Getting Fit Before Baby

thank you all lovely ladies....
IRYM that is very interesting but its also the reason am working out before getting pregnant. Strengthening your core gives all the benefit you just mentioned but also it will protect you to staying in good shape after birth as its going to be quick to get your body back.
so as for me on this one am working so hard to get a strong core and flat abs.
also good job on working out even when your arm isnt letting you..
there is a good thing about keep on pushing you will love the results.

AFM; well have been holding on to eating health and exercising, and i have been trying to sleep so i feel so good. Am going to weigh myself tomorrow ....sorry cant wait til Monday as i usually weigh on Saturday also i love to weigh before my cheat meal and saturday is my cheat day but i will wait until monday to tell you guys.

otherwise i wish you guys a lovely weekend and remember to stay health.
i have a question too, do you guys detoxify?
Ok, so It's been a crappy week here! I have been running basically an ICU on the calf all week.....IVs, Tube feeding, rectal tube, pills, injections, mixing electrolyte solutions, turning/repositioning....It's been exhausting! Finally got the scours/diarrhea stopped only for him to end up with pneumonia! Poor little guy died late last night :( Then I'm on call this week & a couple on t our fire dept had their baby last night...It was tough when I got the text & pic, since I was due last week, but I was nice & hopefully cheerful in my response...I plan to send a gift from the dept today, but I just can't go visit...I'll see her when they get home..put it off as long as possible I guess! lol

Weight wise, I'm doing ok. Don't feel like I've lost this week, but still sticking with the plan so I'm good :) Dh has asked me to do 1 last round of the Clomid. I don't have any faith that it will work & am really not into taking it, but he doesn't ever ask or question anything related to TTC, so I'm humoring him this time! Today is day 3 of meds, with O predicted for next weekend, IF it doesn't screw it up! Terrified it will cause me to gain weight/bloat so being extra careful with my salt intake & refusing to give into "cravings" this weekend!
Swimmy - That's why I'm strengthening my core muscles BEFORE pregnancy instead of getting pregnant and wishing I had done it when I wasn't. lol. I know you're not supposed to do any sort of ab workouts while pregnant. I was even told not to do anything that requires me to lie down on the floor? So I guess that puts some of my leg exercises off the list too. Weird!

Miracle - I have done detoxing before. Primarily weekend juice cleanses, since anything longer than that is very difficult for me to stick to. I have not tried other forms like only eating raw fruits and veggies (no meats) for a week, or anything like that. What do you think about detox routines?

Cupcake - Aww, that's rough. Poor little calf! Sounds like you did everything you could, though.

And I can relate about hearing about more babies. I would've been due this month too and there are at least two people I know who just announced pregnancies (one of 'em had only been trying a couple of months), and two who gave birth this month. That's all I'm hearing about is everyone else's babies right now. It's hard. :hugs:

AFM - Really really didn't want to work out yesterday. AF is giving me hell this month and all I wanted to do was lounge on the couch and either nap or watch movies. Haha. But I got in my 30 minutes (that's including my extra 5 to 10), even if I didn't put much effort into it. It was still enough that my heart rate increased a bit and I was breathing harder, just not my usual sweat-inducing routine.

Added in some stair stepping and a few squats (those KILL my knees! I was only able to do about 5. I think the new challenge starting in May will be a good thing for me) to work out my legs, and that was that. I felt pretty good about myself for working out in spite of everything.

Still not much to say about my arm though. It's improving, but not so much that I can do any workouts with it. Essentially, the most I can do right now is some brief typing. Here's hoping it's better by Monday!

Also started back on BBT today. We're going from NTNP to actual TTC again this month. I'm optimistic! I'll keep making sure I get plenty of sleep and drinking plenty of water, and hopefully I'll see some EWCM like I did last cycle.
Hi ladies sorry I've been MIA. It's been a crazy week... First I got a bfp, then I thought it was too light, then it got darker, then my beta came back at 8, but then my test got darker, so I felt good but then my second beta came back at 5. And this morning spotting started. So needless to say it was one heck of a roller coaster week. I'm giving myself today and tomorrow to be sad and Sunday I'll be back to meal prepping and working out. I'm excited as my webiste is staring a new workout challenge so I'll focus on that rather than my (now second) loss.
Mrs. Green - Aww, sorry to hear that! :hugs: That is definitely a roller coaster of emotions. Especially when it's all in one weekend!
Mrs Green - I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Losing a pregnancy is never easy and it had to be really hard to get your hopes up then down and then reversed so close together. Sending you hugs.
Mrs. G: I'm really sorry :(, sending you lots of hugs! Will they be looking into why you miscarried again? (Ex. Too thin lining, etc.)

Cupcake: Hugs to you too! I understand how hard it can be to dedicate so much love, time, and money into another creature. You sure did everything you could though.

Glad to hear you've been sticking with your plan! :) AND hubby wanted clomid again. Worth the shot.

Miracle: I've done a few detoxes. Mainly because of getting scopes done though. I can't stand even the smell of broth anymore! Yuck!

IRYM: I believe in finding an exercise routine prior to getting pregnant. And working out (yoga) during the pregnancy. I feel it will help a lot with child birth and helping the body shrink back to size after.

I hope your arm gets better soon, and yay back to TTC!

AFM: I weighed again today and can't wait to tell you gals my number! Come on Monday! These thick, healthy smoothies are doing wonders.

I've taken my fourth Provera progesterone pill and I think I might see something when I wipe? For those of you who have tried progesterone, how long did it take to have a period when you started it?
Urs- glad the smoothies are helping! I've taken provera a few times, and started bleeding 3 to 9 days after the last pill.
Green- just sending lots of hugs again xx

Urs- you really have me looking forward to tomorrow's weigh-in :)

Drjo- wow 1 more week!!

Cupcake- so sorry about your calf :( so so sad :(

Will catch up properly tomorrow x
Fern- one more if I'm lucky! Chances are it will be this Tuesday due to high blood pressures.
Mrs. G: I'm really sorry , sending you lots of hugs! :hugs: hope you are holding up so well

AFM: I weighed again and am not too happy will come back later and share it. It almost got to me and i was like what was all the effort go.
what am i doing wrong and so many other.
as far as ttc is concern am doing some test just to be one of the test i will have to wait for AF to show her face.

later ladies
So I'm definitely down to 54 kg (119lb), I weighed in at 54 last week Tuesday or Wednesday I think? And just stayed there. I tried to increase my nutrient uptake (had a whole bottle of macadamia nut butter last week!) and took 2 rest days from my workouts but the weight is still dropping. On the one hand I LOVE it because it means my eating & workout plan is really working well. On the other hand I don't want to lose more before starting IVF so I think I will be eating a little bit more sweet potato this week and not work out so hard.

Nutrient wise: I started sprouting lentil seeds for my salads; also my "microgreens" are growing nicely.

Drjo - all the best with your imminent delivery!! xx

Good luck with everyone's weigh-ins.

Ttc wise - omw I'm sooooo stressed for this weekend. I phoned the dr's rooms this morning just to find out what the procedure is eg when do I call in for CD 1; and then I found out that it's not DEFINITE that I will be able to do IVF this month, I first have to do a baseline FSH and LH test because I will be newly off bc! And if those levels are too high I can't do IVF! I'm so stressed out. This morning I wanted to go for a WALK because I need to decrease my workout intensity; it turned into a hectic running session just because of all this extra stress adrenalin in my system. Urgh please send me prayers for low low FSH and LH levels!

Sorry to make this post all about me. I love you guys and will be stalking today to check out your weight loss stats xx
Fern- Fx'd that your labs are perfect for IVF to commence! Great job on reaching 119!

good luck drjo!

Miracle-Hang in there!

AFM-Down 2 more # this week! Feeling good & excited to plant the garden this evening!

Hope everyone else has had a good loss week & is keeping on, keeping on! We can do it ladies!
Fern: Good job with your nutrient intake! I really hope IVF happens for you THIS month AND it works! Fx'd!

Drjo: Good luck!! I bet you're super excited!!

Miracle: Big hug! Our weight does ridiculous things sometimes.

Cupcake: Great job on the 2lbs loss!! Keep it going :) Yay for gardens.

AFM: I weighed myself everyday and watched the scale. I gained 1lb from yesterday but this week I lost a total of 11lbs!!!! I'm feeling great about this smoothie thing I've been doing. I want to lose as much weight as I can before I see my gynaecologist again to show her I'm serious. 11lbs!! :)

TTC wise I read that provera can either make you ovulate first or have af right away. In other words s/o and I got busy to make sure we wouldn't miss out any chances of ovulation. I purchased wondfo opk and hpt like you gals suggested. They should be here this Friday or next week sometime. Then once I finally have af it's OPK time!
Holy moly 11 pounds is awesome!!!! SO happy for you Urs. Hope the provera does the trick and you get a proper period to clear out all the old uterine lining xx You are doing an awesome job!!

Cupcake - and yay for another 2 pounds for you too!

I phoned the dr's rooms again in a complete panic... but the receptionist assured me not very many ladies get FSH and LH levels after bc that are too high for IVF. She started saying "that's not the one you need to worry about; the big worry is..." and I cut her off right there. I've decided to ask her, the doctor and the nurse NOT to tell me what I need to worry about, but just keep pretending everything is OK until it's really NOT OK anymore. Eesshh. I'm such an overanxious person and need to do everything in my power to keep my anxiety levels way down.
Good morning, gals!

Fern - I'm sure it will all work out in the end. Don't stress too much, it's not healthy! :) We're all rooting for you and sending positive thoughts/vibes/prayers your way.

Urs - Whoa! 11 pounds? What are you putting into your smoothies and where can I get some!? Haha

Miracle - I can understand how you might be feeling. All the work, the careful eating, the exercise.. And then not to see a drop on the scale is frustrating.

Maybe look for other signs of improvement? See if your pants feel like they're loose, maybe take some measurements of your waist, arms, neck, thighs, etc. and see if you're losing inches/cms instead of pounds on the scale?

Dr Jo - Ee! One more week! You'll remember to come back and post lots of pics for us once you're feeling up to it, right!?

AFM -- Just had a busy, busy, busy weekend! Saturday, DH and I spent our day running errands, doing lots of walking, etc. We went to the furniture store to take advantage of a deal they had running. You buy a couch & loveseat set, you get tons of stuff included for free! 2 end tables, a coffee table, an area rug, some wall art (we got a pair of canvas prints) and 2 table lamps all in the set. I'm SO excited. Most of it is set to arrive this Friday.

Then Sunday, more errands -- we did them in record time! -- followed by tearing up some of the nastier carpet in the hallway upstairs. When we moved in here, it was new carpet, but it was the cheapest of the cheap stuff that you can possibly buy. Super thin carpet, low quality fibers, no stain resistant coating, nothing. And thin, shabby carpet pad underneath... Well, any time anything spilled, a pet had an accident, etc. the carpet was just ruined.

I expected to see warped sub floor, massive stains, etc. and to my surprise, it wasn't that bad after all! Thank goodness. We tore up some of the old, rotting tack strips, swept up all the debris (it was like these people didn't clean up their construction mess and just laid carpet over it!)... we found bits of broken razor blade under there, wires that should not have been there, I mean.. the seller of our house really just did the cheapest, quickest fix possible. Ugh.

Anyway. Got that all torn up and I sprayed deodorizer everywhere. Tomorrow-ish, I'm painting an oil-based sealant all over it so that future spills/accidents don't soak into the wood. Then on May 5 we're getting brand new QUALITY carpet in the hall, master bedroom and on the stairs. I'm super excited about that. It's stain resistant, the carpet pad is water resistant, and it's all got a protection plan/warranty so that if it gets ruined anyway, we can have it replaced. lol

THEN we rearranged the whole living room in order to prep for the furniture delivery. With DH's help, I was able to get things moved around even though my arm isn't at 100%. I love the new layout! It's so much more open and roomy, I don't know why we didn't do it this way before. :D

THEN we went and got all the cob webs down that are waaaaay up at the top of the vaulted ceiling, which required some creative measures. Haha

We didn't get everything finished until after 8pm last night. My legs still ache this morning! I slept like a rock last night! Haha

Anyway, in terms of weight -- I'm the same this week as last week. I'm not surprised, though. I really had a hard time keeping up with my water intake for some reason. And there were TWO nights where I went over my goals, instead of just one. I gotta crack down this week and ensure I stick to all my food goals.

After every bathroom break, spend 60 seconds doing a quick cardio workout.

This can be either high intensity or low -- make it work for your current level of fitness or your current goals!

You can do 60 seconds of:

• walking in place
• running in place
• stair climbing
• wall push-ups
• standard (floor) push-ups
• jumping jacks
• walking around your home or office
• crunches
• lunges
• squats
• planks
• something else?

Remember, it doesn't HAVE to be a super difficult or high intensity exercise. Just add these little bits into your daily routine this week and see if they make a difference!

I used to do this all the time when I worked as a retail manager, so I know it's possible even with busy schedules! Now that I have a desk job, I need it more than ever because I spend most of my day sitting instead of standing and walking.

Good luck, gals! Get creative and have fun!

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