Going for MMR today :( i was wrong it wasn't :s


I'm an old bag!
Sep 1, 2006
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So Jack has his MMR today, at least that is the one he is due
for but isn't what it sayd on the letter!!!!

So am expecting a grumpy arse later

Silly cow at appointment thing thou, I called to see if i could change time, is for 3.20( Em finishes school at 3 and i don't drive :? )

she said "Oh yes we do send them out for in school hours"

what the hall since when is 3.20 school hours?????

anyhoo will update you later
Awww Good luck Jack, has he had the new one yet? jamie went for his mmr last thursday and ended up having the new one aswell!! He was fine afterwards with it but he did get a cold and a really horrible cough.
I've got a feeling he might be getting that aswell

all it says on the letter is Hib and men C but they are the ones he has had at 8/12/16 weeks
so am gonna take letter with book to make sure they don't give him wrong thing!!
aww Im dreading Ellas 2 months injections now she is older and more aware! take something to distract him, hope it goes ok.
Well Emily is coming so hopefully that will be enogh to distract him

Am gonna get a taxi there and back so he is not out any longer than he needs to be, especially if grumpy :?
Ok so wasn't his MMR said he should have that around 13 months!!!!!
Dur he is that now!!!

anyway it was an update of the hib etc... thry have at 8/12/16 weeks, comething new they have decided to do!!!

I wish they would make up mind what they are giving them and when

He was as good as gold but if looks couldv'e killed Lol the HV would be 6 foot under!!!!!!
B had that one at the same time as His MMR as they wouldnt give it to B at the docs at 12 months and hed just finished his antibitox so they sed he should have it with his MMR he still aint had the new one tho
Imso confused about injections, it all goes overr my head! I know it shouldnt and I should really understand what is going into my daughters body but it is so confusing!

so the three set of injections they have in the first few months is HIB polio and something else ?

then at 12 months (ish) they have MMR

what is the new one they have ?
Lauz_1601 said:
Imso confused about injections, it all goes overr my head! I know it shouldnt and I should really understand what is going into my daughters body but it is so confusing!

so the three set of injections they have in the first few months is HIB polio and something else ?

then at 12 months (ish) they have MMR

what is the new one they have ?

They now have Hib polio update at 12 months then MMR with the new Meningitis one about 4 weeks later
Oh jamie never had an update of the hib polio one! just the mmr and new one (prevenar)

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