Gone Too Soon - Create a memorial site


BnB Co-Founder ~ Retired
Aug 31, 2006
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Many people find by setting up a memorial website they bring tremendous comfort to themselves and others left behind, it's a convenient way that others can pay an everlasting tribute and offer their condolences from anywhere at any time.


GoneTooSoon is free and easy to use. It doesn't matter when your friend, family member or loved one passed away you can set a site up anytime. You can add to it when you're ready and we can help you every step of the way if you encounter any problems.


I saw this site and thought how fabulous it is.

My DH and I have been trying for a baby for 4 years and had just about given up when we were given a pregnancy. Sadly 5 weeks and 5 days in to the pregnancy we lost our little one, Alicia Marie.

Part of me wants to create one of these dedication pages to our little angel as she would have been our first and she was still a little life. In the short amount of time we knew we were expecting we really bonded with the little growing miracle inside. But I feel because I haven't even got a scan picture of her (I did have a scan but the doctor wouldn't print the picture) and the fact she was only 5 weeks 5 days in to the pregnancy it would look silly to have a dedication site to a little one who hasn't even got a picture.

What do you think?
Hey hun. i was thinking of doing the same for my little one, and i understand what your saying, maybe its not silly! guess you need to do what feels right for you. No-one can tell you how to deal with these things! :hugs:
here is one i created for my little girl this is hers please enjoy
My son Enzo passed away to SIDS in july 2007 please feel free to take a look https://enzo-william-fiore.gonetoosoon.org/memorial/
I just made one for our little Jessie

https://honey.adams.2007.gonetoosoon.org/ for my daughter Honey, stillborn on the 16th May 2007 due to medical negligence
Beautiful. I looked at them all. Very beautiful babies. Very sad.
Omgosh everyone! Those are beautiful memorials for very beautiful babies. I pray for all of you.
Please feel free to lite a candle for my daughter Taylor. The link is....https://mylittlebutterfly.gonetoosoon.org/memorial/

Thank you.

V x x x
Please visit my GTS page for my Angel Twins - Jac and Aiden.

The link is at the bottom of my signature. xxxx
Although it was only 7 weeks we had together I feel it has helped to create a page, please see below


Sarah thats a beautiful tribute. So sorry for your loss x
oh wow. ladies. my heart goes out to you all and your beautiful angel babies.
Thinking of you all and sending all my love to you :hugs:

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