Getting Fit Before Baby

Fern: Everything sounds like it is going wonderful for you! So happy about the IVF. Can't wait to hear more when you get back full-time.

Swimmy: A girl!! Oh, how wonderful! That's what I'm secretly hoping for. I hope everything is going alright in regards to the accident.

Your grandpa's celebration sounds like a really great experience. A lady who I knew wanted a craft funeral so we drew and made crafts and painted all day. You feel more complete when doing something they would've wanted you to do instead of the full funeral service.

IRYM: I'm hoping your temperature increases again. It would be fun to have it one after the other BFPs. I would go to the private clinic, your current clinic sounds annoying to me.

Cupcake: How was the carpal tunnel appointment?

Mrs. G: I'm sorry to hear about the truck. I hope finding a new vehicle and everything goes smoothly for you :)

AFM: My doctor said no, like usual. I see him this upcoming Friday to get some forms filled out for disability so I can get a RDSP and start saving money and get finances in order. I will be contacting another office and once I know about the disability being accepted or not I will switch.

As for weight, I have been walking every day! It feels great to be moving again.
Urs- what's this doctors reason for not wanting to help you?

Swim- a girl!!!! That's so exciting! I'm sorry SO doesn't seem excited.

Irym- sorry for the dip but I'm still holding hope!
Swimmy - I hear stories of women getting touched by strangers all the time when they're pregnant. It seems really rude to just go up to someone, even if they're family, and put your hands on them in that way. Offering a hug, sure. Asking if they can touch, okay. But to just go up to someone and DO it whether or not they want you to is nuts. :dohh:

I'm glad the celebration went so well, though! That sounds so much better than a funeral where everyone seems to think you're not supposed to laugh or smile.

And you're having a girl! Awww. I'm sorry DH seemed disappointed. I think we all secretly hope for one or the other and if it doesn't happen, we feel that disappointment. Maybe you could point out all the good things about having a daughter, like attending Father & Daughter dances at school? A friend of mine learned she's having a boy, and her husband was disappointed because he wanted a girl, and she spent the day reminding him about all the stuff her DH could do with another boy, like riding dirt bikes when they're older.

And as for the testing -- yeah, why not check the easiest stuff first? Instead, they want us to do all the most expensive things first. I may just tell the lady that I don't want another ultrasound and to tell the physician to look at my previous ultrasound images instead. Ugh. We're still waiting on our income tax return to be deposited though so I'll be waiting a while longer anyway.

Urs - Yeah, I'd find a new doctor as soon as possible. Sheesh.

AFM -- AF showed up today, first thing this morning. Soooo I guess that means on to NTNP next month, and then back to TTC in May.

The Vitex didn't seem to do anything for me this month, so I won't bother with it any more once I run out. I think I will take the Soy this month again, though, and probably start it today to see if I can cause my ovulation to happen earlier.

I'll still temp and monitor fertility signs, and I think I'll do OPKs too. Then I can see for sure if the SIs helped.

Regarding the fertility clinic I currently use: They seem to think that since they're in an insurance network, and that you're required to get a referral from an OB/GYN who's already in that network in order to see them, that they can then proceed to do whatever they want with their patients instead of tailoring treatment the individual.

The only thing I'm worried about is what will happen if I go to an outside/3rd party clinic. I'm almost certain that their fees will be much higher than with the clinic in my network, but of course no one wants to talk prices before they get you set up for appointments, which also seems backwards.
Irym- that does seem backwards. They told us the prices of all the testing and the first appointment before even scheduling any. They also said once we have the appointment and talk about what treatment plan we will do they will tell us cost before we decide to do the treatment.
Afm- dropped of DH SA this morning and called to set up an appointment. I left a vm and am waiting for a call back to schedule the appointment! I can't can't can't wait. I'm hoping for late this week or early next week as AF is due Thursday. No ov this month. My OPKs have been super negative and I think my temp spike this morning was from the doc sleeping on my legs.
:hi: girls just before xmas I joined the gym not been for 3 years since joining my :af: has been weird I had spotting for 16 days doctor checked my cervix all nice and healthy then she done a hormone test witch come back normal had a scan to check my ovarys and womb I have a cyst on my left ovary the doctor said it will go on it own this month af came 3 dyas earlier bleed for 4 days then 2 week later started to bleed again just spotting at the moment any bodys else have weird af threw exercise xx xx
Hello, Caz & Bob.

Welcome to the group! If you're looking to join our weight loss group, there's some basic info in the very first post in this thread with things like useful apps, health and fitness websites, workout routines, etc. They're worth taking a look at, and you can add us as friends if you happen to use the MyFitnessPal app so that we can all help keep each other accountable. :)

In regards to your question:

I have personally never had exercise cause problems for me with my cycle. I have heard that too much exercise can stress the body and make it STOP having AF, but I haven't heard of exercise causing spotting.

Maybe it just means you're pushing yourself too hard?

Do you take vitamins or supplements?
Hello and welcome!

I personally don't have any experience with that but I hope you get it figured out soon!!

Afm- DHs SA is normal and we have an appointment next Thursday with out infertility specialist!! I'm so excited. That should be cd 1 but who knows lol either way it'll be nice to start a new cycle with help.
So far my possible problems are hypo thyroid and blocked tube.
I'm very excited but DH doesn't seem too excited. I only talked to him for a minute so maybe he was just busy.

As for the weightloss. Started fresh again today. I meal preped all our lunches yesterday so at least we're starting off on the right track.
Cupcake: How was the carpal tunnel appointment?

AFM: My doctor said no, like usual. I see him this upcoming Friday to get some forms filled out for disability so I can get a RDSP and start saving money and get finances in order. I will be contacting another office and once I know about the disability being accepted or not I will switch.

As for weight, I have been walking every day! It feels great to be moving again.
My appt was ok, Dr. didn't think surgery was needed....yet....Did an injection in my wrist. Kenalog to help with inflammation. My 1st 3 fingers went numb & my middle finger absolutely killed me over the weekend, but woke up yesterday & its amazing! NO PAIN! The shot worked! lol Excited to get busy with Spring/Summer projects! :happydance:

What's an RDSP? Sorry your Dr. is being an arse :/

My grandpa's celebration was amazing. I can't believe how many people were there, over 250. We spent all of friday setting up large photo's of him throughout his life. It was amazing. No crying just lots of stories and laughter, but I still felt like I got to let a little bit of him go. It was so much better than any other funeral I had been to. We had a photographer there taking tons of family photos and ones of people dancing and laughing. It was beautiful I can't wait to see them.

I will say my bump got a little bigger this week, and the dress i picked out made me look a ton bigger, and everyone was touching me. I was not prepared for that. I really felt like they were just going around touching my fat and wasn't digging it, especially when people were doing it who I hadn't seen in 10+ years.

Bad note on the way back we got into a car accident, my OB wanted me to go to the hospital to get checked out (just a fender bender honestly). But the tech that scanned me let it slip we are having a girl. Baby was very curled up so I'm gonna wait until my appointment on the 30th to confirm. But DH seems kind of disappointed which has me upset. I know most men want a son but after how hard we worked for it I didn't think it would really matter...

Sorry long rant here gals.

Sorry she spoiled it for you! DH will come around, don't worry....My dh used to say he didn't want a girl, but after all we've been through, he just wants a healthy baby! Your GP's celebration sounds like what saying goodbye should be! He'll always be with you girl! Yay for a "bump!"

Swimmy -.

AFM -- AF showed up today, first thing this morning. Soooo I guess that means on to NTNP next month, and then back to TTC in May.

The Vitex didn't seem to do anything for me this month, so I won't bother with it any more once I run out. I think I will take the Soy this month again, though, and probably start it today to see if I can cause my ovulation to happen earlier.

I'll still temp and monitor fertility signs, and I think I'll do OPKs too. Then I can see for sure if the SIs helped.

Regarding the fertility clinic I currently use: They seem to think that since they're in an insurance network, and that you're required to get a referral from an OB/GYN who's already in that network in order to see them, that they can then proceed to do whatever they want with their patients instead of tailoring treatment the individual.

The only thing I'm worried about is what will happen if I go to an outside/3rd party clinic. I'm almost certain that their fees will be much higher than with the clinic in my network, but of course no one wants to talk prices before they get you set up for appointments, which also seems backwards.
I really hope the clinic gets it together & figures out the issues, without breaking you. I know infertility is a high dollar business, which is sad. Prayers the SIS did help & you can bypass the rest of the stuff! Soy never did cause me to O earlier, but I do feel it caused a stronger O for me! Good luck!

:hi: girls just before xmas I joined the gym not been for 3 years since joining my :af: has been weird I had spotting for 16 days doctor checked my cervix all nice and healthy then she done a hormone test witch come back normal had a scan to check my ovarys and womb I have a cyst on my left ovary the doctor said it will go on it own this month af came 3 dyas earlier bleed for 4 days then 2 week later started to bleed again just spotting at the moment any bodys else have weird af threw exercise xx xx
Welcome! Sounds like the cyst is causing your spotting. I have a friend who is having spotting issues that has a cyst. Her Dr. said it's the cyst & should stop when the cyst resolves, but if it doesn't she will need to have it removed..

Hello and welcome!

I personally don't have any experience with that but I hope you get it figured out soon!!

Afm- DHs SA is normal and we have an appointment next Thursday with out infertility specialist!! I'm so excited. That should be cd 1 but who knows lol either way it'll be nice to start a new cycle with help.
So far my possible problems are hypo thyroid and blocked tube.
I'm very excited but DH doesn't seem too excited. I only talked to him for a minute so maybe he was just busy.

As for the weightloss. Started fresh again today. I meal preped all our lunches yesterday so at least we're starting off on the right track.

Yay for a normal SA! Excited to see what the specialist says! Maybe you just missed O with your schedule? I "re-started" my regimen yesterday too! I have got to crack down & finally stay on track! Seems like when I'm doing good something ALWAYS happens & I end up back at square 1 :(

Things have been amazing here since dh went through his retreat! It's like I have a new hubby! :) So kind & loving & just full of peace & joy! Not to mention, he's been REALLY attentive in the bedroom LMBO! Since he came home a week ago Sunday, we have only missed ONE day of bd! I'm actually hoping to skip tonight since he has a fire chief's meeting! It's exhausting to go from 2-3 times a week to every day! lol but of course I won't complain to him about the increase!:thumbup:DS & I finished moving his stuff to his new room & I have declared his old room as my prayer closet. Nice to have refuge, without distractions! I am going to paint in there though....Not sure what color, but I REALLY like the pale, sunny yellows for it! ;) In other news DD came to visit yesterday & ended up staying the night. !st few moments were awkward, but I had her help cook dinner, then she & I played cards & chatted. She seems to miss "family" meals & having someone around. Said her dad is always at work & they don't really cook or do anything....Made me sad, but I did tell her she was welcome to come visit anytime...All in all it's been a good visit! Also found out my good friend, who has 3 little ones is pregnant again, while being on the PILL! Not upset, but just wish it was that easy for the rest of us...Geez!
Cupcake- that's so amazing about your DD. She will truley appreciate you when she gets a little older. You're an amazing mom! And amazing about your DH being a new man. Sounds like everything is coming together! Now you need your bfp.

Afm- our appointment is next Thursday but DH didn't even seem excited and he was just like well if I'm not super busy at work I can be there... I was really hurt because he's the one who was so excited and ready to see the RE. I was the hesitant one.
I'm also frustrated because I gained 3 pounds in a week... I didn't even eat that bad? How did that even happen. I hate my body.
Mrs.G: My doctor's reason for not wanting to help is "a baby would ruin my life".

Yay for normal SA! Guys aren't usually really into ttc I think, I could be wrong though. Big hug!

IRYM: Boo af :( My view on the clinics are; your current clinic is running a million useless tests that are a little cheaper, BUT they're running a million of them. The other clinic may have a higher price, BUT they won't run useless ones (I hope). That's my thoughts on it...

Caz & Bob: When I was in high school any sort of abdominal pressure (sit-ups, getting a dodgeball in the gut) would trigger af to start. Other than that I can't really say much...

Cupcake: I'm happy the shot worked! Will it continue to work for a long period of time? I'm glad your DH is a new, even more wonderful man! Sounds like you had a great time with DD too :) Did she mention the boy again?

An RDSP is a registered disability savings plan. It's like a retirement fund but for people who have disabilities. The amount you put in, the government puts in 3 times that amount. I'm not disabled to the extent of autism or anything like that but I can't work because of anxieties and such. It's an ongoing issue and is why my doctor keeps saying no to babies. I've been doing much better though and hope to do some volunteer work in the near future. I am one of those people everyone says "gets free money from my hard earned money through taxes" or something like that. I'm not on welfare but I am on a disability benefit thing. Sorry for the long explanation...I have issues over it all and feel I need to explain myself...

AFM: I'm still walking everyday! Except for today. I hope to get out of my little funk quick so I can get back at it again.

I've decided to try "no poo" (meaning not using harsh shampoos full of chemicals). This is my second time trying it as I overall want to be a lot more natural. Today is my first official day. I used a honey treatment that made my hair look and feel so greasy and stiff I thought I was going to vomit just touching it. Long story short, I am now trying a shampoo bar (made of all natural ingredients). I had a second shower because I couldn't stand my hair, I LOVE this bar already! My hair feels great and it's only my first day doing it! Very glad I'm giving it a second try.
urs- I understand your doc concern but at the end of the day he can't refuse medical help right? That's just crazy. I'm sorry. I think you'll be a great mom! Just ask for a referral to anther doctor.
Cupcake - I'm so happy your DD came around. You really are a wonderful mom, and when she looks back she will appreciate it. I did something dumb like that when I was her age and went to live at my aunt (who gave very little supervision, and wanted to be a friend more than an adult) and I ended up back at my moms begging to come home and to feel loved. I'm glad shes doing the same even if it has hurt you so deeply. Also yay! about your hand and prayer room that just sounds amazing!

caz & bob - welcome! This is really a great group full of good idea's and super supportive :) As for the bleeding I have had bleeding when cysts pop during working out when I was really jogging or kick boxing. (not that I do that much sense high school lol) - my Dh wasn't super excited going to the fertility clinic either. He went to the 1st meeting and that was it. kind of was disappointed. Are you going to start AF soon? I always would go up in weight the week before AF.

IRYM - I just dont like being touched. Is it rude to ask people not to touch me? especially at like my baby shower or something??

Ursaula - i'm not sure what the rules are like in canada but i know in the US, doctors can refuse to treat people if they feel it is not in the patients best interest to have a baby, wither for health, emotional or financial reasons, because it's technically all elective procedures here. So some people have to go around to many different clinic's before people will treat them. A same sex couple I'm friends with had to go to 2 different clinic's in our area to get pregnant because the 1st clinic was very conservative and sense same sex marriage is not recognized in our state they would not impregnate a "single" women. even though her and her spouse have been together for almost 5 years. Not staying its right but doctors/clinic's can say no.
Swim- I had no idea about doctors being able to do that! That's crazy especially for a same sex couple. Jeez.
Anyway. AF should be due next Thursday but since this is an anovulatory cycle it could be anytime. I've had 23 day, 33day, and 28 day cycles that were anovulatory.
Cupcake - Glad to hear the shot worked! That's got to be such a huge relief.

Urs - At this point all that's left to test are hormones and that ultrasound. I would really just be switching to a different clinic in case I needed to do IUI or IVF. There are places in town that guarantee you'll get pregnant or else they'll do another IVF treatment free of charge. I can tell you that's something that the HMO clinic does not offer. If it comes down to doing IVF I would definitely switch clinics. But for one ultrasound and some blood tests? Not sure it's worth the hassle.

Also - glad to hear that the shampoo bar is working for you! I'm not brave enough to try it, myself. My hair is so so so thick that I have a lot of trouble with some shampoo alternatives actually getting it clean, so I've stuck with commercially prepared shampoo.

I do, however, make my own body cream! I love doing that, because I can control what goes in it and tailor the recipe to my personal skin type. AND I can make it smell however I want to with essential oils! haha. My current batch of body cream is lavender vanilla! :)

Swimmy - No, it's not rude. People seem to think that because a woman is pregnant, it's automatically OK to go up and touch her without permission. No one should be touched without their permission, even just for a hug or a pat on the back.

There are some non-verbal things you can try to get people to stop touching: angle your body away from them when talking, put your arms or hands over your belly as though to say "Mine!". Additionally, crossing your arms over your chest tells people you are not 'off limits', so to speak. People generally pick up on those kinds of cues without realizing it. But if you're with a particularly stubborn group of touchers, you can just say, "No touching, please."
Do you ladies ever have days where all you can think about it having a baby? Like I literally can't focus on anything at this point but getting pregnant. It makes me sad and happy all at the same time. I just keep thinking I'd be 27 weeks now, I would be so close to have a baby. Yet here I am no baby, not even ovulation. Sorry mini rant and feel sorry for myself today.
Mrs.G: My doctor's reason for not wanting to help is "a baby would ruin my life".

Yay for normal SA! Guys aren't usually really into ttc I think, I could be wrong though. Big hug!

IRYM: Boo af :( My view on the clinics are; your current clinic is running a million useless tests that are a little cheaper, BUT they're running a million of them. The other clinic may have a higher price, BUT they won't run useless ones (I hope). That's my thoughts on it...

Caz & Bob: When I was in high school any sort of abdominal pressure (sit-ups, getting a dodgeball in the gut) would trigger af to start. Other than that I can't really say much...

Cupcake: I'm happy the shot worked! Will it continue to work for a long period of time? I'm glad your DH is a new, even more wonderful man! Sounds like you had a great time with DD too :) Did she mention the boy again?

An RDSP is a registered disability savings plan. It's like a retirement fund but for people who have disabilities. The amount you put in, the government puts in 3 times that amount. I'm not disabled to the extent of autism or anything like that but I can't work because of anxieties and such. It's an ongoing issue and is why my doctor keeps saying no to babies. I've been doing much better though and hope to do some volunteer work in the near future. I am one of those people everyone says "gets free money from my hard earned money through taxes" or something like that. I'm not on welfare but I am on a disability benefit thing. Sorry for the long explanation...I have issues over it all and feel I need to explain myself...

AFM: I'm still walking everyday! Except for today. I hope to get out of my little funk quick so I can get back at it again.

I've decided to try "no poo" (meaning not using harsh shampoos full of chemicals). This is my second time trying it as I overall want to be a lot more natural. Today is my first official day. I used a honey treatment that made my hair look and feel so greasy and stiff I thought I was going to vomit just touching it. Long story short, I am now trying a shampoo bar (made of all natural ingredients). I had a second shower because I couldn't stand my hair, I LOVE this bar already! My hair feels great and it's only my first day doing it! Very glad I'm giving it a second try.
She didn't say a word, neither did I. She did say she wasn't hanging out with the gal who was driving her car though......

Do you ladies ever have days where all you can think about it having a baby? Like I literally can't focus on anything at this point but getting pregnant. It makes me sad and happy all at the same time. I just keep thinking I'd be 27 weeks now, I would be so close to have a baby. Yet here I am no baby, not even ovulation. Sorry mini rant and feel sorry for myself today.

Yep. I have alot of those days....I think the only thing that will make it better for us is having a baby in our my arms...Life just isn't fair sometimes & I'm sorry your hurting, but just know I've been there & at times still am! .......Hugs!
Mrs.Green - Love the new profile picture! You're such a pretty lady! :hugs: There are days when I certainly have baby on the brain. It was worse before DH and I were actively TTC though, I think that was because I wanted a baby really badly and we weren't even allowed to try for one yet, due to my cervical issues.

The only thing I can say is: think of getting in shape and becoming healthier as one more thing to bring a pregnancy closer into range! It might help you to stay focused on something that will help you reach the "baby" goal. :)

AFM -- TMI warning, so don't read along if you're squeamish. Haha

This AF has been super clotty, and I'm not sure why that is? I have had clots before, but not for quite a while. In fact, I can't remember a time in the last 10 months or so that I've had clotting like this. I tried doing some research to see what causes it, such as too much estrogen, not enough progesterone, etc. but the most that the health sites would say was "hormonal imbalance" and sometimes they said it was caused by fibroids. But I've had the HSG and multiple ultrasounds (both vaginal and other), and there aren't any fibroids in my uterus.

It's not that big a deal, it just makes me curious. Is it a GOOD sign, or a bad one?

AF is lasting longer for me this month, too. Usually I'm 2 days + 1 of spotting, and this month it's more like 3 + 1. I think the longer AF is a good sign because I was worried about not having a thick enough lining to support a pregnancy, so if I get up to a good 3 or 4 days of AF that will be an improvement in my book. lol

Anyway, I was just wondering if you ladies had any insight on the clotting issue. What caused it for you, if you noticed any patterns, etc. Thanks in advance!

On the weight loss front, I read a somewhat inspiring article this morning. It basically reconfirmed that I was doing the right thing: focusing on eating healthy and moving more, instead of severely restricting my self on calories. (This gal used to only eat 400 calories a day! Crazy! She realized how unhealthy that was and stopped starving herself).

The article said, in a nutshell:

1. Eat more protein and less added sugars (30g or less a day of sugar)
2. Eat all the fruits and veggies you want
3. Eat a good, high-protein breakfast so you won't want to snack all day
4. Start off exercising slowly, like walking a few blocks, and work your way up
5. Drink plenty of water
6. Don't focus on the scale, find other progress measurements (before & after photos, clothing sizes, measurements of waist, thighs, etc.)
7. Carry healthy snacks with you when you leave the house so you don't buy fast food
8. Learn about healthy swaps for those times when you really do want to eat out somewhere, like turkey burgers instead of beef, or steamed veggies instead of a potato.
9. Track what you eat AND how hungry you feel after eating it. Then you can see which foods are best for keeping you full and satisfied.
Urs- very similar to what I'm doing. Except the fruit part. I only eat a little in the morning because it's very high in sugar and for me it seems to digest fast. Doesn't keep me full.
Irym - I love that food plan! I feel like I could totally stick with that. As for the clotting mine was like that (not quite that bad but clotty) and it was my progesterone. So I really hope the run your labs it's such an easy fix!

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