Swimmy - The trouble with this clinic is that they won't even let you in to talk to a doctor until you've done all their "required" test, which sounds backwards to me! How do they know what to test for without talking to me first, and seeing what symptoms I might have and so on? Ugh.
Since we're paying for it out of pocket
anyway, DH and I are talking about going to a completely different clinic. One that guarantees a certain level of quality and which gives us the OPTION on what we want to test for, since they're a pay-for clinic from the start. I'll just get copies of my medical records and bring them along, you know?
It might be more expensive than going through our HMO, but I have a sneaking suspicion that we'd be taken better care of since they're basically a medical
business catering entirely to people with infertility problems and would lose business if they didn't treat their patients well.
Fern - So sorry to hear you're down in the dumps right now.

It's so hard to keep up the cheerful appearances and convince yourself to keep going, sometimes. We're here to help any time you want to vent or get some advice!
One of the best ways to help steer yourself up and out of a funk like this is to get in a good shower, put on clothes that are slightly "fancy" or make you feel beautiful, and to focus on small tasks that you can accomplish right away.
TTC is such a big, long term goal for some of us that we lose sight of the end. And we go for such extended periods of time without a tangible accomplishment or evidence that we are making progress, that it's easy to feel hopeless, helpless, or lost.
If you have some small goals that you can reach
today, even something as simple as - oh, let's say finally mailing off that letter to a friend - then those small wins, the feeling of being in control and successful, can really help.
Like you, I'm really against the long term use of medication - or using medication at all, when it can be avoided. OTC cold meds, pain relief, etc. are all things I try to avoid OR replace with natural versions. For example, valerian root to help with insomnia, peppermint tea for heartburn and indigestion, lavender oil as an insect repellent instead of commercially prepared sprays, etc. So I can totally see why you'd want to avoid being put on a long term depression medication!
Don't give up, we're here to help!