Go GLAMAMAMAS!! **The most wonderful, beautiful and Lucky women**

Congratulations to Becky & Kim - tow lovely happy healthy bundles. :)) I have just came on to check how you were both doing. xx
thankyou, we r too happy healthy mamas too,

we are allowed 2 bath them here even wiv the cord on, theos cord is still on, it dried out quik cos the UV lamps he was under, we used 2 get powder 2 put on ther cord after a bath, 2 dry it out quiker?? dont do it anymor tho??
not been told not 2 bath him, the m/w dint say anythin either on home visit.??
altho he DID tell me not 2 put oil, moisturiser etc on it?? wierd how diff it is over here and over ther!!! lol

this lil munchkin has gained another 6oz, all 2geva gained 8oz in 10days!! madness!! m/w said i hav defo got the breastfeedin right, as he is gainin so well!! hha!

is it really norm 4 sydney 2 go so long wivout poopin??
theo poops tons of times a day, like 6-8x a day!! i checked wiv m/w that it was ok, lol

ill add u on FACEBOOK when i go on ! :) x
My pediatrician said breastfed babies really vary and one can poop everytime they eat while another will poop once a week and its all normal. She is pooping more now...i think her body is getting used to it. They tell us nothing on the skin until 6 months now too... When I was growing I swore they wanted you putting lotion on babies everyday! Oh and they say bathe them every 3 days...nothing can ever stay the same lol.
heya, sorry i been awol., been tryin 2 use my time catchin up on sleep, theo wont go any longer than 2hrs wivout eating, he is such a hungry boy!!!
he even wakes every2 hrs in the night, on the (.) for about 15-20mins, (which is longer than he used 2)
he has gained a ton of weight!! and he is always wantin food, as soon as i pick him up he is rooting 4 (.)(.)!!! ALWAYS!!
how is lil sydney doin?? theo still poops about 8-10 times a day, prob cos of the amount of food he has!!

has any1 else noticed since breastfeedin, an uncontrollabvle craving 4 sugary sweet snacks???
is this a side effect of breastfeedin??? and do i NEED sugar?? it is way too hard resisiting the urge 4 sugar, and considerin im constantly tired it helps!!
plus as im breastfeedin i think "well im burnin tons of calories anyway right" lol biscuits,chocolate, cake, donuts ooooommmmmmggggg! i jus cant get enuff of shit food!! lol
HEY! Syd is doing good... But the dr has me supplementing now :'( so im still breastfeeding but i have to "top off" with formula...she was still under 7 lbs at her 2 week weigh. I hope I can stop soon. She loves to eat all day too...she just wants to sleep at night... I struggle to get her to eat 5 mins and i have to wake her up lol! About the sweets...yes!! I cant go a day without them...i have never been like that! I was just asking another new mom about that the other day and she said the same thing...i wonder what it is. Syd sleeps in bed with me now and sleeps for 4 hour stretches... If i put her in her bed she sleeps 2 hours tops...have you tried theo in your bed?
yeah i had theo in my bed in the day but not at night, we r told NOT 2 co-sleep here in uk, as it increases chances of SIDS,plus im so exhausted im a lil scared i wud b too out of it,and roll on him or pull covers over him :/ but i can lay him right in middle of my bed in the day, and he sleeps well, tried doin a bit of "tummy time" play, but my lil scamp can roll over if i lay him on his belly!! hehe!
he is gainin weight well, he is currently 9lb 2oz, (about 4.2kg) so i kno he is gettin enuff breastmilk,
i put theo on the (.) and he wont fall asleep til he has had his fill!!!
if syd falls asleep too easy on the (.) take all her clothes off when u feed her, (jus in her diaper, (apparently it stimulates them 2 feed)
and keep a pack of baby wipes nearby, and rub them on her cheek when she stops sucking, (baby wipes are ALWAYS cold!! it seems 2 wake them better than ANYTHIN! :)

yeah the need 2 eat sweet stuff is apparently norm, seen my m/w 2day, says as a lot of sugar goes into the production of milk, plus my tiredness, my body will naturally CRAVE food thatll giv me short bursts of energy, told me the usual nonsense too, "make sure u dont hav too much sugar/salt/fat etc. but its imposs NOT eatn what i REALLY feel like i need!! lol, im always so busy, my weight is droppin well, im 10st5lb, i got up 2 12st when i was preg!! haha! this (.)(.) feedin is zappin my fat! lol
i jus hav 1 lose a stone and im bak 2 my pre-pregnancy weight!! yippee!!
yeah i had theo in my bed in the day but not at night, we r told NOT 2 co-sleep here in uk, as it increases chances of SIDS,plus im so exhausted im a lil scared i wud b too out of it,and roll on him or pull covers over him :/ but i can lay him right in middle of my bed in the day, and he sleeps well, tried doin a bit of "tummy time" play, but my lil scamp can roll over if i lay him on his belly!! hehe!
he is gainin weight well, he is currently 9lb 2oz, (about 4.2kg) so i kno he is gettin enuff breastmilk,
i put theo on the (.) and he wont fall asleep til he has had his fill!!!
if syd falls asleep too easy on the (.) take all her clothes off when u feed her, (jus in her diaper, (apparently it stimulates them 2 feed)
and keep a pack of baby wipes nearby, and rub them on her cheek when she stops sucking, (baby wipes are ALWAYS cold!! it seems 2 wake them better than ANYTHIN! :)

yeah the need 2 eat sweet stuff is apparently norm, seen my m/w 2day, says as a lot of sugar goes into the production of milk, plus my tiredness, my body will naturally CRAVE food thatll giv me short bursts of energy, told me the usual nonsense too, "make sure u dont hav too much sugar/salt/fat etc. but its imposs NOT eatn what i REALLY feel like i need!! lol, im always so busy, my weight is droppin well, im 10st5lb, i got up 2 12st when i was preg!! haha! this (.)(.) feedin is zappin my fat! lol
i jus hav 1 lose a stone and im bak 2 my pre-pregnancy weight!! yippee!!

how funny...over here they say co-sleeping reduceds the risk of sids! they say because baby listens to your breathing and follows your rhythm and you have them right there to hear if anything is wrong.

i have done the cold rag thing to wake her while feeding and it works about 2 minutes and she is out again... i feel bad stripping her to eat at night... it can be really cold sometimes. i do change her diaper to wake her up first which helps. she only wakes up about twice to eat, and doesnt eat long... but she definitely lets her hunger be known so i think she is satisfied... i feed her a little extra before bed and when she wakes up now, to be safe.

i have 20lbs to go...i have lost 30... this saturday is DH's 10 year high school reunion and i have to wear a dress...i am not too excited about that...even though i am only one size bigger, i am not as sexy as i was! and this is when everyone he went to school with meets me :( lol ughhhh. i hate that i have almost 3 weeks before i can exercise.
what?? u not aloud 2 excercise?? here as long as "you feel well" u aloud 2, lol silly rules tut!! i hav a umbilical hernia too, (which hasnt gon completely back) :( looks yukky! altho my BFF says , u can hardly c it ?? i hav been doin yoga n kegels, jus cos i think i wud go insane if i do nuffin!! lol, i havent been eatin particualrly healthy, livin on junk literally, by the time i hav cooked everyones food, and then theo will cry 4 food, my meal goes cold n i jus throw it away and grab a sandwich, too tired 2 make food sumtimes too,
lol, he still wakes 3-4 times a night, he has an unsaitable appetite!! if he is woken 1 hr after feedin, i cud guarantee he wud go bak on!! and drink for another 15mins!! such a hungry boy!!
altho when he got weighed 4days ago, he weighed 9lb-2oz? around 4.1kg i think. and he feels like he is reall fillin out,
i asked the m/w if he was getti TOO much milk, i was worried i was over feeedin hm (which apparently u cant do if u demnad feed)??

so other than that, how u findin it all?? im lovin it other thanbein tired!! :)
what?? u not aloud 2 excercise?? here as long as "you feel well" u aloud 2, lol silly rules tut!! i hav a umbilical hernia too, (which hasnt gon completely back) :( looks yukky! altho my BFF says , u can hardly c it ?? i hav been doin yoga n kegels, jus cos i think i wud go insane if i do nuffin!! lol, i havent been eatin particualrly healthy, livin on junk literally, by the time i hav cooked everyones food, and then theo will cry 4 food, my meal goes cold n i jus throw it away and grab a sandwich, too tired 2 make food sumtimes too,
lol, he still wakes 3-4 times a night, he has an unsaitable appetite!! if he is woken 1 hr after feedin, i cud guarantee he wud go bak on!! and drink for another 15mins!! such a hungry boy!!
altho when he got weighed 4days ago, he weighed 9lb-2oz? around 4.1kg i think. and he feels like he is reall fillin out,
i asked the m/w if he was getti TOO much milk, i was worried i was over feeedin hm (which apparently u cant do if u demnad feed)??

so other than that, how u findin it all?? im lovin it other thanbein tired!! :)

apparently if you exercise before 6 weeks post partum you risk internal bleeding? who knows if it is true. i am not eating as healthy either...no time! just like you said. and i have been eating a lot less vegetables because so many of them are warned to give the baby gas!

sydney never stops eating, except at night. i swear yesterday i fed her 4oz formula, then she ate off each boob at least 15 mins each, then 2 more oz formula, then back on the boob and still crying to eat...all in about a 2 hour period! she's insane is all i can figure lol. i am not sure what she weighs now, she doesnt have another appt until mid november...her belly and cheeks and getting pudgier though! ive been told a baby wont over eat, and if they do the spit up what they cant handle.

i love it too... its hard when i am home alone with her because she is very demanding about being held...its so hard to put her down even if she is asleep, she wakes up. sometimes i have to listen to her scream just so i can go to the bathroom eral quick...it breaks my heart... but DH is gone about 9 hours a day, i dont have a choice.

we took a family photo when she was a week old and i just got it back today:

Bw eyes.jpg
this has 2 b my fave pic of Theo :)

i had proffesional pics don and they wer shit, this s taken on my camera fone!
Oh such big bright eyes ! I have a feeling you're gunna have to lock him away when he's older, looks like he's gunna be a stunner !
our little one's are a month old today!! ahhh!

they just keep getting cuter, too!
@ bees,. i kno , he is guna b a heartbreaker!! (prob gets THAT from his dad)
@ becky, yeah i kno how quik has it gon!!! its unbelieveable!! i am lovin every minute!! cant even grumble bout the fractured sleep, im so used 2 it now, lol
how's everything going, kim? our babies are 5 weeks old! ahhh! they are growing up so fast!

what milestones has he hit? syd has been smiling for about a week and a half :) she can kinda hold her head up now, too :) and she is eating 6oz at a feeding, omg!

i had to take her to the dr a few days ago, my cat jumped out of the window and landed on her face :'( (it was a total accident, my husband scared the crap out of the cat and so she ran! normally she only comes down next to me, and never with claws) they dnt think it will scar, thank goodness, but i cried so much! they weighed her and she was up to 8.25pounds! i know its much less than theo, but since she has been so little this whole time, she is a porker to me lol. its still so crazy that she went from being born 7lb 12oz to 6lb 9oz by 2 days old.

https://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/300239_302709669755577_100000496396928_1306504_1800428619_n.jpg my poor baby's face.
awww bless her, poor sydney, ! :( i hav a cat too, hiro, he is almost 2, he seems a lil afraid of theo!! lol, runs away when he sees him, lol
theo was 10lb1oz at his weighing on thurs, he is still breast fed, so feedin pretty much non stsop but has jus 3 feeds thru the night, at one stage he was wakin me every hour-ish !!
almost 6wks!! madness, its been good tho, he is such a placid baby, so chilled, dnt cry much, as long as he is fed and changed he is happy, he has been holdin his head quite strong 4 a while,and wasnt really a floppy-headed baby from birth i think it is cos he was 2weeks overdue tho.
i giv him lots of tumy time, it strengthens ther neck muscles and they get 2 use certain muscles that they havent got 2 use when they r on ther backs,
theo has also been smilin 4 jus over 2 weeks. and occasionally he will roll while he is on his tummy, midwife dint believe me then he don it right in front of him, haha,
syds weight is goin up lovely :) no wonder wiv 6oz feeds, i guess she jus got off 2 a shaky start, but now she doin fab :) well done mommy!!
so far so good 4 us both, i hav been really enjoyin havin a lil baby in the house
again, x

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