Getting Fit Before Baby

Swimmy- the idea of that diet is you're eating a lot of carbs to "prime" your body for the test. If you aren't used to eating many carbs, the theory is the glucose shocks your system and your blood sugars are going to be insane. I did the carb loading before my 3 hour and passed...not by much, but I did pass. I basically added in a couple apples and a peanut butter sandwich each day.
Swimmy - That IS a lot of carbs! But DrJo is right, it's most likely going to help you keep from being sick when they make you drink that sugar water before your test. Wouldn't do to have you vomiting everywhere while you wait for an hour (or three) to pass!

AFM - Finally got my CHs while DH and I were out of town for the funeral. Thankfully I remembered to take my thermometer with me and temped on time every morning.

About the service... The pastor that gave the service was a long time friend of the family, I guess, and the whole service, he was rattling on and on about my grandpa's father-in-law instead of my grandpa!

I was a little miffed! We weren't there to celebrate a man who had passed away about a decade ago, we were there to celebrate my grandpa who had passed just a week prior. And this pastor was going on and on about the wrong guy. :growlmad: At the reception afterwards, lots of folks commented about it... out of grandma's hearing, of course, but at least I wasn't the only one who thought that was a little odd.

And the pastor was like, "You may think you knew [grandpa], but now you'll hear some words from the one who knew him best..." and then proceeded to botch the whole thing. Woefully under prepared. Ugh.

DH was upset too. He said, "You only get one funeral. Why couldn't the pastor have practiced his speech or asked your family for anything they wanted him to talk about?" There wasn't any chance for anyone else to stand up at the podium to say a few words, either.

But he did get a full military service, with a gun salute, playing of Taps and a flag draped over his casket, so that was nice.


Back home now, and going to spend tomorrow taking it easy, then Monday it's back to the fitness routine!
Welp, I weighed in today to see that my weight has jumped UP in the past week -- which is to be expected, since I just ovulated. I feel super bloated all day long and it makes me feel so full I don't even drink much water.

I need to make sure to get plenty of it for the next few days to help my system flush itself out. Blech!

How is everyone else doing?
IRYM - so sorry the funeral didn't go exactly as planned. That has to be hard but glad that he had a full military send off and that part sounds like it was very special for your family. Hope you can focus on the positive of that since I'm sure that would have made your grandpa feel loved and special.

Sorry you are bloated too. Hope it goes down.

AFM - down a pound. But I had quite a few cravings last week. Period should be starting soon and then I'm starting IVF so won't get to do exercises as much and can't really focus on losing weight during that time since meds will make it next to impossible. Just hoping I don't gain a ton. That's my goal :)
IRYM - im so sorry about the funeral, I would be upset too. That's a big way of having closure and for it to not go as you had hoped it would I wouldn't be happy. I'm glad he did get a full military send off, that is so important to our vets. Hope the bloat goes down.

Bronte - so excited to hear about your IVF!!

AFM - I failed the 3 hour test miserably :( so I meet with the diabetic specialist tomorrow to get set up with insulin and a glucometer. Hopefully it won't be a forever thing. The mean nurse at my doctors office (I swear that women loves to give bad news) called to tell me and seriously said "with you next pregnancy you might want to think about getting your BMI under control so you won't put that baby at as much of a risk" Probably a good thing I wasn't face to face with her because she might have gotten some rude finger gestures. Yes i know being over weight is not good for pregnancy but many women in my BMI class have babies without have GD. whatever hopefully this gives me a good push to keep my carb intake under control.
Oh Swimmy - I'm so sorry. Really hope the meds work and you can keep everything under control. My sister had GD and went on to have a healthy kid and was fine after pregnancy.

Also the nurse was incredibly rude. I would have been tempted to give her finger gestures as well. At some point you have to weigh the risk of a lower BMI with age. I'm already in advanced maternal age and that's going to be worse for the kid then my BMI. So you can't wait around forever and can just do the best you can. This process is hard enough as it is without rude nurses not being helpful.
Hugs to everyone.

I just wanted to post quick to say I'm alive. Depression is bad right now. Hoping to touch base again when I'm more positive.
Good to hear from everyone. I was wondering why it had been so silent over the weekend!

Swimmy - Do you think she was purposefully being mean, or do you think she deals with a lot of dumb people? With so many people getting poor educations or just being air-headed in general, I can believe that a nurse or receptionist would have given up trying to be subtle or overly polite when speaking to people.

Not that it excuses her behavior, mind you! I try to see things from both sides when possible.

Bronte - Congrats on your lost pound! I'm trying to crack down on carbs better this week too. While we were out of town I did all right, but not great. We went to this restaurant that's my favorite in that town and they have this rice pudding that I really enjoy... Well, I probably had way too much of that, and then there were their locally famous cinnamon rolls... Yeah. It was a carby weekend. lol

Urs - We miss you! We're here to help if you need to talk. :)
urs - IRYM is right if you need to vent anything out we are here. Sending lots of hugs, hope you are doing ok.

Bronte - exactly what I was thinking, I was more focused on my DH's age with kids seeing as how he is 8 years older than me and I would like him to enjoy them as much as I do lol.

IRYM - I'm hoping it's just from her dealing with stupid people a lot, but I'm also a nurse and when people come in after doing dumb stupid things that caused an injury or continue to drink/smoke when it is killing them I'm still just as nice to them as anyone else. I think my snack of choice when I'm craving something will be sugar free jello. Can't go wrong with that lol.
Urs - hope you are doing alright. I suffer from depression as well and it's definetly helpful to talk about stuff, even when you don't want to. Hang in there. I had to adjust meds when TTC which I think has been even worse and made it harder. All this sucks as is not fun to deal with. Feel free to talk about anything.

IRYM - yum. All those foods sounds delicious. Especially since I'm having period cravings now. Any news from your doctor recently? Besides adding meds anything else you'll be trying? I feel like I missed a bunch when on vacation.

Swimmy - I work at a library and next week I have to be at a diabetes program. The person doing the program is supposed to bring in some recipes and sample foods. I'm going to try them since I'm a bit worried about GD as well since I've had higher glucose levels that I've been trying to control for awhile and imagine it will be worse during any pregnancies. If they bring anything good I'll definetly share the recipes.
Swimmy - Yeah, see? Even when I was a retail store manager and people were idiots all day, every day, I still made it a priority to be professionally polite and courteous unless someone was being verbally or physically abusive toward me or my staff.

I have an aunt that takes great joy in seeing other people upset. I'll never understand why, but maybe the other nurse was like my aunt. lol

Bronte - Me too! I'm at 7dpo and ALL THE CARBS sound amazing lately! Carbs are my comfort food, so when I'm feeling stressed, sickly, depressed, etc. I usually head right for those. >.> That rice pudding stuff was like comfort food heaven!

As for the doc -- she just checked in to see how I was handling the metformin. Aside from that, we're waiting to see when CD7 rolls around next cycle so I can have MORE blood tests done. We just got the bill for those in the mail, and good grief, they're ridiculously expensive! But I suppose you can't really put a price on good health, and if this helps me get healthy and a BFP it will have been worth it.

I hope I get a BFP this cycle instead of AF. Then I won't have to go in for that extra blood panel on CD 7 next cycle. It looks like, in the past, I have really only ever gotten BFPs after longer cycles. I think it's because my uterine lining has had a better chance of building up nice and cushy for an egg? Or maybe because my hormones were able to build up to better levels when they had longer to do it?

The Metformin is turning this into a 40 day cycle instead of 32ish, and our BD timing was EXCELLENT, so I'm hoping we get a sticky egg this time! FXd!

And please do share those recipes! I need them too! lol

AFM - The metformin keeps me feeling full all day long. I have lately been eating out of habit rather than hunger -- which needs to stop! Yesterday I made an effort to stick to small meals/snacks throughout the day, and a big dinner to take my Met with, though I didn't even finish all of that dinner because I felt full when I started too! lol

Today I'm going to try to be even better in terms of carb intake. We have eggs, string cheese, and some other lean protein options I can eat today, so I'm really going to try and stick to it!
Carbs - yum. That is my weakness as well. Usually in the form of sweets. I'm trying to keep them in there place. Somedays it's easier then others. And I get really bad cravings during ovulation and right before my period. Hope you can keep them in check too.

Hopefully you don't need more tests. This stuff is not cheap that is for sure. And it depends on a lot of what your insurance covers. Mine doesn't cover anything infertility related but it did cover a lot of our blood tests, thankfully. Now the rest of it...not so much. We had to borrow money.

Sounds like it's sounding positive already for you this cycle. Fingers crossed.
Ha :) I just meant it's sounding promising that your cycles are lengthening due to the meds and your timing was right on. Good luck!
Bronte - Oohh, I get it. :D Truth be told I'm a little upset that it screwed up my cycle, but if it does help my hormones do their thing, I'll be happy. I'm looking at a 40 - 41 day cycle right now. Blech. If it keeps up like that, I'll have only 8 or 9 cycles a year. Totally unfair! Haha

I know there are people who have fewer than that, though, so I'm thankful that I have some sort of pattern at the very least. I don't mean to sound like a whiner!
Bronte - yes please share if they have any I need some good ideas! Also super envious that you work in a library, i'm sure the job is not at all what I picture in my head (reading books all day lol) but it would sure be my dream job if it was haha.

IRYM - metformin also made my cycles a little longer, but they were too short to begin with i went from 21-23 day cycles to 30-32. My fingers are crossed that you won't need more blood work hehe. I just got another bill from the fertility specialist. I know they try and bill the insurance first but jeze take long enough! yikes I'm so sick of paying hospital/medical bills months after the fact.

AFM - I have just been feeling super crummy the last few days. Getting dizzy a lot, feeling short of breath yuck. I have to call in my BS's next Wednesday (they have been higher than recommended without insulin. So i'm sure they are going to start me on that next week. I was really hoping to do without it :( also anyone still currently using myfitnesspal app? if so I'm back on and would love some friend help "swimmyj1"
Swimmy - I sent you a friend request!

They make it SO difficult to add people by username, it's ridiculous! Why wouldn't they want folks to make connections in the app? I had to use google to figure it out, and then I learn that MFP only lets you add friends by username if you use the app, not the online website. Crazy, right? Sigh.

But I got it figured out and sent to you! :) I haven't used it in a while since I was so fed up with my diet resulting in weight GAIN, so I should definitely get back to it!
Swimmy - really hope they can help you within normal ranges you are feeling better. I'll definitely share what I can. And nope working at a library is nothing like that. Though, I actually do very little with the books themselves, since I work in marketing and public relations. So I do a lot website stuff, newsletters, posters, programs, tech training, etc. I've led a few book clubs in the past and every time I've had to read at home on my own time and usually books I didn't want to read at all. But I still love my job. I did marketing and PR for other non-profits before hand and have always loved libraries, so it's been a great fit.

I'm not on myfitnesspal really, but hope you ladies can help keep each other accountable.

AFM - Can't remember what all I've mentioned on here. It's hard keeping track where I post updates :) But I was CD1 yesterday and had my baseline scan today and everything looked good. So I start IVF meds tomorrow. Super nervous and already overwhelmed, but I'm determined to get through this process with a semi-smile on my face...somehow.

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