jac, ffingers crossed the next 9 months fly by and you'll be on mat leave sooner than you know!
Wallie, brilliant you've got a frostie, so so happy for you. Hope you and Jac are both taking it easy...
Bluebell, sorry about the hag arriving.....I've told anyone that'll listen that I'm going for the ivf, My job can be quite full on mentally and physically.... I have good supportive colleages who know about my previous losses and all are rooting for me...of course I will be gutted if all doesnt work out but at least they'll know why when I have a few sore moments....
question girls, I'm now day 4 of northisterone, and I could hardly pick my uterus up from the floor today, Having alot of bloating, it is listed in the side effects, but honestly I did'nt think the bloating would emerge until at least Id started the gonal f, anyone else have the same so early on?