Getting Fit Before Baby

Urs - We didn't get anything done this weekend due to the storm that rolled through. It's STILL raining! lol. We did manage to go out and run some errands, and I got a cute St. Patrick's Day wall hanging which made me feel rather cheerful. I like putting up little decorations around the house for all of these fun holidays and I generally don't have much to hang. There was a 50% off sale at the craft store where I bought it. Score!

As for cloth diapers: I love the idea of them. I'm seriously considering this company in town that is a cloth diaper delivery and laundry service. All I'd have to do with them after they're used is throw them into the provided hamper and make sure the filled laundry bag is waiting on the front porch when the delivery service comes round. They drop off fresh ones and take away the old.

I have heard good things about them, such as: they're easier to potty-train with, because the child can feel the wet diaper on his/her skin and doesn't like it, and starts preferring to use the toilet instead. Whereas with the disposable diapers, that are filled with all those chemicals, even a wet diaper feels dry and the child doesn't have a reason to want to potty train.

The diaper service here in town even lets people buy gift certificates they can give you at a baby shower in lieu of a package of disposable diapers. Win!

Cupcake - Me too! I think a fresh coat of paint is one of the easiest ways to make a room feel like a whole new place. I'd love to paint the living room in my home, but DH and I will first need to have some repairs done to the settling cracks in the dry wall. Doesn't make sense to paint first and then touch it up after!

What colors are you painting?
I'm in the repair phase today, due to settling :/ Not my fave part but it has to be done...*sigh....I'm going with a light honey beige in the dining room. It's a half drywall/lower half wood, so it compliments it well! My son has moved into dd old room, so I'm ripping paneling down & got a guy coming to help me hang drywall in there. Going to go with a shade of sage/olive green in there(he picked it out) can't remember the name tho....
Just wanted to stop in and say hi to everyone! I like hearing about all the spring projects. I just made a list last night of all the projects and spring cleaning I want to get done before the baby arrives, or during maternity leave. Not sure they'll all get done, but at least I'm started. We had to redo our office to make it into a nursery, where I painted and refinished a couple dressers. Now we're turning our old guest bedroom into the office/craft room since we never have guests anyway. Next we'll be sorting through everything in the basement to purge and get organized. We'll be setting up a sleeping area down there just in case. And we bought a ping pong table on black Friday that I'm itching to set up! Just no room now.

As for weight...I had been right on for weight gain, having gained 23 pounds in 31 weeks. And then I woke up with bell's palsy last week, so I'm on steroids, which make me gain weight like crazy. So I'll be joining you ladies again for weight loss soon, with even more to lose than I had originally anticipated. I'm hoping that having leave during the summer will help me be able to work out more, since I'll actually be able to go outside.
Drjo - can't believe baby is due in May! Yay! Sorry about the steroids they are the worse.

I was gonna use cloth diapers I love them but DH wasn't having it, we don't have a diaper service in my area or I probably could talk him into it lol. Cloth diaper babies potty train so fast, I was trained at 16 months my brother at 18. The little girls I nannied for in high school both round 18 months. I can't imagine doing diapers until a kid is 3-4 my friends 5 year old is still in pull ups yikes!!

Still really not handling my grandpas death well, I talked to him almost every day. When I lived in town we did lunch 3 days a week. Heck I didn't have my mom with me to pick out my wedding dress I sent him pictures to help me pick. He has been such a rock sense I was little. My favorite story of him is when I was 5 I got really really sick and had blisters all over my mouth and lips from fevers. He tracked down all the ice cream trucks in our neighborhood and bought all the shark popcicles for me sense that's all I would eat. Sorry gals I just really miss him I almost called him today :(
Happy Birthday to me! LoL I hardly ever dream, or remember it if I do, but I dreamed last night that I got a bfp & my 1st beta was 9354!!! I'm taking this dream as a good omen! Well I'm 38 today :( I feel my statistics dropping as I type....not doing great with my eating last couple of weeks. Seems like every time I get on track, something happens & I blow it! I can't believe I lost so much weight for my tr, but can't drop this 40 pounds!!!!! Oh well, its a beautiful day here, done got some b-day loving & am blessed beyond what I deserve, so I'm going to make the best of the day!
Dr. Jo - So good to hear from you again! Time seems to have zoomed right by, I can't believe your EDD is so close! Sounds like you've been a busy bee lately -- I'm sure your extra weight will come right off after baby's born, don't worry! :)

Swimmy - Wow, it sounds like he was really an integral part of your life. I'm sorry you lost him, and it sounds cliche of me to say this, but after a little while you'll be able to look back on these things with fondness and not with sorrow. :hugs:

Cupcake - Happy birthday! About the weight loss: do you have non-food rewards you can give yourself for reaching small milestones? New clothes, books, a trip to see a movie, etc.? Are there things you've always wanted to buy for yourself (even something as small as one mp3 from iTunes or something), but don't because you'd feel guilty spending money on them? Use those for rewards, because you'll have earned them by working hard to lose weight! :)
Ty irym! I used to do that.... Need to restart it! Unfortunately I'm an emotional eater & the last week has been tough. Doing good today. Takes 21 days to start a new habit! Lol
I tend to be that way, too. Especially when I'm sick. Like I came down with the flu a couple of days ago and when I'm sick with the flu, my stomach really only tolerates highly processed foods. Bread, sugary stuff -- you know, all the things I shouldn't eat. lol. But when I try to stick to a high fiber and high protein diet while I'm sick, I feel worse. Nauseated, even. :dohh:

But just keep plugging along and you'll get there, Cupcake! :)
IRYM: That would make it a lot easier doing the diaper service. I don't think we have anything like that here? I kind of like the idea of cleaning my baby's messes too, I feel it'll make me more of a mom, just a personal opinion. I don't like disposables for the chemicals, the environment, or the money!

Is it still raining there?

Cupcake: Happy Birthday!!! Make that dream come true!

I'm not a fan of green but I do like sage/olive green. Good choice I think. I also like the sound of the honey idea! I hope you're having fun with the repairs!

Swimmy: I wasn't "fully" potty trained until I was about 7 years old (although I had a reason), so I believe some still being in pull-ups at 5. I couldn't imagine having to be a parent dealing with diapers for that long.

Yesterday marked the day for my grandma 3 years ago. You will always remember it but as time goes by it'll get a little more easier. You should write down in a journal all the positive memories of him. Journaling helps a lot of people, and that way you'll never have to worry about forgetting.

Drjo: That's unfortunate about the steroids, but I bet you can't wait until May! I love refinishing furniture and once the baby comes it'll feel all fresh and new to you too.

AFM: I have decided to try taking 1500mg of metformin. If my doctor doesn't approve tomorrow I am getting a new doctor.
cupcake - happy birthday :)

urs - hopefully your doctor will understand if not there is no harm in getting a new one.

you gals are so right i always tend to kick my healthy eating/working out before 21 days I need to get into a better pattern with that and stick with it. Also in 3 weeks i have my anatomy scan I'm kind of nervous.
Hi all just quickly checking in. We are still fasting & limiting the use of technology and it's been great relationship wise (with us & with God) so will only be back full time after Easter.
But anyway that's not really why I came on.... rather to say I had my lap and hysteroscopy yesterday. Endo removed again, left ovary was fused to everything else again but all clear for now. Hysteroscopy showed no abnormalities.
Aaaannnndddd we got funding for IVF from a donor! So it all depends on when my dr feels is the best time to do it but it might happen as soon as May!
In the mean time I'm doing really well with the anti inflammatory diet, I have loads of energy, exercise almost every day and loving the way my body is sloooowly toning up. Having a good month I guess!
Thinking of you all xx
Wow, Fern! Everything sounds amazing for you! That's wonderful! :) We miss you and are looking forward to hearing from you after Easter! :hugs:

Cupcake & Swimmy - Are either of you using MyFitnessPal? It's a free app for your phone and helps you track what you eat and how much you're exercising. It also counts how many days you've logged in and tallies them up for you, and you can set it to remind you to log in/work out if you feel you need that. Very useful tool!

There's a link to the official site in this thread's very first post, along with some other resources. But if you're trying to stick to a plan for 3 weeks I think MFP would really help you!

Urs - Yep, still raining! Right now it's just a light sprinkle, but the forecast for rain continues for the next three days -- in other words, this is another weekend that we can't work on the back yard! And since DH and I have a concert to attend on St. Pat's weekend, and then Easter is after that, and THEN DH has an event to attend with his sword fighting group, we won't be able to get any work done until mid-April! Booo.

AFM - POAS today, BFN. It's only 12DPO so I suppose there's still hope, but I'm not too optimistic this time around. Next month we'll take a break, probably do the rest of the infertility testing and see what we find out.
Hey Fern! Hope this does the trick & you don't need ivf, but if you do, WOW what a blessing to have it paid for!

Swimmy-hope your doing ok!
Irym- I use the 21 day fix app, but had my fitness pal before....
Dr. Spot for my carpal tunnel today.....ugh
Hi ladies I'm sorry in advance for forgetting someone or something. I've been trying to catch up. Soo here it goes...

Fern- I am so incredibly happy for you on all accounts!!! Can't wait to hear more of your amazing journey.

Swimmy- yay for anatomy scan! It's getting so close.

Cupcake- happy late birthday!!!!!

Irym- sorry about the bfn. Hugs.

Urs- glad your taking your taking the medical stuff seriously. You deserve answers. And Without being rude but expensing your concerns and if nothing happens then ask for a referral to someone else.

Afm- I'm home!! Yay so much has happened. DHs truck got stolen. Then found. And it's destroyed. He doesn't want it anymore so just in case it's not totaled we're going to sell it and buy a new one. So not looking forward to that. So because we have to get a new loan we are putting house hunting on hold a couple months. Not ideal but tangs life right?
On the Ttc front (cd 15) and I didn't do a great job with OPKs while traveling but they were negative. Today with diluted urine it's still negative but getting a little darker. Yay! Hopefully we have a positive very soon because once that happens we have to wait a couple days of no sex and DH will have his SA.
Attached is my opk from today for your viewing pleasure.


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Oh I forgot! I use my fitness pal. Well... I just started again. So my username is michellerenee530 if you ladies want to add me! Keep each other motivated.
Fern so wonderful about IVF! Keep us updated.

Irym what other testing are they going to do this cycle?

Green omg I am so sorry about your DHs truck that sounds horrible I don't understand people like that at all. Fingers crossed on the opks I love seeing pictures lol. I ended up sending a friend all of my opks and hcgs so I wouldnt poas anymore lol after like 8 weeks they got so light it had me freaked out no need for that.

After baby I will be back on fitness pal I love the app keeps me from just eating when I'm bored. I'll add u guys she i re download it again.

AFM tomorrow is my grandpas enjoy life party. He had written out very clearly no funerals just a celebration of his life so that is what we are doing. Silly man also wrote that no one should dress up because nothing is more uncomfortable than a suit lol. Ohh this man is keeping us laughing even after he is gone. Spent all day with my nana getting our hair done and our nails. Then putting all of the pictures of his life together for tomorrow. It felt like a lot of closer for me. Hope everyone else has a great weekend.
Swimmy- so sorry. But I love that he wanted a celebration. he sounds like he had a great sense of humor.
Swimmy -- I think Celebration of Life ceremonies are the way to go! Remember the good times, laugh and sing and have food and drinks rather than sitting in silence, wearing all black, and crying. :hugs: Sounds like your grandpa was a really cheerful/fun man! :hugs:

EDIT- Forgot to answer your question. I still haven't done the ultrasound they want me to do, so I think that'll be first up. And then I REALLY hope they move to testing my hormones next because in my opinion, that should have been the FIRST thing to look at!

But we're still debating sticking with our HMO or going to a private clinic. Income tax returns should arrive soon and then we'll have extra cash to do whatever we like, whether its stay where we are or find someone to give a second opinion. I'm also considering having the Lap Band surgery to help me get ahead of this weight gain, since I'm struggling so hard now!

AFM -- My username for MFP is ireadyermind, same as here on the forums. Feel free to add me first if I don't get to you! :D I think it could really help us if we're all making sure we log in, track our meals, etc. We could even make up some contests if you gals are interested?
Yikes. HUGE temp dip for me this morning! Was disappointed to see that. I fully expected AF to arrive as soon as I got out of bed, but so far nothing. I haven't POAS in a few days, either, but had a dream last night about a +HPT. Oye. We'll see what happens. It's not over until AF shows, right? heh.
My grandpa's celebration was amazing. I can't believe how many people were there, over 250. We spent all of friday setting up large photo's of him throughout his life. It was amazing. No crying just lots of stories and laughter, but I still felt like I got to let a little bit of him go. It was so much better than any other funeral I had been to. We had a photographer there taking tons of family photos and ones of people dancing and laughing. It was beautiful I can't wait to see them.

I will say my bump got a little bigger this week, and the dress i picked out made me look a ton bigger, and everyone was touching me. I was not prepared for that. I really felt like they were just going around touching my fat and wasn't digging it, especially when people were doing it who I hadn't seen in 10+ years.

Bad note on the way back we got into a car accident, my OB wanted me to go to the hospital to get checked out (just a fender bender honestly). But the tech that scanned me let it slip we are having a girl. Baby was very curled up so I'm gonna wait until my appointment on the 30th to confirm. But DH seems kind of disappointed which has me upset. I know most men want a son but after how hard we worked for it I didn't think it would really matter...

Sorry long rant here gals.

IRYM - my fingers are still crossed. I still can't believe they haven't tested your hormones to me that would be the first thing also. We had that done our 1st appointment. It's easiest and cheapest = no brainier lol

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