Hello I got on well, we got 7 eggs and 3 have fertilised so just waiting for a call tomorrow to tell quality and decide when I'll be back in for transfer, the embryologist was all positive tho so fingers crossed they are doing well. I've been really anxious since collection I need to try and relax
We ended up switching to icsi as they found something in oh sample which could cause the sperm to be attracted to each other rather than the egg ( can't remember what they called it ), they were sure they had got rid when washed but we decided to air on side of caution and do what we could to give us the best chance. Everything crossed!
That's good wallie, i see your first scan is 20th, that will fly in! It's good to get to this stage but scary as it all becomes real
. How have you been feeling about it all? Pma!! That's good about your journey time as well, I think the new m74 extension into town has eased the traffic a fair bit
Take care xxx