Getting Fit Before Baby

I will try to update later. Photos of Liesel go from birth to now. Born 5 weeks early, stayed 7 weeks in NICU.

Photos of me. Sorry for so much skin but I wanted to show the crazy amount of skin I have before I get it removed. Collage photos, pink underwear was Jan. 2018. Black underwear Jan. 2019. Exact same weight, exact same day. Just one year apart. Talk soon I hope.
Ursaula what a little beauty you have! Congrats! Impressive to be the same weight a year apart and having had a baby in that time!!!

I'm sorry to hear she needed such a long NICU stay but boy does she look like a healthy little nugget now!

As for me, I've been losing weight, doing lower carbs and cutting out sugar. I'm finally pretty much at my pre pregnancy weight, but still need to lose another 5-10 lbs to be at a really good place. We've been TTC 7 cycles and 2 of those had chemicals. Just went through blood and scans to look at fertility and for my age everything looks good, actually better than it was a few years ago when I was trying with my son, which I attribute to supplements and diet. So we'll try another couples on our own and then see the RE to figure out if there's anything we can do as a next step.
How is everyone doing? I'm not around much since the new update and work has been busy.

MissDoc! Looks like you are pregnant? Congrats.
Hi krissie, how are those adorable kiddos? And YES! Finally pregnant with number two. Woohoo! I have a scan tomorrow so I’m looking forward to that. Baby has been fine on scans so far, but I do have a small SCH, but thankfully haven’t been bleeding, so hopefully it’s reabsorbing.

This first tri I totally intended on eating really well and not gaining anything until second tri, but being so sick eating is the only thing that helps, so that has gone out the window. Hopefully when the sickness lifts I can better behave myself.
Yay!! Congrats. That is so so exciting.

My kids are doing awesome. DS started therapies in January and we are seeing a lot of growth with him. I am feeling a lot more confident with his transition to kindergarten next year. He is just such a smart little guy and I think with some structure and continuing the language and occupational therapies he is going to be just fine.

DD is growing so fast, she will be 15 months this week. She is also a very clever little girl and oh boy does she have a strong will. She is so classic toddler its not even funny!! But on the other hand it is so nice to have a typical child and not to be worried all the time. (DS wasn't hearing at this age and so was behind developmentally).

I can honestly say that through it all I am so happy we have the two but I am also glad we decided to be done. As DD gets older the more fun we are having as a family and I really enjoy it.

As for me my job was trying to kill me this spring. I am so ready for summer break. My regular full time job was just so busy with referrals to complete. Now my side job is picking up so I am trying to juggle that on top of everything. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks things settle down with boy jobs and summer break will be here June 1st!!

I am back to low carb eating and am slowly losing the weight. I am trying trying to just weigh in on the 1st so hoping to see a happy drop next week.
Oh my gosh, those babes are just beautiful. So great to hear that Christian is rocking his therapies, and you're getting the full blown typical toddler experience with Alice, lol. My son had ear tubes a couple of months ago and had some reversible hearing loss. The doctor said his ear fluid was like cement. We've noticed how he says some words has changed since the tubes. We had no idea it was that bad. So glad we got the tubes done and wish we knew better to do it sooner, but had a very conservative pedi who was reluctant to refer him.

I'm with you, I am so excited for this second baby and desperately hoping for a healthy child, and then we will be DONE. With my son approaching two, life feels like it's just starting to get easier and more normal, and it feels a little crazy to contemplate delving back into the challenges of babyhood. But I know a year or two after #2 arrives, life will start to seem manageable again. It's just a couple more years of pure chaos. Lol. So ready to be on the other side, and past TTC and pregnancy and just have my two (hopefully healthy babies) and count my blessings and be done. I think this second little one is another boy, but I probably have another week or so until my NIPT results are in and we definitively know.

Gosh, sounds like you've been beyond busy with work. I hope summer comes quickly for you so you can breathe a little!

When this pregnancy is done, I'll return to reduced carb as that was working really really well for me. Hope it goes great for you!
My son was 21 months when he got his tubes put in and it was like night and day. He went from fewer than 10 words to over 70 in 3 months. We are still dealing with speech issues though at almost 5. However, as his language is growing we noticed there is a significant stuttering problem (his dad also had and still occasionally does have a stutter). We also had a pedi that would not refer and so I self referred at 18 months after an infant and toddler evaluator said she wanted me to get it checked to rule it out.

Alice isn't quite walking yet but she is close. She currently is "walking" on her knees so just needs to get the confidence to stand and try.

The first year was so hard!! I struggled with balancing life with two and going back to work. I think around 6 months it got quite a bit easier and now I am finding things manageable again. Thankfully Alice plays well with Christian and alone. She will even play in her room which we Christian didn't start doing until he was 4!

I am ready for summer break. We are getting a covered patio this week so I am really looking forward to a peaceful summer under that and in the garden. Both kids love outside so I suspect that is where we will spend the bulk of our time. I am going to paint the kid's playset and probably get a tire swing for it so that will be fun too.
How did the patio turn out Krissie? That an a porch swing and garden time sound truly delightful.

Yeah, I am expecting the first year to be pretty rough. I feel like a 2.5 yr old and infant is an insane amount of juggling, especially for a working mom. And extra especially for having a needy toddler who lives on me and doesn't even like the cat to be on my lap. That should be fun, lol. I hope I can meet his needs while balancing life with a newborn. But people survive, and so will I. We'll figure it out!

In regards to health, I need to reign in my eating and do better with getting active throughout this pregnancy. I've gained a bit quickly and would like to chill that out as I gained 50 with my first son and really want to avoid that this go round. Starting today to reign in my eating a bit and consciously get more steps in my days.
I think just learning to be kind to yourself and understanding you are the mom of two littles and that will help a lot. Like you said you will make it through, somehow, we always do.

The cover went up without any issues. We need to do some finishing work but overall I am very happy with it. I am very much looking forward to enjoying it. I work through the end of next week and then I am off for 9 weeks. I am so so ready!

My diet has been awful the last two weeks. I have just been out of control. Part of my issue is that fact I am sick and my daughter has been sick. But part of it is also just excuses.
Not sure this is very active anymore but I’m trying to lose around 2 stone before TTC around June 2020
I started slimming world two weeks ago and lost 1.5lb week one and 1.5lb week two which was Saturday just gone
Not bothered how my body looks it’s more because I have fibromyalgia and pregnancy hurts! So the less weight I’m carrying the better I guess x
Welcome Becky, I hope your weightloss journey goes well in prep for ttc next summer.

How is everyone? Anybody still around?

I was off for awhile due to some pain in my hands from carpal tunnel. I had my surgery two weeks ago and seem to be symptom free in my right hand now. My left is scheduled for another month from now.

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