Getting Fit Before Baby

Thanks so much for your kind words & thoughts! She's been a blessing for us!

IRYM-Yay for "normal" O day!!! Mine was like 3-4 days later this cycle with the Clomid, BUT I do KNOW I O'd! OUCH! Still crampy & my ovaries(both!) are sore, along with SUPER sensitive Nips lol

Urs-I don't see anything :/ Hope I'm wrong tho!

Bronte-June will be here before you know it! Does your clinic require a certain BMI?

Fern- Did you mention a number of potential follies or when will you know?

Tulip-your charts looking good!

How are you & LO Swimmy?

WTG Miracle! Did I miss your explanation of the CRUSH diet????

Hope everyone else is doing well if I missed you!
Ursaula - I'm not seeing anything either but I never see stuff on things people post. Fx for you. Your diet sounds pretty drastic to go back and forth too so that might be affecting stuff. I'm super sensitive myself to digestive issues and notice it quiet a bit if I mix up my diet too much. Hope it's good news for you though.

Cupcake - my clinic doesn't require a certain BMI, however to qualify for the Attain shared risk programs it has to be under 37. We ended up opting to use a different Attain program so I don't need to get it under (I'm super close as it is), but I'd still like to lose more before starting IVF to help with any pregnancies.
Thanks guys!

I went ahead and marked it as positive for last night's OPK and I saw a temperature drop this morning, soooo I believe I'll see a spike within the next 48hrs. Woo!

Urs - I don't see anything there, sorry! Your nausea may be PMS related. I get it when AF's about to show, but I don't usually vomit. Mostly I just eat really small snacks and take sips of water to avoid that.

Have you tired peppermint tea or gingersnap cookies to help soothe your stomach?
Urs- my eyes are weird then but I see a shadow on both tests? ? Maybe I have line eye. Have you tested again?

Cupcake- glad everything is going well. I went for a scan today, here is my update:
No follies on left ovary, 10 on the right with a max of about 12mm. Cd7 today. At the moment my chance for success is 25%. Dr says realistically/statistically we can expect 3 blastocysts and hopefully 1 of good quality. If I get 1 good expanded day 5 blast, my chances of success increase to a 60% chance of pregnancy (in my case with my medical history). I like numbers even though I know it's all subject to change; it makes me feel a bit more in control.

Going back on Monday cd10 for another progress check and collection possibly next Thursday or Friday.

We also found out TODAY that the price of IVF went up with 30% in March!! So now our budget is blown. Not the news I needed.

Irym- hope it's an early O!

Bronte- june is around the corner!!! Almost your turn. What are you doing diet wise atm?
Cupcake - Oh man, I can relate to the crampy/pinchy feelings and the ridiculously sore BBs and nips! It was at its worst yesterday, and today I woke up feeling like it was almost gone. Had a small temp spike this morning, but not enough for FF to mark my cross hairs. Will keep temping and BDing and hopefully this is our month for a sticky bean!

Fern - Oh no! A price increase of 30%? Did they not give their current patients any warning? That sounds like an awful thing to be blind-sided with!

AFM - Going to spend the weekend with my Mom, since it's mother's day. But already I feel like it's going to be stressful. Both of my sisters feel as though they shouldn't have to help with any of the planning, funding, etc. for our BBQ. They have both said, "Well I'm a mom too!" multiple times already, and I can't help feeling like I am somehow less of a person because I don't have children. The way they keep saying that to me is like I am somehow less of a human being because I have not had children.

I wanted to say, "Well excuse me for not accidentally crapping out five children like you have, but it's not that easy for some of us!" but I've held my tongue. This far, anyway. We'll see what happens by Monday. lol

Seriously. All of my nieces and nephews were unplanned/accidental babies. It's like rubbing salt into the wound!
Fern seriously 30% incease that's insane how could they not tell you before starting the process!

Irym - that seems really unfair, ok they are moms but they should also be helping to celebrate your mother. hang in there hun and worse comes to worse you lose it on them during the bbq lol. I've done that before lol.

Urs - I might also have line eye can't tell if it's mt screen or there is a shaddow, ru gonna test again soon?
Hey gals!

Sorry I've been MIA. I got really moody. I strongly believe those tests did have lines on them, however af showed. FINALLY! I HAVE AF!!!! I'm super excited for this upcoming cycle. I'll be using OPKs, BBT, and CM. Fx'd this is it now I know I have had af. IRYM was right in regards to vomiting due to af. The cramps got worse and worse as did the vomiting. Now that they've stopped, no vomiting!

Fern: I hope the chances increase for you and this works, it's your time! Can't wait for more updates.
Swimmy - Right! My sisters may be moms, but we were planning a celebration for OUR mom, who is always the one left hosting everything, buying food, cleaning up after the guests leave, etc. and I strongly felt that she didn't need to do that this year.

Neither sisters' children are old enough to be left alone or permitted to do any cooking for their own mothers (the oldest of the five of them is age 7), so I'm not sure why my sisters felt like they should have just been able to sit around on their butts all day and not contribute an ounce! Neither one is married, so they don't have husbands or even boyfriends who can watch the children for them, either. It was almost like they expected our mom to do even more work than she normally does just so the two of them could be lazy.

As it turned out, my youngest sister and I did all the work, while my middle sister slept all day and left her kids at my mom's house to be supervised there. Ugh.

ANYWAY -- my mom did something really thoughtful for me this year. When she was giving gifts to my sisters for mothers day, I also got something. She put a card in it that said it was from my pets, for "the best mom a fur baby could ask for", lol. But I've had these pets for years now, and she's never done this before. I really think it's because this mother's day would have been my first mother's day if I hadn't MC'd last summer, and because she, DH and I are the only ones who knew, Mom was sort of gifting me something in secret. It wasn't a matter of me being "left out" or anything, my mom was never that sort of person. You know, how some people think even kids who don't win/compete/etc. should get their own trophy or award? My mom was not one of those people. So I'm certain this gift wasn't an "I don't want you to feel left out" present. :haha:

I was really touched by it! It was a lovely necklace and earring set. Nothing super fancy, but it was silver with purple gemstones and crystals. Purple's my favorite color, so I loved it! :)

Urs - Woo for AF! I'm sorry it wasn't a BFP, but at least now you get to start afresh on a new cycle!
Urs - so glad you finally have AF! Now just carry on with your low-carb eating I'm sure it will make a huge difference :)

IRYM - glad you ended up having a good day despite it being a lot of work (I totally agree; my mom shouldn't have to work on mother's day but she had to babysit my sister's kids which she does every weekend for 3-4 days on end!). Sounds like a nice gift!

Updated my stats. At least my weight is stable so far but I'm obviously not working out really hard and am very bloated from all the stims. Other than that I'm doing OK, no cheating on my diet since starting stims! :)
OMG, my weight jumped up 6 pounds this week. It is definitely bloat/water weight from being so hormonal/ovulating, because I did really well on eating right this week! I did have some salty foods over the weekend though, so I'm sure that wasn't a big help. I will have to drink EXTRA water this week and maybe some dandelion tea to help reduce the fluid I'm retaining. Sheesh!

In other news, finally got a temp spike today, which means I most likely ovulated 48hrs after my last +OPK. We managed to BD the day before my apparent O date, so I hope that's enough! We will try and BD tonight just to make sure our bases are covered. FXd that this cycle is it, guys! It's the first one in a LONG time where things seemed to be proceeding normally, instead of on their own crazy schedule! lol

The challenge for this week is: complete the below workout 3x this week!

This workout is a quick, well-rounded routine that will help you work toward increasing your overall body strength. If you remembered to get your base number of repetitions for squats and push-ups last week, this will most likely help you increase those numbers!

REMEMBER: You can always alter the moves on these workouts according to your fitness level. Push-ups can be against a wall or on your knees instead of on the floor on your toes. The wall sits can be done with a chair at your side to help keep your balance, etc. Tailor this workout to your current level, but make sure it's still a little bit of a challenge!
Thx IRYM, will join in all the challenges again if I'm not pregnant at the end of the month! None of that for me atm :) you all enjoy!
IRYM - FXd! Hope this is it for you!

Fern - Good job keeping your weight stable and hoping for good news for your progress check at your appointment today :)

Ursaula - Yay for AF! sounds weird but I understand how it is good news for you. I really believe BBT is great. I think I would be so lost without it.

AFM - I'm not sure about the Wondfo strips. I'm think I had a positive on 5/9 but the digital disagreed. So I think as expensive as it is I am going to have to use both digital and Wondfo for cycle 3 (if AF comes) until I can understand the Wondfo strips better.

I'm on CD 22 (possibly 6 days past ovulation) and I'm just hoping for some kind of positive sign. So far it doesn't feel any different and I know it usually won't be any different but its so hard waiting. Just the regular sore BBs and some cramping, a little nausea but that's all normal...

As for fitness this week I lost 1.9 lbs. I'm happy my weight is moving in the right direction. Mostly just treadmill workouts and the occasional DVD workout. Also, of course drinking lots of water, eating lean meats and lots of green vegetables. I don't feel deprived at all. I think as I keep at it, I crave less and less.
Urs - sorry AF got you, but it sounds like it's pleasant news, so you can start fresh for this cycle. Good luck!

Fern - great job on maintaining, even while being on all the meds. Good luck. I'm so hopeful for you this cycle.

IRYM - that sucks on weight, but at least it's just water stuff and you can get it off easily once your cycle proceeds. Good luck this week. Sorry you had a crappy mother's day and your sisters weren't much of a help. That's nice you stepped up though and provided a great day for your mother. I'm definitely going to try to the exercises this week.

Tulip - hopefully you get the strips figured out. I know they do very slightly depending on what your levels are and what each one detects. Great job on the weight loss.

Cupcake - you and your friend's family are in my thoughts. Hope everyone continues to improve.

AFM - well...not a great week. I'm only up 1 pound and I'll take it. Had a long work week and many nights eating out, so didn't do nearly as well as I should have on eating and working out. However, I'm determined to get back at it this week and am going strong. No cheating for me this week and extra workouts are the game plan.
Thanks ladies, egg retrieval is scheduled for Friday! Then embryo placement next week Wednesday, beta a week after with another beta 2 days later I think. So by 27th May we should know. My ovaries are not as sore today? Weird.

Good job on weight loss Tulip! It's nice to find something that works right :) and losing weight becomes a teensy bit addictive! :) whoop whoop!

Bronte - 1 pound is not too much, just focus on the week ahead and keep telling yourself it's nutrition and preparation of those egg cells for your upcoming IVF ;).

Hi everyone else xx
I am physically a wreck this week, ladies.

My arm is healing but still not at 100% (man, this is taking forever!), so I've been avoiding arm workouts.. but then I sprained my ankle the other day, and it's swollen and uncomfortable. That means no walking, biking, or anything else that flexes that ankle until it's properly healed. That leaves core workouts, but my ovaries are so sore that just leaning a little too far forward while sitting on the couch causes them pain too.


I suppose I'll just have to take a little break from exercising for a bit - but now that means that I don't really have anything exciting to do around here. :dohh:

This morning's BBT shot WAY up by over one full degree! It is now at 99.1, which is WAY higher than anything I've recorded on 2DPO in any of my recorded cycles. As a matter of fact, none of my cycles reach higher than 98.9 unless I was down with a flu or stomach bug. And I don't feel sick at all today, just bloated and tired.

I tried to BD with DH last night, but he wasn't interested and zonked out the moment his head touched his pillow anyway. Sigh. I hope we didn't miss my actual O date! I'm thinking it was officially O day on May 8th, and if that's true then I think my bases are covered. Still, I would have liked to get one more BD in last night.

What do you gals think? Do you get large temp spikes like this in your cycles? Where do you think my most likely ovulation date is?
Thanks Ladies!

Bronte - I would be happy with only one pound gained too. lol Especially if we were ordering out and not exercising. So good job only gaining 1 little pound. :) Good luck staying strong this week!

Fern - That's exciting. Keep us updated!

IRYM - Sorry you're just going through a bad time right now. Stinks that you're so limited to what you can do for the week. Just get yourself all healed up so you can give 100% when you're better. As for your temp spike... I'm still a rookie when it comes to BBT. This is only my second cycle temping so I don't have much advice. My temps get pretty high after ovulation and I'm not sure if its because I was pretty restless last night or not but this mornings BBT was really high too... Do you feel you had a good nights sleep?
IRYM-Hoping you get on the mend quickly! I'm thinking cd18 for O date, but I'm not an expert.....fx'd!

Fern-Wow. by the end of the month you could be a mommy to be!!!! How exciting!

Tulip-WTG!! Your doing great!

Bronte-Eh its only a pound! Your ok, just keep at it!

Hello to everyone else!

AFM-Well today we take the munchkin to her granny's :( We have gotten used to having her here & my son wants to keep her lol I told him maybe we would have our own babies soon & he says hurry up!!!!

As for weight....Up 4 pounds in last 2 weeks :/ It's ok though, Already got my plan for rest of the week in place, so back on the wagon! Honestly in the grand scheme of things it's been nice to forget about IVF/TTC for a little bit & be a surrogate "mommy" to the little one! Her sister is doing amazing well, by the grace of God! We went up Saturday & I got to walk her, braid her hair, hear her speak, see her smile & get hugs & even a "love you!" She is now in a facility for inpatient rehabilitation, speech, physical & occupational therapies, followed by psychiatric care, but at this point she has a mentality of a 10 y/o, I'd say. She doesn't remember anything about the hanging or all the turmoil in the past....yet. Whch is ok by me, I wish I could forget everything about that day! Seeing her smiles sure did go along way tho!
IRYM - I would put your O day on sunday i think? but I could be wrong. Fingers crossed!!! I'm so glad your mother was so thoughtful :) and that at least one of your sisters helped.

tulip- congrats on the weight loss!! fingers crossed for you this cycle! I like how your chart is looking.

Fern - can't wait to hear how many eggs they get! eek! can't even contain my excitement for you.

Cupcake - that poor girl, i hope she is able to regain her normal brain function. So wonderful she is headed in such a positive direction though. I hope she doesn't regain the memory of trying to harm herself. That would be a horrible thing to remember.
Cupcake - Looks like you're right! FF gave me cross hairs today. That's cute that your son wants to keep the little tyke. :D

Welp, yesterday's high temp turned out to be some kind of flu bug. Shortly after posting, I came down with a ridiculous headache/migraine, chills, nausea... I went to bed at about 10:45am and slept until 2pm. On waking, my temp was up to 101°F, possibly higher, but I temped with my BBT thermometer and I think it maxes out at 101 degrees.

Additionally I had trouble keeping food down and ended up going back to bed around 7pm.

Thankfully, this morning I'm doing lots better. Some stomach upset, but not nearly what it was yesterday. Fever's gone, too.

FF gave me cross hairs today, but if I mark yesterday's temp as a fever, FF removes them. I'll try again tomorrow once I have 3 non-fever temps that are above my cover line.

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