Getting Fit Before Baby

Hello, Caz & Bob.

Welcome to the group! If you're looking to join our weight loss group, there's some basic info in the very first post in this thread with things like useful apps, health and fitness websites, workout routines, etc. They're worth taking a look at, and you can add us as friends if you happen to use the MyFitnessPal app so that we can all help keep each other accountable. :)

In regards to your question:

I have personally never had exercise cause problems for me with my cycle. I have heard that too much exercise can stress the body and make it STOP having AF, but I haven't heard of exercise causing spotting.

Maybe it just means you're pushing yourself too hard?

Do you take vitamins or supplements?
taking folic acid and multi vitamins well woman used to always take pregnacare xx xx
:hi: girls thanks your all a big help not been bad this time round not been spotting so I hope the cyst has gone spoke with my doctor she wants me to do day 21 bloods my next cycle to see if I ovulate because I didn't last month on the exercise front not been the gym as my dd isn't well she had a viral infection high temp and vomiting she over that now she full of a cold green snot one thing after another with her since she started nusery xx xx
:witch: finally arrived this morning....Onto cycle # 43, I believe.....1 cycle closer to IVF though, so bring it!
Hi everyone!

I missed posting on here :) really missed the support system a lot.

Cupcake - I'm really excited for both of our IVF journeys. I know you can get your weight down hun. Especially now that you have a fixed date to look forward to. Glad that you and your daughter are sorting things out and moving onto a happier place. And that your DH is so supportive!

IRYM - you are just so positive each time I see your posts - are you doing something differently this cycle? I've read through the last few pages and didn't notice whether you have a specific different plan or taking supplements. You did mention perhaps you want to switch doctors? It's high time you got a sticky bfp! Maybe you can also get tested for blood clotting issues or immune issues if you manage to find a dr who is willing to actually take you seriously and help you get your baby.

Ursaula - Hi! I hope you are doing well and still walking every day :) exercise is soooo good to help with emotional ups and downs. Have you made any further decisions regarding a job or schooling? GL hun with whatever you decide. x

MrsGreen - yay for clomid; and you were just in time to start taking it THIS CYCLE already! And I'm SO happy you found a good, caring, pro-active doctor. Clomid has some side effects and may I warn you it can make weight loss really hard urgghhhh but if it helps you ovulate and you get your baby, it will all be worth it! I've had 8 clomid cycles and Swimmy & Cupcakestoy also took clomid a few times so we can all empathise with side effects and give you loads of advice hehe.

Sooooo AFM:

Had laparoscopy and hysteroscopy on the 9th of March. I can't remember if I posted about it but in any case the hysteroscopy showed no intra-uterine abnormalities. The lap showed stage 3 endo which had grown back since my last lap in Dec 2014; there was not a LOT of endo however my left fallopian tube had fused to my ovary, uterus, abdominal wall etc again so the anatomy in there was totally distorted. Dr cut everything loose and all endo is removed so theoretically I should be able to get pregnant now.... but I've heard doctors say that before so I'm still not gettting my hopes up too high. We still don't know anything about my egg quality and won't know until IVF.

You know how my dr tells me everything and shows me everything? Well he took a video of my laparoscopy and was showing me everything he did in there (at my post-op consultation), so interesting. He showed how everything was fused together and how he cut it loose... at which point I became so nauseated at the sight of my own blood, guts and cauterised flesh on the screen that I had to stop watching lol!!! But how amazing is that, my treatment is an open book! He also keeps phoning me personally each time I have a question. I love my dr and nurse and wish I could buy them each a unicorn or something lol.

TTC plans: atm I'm 3 dpo in my last cycle of trying "naturally" before IVF in May. I don't have high hopes for a bfp; my body is still healing after surgery. But we had to give it one last shot right! And bd timing was perfect. In April I will be on the Pill because we are doing short protocol IVF in May so I won't be downregulating beforehand. IVF injections and meds set to start around 2-3 May! Egg collection mid May, end of May I could maybe be preggers! If my eggs are OK and we get blastocysts to freeze, we can do FET in August if May fails (dr won't do IVF or FET in June/July becuase it's our winter then and that means a lower success rate statistically). My clinic does FET with natural cycles and it costs a tenth of what IVF costs so we can afford it. But let's hope by then I'm already pregnant.
I also have a pack of clomid left in my cupboard and dr said it's fine if I take the clomid any other month if IVF is unsuccessful because it won't worsen my endo.

Eesshhh I will post about my diet/pre-IVF eating plan later, we have plans to go out with friends and I have to quickly hop in the shower.

And Swimmy! I hope you are feeling better? Congrats on having a girl hun; at least there is no way a girl baby can have the XYY abnormality so that's great!! X
cupcake I love your view, totally agree one step closer to IVF! yay!

Fern - Hoping you wont need IVF in may but that's so close! Fingers are sooo crossed. I'm glad surgery went well and that you are on the road to recovery.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter holiday, I ate way to much food >.< My parents, brother and nana came out and we did dinner yesterday and a big breakfast today before work tonight. It was so nice having people come here, for a change instead of me having to drive out there. My anatomy scan in on Wednesday, here's to hoping that they say it's still a girl haha. My DH has come around a lot on the idea of having a girl, but he said today there is always a chance they were wrong haha. It's been such bad weather here this week I didn't get to be outside at all. Here's to hoping I can kayak on my day off, I need to get out and move!
Fern - Welcome back! :) We missed you, too!

We're not really doing anything at all this cycle. I needed a break, and I've always said I don't want a December baby. That's what I'd get if I conceived this cycle, anyway! Haha. So it's NTNP this month. I haven't even really been temping, which was not my intention but it just fell by the wayside along with OPKs and the Soy Isoflavones as well.

I do try to stay positive even when I'm feeling a little run down. I always hope it will help keep all of us cheerful and motivated. :)

AFM --

My Easter weekend was rather chaotic. I'm going to tell you gals the story of my Easter Holiday. Settle in nice and comfy, because this is a somewhat long read!

My sisters and my mother are always doing everything last minute, and since I live about 2.5 hours away from them, last minute doesn't work for me. I had been asking Mom for a few weeks what she wanted me to bring for Easter, in terms of food. For all that time, she told me she didn't know yet and would tell me "later."

Then, on Friday, she casually says, "I was thinking of doing sandwiches at the park on Saturday afternoon. What do you think?" I said, "That's fine, hubby and I probably won't be up there in time for lunch, so you guys do whatever you like. I'll just let you know when we're on the road."

Well, we get to Mom's on Saturday afternoon and she says, "Where's the sandwich stuff I asked you guys to bring?" :dohh: Cue an argument over whether or not Mom asked me to bring anything, and she says, "I will pull up my text messages right now and prove it!" So she does. And falls silent. Because all she said to me despite my repeatedly asking her what she wanted me to bring was "I'm thinking of doing sandwiches at the park."

And there was a repeat of a similar issue with my sister! We had been discussing making an Easter basket for our Dad, and I had offered several suggestions as to what to include in it. My sister didn't like any of my suggestions, such as a new travel coffee mug, and said I could just give her some cash when we came up.

Friday morning she wants to know, "Did you get Dad that coffee mug?" What? No! You said all I needed to do was just give you cash to help pay for the other stuff!

And THEN Mom suddenly decides to tell us at 10:30pm that she doesn't have space for us to sleep at her house unless we want to set up our air mattress on the kitchen floor. And "You should have brought blankets. I don't have any". Except I know for a fact she has a whole linen cupboard full of them... By then it was too late at night to get a hotel reservation, we couldn't exactly drive back home to grab stuff or sleep there.... :growlmad: DH and I were pretty irked over that. My sister lives IN TOWN and could have easily just gone back to her house 5 mins away to sleep there with her kids, but it was DH and I that got the short end of the stick when we drove almost three hours to be a part of the festivities.

I was really, really frustrated. I spend the whole month of March asking what I need to bring up for Easter, how many people are coming, sleeping arrangements, etc. and for 29 of those 30 days, she says, "I don't know, it's too early to tell!"

I said, "Mom, if you want me to bring stuff, you need to say, 'Please bring ___' or else I don't know you want me to bring stuff. If you don't have enough blankets OR the room to house us all, you need to say so! We would happily have gotten a hotel room so that the grandkids could all sleep at your house!" :dohh:

Additionally, my sister goes into "not my job" mode the moment she's at Mom's house, and lets her kids run wild. She has a 6mo old daughter and always tells someone else to tend to the poor girl whenever she cries. She lets the toddler run amok, climbing stuff, digging holes, throwing dirt, etc. and seems to think it's someone else's responsibility to tend to the guy, when our Mom and Sister and Me are cooking, cleaning, and prepping for Easter dinner in other rooms of the house.

Needless to say, I got very little sleep over the weekend and was run ragged trying to corral 2 toddlers and 2 older boys, while also cooking, cleaning, and trying to visit with my Dad, whom I haven't seen since October.

When we got home last night I pretty much dropped our luggage just inside the front door and went straight to bed. haha

I told DH that if he wanted to just automatically get a hotel room every time we go up there from here on out, that was fine by me. Especially if it was a hotel with a hot tub on the premises. lol
Swimmy I'm glad you enjoyed your Easter; hope that means you are feeling really well again.

IRYM - OMW what a story! I would have been quite p* off. We spent Easter alone in a different city watching a sport tournament, we just went to the Church service there and no family drama. My brother is getting married this weekend so the family is a bit stressed out (because HE is so stressed about all the wedding details); I want none of that lol!

Welp ladies as of this morning I have officially lost 5 kg :) (11 pounds) since mid Feb.
My weight today is 55kg! 121 pounds yay! I would love to lose more (and I'm sure I can) but atm my BMI is at the low end of normal (I'm about 1,65 m tall) and obv I need enough nutrition for IVF. (I don't completely agree with the BMI index because it doesn't take your build into account e.g I might not weigh much but I look chubby because I have a teeny bone structure). I want to step up the exercise regime as well but very intense exercise isn't great for IVF; I'm doing moderate exercise until after IVF.

Once we decide we are done with ttc for good, I can really get as thin & toned as I want! So at the end of the year I will either be pregnant or have a bikini bod (lol I say this every year but this time my eating plan is actually working and hopefully I will stick to it :haha::blush:)

Exercise: Running (jogging)/doing HIIT (thanks again MrsGreen for the toneitup website info! I love their workouts.) Even 15 minutes HIIT a day makes a difference.

I eat (based on EXTENSIVE research :amartass:):
*Full cream plain yogurt (low fat/fat free dairy can lead to ovulatory infertility)
*ENOUGH healthy oils & fats (olive, coconut, avocado oil and butter from grass fed organic cows) (I ONLY cook with coconut oil, all the others can't handle high heats and denature during the cooking process, yes even olive oil! If I want to eat other oils I add them after cooking)
*Whey powder (only in smoothies)
*Lots of non-starchy veg, especially dark green leafy veg
*Hormone-free, free range organic eggs and meat
*Plain boiled sweet potato
*Raw tree nuts (no peanuts)
*Herbs, chilies and garlic from the garden to flavor my food
*Kosher sea salt/Himalayan sea salt (just check out the amount of additives in refined salt!)

That's it! NOTHING out of a can or packet, no sauces, no sugary fruit, no added sugar, no sugary drinks, especially no toxic artificial sweeteners.

I eat like this at least 95% of the time. Adding in sweet potato and cutting out all grains & grain/seed oils have finally made an amazing difference. I have lots of energy, feel full in the evenings and the weight is dropping off at an alarming rate :winkwink:!

I start the day with protein (preferably with veg e.g. eggs and spinach fried in coconut oil) ; snack on nuts/yogurt/berries, have a fist-sized piece of sweet potato no later than 3 PM, end the day with protein & veg. I try to prepare meals & smoothies in advance so I don't get caught with nothing to eat; that helps me not to grab something unhealthy when I'm very busy.

I still take all my egg-health and ttc related supplements, so does DH.

Finally my new favorite: dry skin brushing twice a day. I LOVE it. It really energizes me in the morning and calms me down in the evening. And my cellulite is noticeably less after these few months.

How is everyone else's dieting/exercising? :hugs:
6 dpo today. Officially the last tww before IVF. Only 5 weeks to go eeeeeeeekkkk
Fern- I'm so excited for us both, though I hope neither end up having to do IVF to get our babies! I am SO ready to get started! I've been killing my diet & exercising every day...I'm so pumped lol

IRYM-Family sucks sometimes :( Sorry girl....

Hello to everyone else! Sorry I've been awful at personals!
Lol cupcake I know right; for the first time since 2014 I've also been killing my diet & exercise plan! Seems like we've FINALLY found a way of sticking to a diet - just set a date for IVF :haha::haha:
So happy for you ladies! I've been ok with my diet but I want to loose 20 pounds in the next couple months. I need to come up with a better goal maybe I'll work on that today!
I've personally been doing horribly with my diet and exercise routines. Oye. I'm in a slump, I tell you!

But the weather's getting to be so nice, and we have daylight past 7pm now (instead of getting dark at about 5pm. Ew), I'm starting to get a case of Spring Fever where I want to spend every hour outside doing something! haha. I'm toying with the idea of starting our dogs on a new Walk routine. We don't go walking much because I'm a little leery of going out and about by myself, but I figure if I have two large dogs with me I won't look like much of a good target to potential creeps. AND we finally live in a good neighborhood, instead of the ghetto we were housed in a year ago.

The only issue is that with all the blooming flowers, trees and shrubs, my allergies are making me miserable. I've had several days/nights with asthma/wheezing in addition to the usual sniffles and watery eyes, almost to the point where I considered a run to urgent care or the ER for a breathing treatment. I might wait another few weeks for the flowering trees to stop that silliness so I can breathe when I go outside. lol

It sounds like I need some kind of major goal ahead of me like you gals have!

Mrs. Green, let's brainstorm and see what kinds of things we can come up with. :haha:
Irym- I love it! I think that's a great idea. Let's come up with something.
And I know allergies in the Valley are soooo bad! I've been miserable lately.
Noooooo IRYM you have to find your mojo again!!! C'mon hun think of a plan :) I know you can do it!
lol. I haven't had mojo for a while! Just been trying to eat better and drink enough water. But I know I need to get back on the wagon.

I've got a low carb grocery list written up for this weekend so that I can get back to that. I always do better (and feel better) when I eat fewer carbs, so that's where I'll start. I'm just so tired of being heavy, of busting my butt to try and lose weight and not making any progress, you know? :dohh: It gets me down. But I'm coming around again and getting back to my healthy habits. :)

Also, just wanted to share this video: Here's what 200 calories looks like in different foods!
I've seen that video and love it!

So here's my goal ladies. I need you to keep me on track.
Loose 20 pounds by June 1st.
Irym- well a grocery list is a good start!! I cut out all carbs except sweet potato, which I eat for lunch plain or with olive oil. So easy to cook a whole pot of sweet potato chunks and for 3 days you have a ready made lunch. It helps keep me full & avoid carb cravings& uncontrolled cheating haha!

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