Getting Fit Before Baby

Sorry IRYM...Be careful with the SI's, if you have pcos or hormone imbalances, as they can screw your cycle up...At least that's what I've read/heard from others....Hope its your magic remedy tho!

Court went amazingly well! x-dh was nice, chatty & civil through the whole process! He did turn a shade bit green when he found out the child support is going up by $200, to $683/month starting in March!!! I am shocked to say the least! They did't increase the payment for back owed support ($5200) since he had such a big increase. Of course now he's a Paramedic, making good money...It's nice to win every now & then!:happydance:
Cupcake -- Good to hear it! That former $400 a month he was paying probably wasn't much help at all, was it? My dad used to have to pay child support - but he always refused and paid $50 a month instead. That wasn't even half a grocery store run for us two kids! Oye.

My OB/GYN says I don't have PCOS (even though I have a couple of cysts on my left ovary), so I don't think the SI will cause me problems -- but I've seen how many different times my body has tried to ovulate around CD15 and failed (darkening OPKs, CM becoming fertile, etc.) and I'm wondering if maybe it just needs a little help to get those eggs ready at a reasonable time, rather than three weeks or more into a cycle.

How nice would it be to have a 28 day cycle instead of my average 37, or 40, or 50 days? The absolute shortest cycle I've had is 32 days since starting TTC, and even THAT would be an improvement I think. :dohh:
I've been lurking but haven't been posting lately.
Irym- isn't it frustrating when our bodies gear up but never ovulate? I'm cd 10 but already feeling like i won't ovulate.
I've been lurking but haven't been posting lately.
Irym- isn't it frustrating when our bodies gear up but never ovulate? I'm cd 10 but already feeling like i won't ovulate.

It IS frustrating! I thought for sure I was going to ovulate at CD15 last cycle, but it didn't happen til CD20 - so it pretty much took an entire extra week to get down to business!

That's why I'm hoping the SIs will help. Maybe this coming cycle it will actually happen on CD15!

In the meanwhile, it looks like I have another month to get into shape, hey?

And I'm itching to get a vegetable garden started this spring as well!
I really want a garden too! We're in the process of looking for a house and I want something with some land so I can. I'm hoping I ovulate this cycle too!
I'm sure you will! You did last cycle, right? :) AF wouldn't have shown up otherwise!

Minor update for me --

Really thinking this might've been another chemical. I was seeing super super faint lines on my cheapies the other day, and I talked myself out of them. And in just today, my AF flow has been more than double what my "usual" AF has been. Very heavy, pretty consistent cramps, and I'm exhausted today. It's not so much so that I'm worried about hemorrhaging, so no worries there. But just the sheer volume, and then the uncharacteristic spotting before AF...

I wish there was a way to test blood hCG from home so I could know for sure! lol.
Irym- sorry AF is being so cruel. I hate that!

I don't think I ovulated last month IF I did it was 4 days before AF. And I didn't ovulate November or December either but pretty regular periods.... So who knows.
Green - I really hope your body will behave and that you O! Are you taking black cohosh? Oh and how is the fitness plan coming along?

Irym I wouldn't be surprised if you did have a c/p. They are amazingly common but that doesn't make them any less sucky. Feel free to post your test pic for us to over-analyze lol!! Gl with the soy.

I had a loooooong brunch with my two bffs yesterday that extended into the early afternoon lol.... got all my frustrations off my chest and they were really helpful in providing suggestions &tips for coping. We are doing a fitness, diet and spiritual health challenge this week, one week at a time. I also managed to talk dh into a week long "challenge" of being super patient and thinking before talking. And to bd more often I hope that will bring us closer again.

Being happy and healthy is such HARD WORK right!? And being depressed, overweight and unfit is the easiest state to get into. Oh well that's the way the cookie crumbles, just have to keep trying day by day.
Mrs.Green - Well, if this Soy stuff works for me I will let you know, and maybe you can give it a try? Mine should be arriving tomorrow (Monday), and I start taking it tomorrow too! lol.

Fern - I agree, it IS hard work to make yourself happy and healthy! Mental health is as important as physical health. I'm glad you were able to get your husband to agree to think before he speaks. That's a good starting place to getting control over himself.

I know I am constantly reminding DH of things like that. "Are you arguing with me to make a valid point, backed up by facts -- or are you arguing for the sake of argument? Because I do not enjoy it when you are arguing with me just for the 'fun' of it."

He just LOVES to start up with "no it isn't!" or "yes it is!" without any other reason than to start an argument. We're working on that. If he wants to actually debate a topic, using available facts, research, etc. I'm okay with that. But just going "Nuh-uh!" drives me nuts!

We've all got stuff to work on, don't we? I personally have really bad anxiety issues I'm trying to get over. It's taking a long, long time but I feel like I'm making a little bit of progress there.

ETA - Let me find my HPT pics and see if I can get those lines to show up well enough for an upload.
Okay, here are the squinters!

The bottom line is the darkest, though I could see a hint of a line on the top one too.

The day after the bottom one, there weren't even evaps on my tests any more.


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IRYM- yep we are all human and all have our "stuff".
I can see your lines. My dr says cp's are good news because it means that a great big part of the whole complicated process, is actually in working order. Hope the next one is the perfect sticky embie!
i would call that a chemical you can clearly see the lines. I'm sorry IRYM :(

For the gals that wanted the Squash Mac and Cheese
Ingredients -
2 bricks of frozen butternut squash let thaw and drain of excessive water. (or 3 cups of peeled and cubed butternut squash
8 oz of wheat pasta (cavatappi or elbow macaroni)
1 tbsp of butter
8 oz of crremini or button mushrooms sliced (i don't add this lol)
3 green onions, thinly sliced
2 tbsp all-purpose flour
1 cup fat-free milk (any kind works)
6 oz of fontina cheese (1/2 cups) shredded
1 bag of turkey bacon (like the kind you put in salads? you can use any kind of bacon you prefer)

Cooking instructions -
1. preheat over to 375. light coat 2 quart rectangular bakin gdish with nonstick cooking spray. set aside
2. in a medium bowl, combine squash and 2 tbsp. water; cover with vented plastic wrap. microwave 4 minutes. stir. cover and do another 4 minutes. mash squash and set aside.
3. meanwhile, cook pasta and drain. in sauce pan heat butter. add mushrooms and onions. cook until tender (about 5 minutes). sprinkle flower over mixture. Cook and stir for 1 minute. Add milk and 1/4 tsp. each of salt and pepper. cook and stir until thickened and bubbly. Remove from heat. Stir in squash. Add pasta.
4. Put 1/2 of the mixture into baking dish. Sprinkle with 1/2 of cheese and bacon. Add remaining pasta. top with the rest of the cheese and bacon. Bake uncovered for 20-25 minutes or until heated through. Top with addition green onions if desired.

Sorry guys i know it looks long but it is amazing and really isn't hard to bake lol. Totally making this tomorrow yummmmm
Thanks Swimmy!

I'm going to try and go for a run every day this week. Wish me luck lol.

ETA: So I went for a morning run/walk like I usually do (run 1 min, walk 1 min). However this morning I had zero energy and started feeling incredibly dizzy and faint about halfway into the run! I actually had to SIT DOWN next to the road; this has never happened. I totally blame it on cheating this weekend and eating pizza & having some wine for the first time in 2 months (not a lot, just a glass or 2 though). I think my blood sugar spiked yesterday afternoon when eating pizza, then crashing after I didn't have dinner (was still too full from lunch). Just goes to show how a cheat day can TOTALLY mess with your health!!
Swimmy - Thanks! Both for the sentiments and your recipe. :)

Fern - Wow, that sounds rough! Do you think the wine might've dehydrated you? I tend to get a little dizzy when I'm dehydrated, and lots of foods can cause that.

AFM - DH and I had been researching information about our back yard. It's small, but we get a lot of use out of it with the dogs, BBQing, etc. Anyway, the land slopes TOWARD the house, which means all rain water heads for our home's foundation, and that's bad news.

We were looking into hiring someone to come in and re-grade the yard, but the prices we were quoted (upwards of $6,000 USD) were very steep for a job that was more tedious than difficult.

So we've decided to start on it ourselves next weekend! I imagine that is going to be one hell of a source of exercise for us for a long while.

Here's what we plan:

1) Mark out the areas of the yard where a retaining wall will be built, so that I can have a vegetable garden and we don't have to worry about raising or lowering the fences around the yard.

2) Dig out the parts of the yard which are too high, save some of the soil to fill in the low bits.

3) Tear up the old, broken sprinkler system and lay a new, sub-surface, drought-friendly drip line instead.

4) Build retaining wall, lay paver stones around where we want walkways to be

5) Lay sod over the new soil

It's going to be quite the task for us! But not so large a task that it's too much for us to handle. :) We're hoping to have it done in time for summer. I will be taking plenty of pics!
Irym- although it's a huge task it should like a great experience to do together as a couple!

Fern- I'll get dizzy from being dehydrated and/or not eating well or enough. I like your challenge of running every day. I'm going to try to walk every day on my treadmill in addition to my regular routine.

Swimmy- that sounds so good. I can't wait to try the recipe.

Afm- I'm definitely feeling very down lately. I just don't feel positive. My opks have been completely blank and my cm is creamy. After this month it'll be a year since we started Ttc and I'm exhausted. I'm not sure what to do anymore. My doctor told me to wait a year (from miscarriage) and I can't do it. I don't understand why if I'm not ovulating. And for as selfish as it is every time someone gets a bfp after trying for not a month or two my heart breaks. Today all I want to do it curl up with my puppy and cry.
Ok I'm done venting. Thanks for letting me.
Irym- although it's a huge task it should like a great experience to do together as a couple!

Fern- I'll get dizzy from being dehydrated and/or not eating well or enough. I like your challenge of running every day. I'm going to try to walk every day on my treadmill in addition to my regular routine.

Swimmy- that sounds so good. I can't wait to try the recipe.

Afm- I'm definitely feeling very down lately. I just don't feel positive. My opks have been completely blank and my cm is creamy. After this month it'll be a year since we started Ttc and I'm exhausted. I'm not sure what to do anymore. My doctor told me to wait a year (from miscarriage) and I can't do it. I don't understand why if I'm not ovulating. And for as selfish as it is every time someone gets a bfp after trying for not a month or two my heart breaks. Today all I want to do it curl up with my puppy and cry.
Ok I'm done venting. Thanks for letting me.


Wow, your doctor told you to wait a YEAR after miscarrying to TTC again? What ever for? Mine said three months, and I've read that even recommending THAT is an outdated practice. Did you have some severe complications from the MC that makes your doctor think you need to wait that long?

Don't despair! It's rough, I know. DH and I are on cycle number 14 and we've been TTC since 2014 and not much to show for it besides CPs and MCs. :\

Are you taking any vitamin supplements? B6 to lengthen your LP? Vitex or Soy Isoflavones to help encourage ovulation?

If you don't have any severe medical issues preventing you from TTC, I would get a second opinion from a different doctor. That "wait one year" thing sounds really outrageous!

:hugs: again! Feel free to come here and vent to us any time. We are here to support you!
IRYM - yeah I've been wondering if I was maybe a bit dehidrated from the wine, I didn't have a lot though and it was with lunch the previous day? My husband also said he thought it could be from eating junk/high carb and drinking a bit when I have gotten used to almost no carbs/higher protein etc. It amazed me that my body reacted so badly and just proves what poison processed food & alcohol is!!

Wow that sounds like hard work lol we will also be working on our renovation project house for years to come! And we are also doing most of it ourselves, it just saves so much money. Good exercise lol. Yes please post a lot of pics!

Mrsgreen- aaawwwww hun please vent away. We all know how you feel, it hasn't been easy for any of us let me tell ya. I have a pack of Clomid left over here & wish I could mail it to you so you could self-medicate ;) can you go to a different dr who will take you seriously perhaps? I see more and more that the USA healthcare system is more complicated than ours.... it's like you poor ladies have limited options regarding doctors and having a say in your own treatment (which I think is BS but I suppose it's safer legalwise for the doctors!!).

Great to hear you are still active and training. Don't give up!! It can only help your health and fertility. The months that I've used opks I didn't always get line progression, hope that you get a + in the next few days. Btw evening primrose oil can help a lot with ewcm production if you want to try it :) just don't take it after O. (Yep after so many years ttc I know too much about supplements!)

Sending you all hugs. Xx
I'm currently taking black cohosh do try and encourage ovulation but next month I think I'll switch to something else. I actually have been emailing a different doctor (the one who handles my miscarriage) and she asks monitor my cycle for 1-2 months and then let her know what happens so I will.

I'll also be looking into natural ways like an herbalist or acupuncture.

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