Getting Fit Before Baby

Mrs. Green - wow I can't believe they said a year. Our doc said you just have to wait to start your next normal cycle before ttc again as long as your mc is under 12 weeks. I'm glad your talking to someone else.

I landed my butt in the hospital today. diagnosed with hypergravita hoping all the iv fluids will help :)
Swimmy- oh no. Hope you feel better soon!

Also, maybe I made a mistake when typing. I can Ttc again. But I have to wait a year for any test/help. Even if I'm not ovulating.
Hello gals, sorry I've been gone for a while. Depression hit me hard and I didn't want to bring anyone else down.

Swimmy: I'm not sure what hypergravita is, can it affect the baby? I hope you feel better and get out of the hospital soon! :)

Fern: I have quite a few dizzy spells and I find it's from missing medications or if I haven't eaten in a while. Not sure if this helps.

IRYM & Cupcake: Where are you two in your cycles?

Mrs. G: I read Vitex can help (as IRYM had mentioned). I haven't tried it myself but I did try Maca Root and it did I don't recommend that one!

AFM: (RANT WARNING) I'm feeling lost. I know what I want to do job wise and have found a school much closer to my family. My issue is funding. I have a ridiculous car payment so I'm trying to sell my car (I can't cover the cost of school AND a car payment). My car cost me 41k and I'm asking 30k...the thing is, it's a Kia Soul and EVERYONE thinks Kia Souls are cheap! My Kia Soul is a 2015 SX Luxury which has everything from all gadgets to panoramic sunroof, EVERYTHING and people are emailing me like "I'll give you 10k for it." How do you sell a vehicle that everyone thinks is cheap but it's actually expensive!?!?!?!? URGH!!

Weight wise I'm staying level because I just shove food into me not caring because I'm so emotional and stressed...

On my last note I will say I had a little spotting the day before last so it looks like the 1000mg of metformin is doing well :)

Ursaula - I keep my chart in my signature so you ladies can follow along if you want. :) CD3 for me, just waiting for AF to end so that I can get on with things this month.

In regards to your car: try listing the Kelley Blue Book value in your sales ads? That way people know you're not trying to cheat them with your prices.

Here's the site:

You plug in all your car's data, features, etc. and it will give you your fair market price. I know you're in Canada, but the site might help you find a ballpark rate to offer for the vehicle?
Swimmy-hope you feel better soon!
Urs-sorry you've been down! Its easy for me to get that way too if I lose focus. Hope you find a buyer soon!
Fern-Dehydration, drop in blood sugar, change in blood pressure, over heating or over exertion could be the culprit :/ I'm thinking your not getting enough complec carbs to stabilize your sugar levels to sustain your exercise regimen....
Irym-How many mgs of the SI's are you taking? Excited to see your success!
Mrs. G-hugs sister! We all have those days, or weeks. Its so frustrating. Hang in there!
Afm- I'm either waiting to O or for AF to show this weekend :/ Still no clue, since the mid cycle bleed or 2nd AF episode? Any ways still just waiting to see what happens & not really stressing about it much anymore.
In other news, I lost 3 more pounds on week 2 of the fix! Today starts week 3, hoping to drop at least 2 more pounds ;) 37 pounds til I make the call to schedule with the clinic!!!! Getting there, slowly but surely lol I have my ortho appt. tomorrow. Hoping for a nonsurgical fix, but am doubtful of that. Just hoping it is carpal tunnel & not in my neck :( Will update when I can!
Cupcake - so happy for your weight loss!! Keep it up girly. I hope u don't need ortho surgery. (I'm an ortho nurse) they are just so hard on the body.

I meant to type hyperemisis before lol whoops. I don't really think that's what I have, yeah I sick a lot but I have days I don't throw up at all. I'm really nervous though because they couldn't find the heartbeat on the Doppler and wouldn't give me an ultrasound sense I wasn't bleeding. It just put me on edge. I'm sure everything is fine and hopefully my doctor next week can put my mind at ease.
Swimmy - Ack! Why wouldn't they do an ultrasound? "You're not bleeding" is a really stupid reason to deny someone, especially when it's something as stressful as this!

I mean honestly, you're the patient and it's your own body and baby you're worried about, for crying out loud. Sometimes I really dislike the medical industry. Do they think all the stressing you'll be doing is healthy? Blech!

Cupcake - Good job on the weight loss! They say slow and steady loss means you're more likely to KEEP it off in the long run! So keep that 2 pounds per week going! :)

AFM - Been doing lots of "spring cleaning" around here. Yesterday was the day for the kitchen, and then I did a pretty tough arm and upper body workout that I sure am feeling today! Whew. I hope lifting weights does what I want it to do, and I start slimming down at long last. :dohh:
IRYM: Sorry, I forgot you added your chart to your signature! Also, thank you for the car site! I plugged it all in and converted and I'm asking $3,000cad more than not too far off!

Woot spring cleaning! I'm forever spring cleaning right now it seems like.

What sort of things are you trying this month ttc wise? (Medications, herbs/teas, etc.)

Cupcake: WOO for weight loss! You're doing great! How was the appointment today, do you need surgery?

I'm hoping your cycle gets back on track.

Swimmy: I'd be panicking so bad if I were in your situation, I'd be furious too! How are they just leaving it?
im pretty ticked. I called my ob office today to follow up like they told me to. When i spoke with the nurse she said in the ER report they reported a HR of 160's on the doppler. ummm noooo they couldn't find it they found my HR that's it. They told me I could come in for an ultrasound tomorrow but it probably will not be covered by my insurance. ughhhhhh just annoyed.
Well girls, not good news :( I have official diagnosis of Carpal Tunnel & Tennis elbow on both sides! Scheduling an EMG & have a PT eval on Monday. Gave me a medrol dose pack which I'm refusing to take as he said its standard treatment but probably won't help & Mobic. Have to f/u March 10th then will probably end up doing injections or surgery pending the severity based on the test....yay me!
Hi Ladies :flower:

I've been lurking, but not posting. Things are going slowly for me, but I'm finally reaching some break through on different fronts.

Ursaula: Good luck selling your car! How are you liking the higher dose of Metformin?

swimmyj1: I'm rooting for you! And I admit I'm a little envious! I hope all is going well with you and bean and that you get the issues with nausea sorted ASAP.

cupcakestoy: Sounds like you're having a super rough time. :wacko: I hope you can get your health issues sorted quickly. Sorry you're going through all of that, but it sounds like your weight loss is going super well.

ireadyermind: Have you been tested for some hormonal problems by your doctor? It feels/sounds to me like you're having some kind of hormonal or metabolic issue.

mrs.green2015: Welcome! Do you have a history of issues with ovulation?

It's been a bit of a roller coaster for me the last few months trying to get both my hypothryoidism and PCOS under control.

In November I started 50mg/day of levothyroxin after my TSH had gone up to 3,7 and my antibodies were at 90. In early Jan I was re-tested to see how the medication was working and my TSH had gone up?! It was up to 4,7, so in January they have raised it to 100mg/day and I'll go back at the end of March to be tested again. Hopefully it comes in as normal.

On the PCOS front, I started Metformin in early December; I'm currently taking 1000mg/day. I had problems with nausea -- lots, and lots of nausea, so much so that I became convinced I was pregnant at first -- but it seems much better now that I am adjusted and have been taking it for awhile. The good news is that after having only 3 bleedings last year (and they were the typical annovulatory PCOS bleeds that are super, super heavy and last 2-3 weeks -- and 2 of them I only had after taking Provera), I had what seemed to be a normal cycle with :witch: in January! This has never happened to me in my life! I had a few days of a bit of brown spotting then 8 days of bleeding that was all very normal. I'm currently on CD27, I believe, and I saw my gyno yesterday and she did a scan and for the first time I have a proper, 3-layer endometrium which she said means I'm having normal cycles! I've also been having a bit of brown spotting for a few days and she said we should expect :witch: again any time now. I'm hoping I'll get lucky and have some classic 28-day cycles; it seems likely I'll not be too far off since I'm already spotting and it's CD27.

On the weight loss front, I'm doing better since getting the metabolism sorted. I've lost some more weight (see ticker) and I only need to lose 3,4 more kg in order to qualify for fertility treatments. Being careful with calories and carbs is the key for me, it seems.

The current plan is that I graduate to TTC (from NTNP/WTT) now that I'm actually expected to be ovulating (I'll use OPKs and ClearBlue Fertility Monitor this next month) and we're supposed to try like a normal couple now for the next couple of cycles (though I'm traveling for work for all of March, so that month is out). In my April cycle I'll go for CD3 blood draws and I see the gyno again in May; I should have lost the remaining 3,4 kg by then and if I'm not pregnant by then, we'll take the next steps. Luckily I live in Denmark and we get fertility treatments as part of our socialized healthcare.
Mrs. Tigger - So good to see you! I'd wondered where you'd gone. :)

Glad to hear that things are starting to fall into place for you. An almost 28 day cycle, lots of weight lost, getting your TSH in hand -- all good things! Glad to hear that fertility treatments are included in your health care coverage. They aren't included in mine, and we're deciding whether we want to continue with all the hoops they're making me jump through just to talk to an actual doctor and not a receptionist. :dohh:

AFM - I agree with you, there does seem to be an imbalance. But all I've been tested for so far is Testosterone, TSH, FSH and Blood Sugar. They haven't looked at progesterone or estrogen at all, and according to the woman I'm allowed to speak to at the fertility clinic, that isn't even in the plan yet. They want to do ANOTHER ultrasound and a bunch of repeat tests that I already had done a few months back... So to me it sounds mostly like they're just trying to milk me for every penny they can get, since it's not covered if it's considered an "elective" procedure. Sheeesh!

So I started taking Soy Isoflavones this cycle, and I have to say - after two days, I have ridiculous amounts of energy! Toward the end of the last cycle, I was ready for bed at 8pm every night. Last night I couldn't fall asleep until after midnight, no matter what I tried -- and then I woke up at 6am, raring to go!

I thought I read somewhere that having low estrogen can cause fatigue and depression-like symptoms. Can the SIs be working after only two doses?
Mrs. Tigger - congrats on all your weight loss you are so close!!!

IRYM - I would be ticked they won't do an estrogen or progesterone. I mean i understand that progesterone is hard to track accurately but estrogen isn't. It sounds like they are just running a ton of tests and that isn't right. Do you have a meeting with the doctor anytime soon? I would want a meeting before doing anything else.

Cupcake - I really hope its not bad enough for surgery :( can't believe its in both arms.
Just a quick hi

On my way to the dr to have my thyroid tested again (every 6 months!) and to ask about anti-anxiety meds.

Mrstigger omw that weight loss is amazing and so inspiring.

Cupcake - I really hope the inflammation can get better and that you don't need surgery!

Hugs to everyone else
Today is just one of those days.

I don't feel like ttc anymore, I don't feel like exercising or dieting, I feel like climbing into bed with a bottle of wine and a pack of valium and never getting out. This emotional state is getting to me.... Dr advised me today to start anti-depressants (I refused) but she did prescribe some very mild anti-anxiety meds which I plan to take only on very bad days or when I am unable to sleep. I wish there was a pill I could take that would make me happy about being childless for ever.

It's so hard.
Fern- we've all had those days. I'm so sorry. And I'm definitely anti meds BUT depression pills take awhile to work. You can't really take them occasionally. I had to take them in the past when something traumatic happen and they helped. I only took them for about 6 months but they helped.

I would just recommend doing more research and deciding what's right for you. But I do know 99% of the time taking them occasionally won't help. If you ever need to talk feel free to pm me. Hugs girl.

Mrs. Tigger- congrats on the weight loss you're doing amazing!

Afm- no posted be opk yet but I think I might in the next couple days since they're getting darker. Then I plan to take progesterone 3 days after confirmed O.
Thank you so much for your kind words green. This medication is a quick acting low dose benzodiazepine derivative, that I can specifically take during bad days/ anxiety atracks. They are not for chronic use (which I don't want, I have a really bad history with chronic mental health meds).
Of course I will keep up all my other coping mechanisms too, praying and forums and exercising and gratitude journal and support groups and and and :/ .
But sometimes even all those things are not enough that's why I finally gave in and went to see the dr for meds.

Anyway, thanks for all the support hun. I'm so glad to see your opks are getting darker and I'm keeping everything crossed for one helluva ovulation for you; two or 3 eggies even :).
Well then that medication sounds perfect for you! It seems like everyone is having a rough day today. You're in my thoughts!

Thank for you wishing me luck on opks. My smu ones are usually the darkest and I'll be taking one in an hour or so. So we will see if it gets darker.
Swimmy - The trouble with this clinic is that they won't even let you in to talk to a doctor until you've done all their "required" test, which sounds backwards to me! How do they know what to test for without talking to me first, and seeing what symptoms I might have and so on? Ugh.

Since we're paying for it out of pocket anyway, DH and I are talking about going to a completely different clinic. One that guarantees a certain level of quality and which gives us the OPTION on what we want to test for, since they're a pay-for clinic from the start. I'll just get copies of my medical records and bring them along, you know?

It might be more expensive than going through our HMO, but I have a sneaking suspicion that we'd be taken better care of since they're basically a medical business catering entirely to people with infertility problems and would lose business if they didn't treat their patients well.

Fern - So sorry to hear you're down in the dumps right now. :hugs: It's so hard to keep up the cheerful appearances and convince yourself to keep going, sometimes. We're here to help any time you want to vent or get some advice!

One of the best ways to help steer yourself up and out of a funk like this is to get in a good shower, put on clothes that are slightly "fancy" or make you feel beautiful, and to focus on small tasks that you can accomplish right away.

TTC is such a big, long term goal for some of us that we lose sight of the end. And we go for such extended periods of time without a tangible accomplishment or evidence that we are making progress, that it's easy to feel hopeless, helpless, or lost.

If you have some small goals that you can reach today, even something as simple as - oh, let's say finally mailing off that letter to a friend - then those small wins, the feeling of being in control and successful, can really help.

Like you, I'm really against the long term use of medication - or using medication at all, when it can be avoided. OTC cold meds, pain relief, etc. are all things I try to avoid OR replace with natural versions. For example, valerian root to help with insomnia, peppermint tea for heartburn and indigestion, lavender oil as an insect repellent instead of commercially prepared sprays, etc. So I can totally see why you'd want to avoid being put on a long term depression medication!


Don't give up, we're here to help!
Thank you my dear friends what would I do without you xxx

Mrsgreen ooohhhh I hope that opk is super dark! Post a pic if you can.

IRYM I hope the meds help you this cycle. The cycle I took black cohosh is when I got that nice bfp line which ended a day later urgh....I do believe herbs are super powerful! (I have a science degree & one of my major subjects was traditional African and other South African herbal meds, so interesting).

Great idea, I'm going to finish my emails and finally start building my new 1500 piece puzzle. Small things. Xx

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