Gordon Browns plans for teen mothers

If the only option i had was to work at macdonalds id go and do it, but iv worked damn hard for my qualifications, even though they are only nvq's im going to use them to full advantage. And when i was saying i couldent afford it if we wored on minimun wadge, i mean that wouldent cover out outgoings let alone a social life

yeah but then you would have to look at what makes these bills so high, like SKY tv and things you dont have to have. its do able ortherwise the min wage would not be set at that amount it would have to be higher

With out sky it would still not be doable. We rent privately, if we were on minimum wadge we would qualify for a council house and then have lower rent.

But we dont so our rent and councal tax is nearly 600 a mounth. Thats neary all of my pay gone and im on 6.40 an hour.

minimum wadge for some one under 22 is 4.40 remember girls. It dosent go up till you turn 23

If you rent and dont earn enough you get housing benefit and council tax help, i no its still not the best thing in the world but your still paying into the system and taking out, which means it would be do-able, my rent and council tax is just under £500 a month but we get a little help since oh is on a low income which means we can do it and have money left over after doing shopping and bills
If the only option i had was to work at macdonalds id go and do it, but iv worked damn hard for my qualifications, even though they are only nvq's im going to use them to full advantage. And when i was saying i couldent afford it if we wored on minimun wadge, i mean that wouldent cover out outgoings let alone a social life

yeah but then you would have to look at what makes these bills so high, like SKY tv and things you dont have to have. its do able ortherwise the min wage would not be set at that amount it would have to be higher

With out sky it would still not be doable. We rent privately, if we were on minimum wadge we would qualify for a council house and then have lower rent.

But we dont so our rent and councal tax is nearly 600 a mounth. Thats neary all of my pay gone and im on 6.40 an hour.

minimum wadge for some one under 22 is 4.40 remember girls. It dosent go up till you turn 23

If you rent and dont earn enough you get housing benefit and council tax help, i no its still not the best thing in the world but your still paying into the system and taking out, which means it would be do-able, my rent and council tax is just under £500 a month but we get a little help since oh is on a low income which means we can do it and have money left over after doing shopping and bills

Yes it would be do-able but by claming some help. I dont see anything wrong in asking for help but i wouldent unless we were up shit creak.
We have enough for the bills and a good social life, we cant afford to go on nights out every week but enough that we are happy. We couldent do that if we earned less.
Id work for less than the minimum wage if it meant keeping a roof over my families head, i would do anything, no job is below me, you would just make your lifestyle suit your income!!


My OH is out of work and can't find a job but went up to the local dorset reclaim which is volunteer work but you get paid very little and he's doing it because money is money and it's his own money to spend and enjoys being able to feed his family and buy toys for our son!
Coming in late on this all and only going to talk about the original topic cause the other ones are just pissing me off...

Where I live we have a house for young mom (this isn't a country wide thing infact we are the only one within three states). The only way you can get put in it is if your parents agree to have you removed from the house and there parental rights taken away OR if you get court ordered to be removed and placed (such as in the case of drugs either by you doing it or it just being in the house you and the baby would be living). The girls there go in rough as hell (the school I went to, a normal public school, willingly took all the girls in so that they could get an education). There are HUGE requirements to get out. Most do not get out till they turn 18 and are legal and even then they require you to have a housing plan a financial plan and strongly encourage a further education plan. They only go out on group outings that the house runs. There are always adults there watching them. They have to make there own food and "buy" there own food. Either by the jobs most the girls get, as it is strongly encouraged and gives you more privileges, or by doing jobs around there like cleaning the outreach program rooms (you automatically have to clean the actual house area). You are only allowed visitation from friends after you get to a certain privilege lvl and if you have guest over after school your homework still has to be done first. They provide free childcare for you to go to school and or work which is great (outreach girls can use it to if there are openings). The housing is grant funded (government funded as the government sends the girls there). I know in order to get out your baby has to be at the MINIMUM of 3 months old even if you reach 18 before there. Its a WONDERFUL program in the since it kicks the girls butt into growing up and doesn't give them much leeway. If they mess up they portray real life circumstances of what would happen if you were out on your own. Although obviously you get the food you need and they won't take the roof over your head away or your baby unless you are harming the child in any way. They also use it to SOMETIMES re-unite babies with there moms if they were taken away but that is even a harder program to get through...

I think this would be a good housing option... They don't just make all girls go to places like this. Although then again if you are under 18 you don't get ANY help unless it's from your parents or you are lucky enough to have a place like this cause although it is technically illegal to kick your child out of your home it happens all to much.

I don't know if everyone can even understand what I just wrote lol. I am exhausted!
Coming in late on this all and only going to talk about the original topic cause the other ones are just pissing me off...

Where I live we have a house for young mom (this isn't a country wide thing infact we are the only one within three states). The only way you can get put in it is if your parents agree to have you removed from the house and there parental rights taken away OR if you get court ordered to be removed and placed (such as in the case of drugs either by you doing it or it just being in the house you and the baby would be living). The girls there go in rough as hell (the school I went to, a normal public school, willingly took all the girls in so that they could get an education). There are HUGE requirements to get out. Most do not get out till they turn 18 and are legal and even then they require you to have a housing plan a financial plan and strongly encourage a further education plan. They only go out on group outings that the house runs. There are always adults there watching them. They have to make there own food and "buy" there own food. Either by the jobs most the girls get, as it is strongly encouraged and gives you more privileges, or by doing jobs around there like cleaning the outreach program rooms (you automatically have to clean the actual house area). You are only allowed visitation from friends after you get to a certain privilege lvl and if you have guest over after school your homework still has to be done first. They provide free childcare for you to go to school and or work which is great (outreach girls can use it to if there are openings). The housing is grant funded (government funded as the government sends the girls there). I know in order to get out your baby has to be at the MINIMUM of 3 months old even if you reach 18 before there. Its a WONDERFUL program in the since it kicks the girls butt into growing up and doesn't give them much leeway. If they mess up they portray real life circumstances of what would happen if you were out on your own. Although obviously you get the food you need and they won't take the roof over your head away or your baby unless you are harming the child in any way. They also use it to SOMETIMES re-unite babies with there moms if they were taken away but that is even a harder program to get through...

I think this would be a good housing option... They don't just make all girls go to places like this. Although then again if you are under 18 you don't get ANY help unless it's from your parents or you are lucky enough to have a place like this cause although it is technically illegal to kick your child out of your home it happens all to much.

I don't know if everyone can even understand what I just wrote lol. I am exhausted!

That sounds horrible to be honest :\ Sounds like a juvenile prison more than anything.
No, Blah11 - I don't vote for the BNP, I wouldn't if i DID vote and no congrats - I don't vote either! - mainly because I've moved about so much I'm never anywhere long enough to get processed on the main electoral roll! So don't write that assumtion in a bid to try and make people think I'm racist!
Come to think of it I don't read any of the papers either. I don't listen to the radio and I don't watch TV for the main reason that its full of shit. My views are based on what I see in my everyday life. I couldn't tell you whats number 1 in the charts (I don't even know what music people listen to nowadays :rofl:), what films are out, what the lastest celebrity gossip is or even what the latest trend is - cause to be honest, I don't care!
I'm confused - everyone harps on about how everyones entitled to an opinion yet we we're only allowed to have opinions that EVERYONE agrees on?? Either that or one that everyone agree's is right! Otherwise its the WRONG opinion to have?
I think some people are overreacting by implying I'm racist aswell - its hardly racist of me when I think the same about chavs and brits really is it! Maybe I'm just a people hater!
And whoever said why don't you move country - well you know what - I WISH I HAD THE CASH! And if I did I'd learn their language, make sure I shared their values before I moved and deffinatly make sure I never relied upon their government to live off no matter how little/much they offered.
Its funny though - how you all assume I'm a pedigree brit having the views I do :rofl:
Seems ok. But should maybe tackle the issue before they get pregnant

i totally agree, i dont see how this will solve the problem, to be honest some teenage parents use it as a way to get out of there parents whether or not the house is "supervised" will mean they get what they want and on another point if they are already in that situation whats going to stop them from having more children
I don't think it's racist to vote BNP but the world has gone nuts :rofl:

Bah, bah black sheep is racist by todays standards!
I don't think it's racist to vote BNP but the world has gone nuts :rofl:

Bah, bah black sheep is racist by todays standards!

Exactly! Neither do I! I wouldn't vote simply because I don't agree with everything they want to do not because everyone makes them out to be "racist" :\ I agree with some of their views, but not all! Like most parties! The other reason why I don't vote.

I don't think it's racist to vote BNP but the world has gone nuts :rofl:

Bah, bah black sheep is racist by todays standards!

Exactly! Neither do I! I wouldn't vote simply because I don't agree with everything they want to do not because everyone makes them out to be "racist" :\ I agree with some of their views, but not all! Like most parties! The other reason why I don't vote.


Yeah me too.

Next the Christian parties will be religionist.
The BNP are racists. I studied sociology at A level and we watched a video about the BNP. It was undercover filming and some of the things they said were disgusting
The BNP are racists. I studied sociology at A level and we watched a video about the BNP. It was undercover filming and some of the things they said were disgusting

Racist in some peoples opinion

To be honest if you filmed me undercover you'd probably hear some disgusting things come out of my mouth too!! :dohh:
Mhm, I'm glad I'm not filmed. I'd have been burned at the stakes! :)
They were racist like, calling black people horrendous names. It wasn't just your usual racism you would hear just on the street say, it was really nasty horrible stuff that I wouldn't want to repeat on a public forum...
to be honest everyone thinks different things are racist, but i think its the Gov making people more "racist" if they are, due to the fact there are so many things we can no longer say or do due to it offending other people, rules that never used to be here.

Like ba, ba, black sheep.

A black board now has to be called a chalk board because its racist, but what about white boards? are they then racist to white people? but we dont change there name.

A guy got in trouble for being racist because he ate the heads of black jelly babies, but i eat all the heads off all jelly babies.

If i hit a coloured person its a "hate" crime, but if i hit someone of the same colour or what ever as me its not a hate crime.

ITs the Gov, who make people like this by the way they try to control everything we can and cannot do
Political correctness annoys me no end. Can't call a blackboard a blackboard... how the hell is that racist? It IS black, it's a bloody colour. How come we can call a whiteboard a whiteboard. Surely that's racist too? My little sister's school didn't have a nativity last christmas because they had one muslim student in the entire school. PC has gone mad. But there is no need for the foul things the BNP come off with.
Political correctness annoys me no end. Can't call a blackboard a blackboard... how the hell is that racist? It IS black, it's a bloody colour. How come we can call a whiteboard a whiteboard. Surely that's racist too? My little sister's school didn't have a nativity last christmas because they had one muslim student in the entire school. PC has gone mad. But there is no need for the foul things the BNP come off with.

i think its the PC that might turn people to the BNP though.

Our christmas decs in town look less like christmas and more like a club every year and santas grotto gets smaller and smaller and now you are not aloud to sit on santas knee
They were racist like, calling black people horrendous names. It wasn't just your usual racism you would hear just on the street say, it was really nasty horrible stuff that I wouldn't want to repeat on a public forum...

You say its undercover... Well that be exactly my point! Thay are saying these things among people whom they believe share the same opinions! Like I said you'd hear alot of shit come out of my mouth about other stuff that I wouldn't broadcast to the world if you filmed me undercover! Did you not think that it was also probably anti-BNP propaganda? They aren't stupid! They edit out the best nasty bits and make sure everyone gets a taste of the biiig bad bnp and could also be called elective propaganda. Like I said - it seems no ones allowed their own opinion unless someone else thinks its right - otherwise its WRONG. :shrug: To be honest if the BNP ever came to rule then surly that shows what our country wants? No one votes for them not knowing what they stand for! They haven't won for a reason :dohh:
Political correctness annoys me no end. Can't call a blackboard a blackboard... how the hell is that racist? It IS black, it's a bloody colour. How come we can call a whiteboard a whiteboard. Surely that's racist too? My little sister's school didn't have a nativity last christmas because they had one muslim student in the entire school. PC has gone mad. But there is no need for the foul things the BNP come off with.

i think its the PC that might turn people to the BNP though.

Our christmas decs in town look less like christmas and more like a club every year and santas grotto gets smaller and smaller and now you are not aloud to sit on santas knee

I agree that probably is a big reason why people vote BNP. I don't agree with racism at all. But PC does annoy me and I would understand why some would would go one further and support BNP
Political correctness annoys me no end. Can't call a blackboard a blackboard... how the hell is that racist? It IS black, it's a bloody colour. How come we can call a whiteboard a whiteboard. Surely that's racist too? My little sister's school didn't have a nativity last christmas because they had one muslim student in the entire school. PC has gone mad. But there is no need for the foul things the BNP come off with.

i think its the PC that might turn people to the BNP though.

Our christmas decs in town look less like christmas and more like a club every year and santas grotto gets smaller and smaller and now you are not aloud to sit on santas knee

I agree that probably is a big reason why people vote BNP. I don't agree with racism at all. But PC does annoy me and I would understand why some would would go one further and support BNP

I dont vote since im not old enough, but i no a few people who voted BNP, i asked them why and it was because off all the stuff we cannot do or say anymore really taking it to far, and they want england to be back to how it was before all this stupid PC stuff, they said they where going to vote BNP or someone else who was also saying about changing all this and stopping unlimited entry to the country. In the end we all walked to the polling station and when they came out they said they voted BNP.

Also some people must want them since didnt to BNP members get in?

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