Getting Fit Before Baby


As I mentioned a couple weeks ago, this month we're starting some non-weight progress trackers!

So sometime this week, take a moment and get your "base line" for the following activities:

- Squats
- Push-ups (even if they're modified ones)
- Crunches or Planks

Then, keep working out your leg, abdominal and arm muscles throughout the month, and we'll check these numbers again on June 1st to see your progress!

Feel free to add this info to your weight tracker posts so that you don't forget your starting number! :)
Still wanted to reply to you all individually:

Swimmy- omw your family sounds a bit like mine (well my husband's family) lol fun and trouble at the same time! Hope you can manage to take it easy and relax at the pool as much as you can xx

Ursaula - I'm really hoping the progesterone does the trick for helping to get your cycles in order. And that continuing the smoothies this week will get your weight loss going again.

Cupcake - sending prayers; I'm really hoping with my whole heart she's doing OK but am getting the feeling that it's not good news.... Hun my heart goes out to you and her whole family. xxxxxxxxxxx

IRYM - congrats on 2 pounds down. What did you eat differently this past week?

Miracle - hoping the tough week you had diet wise had you dropping some pounds!

Drjo - Is your LO here yet? :) xx

Jelly and tulip and anyone I missed - hope you ladies are still staying strong, hugs xxx
Great idea, IRYM! I'll for sure try the water intake and will do the exercises in the next few days.

Fern: I'll be stalking your signature!

AFM: I gained about 5lbs from last week, which isn't a shocker for me since I didn't do smoothies and I had lost a lot the week before. However, I have only been able to eat two things today, I am feeling extremely nauseous with scents. Which is kind of funny as I usually can't smell.

I ovulated(apparently)! I am 3dpo. I'm not sure what to do in terms of progesterone now. I have one more pill for tomorrow and then I'm done. I should be getting af this weekend, which would put me at 8dpo. Not sure what to do...IF fertilization did occur, it still wouldn't necessarily be implanted until 12dpo...what would you gals suggest?
Hello Ladies! I've been so busy this week. I hope you all did well. :)

Cupcake - I'm so sorry you had to witness something so traumatic and I'm so sorry for your friend... :hugs:

Fern - Good job on those squats and push ups! Looks like you just about doubled your numbers :thumbup:

IRYM - I totally forgot all about the restroom workouts! lol I will do my best to do them this week as I have been getting my 64 ounces of water lately. I downloaded a "Water Drink Reminder" app. You can set it up to alert you however often you want and set up how much water you want to be your goal. And GREAT job on those 4 pounds lost!

Ursaula - I'm sorry about your SO's friend. :hugs: But maybe the talking to each other about it may have brought you two closer together. I know I'm kind of more like a guy when it comes to talking about my problems. I hold it in and keep things to myself til I explode but I always feel better when I finally talk to my husband.

AFM - I am down 1.7 pounds which is good enough for me :) It was hard to workout this week. Whenever DH is home with me I just feel so distracted. I always want to just spend time with him and not so much time on the treadmill. We do occasionally go to the park together but I don't workout as hard when hes around.

Lately I've been a little down... my best friend who I've always been able to talk to about anything and everything just told me she got a positive pregnancy test. She wasn't even trying... I wish I could be more excited for her because we've been best friends since we were 11 but I feel jealous and sad when I talk to her now. I really hope my turn comes soon so I can get over these feelings. :( Until then I will do my best to get my body healthy for baby and distract myself with my new book "The Impatient Woman's Guide to Getting Pregnant". :)

I'm scheduled for my yearly pap smear on cd 24 and last cycle I ovulated on cd 25 so I'm worried we will miss an opportunity. I know we shouldn't BD right before a pap... but I don't know how much it will affect the test... would it really be a problem if we did BD maybe 24 hours before?? I wish my cycle wasn't sooo long...
Fern - The only thing I did differently last week was the bathroom workouts. I'm wondering if it kept my metabolism moving all day long, instead of only the couple of hours it would have been boosted immediately after my one, long workout? And it was FOUR pounds lost! ;)

Urs - The water increase will do WONDERS for you. Seriously. So give it your best shot and hopefully it becomes a habit!

Tulip - Care to share the name of that water app with us? It might come in handy for anyone who is forgetful about drinking water. :D

AFM - OPKs started back up yesterday. Got a semi-dark line last night. Not dark enough for a positive, but much darker than I expected to get this early in my cycle. Temps are all over the place, and I'm not sure why really. Hopefully it's my hormones trying to sort themselves out. I hope to see EWCM this month like I did last month! FXd! I even stopped taking allergy meds just in case those were what was drying me up, since last month I had just been forgetful and hadn't taken them the week of ovulation. I would feel really aggravated if it was just some allergy meds that were causing the problem all along! Heh.
Tulip: Hug to you too, Tulip! I can't really say much about pap test while ttc, as I usually don't ovulate so it's never run into that issue.

IRYM: I would be irritated if it turned out to just be your allergy meds! All your hard work and that is the reason? Let's only hope that is what it is though, sounds like a quicker fix!

AFM: I have been vomiting all day today and have only managed to eat a little bit of porridge and a granola bar...not sure what's wrong.
tulip - i've bed within 12 hours of a pap. my doctor could tell but did one anyway, and nothing came up abnormal.

Trying not to freak out tonight - i've noticed a lot of decreased movement the last 2 days, and today none at all... going to get it checked. Hoping I don't just have crazy brain and over thinking this. Hope you guys have a good week
update - well i look like a moron ... baby just has its back to my belly and is head down so im not feeling as much. im over this freaking out makes me seem so dumb.
But on a good note I've maintained my weight this week. yay! trying so hard not to give in.
Swimmy- you've had 2 mc and now going through a first time full term pregnancy. You are not being silly at all. Better safe than sorry! Glad everything is fine.

Urs- out of curiosity- which indicators of O did you have? Did you get a + opk or...? Bear in mind that progesterone will increase your temps so I would personally not go by temps alone this cycle to determine ovulation. ... just really hoping & sending good thoughts that your cycle is sorting itself out! X

Afm- feeling achey and tired already, I did not expect this so soon. Only on my third day of gonal f and my dose is doubling tonight! My ovaries are achey and lower back is sore; I feel really uncomfortable when I sit down. Feeling a bit sorry for myself :) but looking forward to my next scan on Friday. My workout as from today only consists of walking. Yikes I think it's going to get worse before egg collection and that should only be in a week or so. If I get a few good eggs it will be worth it though.
Swimmy - Glad everything is okay! Don't feel like a moron.

IRYM - I was originally using an app that was called "Water Drink Reminder" but I recently downloaded a new one called "Hydro Coach". I like them both but Hydro Coach occasionally gives little tidbits of info about why drinking water is important so I like that. There is another one called "Plant Nanny" that I had first heard about... every time you drink water the app waters your little plant. So you must keep drinking to keep your plant healthy.

Ursaula - Wonder why you're vomiting. Hope you're not ill.

Fern - Sounds so uncomfortable but FXd everything will go well.

AFM - I'm not sure what is going on with my chart. My temp dipped and spiked and I really am in disbelief that I could have ovulated so early when it wasn't until CD 25 last cycle. I've just begun using the WondFo OPK strips and on May 1 (cd 14) I had what looked like a positive so I doubled checked it with a digital and it was a negative. I guess if I did ovulate early at least I can get started again and expect it earlier next cycle. I know that exercising and eating better can improve your cycle but I didn't know it would happen that fast... I'm going to continue test for ovulation just in case something odd caused my temp spike and assume it will be here around cd 25 again.
Fern - Those symptoms sound like me every day! lol. My ovaries are little devils. :dohh: I hope it doesn't last too long before they're ready to go in and collect some eggs!

Urs - If you have been increasing your water intake, that can cause some stomach upset at first, especially if you're drinking it on an empty stomach. Which is kind of dumb, scientifically speaking. If we need so much water, why would our bodies react to it that way!? Haha

But if that IS the culprit, it will go away with continued water consumption. Just start out sipping it throughout the day instead of chugging whole glasses of it, and see what happens?

Tulip - Thanks for the info! Now that you mention it, I have heard about the Plant app, but I didn't know that it was for water reminders!

Also, from what I've heard, BDing before a pap can bruise the cells they are collecting for your test. When the cells are bruised, it can look like other disorders and they'd make you come back for another test and/or a biopsy.

Can you reschedule your pap at all?

Swimmy - I bet things are just getting snug in there for your little one! There's probably not a whole lot of room for movement! I'm sure everything is just fine. :hugs:

AFM - Of course as soon as I say I'm not going to take allergy meds this month, I start sneezing like CRAZY. As soon as I woke up this morning, I sneezed 5 times in a row and I've been sneezing every few minutes since then. I'm going to take a small dose to see if it helps, but why today? I haven't taken an allergy pill for a couple weeks now! Go figure. lol
Hey all. Sorry I haven't checked in. Life is crazy with a Little one in our home! She's into everything, but such a SWEET baby! We have had almost a week & still trying to get a routine down. lol As for her sister, she is off life support, but has a LONG HARD road ahead :( She has the mind of a 7 year old now. Unable to walk with assist x 2, has to be told to chew & swallow.....Looking at in-patient rehab for her, but as of today she is still in the hospital but out of ICU. She is Miracle of God! I honestly didn't think she would live! Dh has fell into roll of daddy lol He's changed diapers, rocked, chased & played with her so much! We were watching her play the other night & he teared up & said I pray we have this someday! Heart break! I told him we would have babies one day, but right now I was tired & needed a shower! lol As for the "plan" I admit I have fallen by the wayside, trying to watch calories, but its hard with travelling & lack of sleep! Honestly I forgot to weigh in, but know I'm up a couple of pounds :( Clomid has whipped me this round, I'm like 2dpo & still crampy! Less bloat, but increased appetitie & my BBs are killing me! We did manage to bd all 3 days before O & O+1, so we are covered! Fx'd ladies! Hoping to get back at it by 1st of the week or when life settles down!
Swimmy: I think it's better to be over-worried than have something wrong. Hoping you're still doing well!

Fern: I would've thought it was the progesterone except I had already been on it for 10 days. I never took an OPK but I did have a BBT shift (that has stayed up) as well as CM (for once!). I would say the cm was fertile but I just don't have anything else to really compare it to.

Yay for aching! It means something is working :)

Tulip: I hope it is ovulation and your cycles are getting "shorter". Then you won't have to wait as long :p

IRYM: I thought about the water intake but I don't think it's that's hard to explain without tmi, but it's just different...

Cupcake: HUGE hug! I am so relieved to hear she is still alive!!! I prayed multiple times a day and thought of her, her family, as well as yours. Hoping rehab can help her gain back some essentials. Forever praying.

AFM: My stomach issue is still sort of a mystery. It gets really bad when I eat something I know I have an intolerance with but can sometimes get away with. I have just been drinking water today.

In terms of ovulation and progesterone, I ended up contacting my gynaecologist. She just said she wants to play it and not give me another refill. Worst case scenario I end up seeing her in June again for our next step.

I was naughty for myself and ended up buying a really cute pattern for baby booties...I need to stop buying baby items until it actually happens! URGH!
I've been a bit quiet but still reading everyone's stuff.

Swimmy - you are allowed to be as cautious and over protective as you want. I'm so glad the baby is doing well. I'm going to be the same way if I get pregnant and I'll just hope the doctors can get over it.

Cupcake - so glad the daughter of your friend survived but it's sounds like there is still so much ahead of them and it will be a long, hard struggle. I'm glad you have been able to step up and help by caring for the little one. What a sweet friend you are. I hope the daughter continues to improve.

Fern - ugh. It has to be bad. No one has ever made the IVF process sound pleasant. I'm so nervous myself. But just keep at it. You got this and each day is one step closer to retrieval and transfer. Keeping my Fx for you.

Ursaula and IRYM - hope you both feel better.
Hello ladies...have missed you all!
i have been having school exams and the HSG test which i did yesterday!
Fern goodluck am excited for you i hope it works for you
Swimmy its understandable after what you have been through....dont worry this time around you gonna hold your little one.
IRYM congrats on the weight loss am happy for you that is a good
Urs if i may ask on a week that you drink smoothie what else do you eat?
Tulip i understand how you feel about your friend it can be hard sometimes, i have a friend who was engaged recently and when i went to her engagement party i realised she was pregnant, i have been married for five months now. It didnt seem fair but i tried to be happy for her and i prayed too eventually the feeling went away i believe my time will come. To add into that situation someone comment she is pregnant and you are still not really?? i was furious, the feeling will go away and if u cant stand it try to focus on other things and stay away from her if necessary.

AFM well after being stuck for two weeks the crush diet did its magic and i lost 7 lbs!!!yeaahhh i was excited when i saw the drop!
this week i have watched my eating and in it i combine URS smoothie but i havent been able to workout so much due to exams and the HSG test.
HSG test went well i was freaking nervous but it was okay i had cramping during and lots of discomfort and i still have cramps but mild ones. So am happy, results will be out today and tomorrow i will go see my doc with the results and hear what he has to say.
Cupcake - you and your husband are both saints. I really have the utmost respect for you that you are putting those girls' needs ahead of yourselves. I keep praying for the poor teenager... Do they know why she did it? Was she bullied? Sheesh life can be so hard but at the same time there are people like you who truly show Christ's love. I'm so happy she survived but at the same time her family (and herself) must be devastated that she has so much brain damage. One of my best friends committed suicide by hanging a few years ago. It was a totally surreal and horrible event. I hope the poor girl can have some peace and happiness in the years ahead. Prayers for many blessings for your family and for hers. Hope you get your bfp before August. xxxxx

Miracle - so glad you have broken through the plateau!

Tulip - I REALLY believe what we eat makes an enormous difference in every aspect of our lives! POISON (too many carbs especially refined carbs, sugar, preservatives, colorants, etc etc) will poison the body in some way! The insulin balance in our cells have a much bigger influence on our cellular functioning than many people realize. Eating healthy makes a huge difference, as your chart is showing :) GL with the tww, hope it ends in a bfp!

Urs - urgh sorry you are feeling so sick! xx

Bronte - thanks hun. Yeah I'm not feeling great but at the same time I realize my side effects are not that bad, I'm not feeling "hormonal" or nauseous etc at all. Just sore abdomen and a bit tired. I know I would have freaked out a lot more if I had felt nothing!

Diet wise - I'm eating really healthy (lots of micro and macronutrients); no sugar, no refined carbs (pretty much like I've been eating since Jan except I eat a small bowl of oats now every other day instead of sweet potato just due to the high vit A content of sweet potato). Trying to eat a bit more than usual. Lots and lots and lots of green leafy veg and beansprouts and microgreens (Feels like I'm going to turn green myself!). At the same time I'm craving comfort food like crazy! Well I'm just going to say NO until after egg retrieval which should hopefully be in a week, will come on here for support if I feel like giving in :haha::winkwink:
Cupcake - Wow, so amazing to hear that she pulled through! But such a shame to hear that she's going to have such a hard road ahead. And her poor parents.... But good on you for taking in that baby and helping out so much!

Fern - Only a week until retrieval! Eee! FXd it all goes well!

Miracle - Congrats on busting through that plateau! I hope things keep moving in the right direction for you!

AFM -- I might have gotten a +OPK last night? It was really close, but I did not get a corresponding temp spike yet, and I'm pretty sure the line was lighter than it ought to have been. So! DH and I will BD again tonight and just keep at it until I see a temp shift.

BUT that means that for the first time in years, I may have actually just ovulated within a "normal" time range! CD14 instead of CD21!? Unheard of! I'm so excited. This could be it, guys! Or at least, it could be closer to being "it". lol.
IRYM - that's wonderful news! Really hope you did O or are really close and it's your cycle! Fx for you!
Miracle: I only drink the smoothies. I have two smoothies a day. For dinner though I usually add one serving of meat. Great job on 7lbs!

IRYM: YAY possible positive OPK!! Fx'd this is your month!!

AFM: After vomiting today I gave in and took a test. I'm really confused.


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