Getting Fit Before Baby

Cupcake- symptoms... Well a little bloated but I never really noticed before. However, the cramping for me is severe. I'm only cd 6 and when I sneezed this morning it already started, last time it lasted until ovulation maybe a little after. So the next week and a half I don't think will be fun. It doesn't last long but t gets pretty intense around ovulation day. Also, I get headaches and am slightly warmer than usual. Thus not too bad though.
Urs - Yikes, yeah, it sounds like you need more water! 8 glasses a day is the minimum. In more exact terms, that's 2 liters of water per day. If you work out and sweat a whole bunch while you do it, that might need to be increased to 3 liters. Some days I drink as many as 4 liters of water (not counting coffee or other non-water drinks!) because it's a hot day and I'm sweating, or I'm doing lots of yard work or something like that.

Remember that your body stores toxins that it can't get rid of in your body fat. So when you don't drink enough water, that stuff just builds and builds. You might get headaches or feel crummy the first few days of drinking enough fluids because the toxins re-enter your blood stream.

Just think of every glass as a rinse for your body, and every trip to the bathroom is you getting rid of more of the junk stored in your system. :)

One thing you can do to help you is to keep 2 separate 1-liter bottles of water filled and nearby whenever possible. When I do that, I'm less likely to make the excuse that I can't leave what I'm doing to take a minute for a refill. As silly as that sounds, I'm constantly getting absorbed in my work to the point that I forget to eat or drink for hours, so if I have the water at hand, I can just drink it as I go. Haha

Miracle - My HSG was pretty crampy even with 800mg of motrin before hand. It didn't last very long though, so don't fret too much! The tests are usually over pretty quickly. I hope yours goes well!

Cupcake - This group is really great for keeping us all in line, isn't it? I can totally relate to these gals making me want to do better! Especially when I hear all the great success we have going!

AFM -- DH and I also did cheat day yesterday. I forgot to take meat out of the freezer to thaw the day before, so last night I didn't have anything ready to cook. I hate using the microwave thaw option because the meats always turn out rubbery. Blech! So we had some Panda Express (with steamed veggies instead of noodles!) and I had plain water instead of a soda or other sugary drink. :) So I think I didn't do too badly there.

Been keeping up with the challenge for this week. Yesterday I was a little short on water, so I didn't get as many trips to the bathroom in as I did on Monday, but that's all right. I'll just drink more water today!
Urs- if you are not doing smoothies, then what is you eating plan for this week? Just curious. I second what IRYM said - water, water, water as much as you can. I drink so much water now after having had kidney stones 3yrs ago. At the beginning it was difficult to drink 8 glasses a day but I soon got used to it and now I can't do without. I started by "downing" a large glass of water early morning; then each time after using the bathroom I would gulp down another glass. It got to be a habit really fast.

Cupcake- wow you have more energy than me though I wish I had more time to work in the garden. Garden work is better than Prozac! And all the fulvic acid in the soil is a super immune booster. Good for ivf prep :)

Bronte- I'm also not looking forward to hormonal weight gain but we'll see.... first have to see if ivf is going to happen. Wow urgh your hsg sounds really bad :( hope you never have to have it again!! Xx

Having said that, miracle, I also had an atraumatic hsg but I took LOADS of codeine and tylenol beforehand lol. Fx yours is fine and that you get good results.

Mrsgreen gl with those sore ovaries!!

Afm- still working out full intensity. After hearing ivf might have to be cancelled I just thought F that; if it gets cancelled I won't do ivf at all and never go for treatment again- but then at least I can carry on training my butt off and get this skinny fat tummy FLAT. I've also managed to work in a few extra 30 second squats session here and there between students.
Thanks everyone for the water info!

Cupcake: Do you plan on having a veggie garden too or flowers only?

Fern: This week I'm letting myself eat what I want to an extent. Like, I can eat whatever excluding bad things for me like carbs (I limit these as we still need it in our bodies) and fatty foods. I'm eating veggies and fruits mainly, and oatmeal.

AFM: Hard day today. My s/o has been acting strange for the past few days and finally opened up to me today in tears. He was hiding that one of his friends was murdered this past weekend. He didn't want me to stress or worry because I need to focus on me and ttc. We had a very, very long talk about opening up whenever something happens, no matter what. I feel crushed for him.
Oh my goodness Ursaula. How sad for your s/o and his friend. That has to be so hard to have to lose a friend that way. Glad he's finally opening up about it, since it's definitely not healthy to keep it in. Hope they find the person that killed the friend. So tragic. Hopefully you are doing alright as well.
Ladies I'm asking for prayers. A dear friends daughter hung herself today. They are on our fire dept & I loaded her into the helicopter. My heart is breaking. She's just 14! I have her other daughter who is 1 with me, not sure for how long. Last update its not looking good. They will do an eeg tomorrow to check for brain activity....devastated & can't get her image outta my head tonight...
Cupcake - oh how incredibly sad. So devastating. I'll definetly send a prayer and lots of healing thoughts your way. So so sad. I can't even imagine what you and your friend are going through. I really hope her daughter pulls through.
Oh wow cupcake, sending prayers, I can't even imagine how traumatic that must be. Please let us know, I hope she pulls through with no brain damage. :(

And Urs you too with a murder in your group of friends! That must be really shocking and I'm glad you know now & can support s/o.

So we went to the dr today because I got so confused with all the info the receptionist was giving me. Turns out I do NOT need my FSH and LH tested. He did the baseline scan right there and then (even though I'm only expecting AF tomorrow-ish) and gave me all my meds & injections for the next week; which I have to start on CD2. So the IVF process has officially started, can you believe it! My uterus is looking perfect as usual (looks can be so deceiving lol) and although my antral follicle count on the left is very low, I have many antrals on the right so we can expect at least a few follies I hope.

Annndddd we are definitely only transferring ONE embie at a time (if any are left they will get frozen). Discussed it with doctor; he really advised against transferring 2 in my case.

Dr and nurse both said I can keep on exercising but I have to listen to my body and take it easy when I need to.
Workout done, af cramps starting, I hope AF is here tonight then I can call tomorrow CD1 and start injections on Monday. Just want to get started :)

IRYM I did end up doing the progress challenge because turns out I didn't feel like lowering my workout intensity too much... exercising really helps my stress levels. Anyway it's nice to see the numbers rise.
Squats: last week 50. Today: 100.
Pushups: last week: 20. Today: 35.
The other challenge (doing mini workouts during the day): I keep forgetting but thought I will put up post-it notes here & there to remind myself.

My cheat meal for the week was one small choc bar and cheese & crackers (about 7 crackers). But I might have ond other small AF treat today :)

How are you all doing workout and diet wise this weekend? I'm looking forward to seeing more weight loss from everyone on Monday! :)

Cupcake- I'm praying for that poor teen.

Hugs xx
cupcake - that is so horrible. she is so young :( My thoughts are with you and her family. I lost a friend to suicide in high school and it was devastating, I still keep in touch with her parents and no parent should have to go through that.

Fern - fingers soooo crossed for this IVF xoxo!!! I will be stalking your signature for updates lol
Thanks swimmy; I'm definitely going to be clogging up the threads/forums with all my posts as I'm already going a bit crazy. I keep thinking that I'm just getting another medical treatment for endometriosis, then I remember it's IVF, upon which I freak out a bit and try to concentrate on anything & everything else... and can't even imagine a bfp (I suppose it all feels unreal & mental overload ).

I guess if IVF was cheaper like clomid I wouldn't be going this crazy. Trying to keep calm :).

How are you doing/feeling?
Fern - I don't blame you! I would be going crazy, heck just monitored cycled I drove myself nuts lol. Do you like coloring, I know it sounds silly but those adult coloring books and lego's keep me distracted, that or reading. I have an insane library.

I've been feeling ok, stressing myself out with this family vacation we are taking at the end of this month. I've already agreed to go, but the idea of dealing with all of my insane family (who I love like crazy) while they get drunk and act crazy in Vegas just doesn't sound as appealing now. My mom is having my nana take me to a show and has made many comments about how she is my babysitter for the evening so they can all get trashed without the pregnant girl complaining .... just starting to get under my skin a little. Also have never been on a family trip that didn't involve people getting into a fight (yep even physical). my dad is going and he tends to be more level headed like myself so hopefully we can just hang by the pool while they act crazy. Also my car died yesterday on my way to work :( hoping its not an expensive fix, I know nothing about cars.
Hello ladies...thank you all for sharing your experience, i gues i should wait and experience what is in it for me. Bu am hoping for the best!

Am so sorry for the tragic news, that is really sad!
Cupcake that can ne very disturbing am so sorry
Urs so sorry about it i hope the two of you get through this.
Fern dear goodluck that sounds so promising

Afm am finishing my diet today and its the hard day,very hard for me but i wanna see to the end line. I can wait to weigh tomorrow!
That is horrible Cupcake :( any news on her and the family?

Thank you all for your support.

Fern: I'm super excited for you!

Swimmy: I always feel bad for saying yes to something and then having to cancel because I don't want to go. However, I do feel it is important to take care of our own needs. If you don't want to go, then don't go.

AFM: Really hard past few days and lots of emotional eating. I know I'm going to be up a lot in terms of weight. I'm glad I'll be starting my smoothies again tomorrow though.

TTC wise, my Wondfo OPK and HPT arrived! I wanted to try an OPK so I kind of get the feel for them as I don't know how to use them. I ended up taking a HPT instead by accident (which I didn't realize until the next day). Now I'm really wishing I had taken an OPK because my temps have gone up and it's looking like I ovulated the day I took the HPT instead of OPK! GRR! At least my s/o and I had the past few days alone, our timing was lucky! Really hoping this was TRUE ovulation and fx'd for no af this weekend! My progesterone is done on Tuesday, so I'll be expecting af between this weekend and 14 days from Tuesday.

I also have been making lots of cloth diapers again lately!
How is everyone doing with their Monday weigh-ins?

I'm still stable at 54ish but I imagine that with all the hormones this month I will gain some weight/bloat.
Good morning, all! Lots of posting went on this weekend, eh? DH and I were busy with some home improvement tasks, regular chores and errands, and we placed the order for some bedroom furniture we have been eyeballing for over a year. haha. We got a GREAT deal on it since we're repeat customers at this store and the manager was willing to lower the cost on the set we bought. Excellent!

In terms of weight loss, I am down FOUR pounds since last weigh in! Woo! I'm excited about that. I really didn't do a whole lot of exercising aside from the challenge, either, so most of what I lost is coming from healthy eating. :D

If I can keep this up, I'll reach my goal a whole lot faster than previously anticipated. FXd!

Drink 8+ glasses of water EVERY day.

This will be hard for some of you, and easy for some, and only slightly challenging for others.

Remember: Each glass of water should contain at least 8oz of liquid. No cheating by using smaller glasses! Haha

Beverages like coffee and (diet) sodas don't count toward this water intake.

Tips: There are many ways you can help remind yourself to drink that water.

1. Drink a glass of water after every trip to the bathroom
2. Keep full water bottles handy (like in the car, at your desk, etc) all the time.
3. Set a timer/alarm on your phone that reminds you to drink 1 glass of water approximately once an hour during the day


For those of you who are already getting your 8 glasses a day EVERY day, you can just keep up the quick, 60 second "bathroom workouts" from last week - but only if you're already getting plenty of water every day!

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