Getting Fit Before Baby

Krissie - being outdoorsy and active is so much harder with kids lol that is for sure! We are going camping in the middle of June for 2 nights. I’m not excited that we are going to a busy state camp ground but there is a lot of stuff for lizzy which will be nice. You dd is getting so big! I love her picture. Me and my dd are going up north this weekend hopefully it isn’t a drama fest like it usually is with my family lol.

Urs - sorry to hear things are hard right now. I hope they get better. I didn’t have anything put together in our nursery until about 30-34 weeks I think?

Doc - excited your ttc again lol. I’m sorry transitioning him to the next stage room is hard on you guys. I wish I had good advice for you but we dont use a daycare and I stopped pumping after about 9 months. she didn’t seem to notice much of a difference between breast, formula or milk for some reason.
I greatly appreciate all your comments in regards to the nursery. I've started buying things but my s/o seems to think something is wrong with every single thing I buy! Trying to calm down and tell myself it's just his anxiety wanting to make sure little baby is safe.

Krissie: That photo is too cute! I hope our little girl is that adorable.

Update on happenings: I'm sick 24/7 it seems and sleep about 18-20 hours a day. I'm not joking. A couple weeks back I was diagnosed with extreme strep throat (As usual) but was originally misdiagnosed. So by the time I got on meds it had infected my lungs as well. As if that wasn't enough, my tongue pealed off. Quite literally. All the little bumps turned fuzzy white and fell off, leaving my tongue completely bare and bleeding. Wasn't healing, wasn't healing, went back to 2 walk in doctors and emergency. Turns out I have extreme vitamin A + C deficiency (almost at 0 they said). Started taking more of each and my tongue has finally stopped bleeding. It's just starting to grow back the little bumps.
Wow urs you sound completely miserable! I really hope you start feeling better soon. :hugs:
Yikes, so sorry to hear about your experience Urs, that sounds really rough. I hope things look up very quickly!
urs yikes! omg that sounds super horrible. Im so sorry. i hope things get better
Thank you guys for letting me rant. I'm sure s/o is exhausted by it now.

Super quick update: My tongue problem was fixed for about 3 days then came back. On lots of medications again. Is it September yet? Back to bed...
Hope everyone is doing well!

How's your pregnancy coming along, Swimmy?

AFM: We had our intense heart ultrasound the other day. 30 minutes spent on the heart alone, watching it, photographing, etc. They also did the rest of the body but didn't take as long on it. Everything is perfect and on schedule except for the legs. Her legs are 3 WEEKS AHEAD of schedule. Is it normal for everything to be around the due date except for one measurement? Will it stay this way?
Urs- that is totally normal. Especially after 20 weeks as all babies are shaped differently. Both mind had smaller limbs and larger heads. If there was any worry they would discuss it with you.
urs - totally normal my daughters arms measured ahead a few times lol. depending on the way they are laying or stretched out the images can be crazy different. sometime lizzys crown rump length would have her measuring weeks ahead or behind depending on her position after 30 weeks.

Krissie - how are the kids doing? how is the weight loss doing?

AFM - I went into the ER the other night with blood in my urine. turns out I have a pretty nasty kidney stone that we can't do anything about because im pregnant. Pain isn't fun but it could be worse. hoping I can just pass it soon. On the plus side the tech doing my kidney ultrasound took a peek at baby (perks of knowing my ultrasound techs lol). Baby is growing away. I have a funny video that looks like they stood up stretched and decided to use the placenta as a pillow hahaha. I'm not gonna try my home Doppler for a while because my placenta is in the front and baby is still hanging low in my pelvis. idk what changed but man did the nausea hit out of no where (maybe its the kidney stone??). I see my OB tomorrow, I think we are gonna do the genetic testing.

I miss hearing from IRYM. I hope she is enjoying her sweet girl :)
Swimmy- sounds like things are going well re the pregnancy.. but that really sucks about the kidney stone. I hope it passes or clears up quickly.

I also miss irym. I do hope she's enjoying her girl.

Afm, things are going well here. I'm in my second week of summer break and I'm really enjoying it. I'm making an effort to get outside and enjoy summer and playing with the kids and stressing less about my messy house and unkempt flower beds. So far it's really helping.
Thanks gals!

I too miss IRYM.

Swimmy: Did you end up doing genetic testing? I hope the kidney is better...

Our garden is growing so much! Looking up lots of ways to preserve/freeze the produce.

Sick note, I'm being diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder. Do any of you have experience with this or know someone who has been pregnant? Will it affect baby eventually?
krissie - i hear ya about the messy yard and what not lol. better to just enjoy it the house work will always be there (esp the laundry that seems to NEVER END in my house lol)

urs - i honestly don't have much knowledge on autoimmune with pregnancy. did you OB say anything about it or the risks? which disorder were you diagnosed with?

afm - we went camping this last week and it was a disaster it rained every day and by the end of the 3rd day everything in the tent was beyond soaked. lizzy had fun splashing in the puddles at least and didn't seem to mind the cold or the rain as much as we did. I did end up passing that kidney stone and ouch!!! hopefully i don't get another one. we did end up doing the genetic screening everything looks like it came back normal. not 100% accurate but darn close. Also looks like we are having a boy! kind of a scary thought lol, i was really kind of hoping for another girl but it will be nice to have one of each sense we will be all done after this. So far i'm only up about 2.5lbs so not too bad really really hoping to keep it under 15 but its sooo hard when im so hungry.
Urs- I don't have any experience with auto immune but I hope your doctor can give you some reassurance.

Swimmy- I was just complaining to my mom about how much more laundry I seem to have. It's really quite rediculous really.

Congrats on your boy. My boy was so much easier than my girl. :haha: honestly I could probably have 5 of him and be content. My girl definatley okay saying she's my last. I think the differences in the two is really part of the enjoyment.

Atm, not much to report. My blood sugar has been horrible lately so it's just really that extra motivator to lose some weight. I've set a small goal so hoping to accomplish that before going back to work in 6 weeks.
Swimmy: A boy! How exciting to experience the similarities and differences of both sexes.

Krissie: Any improvement on your blood sugar?

AFM: I want to thank you gals. Being able to come on here and just vent when I'm frustrated, confused, or just lonely has helped me during this time.

Still waiting on results in regards to the autoimmune disease. I did see my ob/gyn this past Thursday. I am on bed rest (at home) and baby will 90% likely be preterm just with everything that has gone on. She's expecting baby to come in August instead of the end of September. We shall see, trying to stay positive. I hit 27 weeks yesterday.
krissie - i hope hes easier lol, lizzy is hitting the terrible 2 age and ooooohhhh goodness!!! the sass level that has come out is crazy! at least she thinks time outs are horrible so at least if i usually ask her if she needs a time out it stops ... for now lol.
I knew you would get a kick out of this - my dh put a picture of the dragon from "the never ending story" up in my laundry room with the word story crossed out and he wrote laundry instead lol. I'm seriously about to give up doing laundry every again it never stops!!!!!!

urs - sorry to hear about the bedrest that can't be much fun. also hopefully they can keep that peanut in a bit longer. :) can't believe your already 27 weeks!!!!

AFM - I have been able to find baby using the ultrasound machine at work now, I love seeing him move around in there :)
I think we might be making a huge life change shortly after the baby comes. My grandma wants us to move in with her. She has 3 extra rooms and wants to build another bathroom in her basement. my mom and her really want us closer to them, but i've said about a million times no way can i afford the area they live in (seriously 3-4x higher housing costs lol) my house is worth about 60,000$ more now than when i bought it. they think we should sell the house. Pay off all of the student loans and credit card debt and put the remaining about in savings (probably about 10-20k). Save the money we would be using on a mortgage and student loans and just put it away over the next 3-4 years. then buy/build our dream home up north when the rest of my family plans on moving. I keep feeling like it would be a step backwards moving in with family. But i know my nana is lonely and would love us to be there. And i won't lie the help with the kids and saving money sounds sooooooo nice!!! (sorry long self talk there lol, i just keep flip flopping back and forth. but plenty of time to think about it)
Urs- what a bummer about bed rest. I was on bed rest intermittently with my daughter and it was rough some days. I hope you're feeling better.

Swimmy- that's too funny about the never ending laundry. :haha:

Sounds like you guys have a difficult decision to make. I can see both sides. I will say I do love having the support of my mom living so close by.

Afm, my oldest turned 4 today. I seriously can't even believe it. Other than that not much else. Still enjoying summer break and the kiddos.
Urs, bed rest sounds no fun, but I hope she keeps a’cooking for a while. But yay for being in the viability range now!

Swimmy, congrats on the sweet boy! I know everyone says this but I can second it, boys lovvvve their mamas. My good friend says her two daughters are major mama’s girls, but then she met my kiddo and said, yep boys are different, they reallly love their mamas. I don’t have a girl to compare, but a boy has been a very sweet experience. Like you did, I kind of want another of the same gender because I feel like we’ve finally got the hang of this one, haha, but I also want to experience the other side. As for your decision, I honestly would move in. Not for the help although that’s great, because I think to be truly debt free gives your family so much freedom about what next life decisions to make. That will be so wonderful.

Krissie, 4 years old, oh my gosh!! How wild! How does it feel going through the same stages with a second little one now? Totally different or pretty similar? Do you feel like a pro by now?! Does it still feel crazy to say you have kidS, plural. So cool!

AFM, we started trying for baby 2 last cycle, but BFN. Early in cycle two now, so the trying window is in a week or so. I’ve decided I’m going to use each cycle as a window of time to try to lose 3 lbs. I’m 7 days in to this one and am 1.2 lbs down and doing well! So it gives me some motivation and solace, like each cycle I’m not pregnant gives me another chance to lose a few more lbs and get closer to my pre-baby weight (which is just barely overweight). I’d love to get back there before getting pregnant again, but if I had to choose of course I’d rather be pregnant than skinny. 😂 Although I will say, trying for baby number two has a very different tone to it. No longer the desperation. With my son, I would have sold everything I own and my soul to have him, I wouldn’t have been whole without him. Now I feel like a second baby would complete our family and be icing the cake. It’s a nice change.
MissDoc- I hope you have a short journey to #2. You're so right about the different mentality. My son was the child I craved and worked so hard to get. My daughter it was very different and while we did try we also gave up. Looking back now I'm so happy we have her and she really was a missing piece to our family. I'm not sure my heart ever would have been full without both of my kids.

Swimmy, I do think there is something amazing about being debt free. My husband and I are currently working hard to pay off our debt. We have about 2.5 years of credit cards and about 2 years on my car. I cannot wait to get those two massive payments gone. After that I hope we can pay off all our small debt and do a couple small projects around the house. Hopefully within 5 years we only have our mortgage to worry about. Which we could easily do on a single income. I really look forward to some financial freedom and hopefully we'll be able to travel with our kids while they are growing up.

Afm, I do find having two kids absolutely crazy still. I really find that I've had to embrace being mom more and it's been a switch from one. I do find the second time around so much better. I only had a short bit of depression after and now I'm feeling like my normal self. (With DS my depression lasted over 2 years!) I also don't stress as much either, although she is developmental leaps ahead of where my son was and she eats which my son never did well until he got his tonsils out last March. But overall I think things are better and going easier, I've had a great summer with them both, I'm gonna be really sad to go back to work in a month.
hey gals :) sorry i've been on vacation on and off for the last few weeks. Decided to have some time up north at our cabin. Spent almost every day at the lake with lizzy.

Krissie - i hope i have the same experience as you when it comes to the post depression. mine wasn't anywhere as bad as yours but it scared me so bad being that depressed. A 5 year debt free plan isn't bad at all. With my student loans as they are now I won't be done paying them for about 15 years eeekk! the idea of not being able to go outside though and play as much as lizzy likes when this baby first comes isn't going to be easy. She loves to be outside lol.

Doc - yay for baby # 2 journey!!! i hope it doesn't take anywhere near as long :) I felt the same way, I don't think I felt as pressured but i felt like i was letting lizzy down by not giving her a sibling. (now i realized that was kind of silly to feel that way. only children can be just as happy).

AFM - cant believe i'm almost already 16 weeks! I started buying some boy cloths but not a ton (part of me keeps holding onto the 1% error rate lol) but i'm coming around. My anatomy scan is on aug 14th :) unfortunately my weight is up a total of 9lbs already ugh I need to stop snacking and eating out so much. So much for not gaining a lot of weight this time. It looks like we will be moving in with my grandma probably around march/april. I have SOOOOO much to get done around the house before even trying to sell it. My grandma drove 2 1/2 hours yesterday because she missed us and asked to spend a few days. (glad I was home and not out and about when she called and said i'm pulling in your driveway sorry i forgot to call). I can see now that shes just really lonely living alone and we would be helping her out too by being there.

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