Getting Fit Before Baby

IRYM I also didn't mean anything rude or dismissive, just my opinion that I personally won't eat those bars at all as part of my diet, not even the small ones. I read your whole post hun Xx you know what works for you.
Had a lovely date night with DH last night. We picked Thursday because we'd avoid weekend crowds that way. I managed to work almost all of the calories of the meal into my allowance for the day, and then DH and I went on a 30 minute speed walk at the local mall. That was in addition to the 20 mins of moderate cardio I did on the bike during the afternoon. My calves sure are complaining today!

Anyway, since our dinner wasn't outside of my calorie range and the whole idea of a cheat day is to shake up your body's calorie intake so it doesn't settle into a rut, we had Cinnabon for dessert.

Even after all that, I was only 500cals over my goal for the day. Considering I've been staying roughly 100cals UNDER my goal all week, I'm still well within my weekly goal, and that's awesome. I'm happy I was able to have this day to eat a totally sugary dessert without feeling guilty about it. :)

Swimmy - What if you look into some non-food date options and give him a list of those as alternatives?

Some suggestions off the top of my head:

1. Paint Nite -
2. Mall Walking/Window Shopping
3. Dollar Movies (if you still have something like this near you. It'd be cheap enough for tickets that you wouldn't feel too bad having to leave often to pee!)
4. Museum or Art Show visit
5. Arcade (how fun to play pinball and racing games with one another for an evening?)
6. Zoo or Wildlife Center

Or just type "non-food date ideas" into Google and you get all kinds of listings you could look into. :)

Mrs Green - Oo I really hate moving! I can totally relate to your not wanting to cook and not having much in the fridge to do so. However, there are some things you could keep on hand to avoid going out to eat at every meal. Hard boiled eggs are one of my faves. Bananas are another great go-to, and those help keep your blood sugar even so you don't have mid-afternoon slumps. Fresh fruit in general is good, 'cause you don't have to refrigerate it, so you can keep some at the new house if it doesn't have a fridge yet, and some at the old place to just grab for a snack. I hope all the hassle of your move is over soon, and without issue!
IRYM - those are great idea's! thank you :) I'm gonna be googling away lol.
Really disappointed in myself got on the scale today and Im up 7 lbs this month :( i need to get this under control.
Irym- so glad date night was awesome and you didn't feel guilty!
I've been good for breakfast/lunch dinner is the hard part whil moving! Lol but next week I can't wait to get back on track. I'll be food prepping Sunday and I'm actually so excited about it.
Mrs. G: How's everything going? Are you planning on testing soon? :)

For me: I have my gynaecologist appointment on Tuesday and I'm really starting to worry. What will go on? What if she turns me away because I don't have a job yet? What if she says I'm too fat? What are your experiences with gyns? Should I be worried about this?
Hi Ladies, I'm still pretty new here and trying to get the hang of things. Was wondering if I could join your support group... Here's a little about me... I am 30 years old and DH is 28. I have been on birth control since I was about 16 years old and in October quit the birth control. In November DH and I began unprotected sex and I just assumed I would get pregnant no problem. After spending half of my life preventing I thought it would happen right away. Unfortunately that was not the case... so as suggested by a friend I bought an ovulation predictor kit and never got a positive during my suggested fertile window in November. I was so discouraged I pretty much quit trying for the next few months. We continued to BD but there was no scheduling around when I was supposed to be fertile or ovulating... and still nothing. So when my cycle began again March 10 I decided it was time to get back in the game. I bought a big pack of ovulation kits and after 14 days of negative during and way past my suggested fertile window I finally got a positive LH surge on CD 24 & 25. I was also taking my BBT every morning and had a dip and rise so Fertility Friend determined my ovulation day to be CD 25. DH and I were BDing every 3 days and when I got the +OVK we did that day too. I was sooo sure this was it... but nope. So I know it could be a number of reasons but I figure I will do what I can to increase my chances and something I can definitely work on is my weight. I'm constantly up and down with it. In October I was down to 173 pounds and now I'm back up to 205... I'm 5 ft 2 in so I know its tough on my body and could be partially to blame. I also noticed that the first few months off of my birth control my cycle was lasting 28 to 30 days and once I started gaining more weight my cycles got longer. Last cycle was 36 days and this cycle I'm at 39 days but AF should be here tonight or tomorrow. Sorry so long... I think I might have needed to do a little venting along with introducing myself. So I'm open to ideas and suggestions and would really appreciate it. :)
Welcome Tulip! It's always good to vent out to people who are going through similar issues and are understanding.

I know from reading up on other threads here that it can take up to a year for cycles to figure themselves out on bcp. I hope this isn't the case for you though. Do you have any fertility problems that you know of or have had irregular periods prior to starting bcp?
Ursaula - I've never had a gynae show me away but I know things work a bit differently in other countries. Don't be scared hun hopefully this dr can give you some advice on regulating your cycles which will be really beneficial in your overall health too xx

Tulip - welcome! If you read over the last few pages- we have all shared loads of advice the past few weeks after the beginning of the year was a bit slow. I'm sure you will find a lot of info in those pages already. And feel free to share/ask anything! xx

AFM - I'm really happy with last week's efforts. I've stabilized on 55kg again and upped my nutrition intake (specifically focusing on vitamins & minerals not calories per se) by eating even more greens from the veggie garden and adding garlic & nut butter into my food allowance. My smoothies & meals were pre-prepped and I was never caught empty-handed. My cheat meal (mcdonalds) was really small, I couldn't stomach all the sunflower oil/trans fats in the fries so only had a few and the bread on the burger was too much so I removed most of it. And drank water instead of soda. But I had about 5 chicken nuggets and sauce so all in all enough cheating was done on Friday. I also did a moderate to hard workout every day last week and am really pleased with that!

Finally came across the right term for my weight issues - "Skinny fat"! Overall small build but excess stomach fat (much of it packed around intestines; the hardest type to shift and also very unhealthy). I can lose tonnes of weight (after my 20kg weight loss in 2010) but my stomach always looks fat & bloated. It's because I haven't been exercising enough and up to Feb I definitely still ate too many carbs. Nice to have something new to research and apply to my specific problem.

Hope you all did well and I'll be keeping my eyes on your stats pages ;)

Cupcake - especially sending you positive weight loss vibes before IVF in 3-4 months, time flies hey!
So another pound down this week, but I will admit I struggled this past week.

First off, I did measure foods and I'm pretty sure I don't eat enough. Anyone else feel this way? I can never get in enough of my food containers that I'm supposed to for my calorie range when I'm eating the correct foods. I think it has slowed down my metabolism some.

However, I had about eight events at work last week and several of them had sweets. Plus, I was on a rest week for 21 day fix, so I ate a few sweets, which I probably shouldn't have.

I'm starting back up with another round of 21 day fix today, so that should keep me focused.

The last one I lost almost 11 inches total which I'm very happy with.
Welcome Tulip. I agree that sometimes it can take awhile for cycles to even out after being on BCPs for a long time. Sounds like you have quite a bit of fluctuation there. If it continues into the next few months, I'd definitely talk to your doctor about it.

Ursaula - is this just a regular gynecologist or one that specializes in fertility? I've never heard of one turning anyone away, so I think you will be fine on that front. I was also really worried with my first RE appointment they would be concerned about my weight. It didn't get brought up once, except by me when I asked at the end if I needed to be under a certain BMI to qualify for the multi-cycle IVF program that we wanted to do.

Fern - great job last week! And stomach fat is one of the hardest to get rid of. It's annoying. I tend to gain mine in my butt and hips more, but I recently gained about 20 pounds a few months ago and it seems like it all went to my stomach (I even got stretch marks for the first time because of it) and it's hard to lose that!
Tulip - Welcome to the group! We're happy to have you. :) If you want to participate in our weight loss challenges and trackers, there's a ton of info in the very first post in this thread that will help you out. I look forward to getting to know you! :)

Fern - Good job stabilizing at 55kg! I have heard that managing micronutrients can be very important for staying healthy. Hopefully you'll have it all worked out in no time.

Urs - I'm not sure how the medical system works where you live, but a GYN shouldn't turn you away because you're unemployed. Just because you don't have a job doesn't mean your feminine organs will just tend to themselves! lol. You still need routine care and checkups, job or no job.

Bronte - Another pound down? Good job! I agree, I think that eating too little food means your metabolism will slow and you will have trouble losing weight.

As for me:

Keeping a short food diary helped me figure out what's best for me in terms of pre- and post-workout food, in addition to identifying some triggers that make me want to eat junk.

DH and I had a rather "snacky" Sunday. We went to see The Jungle Book and I had some sweets while we were there. Also we stopped by Starbucks for some iced drinks after spending a lot of time out in the heat all day. But breakfast was a light-but-filling meal late in the morning, so we skipped lunch to compensate for the snacks we had during the film, and just ate leftovers for dinner afterwards. Not TOO bad.

I lost a fraction of a pound this week. Woo! :haha: I'm pretty sure it's more, but AF is due either today or tomorrow and I'm super bloated from that. Ugh. So I'm sure once the bloat goes away, so will some additional weight.

Sounds like we all did pretty well this week, right? Let's keep the momentum going!

The challenge this week is to add 5 - 10 more minutes to your current cardio workouts! You can choose your own workout intensity and routine, but add at least five more minutes to your totals every work out this week. If you're feeling like 5 minutes isn't enough, add up to ten more -- but be careful not to go overboard. If you work out too hard, you risk burning yourself out. We don't want that!

Changing up your body's routine even a little bit can help get your metabolism out of a rut and keep things moving in the right direction.

Remember to drink plenty of water, and consume enough protein after your workout so that your muscles have fuel and resources with which to repair themselves.


Who is interested in setting up some group-wide progress indicators that don't involve the scale?

On the 1st of every month, we can check our progress and report them to the group.

May 1st:
Do as many push-ups as you can (1+)
Do as many squats as you can (1+)

Then, on June 1st, we repeat the "test" and see how many MORE we can do than we were able to at the beginning of May. Some of us will be better at these than others, but the beauty is that we are not seeing who can do the most, but we're seeing if we can beat our previous 'records'.

What do you gals think?
I love the progress indicator challenge! I won't be taking part during May though because I don't know if ovarian hyperstimulation will be painful (clomid had me struggling with hard workouts sometimes) and I definitely won't be running or exhausting myself after embryo transfer... I will see what works for me in May and I obviously have to keep exercising but I'm thinking of taking it down a notch just for my IVF month. If IVF doesn't work though I'm definitely on board for the progress challenge in June-July :)

Also: I will take you up on the extra workout time challenge this week. At least 25-30 min HIIT or running then for me!

I agree with switching up workouts. I have been doing a bikini challenge and other workouts and haven't gone running for about 2 weeks; I was EXHAUSTED after my run today!! The more different types of exercise, the better I believe.

Bronte - a pound is a pound!! Cupcakestoy & I'm feeling very motivated to get as healthy as possible before IVF; maybe it will work for you too (every time I look at unhealthy food I just imagine the havoc it will wreak on my ovaries, follicles, blood circulation, insulin metabolism, egg cell health etc etc and then I make healthier choices!)
Thank you ladies for the welcoming!

ireadyermind - I would love to join any challenges that will help keep me motivated to get healthy so count me in.

Ursaula - I've never been told I have any problems from all my normal yearly exams but I don't know exactly what they look for when I get that done. As for my cycles... I first got my period when I was 11 and until I began birth control when I was 16 my cycles were very irregular. I could go almost 2 months without a period. I have my regular yearly exam coming up next month so now that we are actively trying I will definitely have many more questions for my OB/GYN.

Fern - Thank you! And good job working out everyday last week. That is my goal for this week.

AFM- DH and I have a plan to "remodel" our garage into a home gym. We have so much exercise equipment that I think it'll be great. I'm very excited. I just finished my workout for today. I did 2 miles on the treadmill and the Jillian Michaels Shred-It DVD. I don't normally plan to do so much in 1 day but this week at work I am scheduled four 10 hour days in a row so I wanted to get a good workout in just in case work wears me out. Aiming for a workout everyday.

Question - Have any of you ladies had your partner try the SpermCheck Fertility Home Test? If so, what is your opinion about it?
Fern - IVF is great motivation. You are correct. I was just on a 21 day fix break last week so I gave myself permission to have a small amount of sweets since I'd been pretty strict for 21 Days. I'm back at it, going strong this week though.

IRYM - I'm up for doing some sort of progress measure for the month that's not weight as well. However, I'm kind of in the same boat as Fern. I don't start IVF until June. However, someone on another board got me worried about doing exercises that are too intense before IVF since it can hurt egg quality evidently. So I'm exercising but going to tone it back closer to stim time so it's not too intense. If I have a challenge that's exercise oriented, I know myself and will probably push myself more than I should. There's so many rules and guidelines for fertility. I know you can't follow them all but I want to be a bit careful since all our IVF treatments are out-of-pocket.
Thanks gals for the reassurance :)

Way to go on the weight loss everyone!

I have started a low-carb diet, again. This week I was down 1 pound! :)
My appointment is at 9am tomorrow morning for those who are curious. (2 hours ahead of California, if that helps everyone).
I have also started an indoor vegetable garden! It doesn't get warm enough here for an outdoor garden until June. We also have a short summer so we really can only plant things like corn. So, I've started an indoors one! I'm planting Kale, Lettuce, Tomatoes, and Carrots to start with.
Tulip: From what I've read bcp causes your periods to become regular, so it would make sense if you had irregular before to have irregular now while off of it. I'd definitely bring it up when you go for your check up. Sorry I'm not more help! With me, my periods stopped completely when I started bcp and still haven't come back.

IRYM: I forgot to mention about the progress with exercises! I'd love to do it! I did pretty well measuring my food this past week but I found that I was having about 5 cups of pasta every really made me rethink what I was eating. I won't be able to add the extra exercise time until I can talk to my doctor. I haven't been given an "ok" since I was in emergency two weeks ago.
Urs - So it sounds like measuring/tracking your food was beneficial to you too! I'm glad to hear that. :) Sometimes we think we have it down and we don't realize how much things have changed, since it's so gradual.

I am a pasta/bread/pastries addict. If I'm not careful, I binge on those things and ignore healthy foods altogether, especially when I'm sick. :dohh:

Bronte - Well, make sure you avoid exercise that's too intense! What do you do on a daily basis that is an acceptable exercise? Does adding 5 minutes to your usual exercise time make it too intense? I don't know what your daily routine looks like so I'm not sure. Haha

Tulip - Awesome! If you'd like, you can post your stats/progress sheet up here like some of the others have, and I will add your link to the first post too. That way you can always find it easily for updates and edits. :) Just let me know!
IRYM - adding the 5 minutes extra of cardio this week is no problem. It's a great idea. I'm just going to probably count giving the dog a walk. He always enjoys that anyway so it's extra motivation. Plus it gives me another workout time. My videos are timed and include warm up and cool down, so it'll be easier to get it in by adding another activity. My exercises are kind of intense right now but I was meaning for the measure for each month to track progress. I might be out on that for awhile since I'm decreasing exercise next month on my weight training and stuff. So I'll probably try to avoid push ups and squats, etc.

Good luck for the week ladies!!
tulip - welcome! me and my DH did the home check about a month before his count check, the directions were a little confusing. I recommend reading through them carefully. With our home test, we got a very very light line that didn't show up until after the time window. Sure enough his SA was under 20mil. However I will say that it only counts the swimmers. It won't give answers if there is a deformity in the sperm or if they are slow swimmers. My friends DH had a count of 60+ mil but had only 2% of normal sperm so I would still recommend getting a SA done with your doc. Good luck on the weight loss!! this group is a great motivator.

IRYM - I start a yoga class 2 times a week does that count as cardio? also now with the weather getting nice i'm going kayaking on Wednesday! yay time to work those arms!!

Urs - how did your visit go?

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