Going back to school after just one month?


Mom of 3!
May 18, 2011
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I'm a nursing student almost finished with my second semester out of four right now. Our nursing program is known for being insanely tough, and if you don't have at least one nervous breakdown per semester...you're not doing it right.:haha: Anyways, it's a long story as to why I'm insane enough to get pregnant whilst in the midst of this and that's for another day. We tried our best to end up with a baby due right after the semester ended or mid-summer but we ended up falling pregnant later than what was ideal and now I'm due on July 31st.

This would make my daughter about a month old and myself only 4wks postpartum when I return, if I do. That's assuming everything goes according to the perfect plan (which I doubt will happen).

School resumes on August 27th which includes at least one clinical day (12hrs and up to two days a week) and one lecture day (5 hours). The clinical days are long, and they involve repositioning patients/providing assistance/bathing patients and just general patient care. This is problem number one. I need a doctors clearance to say I can do clinical activity...and last time I was told rest/no lifting anything heavier than baby for 6 weeks. I'm going to speak to my OB about it at our next appointment but I don't have high hopes she will be alright with it. If I can't do clinical then I can't be in class.

Second problem...time! I'm really hoping to breastfeed my daughter like I did with my son but I am so concerned that I won't be able to keep my supply up with all of the traveling and time spent in school. I am lucky enough to have an amazing mother and mother-in-law who do not work during the day and are willing to take both children whenever I need them to but I still know it will be tough. Doing school with a newborn is going to be hell, I know it is quite difficult just to function with a newborn anyways but having to learn on top of it just seems more and more daunting.

I spoke with the teacher for next semester and she highly, make that very highly, recommended that I defer a semester and come back in January. I thought I had this all figured out. I thought I could handle it...but now I am freaking myself out over whether or not I can do this. Sorry, I just needed to get this out and get some thoughts out of my head!:hugs:
Defer hun, there's no need to put all that pressure on yourself! Also what if you go overdue? Then you won't even be 4 weeks pp. If you want to breastfeed its really not worth the risk, they've thrown you a lifeline by delaying your return so take it! :) gl xx
Is there any reason that prevents you from deferring? Sounds like the perfect solution to me! And if you're going to breastfeed, you could really do with more time with your newborn, not to mention the bonding and enjoying your baby and the fact that learning is a lot harder when you don't get much sleep.
Ahh, what a pickle...I've done it both ways, I started my undergrad degree pregnant with my first, made it through my MA without having a baby, #2 in the last semester of courses for the doctorate, and now I have #3 on the way and am in the research/dissertating phase of my PhD.

My honest to goodness advice to you is to try to defer until January if possible. With that being said, if deferring means you lose out on financial aid, or a position in your clinicals, or scholarship money and you really must go back in the fall, it's not the end of the world.

Going back for fall semester, breastfeeding, being a good mom, and maintaining your sanity (to a degree) are not all impossible! Is there a way that you can push your clinicals back to winter and continue with coursework through the fall as a way of finding a 'happy medium'? I do know several nursing students who managed to continue nursing while nursing (pun TOTALLY intended :happydance:) they just needed a little extra help and support.

The most difficult thing I found in the baby/school process (#1 was easy, #2 was kinda tough, and #3 is killing me) is maintaining my sanity and really convincing the rest of the family to help out. Managing a full course load with a newborn is doable. Managing a full courseload and work (whether clinicals or a teaching assignment) with a newborn is also doable. Managing a full courseload, doing clinicals, caring for a newborn while still doing the majority of the house/care/chore work in the household is while maintaining some semblance of sanity NOT doable.

Whichever route you choose, I wish you all the best of luck!! Schooling and childbearing can be tough, but the good news is, women are tougher!!:hugs:
Your choice but you can do it if you want. I gave birth during law school. Went back to class 2 weeks later. I would have only taken 1 week off if I was still getting my JD but I was already getting my LLM and a lawyer so did not care as much.
I will be honest though - I cared a lot less and didn't study so much that second semester after I gave birth....
If you can, I would defer. Nursing programs are tough.

I went back after a week, only because it was my last semester in college and the classes I needed wouldn't be offered again for a whole year. It was hard, but I had no choice if I wanted to graduate on time.
Thank you all for your input, I am so happy to have some advice from those who have done something similar and had the experience. We still have a lot to discuss before deciding but the more and more I think about it I want to defer. I know I most likely could make it through the semester but I also know how stressed out I will be. My guts are telling me I will do so much better and be less stressed if I just wait. I will get to spend those first few months with my new daughter (even DH really likes that idea) and that is something that I really don't want to miss out on. I don't get penalized with financial aid or anything scholastically for it. The only downside is I quit my job to do this program and while we are doing OK financially now deferring the semester will only prolong the squeeze we are currently experiencing. I will end up graduating in December 2014 instead of May 2014.

Anthrogirl- Oh my goodness, you are crazy girl! I've known a few people during the research phase of getting a PhD and they were unbelievably busy with work, kuddos to you!
I would go with your gut and defer. My husband was a nurse, and clinicals are not easy...and can be physically demanding. I bet you COULD do it, but I don't think the time you lose with your little one, especially if you are breastfeeding, is worth it just for a six month delay. I've been in school since my first was 18 months (just online, at night after work) and found it very hard to focus or care about studying when caring for my newborn, especially my second who was born during finals week. Taking tests on my ipad while in the hospital in labor was not fun :-/
Just wanted to add I was originally scheduled to graduate inDec 2012, but lowered my classload the last two semesters so I am now graduating this May, and it was a great decision for my family!

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