from his past. He saw his dad die in a freak accident and he couldn't save him. And that's exactly how he acted. And will still act occasionally but it's gotten so much better. I basically told him if he doesn't change then I'm gone because I just can't do it anymore. He does have some weeks where it gets bad again but overall better. Will your SO get any kind of help?
Thanks mrsgreen. I really appreciate the sympathy. I can't talk to anyone about it IRL after the very traumatic end to my first marriage... I don't want anyone to think there are problems in my marriage and have them stress about it. He won't go for counselling. He thinks everything is perfect..... Well today he is fine and happy because he got a new laptop. So I will get my fix tonight and spend happy time with him, and then stay out of his way when he gets emotionally abusive again. Uh.

Btw how was your bd timing etc? I'm hoping for that third high temp!

Cupcake how is the workout so far?

My new fav: macadamia nut butter! Mooooove over peanut butter (which happens to be about 30-40% omega 6 oils; very inflammatory and not good for endo!). Very expensive but I bought some today with vouchers.... omw I'm in heaven.

Healthy smoothie for today's breakfast:
*100ml Full cream plain greek yogurt (as per Harvard fertility diet),
*dried coconut (lauric acid weight loss superfood),
*250ml rooibos tea (antioxidant bomb),
*half a grated carrot (vitamins, fibre & antioxidants) and
*almond flakes (nutty protein and healthy oils).

Super yummy. It became a very "thin" liquid smoothie due to all the herbal tea, so I poured it into a water bottle and sipped during the day. Berries, nut butter etc can also be added for a very low carb drink; high in protein, healthy fats and energy!
Mrsgreen - sorry, stupid question earlier, I just noticed your bd timing on your chart. Nevermind! :)
Fern that sounds so good! Bd wasn't timed great because we're ntnp so I didn't do opks and I was letting him start it but next month I'm taking control! Lol ff gave me cross hairs but I don't feel confident enough that they'll stay. I had them last month and then the next day my temp went way down and it took them away.
Fern - Are bananas on your "allowed foods" list? If you freeze them (peeled first, and cut into chunks), then when you toss them into smoothies they can take the place of ice, and they thicken the smoothie without adding chemical thickeners or corn starch or similar. :)

Mrs.Green - I think your BD looks just fine! You got one in there the night before ovulation, and since sperm can last 3 - 5 days in there before they die, you're covered! All it takes is just one little sperm to make a baby, right? Stay positive!

AFM -- Rant warning! Read on if you dare, but it's a little long-winded! lol :gun:


Holy moly, I have been the most moody, cranky gal EVER the past few days. I have zero patience for the pets, when I'm normally like - the Dog Whisperer or something. I keep going from happy to bitchy in seconds... Poor DH. I warned him the other day and said, "So I apologize in advance for any snapping I do later." lol

To be fair, though, he keeps doing things that would drive me nuts on a GOOD day. One night he asked me if I wanted him to fix me some dinner. We'd had a late lunch that day and were only a little hungry later in the evening. I told him that if he was already getting up to make food, I'd take a small helping of some leftovers. He goes, "Okay," goes into the kitchen, makes himself a big heaping bowl of food - and nothing for me. Like in the 30 seconds between couch and kitchen, he forgot?

Then he was doing the "I can't find it!" routine, when the thing he was looking for was in plain sight.

Then I spent AGES ironing the wrinkles out of all his clean work shirts, but I missed one. And he went out of his way to fish that one out of all the ironed shirts and wore IT to work instead.

I finally told him, "It makes me feel like you don't care about all the work I put in, making sure you have clean, presentable clothing to wear to work. I spent two hours on those shirts, and you find the one I missed and go to work looking like you just rolled out of bed." He is still in "college intern" mindset and just wears whatever -- but he's a salaried software engineer and should be making an effort to show up to work at least in a pressed shirt and decent pants! He doesn't think that what he wears to work has any effect on what people think of him. Well, it does. Just because people don't walk up to him and say, "Hey, man - your clothes are really wrinkly!" doesn't mean that no one cares, you know?

Anyway. I've really been trying to be patient, and reminding myself that it's all hormonal PMS type stuff, but this is way WAY more than I usually experience every month, so it's hard for me to compensate for it because I rarely have to deal with it.

Do any of you gals get like this at all? What do you do to try and keep from biting DH's head off?
I don't get like that normally but when I took progesterone the month I for my bfp I would snap and him... Wait a minute and then say "idk what's wrong with me I literally can't control what comes out of my mouth!"
IRYM - I know, right!? Why is it that men are INCAPABLE of finding things? Especially in the fridge/cupboard/looking at the spot where it is ALWAYS stored? IDK if that story made me want to laugh or shed a little tear... :haha:.

I felt exactly the same extreme irritation in the beginning of my tww. I don't always feel like this, but this past Saturday especially I also had to warn my husband. I felt as though I wanted to stab him or punch him (and Saturday he wasn't doing or saying anything wrong!). I was also so irritated with our domestic worker (who comes in once every 2 weeks or so, I'm usually very grateful for her help) that I couldn't stand the sight of her... Crazy! See, we gals actually have the ability to recognize when we are behaving irrationally... (well, most of the time) and actually apologize and try to be better! Unlike our men, right. :winkwink:

To cope with it I stayed out of his way and kept busy with reading and cleaning (much the same as I do when HE has moodswings lol!)

I am not supposed to eat any fruit (fructose) but I LOVE fruit especially bananas... so will probably cheat and have fruit once in a while. Thanks for the idea. At the beginning of my diet I still had fruit, oats and rice on my "list" but they have sadly been crossed off... If eating this way does nothing to help my endo/fertility after a year I'm definitely adding some foods back in.... including daily servings of fruit.

Oh yeah and I actually like my smoothies more diluted, it makes them easier to drink quickly especially disgusting green smoothies. :haha:

Mrsgreen - ah I hope that your cycle isn't being mean and that those temps stay up! x

Well I have no progesterone/fluctuating hormone symptoms today. I'm full of energy and feeling good. Bbs not so tingly anymore thank HEAVENS that was a horrible feeling. I'm happy to have no fake symptoms at 7dpo, thank you very much. :thumbup: that's the guidelines I'm basically following.

I also have a very painful stomach ulcer so the anti-inflammatory diet is supposed to help for that too.
Very true on green smoothies! I drink those so fast! Eww!!
Hope this helps you with everything.
Irym - I tend to get pretty snappy during pms. At this point my DH just had expected it lol. I will say those things probably would have annoyed the snot out of me too on a good day. Hahaha
Also thanks for the frozen banana idea! I need to eat more fruit and veggies
Thanks everyone, yesterday I hit pretty low but I'm bouncing back up today :)

Fern: Screw your hubby! I read a photo on Facebook that said "Do what you want. Do what makes YOU happy. Forget about everyone else because in the end, no matter what you do, everyone will judge you and you're the one living your life." In other words I'd tell him straight out that he needs to smarten up and get counselling (or something). If he doesn't, leave. Go stay somewhere for a while and wait for him to contact you. If he does, you know he loves you, if he doesn't, he isn't worth your time or love. Big hug!

IRYM: I can't say much about irritability during pms but I know my irritation/depression/etc happens in cycles. I'd suggest taking note when you feel this way and see if there is any pattern? Maybe every three af you feel irritable or something...just a thought!

Mrs. Green: I'm want to blow air at your temperatures so they go higher and stay up there! Fx'd for you, and I agree, it only takes one.

Swimmy: When is your next ultrasound being done? I'm excited to hear of your progress :)

Cupcake: Can't wait to hear more about your exercising!

AFM: I had my dietitian today. We are working on using smaller plates and working out more. I thought I would take my dog for a walk today as it was a little warmer outside but before we went, our other dog and her were being too playful and she hurt her back leg. Hoping she will feel better tomorrow and I won't have to take her to the vet.

Ultrasound/endovaginal scan is tomorrow. Fx'd!
Keep us updated on the ultrasound!! And as far as the doggie goes ice Learned most thing sort themselves out just like they do with us. Hope puppy feels better!
Hey gals, not started the workout part of the fix yet. DVDs should be here by 30th, until then I'm doing clean eating & normal activities....not been able to eat all the food each day! Lots of fruits, veggies & proteins! I did try a new receipe from the plan! AMAZING! Baked ziti, clean with homemade sauce, glutenfree pasta, ground 97% ff turkey & mushrooms....sounds simple & its easy to make but the sauce was great! Apple cookies are the bomb! Apple slices with pb & honey mixed together & drizzled over with a sprinkle of coconut, walnuts & slivered Chico chips! Not getting in all my water cause I'm peeing myself to death during work & got up SIX times Monday night :/ only 3 last night, but I'm not a get up to go type gal usually. Guess my body I'd detoxing.....
Urs- I've been thinking about you today. How did the ultrasound go?

Cupcake- having a small bladder is so hard!! I feel like I go the bathroom every 30 minutes if I drink the right amount of water.
Cupcake - I bet you are detoxing. Drinking lots of water after not having enough for a long time makes your body start flushing out a lot of the junk it's stored over the years. You might find yourself several pounds lighter after a week of drinking plenty of water. Especially if your urine is still very dark after a couple of days of drinking 8 glasses or more. Hopefully your body will flush out all the junk really fast and you won't have to pee so often!

Ursaula - We're all waiting to hear about your ultrasound today! :)

Fern - That "I can't find the thing" business is maddening. Like if he's looking for a canned food item in the pantry, he will check only ONE shelf. I sort the pantry based on what kind of item it is, so all the canned goods on one shelf, all the tea on one, all the dry goods on one... Well, if he's looking for a can of tomato paste, he will check the shelf of tea and go, "I can't find any tomato paste!" :hissy: Usually from wherever I am, I can call out, "Did you look on the shelf where the canned goods are? Because tomato paste is a canned good and is therefore going to be stored with the OTHER canned goods..." and 9 times out of 10, he hadn't even looked there. lol.

He is such a smart man, I am always baffled at how simple things confuse him. But it's BOOK smarts, not street smarts, so he's often out of his element when it comes to real world living. He can solve complex math equations, rattle off information about English literature, historical details, movie trivia, facts about Star Trek... But ask him to cook a box of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese without written directions, and he's lost. Poor DH. :haha: That's partially his mother's fault, though. She essentially raised him with the understanding that a wife would take care of everything FOR him, never planning for him to live anywhere other than at home until marriage. :dohh: When we were dating, he could hardly wash his own laundry.

Today's updates for me.... I'm less moody today. I had to deal with one of the cats throwing up everywhere, and it didn't cause me to explode like it would have done yesterday. I also managed to get some work done cleaning and organizing my garage, which is long overdue. DH seems to think a "clean" garage is one that has a path cleared from one door to the other. lol. So I got out there and started organizing. It looks much better!

In regards to the TWW: today and last night I've had some pretty bad chills. I just can't get warm! It's not illness, and I don't have a fever. But my BBT took a little dip this morning, so maybe my progesterone levels have decreased? My CL ovary pain has decreased drastically, I was able to get a better night's sleep last night, which I'm sure is part of why I'm not so irritable today. :) Only a few more days until I'll permit myself to POAS. We'll see how long I last! lol
When do you plan on testing?

I'm 4dpo (according to ff but idk if I belive it) and even though we only bd once I still am dying to poas! The addiction is real!! Lol

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