Getting Fit Before Baby

Swimmy-Did pretty good! 0-2,0-1 & will tonight ;) There's sp much conflicting reports with when to bd with low counts, but we did it cause we wanted to lol I'm at that point hahaha

Urs-Good news on U/S! Glad they upped your meds!
cupcake lol - our doc was saying every other day with low count but not gonna lie we dtd like 4 days in a row hahahaha didn't seem to make much of a difference for us hehehe but you never know.

I'm really nervous to stop taking my progesterone. They said I could stop it this week but honestly I'm probably gonna take it the next 3 weeks until im 13 weeks and meet my new ob and see what she says
Swimmy & Cupcake - With us, even though DH doesn't have a low count, we BD'd EOD just because it gives hubby time to "recover," and his body needs time to be able to build up more little swimmers in there! lol

But you're right, Swimmy - didn't seem to make much of a difference anyway! If it's going to happen, it's going to happen! lol. It only takes one sperm to fertilize that egg!

AFM -- Sore and stiff all over from the yoga yesterday - but that's kind of a good thing, right?

I have a long-time online friend (who lives across the country now, but ironically grew up in the same town that I did, and we found each other through an online gaming community years ago) who has been trying to lose weight for as long as I have, if not longer. We're both hefty people.

Anyway, he said he had given up on the "weight loss" side of his diet and exercise plan, and started focusing entirely on building muscle. Having done that, he's lost a couple of inches around his waist and he's starting to see muscle on various points on his body.

Now, I know it works differently for men. They can usually bulk up faster due to good old testosterone, BUT - his plan has merit. The more muscle you have, the more calories your body burns when it's at rest, because it has to supply the muscle with fuel. Body fat doesn't need fuel because it IS fuel. lol

So, I think I'll take a page from his book and work almost entirely on weight training for a while. I need it, anyway! And increasing my core muscle strength (that's abs, back muscles, pelvic muscles) will help with a pregnancy and delivery anyway.

TTW-wise, my symptoms are disappearing. Yesterday I had some ridiculous heart burn, tingly nipples, and some slight nausea (probably because of the heartburn), but the heartburn disappeared after dinner (ironically after eating a really spicy cajun dish), along with the nausea.

Today it's just sensitive nipples and nothing else. Temp dipped a little, but that's common on 12DPO for me.

I guess it's just going to be a waiting game now! :coffee: If I was a late implanter and implanted today, then it'd still be a couple of days before I'd get a positive on a test. SIGH.
Irym- I used to be in great shape(always curvy but could run and. Lift like nothing) and a huge part of my routine was strength training. I alternated cardio and strength training daily. Just remember to work bug muscles (legs) at the same time as little muscles (arms) to burn more calories.
Irym - I think it defiantly has merit, I was super thin in high school and collage but I swam everyday and jogged. I wish we had a good pool that wasn't crazy expensive to use because I love doing laps
Glad to hear everyone is feeling motivated!

IRYM I must say I prefer HIIT training to long cardio sessions. Especially full-body exercises. On that website that mrsgreen mentioned (I think it was Please correct me if I'm wrong Green!), there are loads of free exercise plans available as pdf downloads. I downloaded the kettlebell workout and just do it with weights instead of kettlebells, still works great. Loads of workouts that target many muscle groups at once, the way our bodies were designed to work. (Like burpees... nudge nudge cupcake!!)

My eating plan is going well, I'm losing cm's and fit into clothes that I couldn't wear last year, but I haven't lost any more weight??? Weird. I'm hardly eating anything.
In other news my husband is leaving tomorrow on a work trip and will be gone for 2 nights before returning Saturday evening.
Whoop whoop!!! I need a break from the Hulk.
In other news my husband is leaving tomorrow on a work trip and will be gone for 2 nights before returning Saturday evening.
Whoop whoop!!! I need a break from the Hulk.

lol! A break from The Hulk. You crack me up. :haha:

My problem with the workouts you gals mention - including cardio, burpees, planks, and whatnot - is that using my feet in them at ALL causes pain to my old injury.

In high school, my favorite cardio workouts were jump rope and jogging up and down the stadium stairs. I was also in a daily weight lifting class and went from being able to bench press 55lbs at the start of one semester, to 95lbs at the end!

But in my first job out of high school, I destroyed the cartilage in the ball of my right foot. At the time, I knew nothing about Worker's Comp laws, so when I reported the injury to my boss and he did nothing, I didn't know that that was illegal. I ended up not being able to afford proper treatment ($200 for a single xray that can't see cartilage anyway, and I was lucky if I made $200 in two weeks? Yeah, not affordable), and since cartilage is the slowest healing tissue in the human body, it took 6 or 7 years before I could walk on my own again. Prior to that was crutches, a walking cast, custom shoe inserts, etc.

I still have a slight limp, can't wear high heeled shoes, can't jump, jog, run, hop or skip, etc. Even just doing the simple Yoga poses yesterday and the day before left my toes and foot swollen and aching.

You know how you're supposed to complete a plank on your toes? That is a pose I can't do for longer than a few seconds. All my planking has to take place on my knees, and it's not challenging enough for my abs that way. Just my shoulders. :dohh:


I POAS this morning and got BFN, but my temps went back up. :wacko:

My nipples are SO SENSITIVE today that it's actually painful to touch them. I tossed and turned last night because every time I'd turn over to sleep on my stomach, these dumb things would start acting up and I'd have to go back to sleeping on my side. Oye.

My clothes rubbing on them is going to drive me crazy.

AND I can't find info anywhere on super duper extra sensitive nipples in the TWW. Every outside resource I find immediately says it's a disease/cancer or something really dramatic.

What do you think about the nipple problem? This is definitely not normal PMS sensitivity!
Aaaawwww IRYM I keep forgetting about your foot injury! It sucks that you are forever having to adapt to a painful limb.
There are some full body exercises that don't involve feet though like the v-situp with kettlebells, etc. You are very resourceful so I'm looking forward to reading about your new weight training plans.

Don't know about extremely sore nips but I hope it's a good sign for you!!
I have been doing some yoga and trying to gently work the muscles in that foot if a pose requires it. The stretching bits are good, but my foot was really hurting last night after some of the strength training bits. I think I need to do one day on, one day off for those exercises, just to give the poor atrophied muscles a break.

And I hope the nipples are a sign for me, too! I can't remember them being this sensitive in the past decade! There was a time when I was on Depo-provera, which mimics pregnancy, and I'd get nipples like this from time to time. It was so bad, the only time I found relief was when I was naked before and after a shower. lol!

I'm hoping it's a sign!

I also had a dream last night that I dipped 3 different HPTs into my urine and they all got blazing positives on them. Little bit of a let down that it didn't happen IRL this morning. ESPECIALLY because I had one heck of an evap line on a test the other day!
I'm calling my Dr. STILL bleeding like light flow. Really think the US tech is an idiot grrrr now I'm thinking I may not have O'd at all last cycle & have had cysts rupture....idk guess I'll wait & see, but thinking I'm done with clomid/meds until ivf!!!
Irym - nipple sensitive is my early pregnancy symptom so I really hope it's a good sign for you! Mine still tend to be sensitive on and off still lol it isn't the most comfortable feeling that is for sure.

Cupcake - im sorry your still having issues. I hope they weren't cycsts but maybe a little break and give your ovaries a rest before IVF isnt a bad idea.

Afm - found the best anti nausea trick yet lol life savers candy. Which im sure is not in the healthy eating plan. And I think I found little peaunts heartbeat on my Doppler tonight. But the bad news my DH quit his job today ... I swear I don't know what he is thinking
Swimmy - Thanks for that glimmer of hope! :)

But why on earth would your DH quit his job when you're pregnant!?

Edited to add: Swimmy, what DPO did you get your BFP again?
Cupcake: Congrats on the 10 pound weight loss! One week!? That's crazy!!!

IRYM: I've heard a lot of "plus sized" women having extremely sensitive nipples and found out they were pregnant. I found a resource about plus size women and some of the "horror" stories giving birth when you're plus size. Long story short, I found almost all the women have insanely sensitive nipples. Nausea didn't seem to be a big one...I'll see if I can find the site again! I'm not sure if it is the same for a smaller woman as I am plus sized and that's what I usually look up.

Swimmy: He QUIT his JOB!? I'm wondering what was going on in his head when he did that?

Fern: I'm just going to give you a big hug! :) Haha.

AFM: Having a down spell and full out told s/o that our sex life is completely lame and we either need to do something or move on. He told me it's his new medication causing his sex drive to be completely non-existent. Are there any medications he can take that are specifically sex-drive related?
IRYM - i got a super super light line the night of 9dpo and had blood work 10dpo which was only like 13. but by 11dpo it was clearly a +. I got on the scale today and I've lost almost 10lbs sense finding out i was pregnant. Too bad I don't look like it lol.

Honestly idk what he is thinking, we really got into it today. He quit but didn't tell me till tonight that he is gonna start working tomorrow at a pizza place. Soooo he quit his great job working construction making good money to work for his friends pizza place probably not making much more than min wage. he said he just couldn't take how unhappy he has been there, and his boss has been cutting a lot of corners with safety. So i understand why he didn't want to work there anymore but just quiting leaves you with no reference or anything. Guess what is done is done and we will figure it out.
:happydance::happydance::happydance:FINALLY stopped Bleeding!:happydance::happydance::happydance: Not sure where in the heck I am in my cycle with the cysts vs. multiple follies thing. Dr. didn't do the US, but took the word of the tech. With 3 nurses out I declined a repeat US, since there's really nothing I can do but wait it out tho....I will probably test on the 13 when the original af due date was, but will be testing for O that weekend too lol since thats my new predicted O date....Yeah I'm messed up I guess!
Going to court today for a child support review, thinking it will get raised since x-dh is a paramedic now & working full time, but I do know they will raise the amount he has to pay on the amount he is behind....about $5k! So hoping all goes smoothly there, then I volunteered to go in & help out at work after that!:dohh: There goes my Friday :/

Urs-What meds is your SO taking? If its hormones related to his gender reassignment, then I doubt it will get any better, but I would still have SO talk to the DR. about it! Alot of BP & antidepressants can be changed out if that's the case!

Swimmy-Still waiting on the squash mac & cheese recipe! lol Sorry dh is being spontaneous at this point! Sometimes men just don't think about long term & are too quick to jump at the 1st thing that sounds easy & quick money makers, especially if they are unhappy at work...Hope it works out to be a good transition though!

IRYM-Any new tests for us to look at? Hows your Nips today? lol Any new symptoms? I have had a past foot surgery on the outer aspect of my right foot & my ankles tend to roll so I have to be careful too! Like I said I'm NOT a jumper! lol

Fern- Happy top hear you are getting some alone time! Sometimes we all need a break from the strain of daily life! I know if dh & I are apart for a few days, its like honeymoon season when we reunite! LOL maybe we all should leave home for a week before our predicted O dates, to make things easier & more pleasant!:shrug:

Mrs. G-How are things going for you? Any new updates for a plan to get you regulated or have I missed something? Sorry, I'm horrible with remembering stuff!

In other news for me, I have put my intense work outs on hold, which does NOT make me sad, until after my Ortho appt. on Tuesday for the Carpal Tunnel, this last week & 1/2, my hands aches constantly & the muscles in both forearms are sore & tired all the time. Bilateral elbow pain has me worried. I know as CT advances it can move up the arms, but weird that its progressing at he same time to both arms. SPoke to the PT & OT at work & they want me to get an EMG done to make sure something isn;t going on in my neck!:dohh: So it's clean eating & walking until I get the ok to get back at it. I'll be hinest, so far I have HATED the work outs as I feel I'm not in any shape to do them correctly. Disappointing, since I did go to the gym & work like mule, that a 30 min video kicks my tail!:growlmad: Oh well, After my huge loss last week, I'm not expecting alot this next weigh in....I have to say, with all this clean eating, I sure don't have to worry about being constipated or hungry though:haha:! Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Sorry for being MIA! Work is extremely hectic at the moment..... At least I have a job right.

Urs - Are you doing OK? I second Cupcake's question, is the lack of SO's sex drive due to hormone therapy or something else? And OK everything is fine on the ultrasound/endovaginal scan.... so why the heck did you have to suffer so much pain during a normally painless scan?? Were the drs forthcoming with ANY new info? (OMW I hate being in the dark and always pester my drs with a million questions.)

Cupcake - eesshhh that does NOT sound like a fun Friday. I'm actually hoping you have another mad weight drop when you weigh in this week. :) I noticed RSA also has a 21 day challenge with meal plans etc, they prepare healthy meals and deliver too, etc. It sounds sooooooo nice to have pre-prepared meals for 3 weeks (which should last for 5-6 weeks actually if I look at the sheer volume of the meals!). I'm very tempted. Even just the smoothie and light meal version (low carb) will be more than enough to feed me daily for 3 weeks. Hm.....
Hope you don't have to suffer too much with the irritating CT. :/

IRYM - I'm still rooting for you as I always do for all you guys! It's high time someone else got a bfp too. Wow hun you have also been trying for quite a while now right? How are the super sore bbs?

Mrsgreen - O! O! O!!!!! :) are you taking meds this cycle? I know you mentioned black cohosh possibly...? Just don't take progesterone before confirmed O.

Swimmy - omw how stressful! Sending you hugs and positive vibes. I can understand his feelings of hating his old job but I really hope this doesn't place too much stress on the pregnancy. You just keep rested and calm, OK. :hugs:

I'm very tired and really struggling with depression and anxiety this year so far... I suppose it's knowing that we are entering our third year ttc and also DH's mood swings & behavior. I can't sleep and have very little energy. I'm trying to keep up my spirits & focus on the positive but it's really hard. Last night I had maybe an hour's sleep & kept on waking up from nightmares in full blown anxiety (I keep vividly dreaming that my cats are drowning in the swimming pool the past few nights, wtf!?). Please send me some positive thoughts/ prayers, friends. I'm considering getting anxiety meds just for a month or so. Or going back to counseling (the counselor I saw once last year was very nice but she had lost a child in an accident!!! And my problems were obviously nothing compared to hers so I felt really bad complaining to her.)
Swimmy - Wow. I'm 15 DPO today and only have what I'm pretty sure is an evap on this cheapie test. I am so envious of the gals that get their BFPs at 9/10 DPO and don't have this long loooong wait!

Cupcake - No tests to squint at, unfortunately. I took one this morning because I felt like AF should have been here a day early, and there's nothing on the test and no AF either. Booo!

Nipples are still driving me nuts! Much of that "burning" sensation has gone away, though last night it was pretty intense before bedtime. I wish I knew what caused that!

Fern - Thanks! Yes, we've been TTC a while - since November 2014, officially. It would have been sooner if not for this cervical cancer issue. But thank goodness we got that taken care of, right?

In all that time I've had one chemical and one miscarriage to show for our efforts. But trying to look on the bright side -- at least I know I can get pregnant on my own! It's just a matter of keeping them.

Today's updates: My temp dropped today to 98.04°F, and even though it's still above my cover line, basically any time I hit 98.0°F, AF shows up shortly thereafter, if not on the same day. So I fully expect AF tomorrow at this point. :(

I would LOVE for this month to be the month I'm proven wrong, though! I mean, 98.04 is still above 98.0, am I right? :haha: I spent some time looking at FF's chart gallery yesterday, and there are loads of women who got BFPs even after their temps dropped below the cover line.

Since my CP is still VERY high (almost couldn't reach it this morning!) that's a good sign... I hope. lol

EDIT: I ordered some soy isoflavones to use next cycle, assuming AF shows up, which at this stage I'm almost certain she will. I got to thinking that maybe an ovulation date of anywhere between CD20 and CD25 (and that one month, CD33!) means that my follicles are having trouble maturing. My reading indicates that women who have taken SIs are seeing their O dates moving toward a more normal cycle day, and just about every article I read compares it to taking clomid.

So we'll see if I can help move things along this coming cycle! The SI's ought to arrive Monday, and we'll know by then if AF has shown or not. If she doesn't and I get a BFP, I might just have to return the product! lol
Ack. Just started spotting red and got my day-of AF cramps. Looks like it's on to another cycle for me - as long as this spotting turns into full flow today. :( Bummer!

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